he Famuan November 13. 1997 Alumnus inducted as FSMA president BY VALERIE CHAMBERLAIN his post doctoial at the U~nisxci sits of Contributing Editor California-Los Angeles. Society102nd annual.a group meeting ss ithiii andthe scientificI S NI . sessionhad is Webster. a pharmacist and phy sician, said at the Ramada Inn. This is wshere Webster The news president of the Florida State that his new position is going to give him a lot received his title as president of the F.S.M.A. Medical Association is nlone other than a more work. Webster, wsas once an adjunct professor for FAMU alumnus. *"lfeel it's more of a position to wsork than a the division of Health and Information Joseph L. Webster. who graduated from position of honor." Mana cenment in the Allied Health Depaitment FAMU's College of Pharmacy in 1971. swas Webster said that nonetheles~s he is honored at F AMU. He taught Fundamentals of inducted as the new president of the F.S.M.A. at being elected to that position. Medical Science. Saturday at the Ramada Inn on North Monroe. The Monticello native said that it's Rood Dr. Jacqueline Beck. the dean of Allied "I feel great about it. I feel more chal- for blacks to be able to give their news per- Health Sciences, has know n Wsehster for lenged." he said. spective on medicine. years, and believes him to be a good p~erson Webster graduated from the University of a special pull-out Last wseekend the William J. Gunn Medical section Miami Medical School and then wsent on for Please see WEBSTBI3 ,, i Lifestyles p. 8 Il, * 9 Professor gets Fuibright * grant Yi g, "' ,! ' ° BY STEPHANIE ARNOLD Contributing Editor It it sere the decision of mans o1 the stu- dents of the F.\\It/FSU Collegeo Engineeiring, YaswA. ()ss snuswould still he Meet FAMU's teaching in the United States. intramural sports Instead, the as'sociate pr ofessor ot indiusti- coordinator al engineering Vwill teach and do iresear ch at the Uiniveisity of Science & ITechnology, Sports p.18 Kumasi in G;hana as a resulIt (o his receivsing a lulbright grant. "He's a good p~rofessor and a lot of the stu- dents swant him to be heic." said Ls nn C'hambhers, offlice assistant at the college. ''He's a great suippoirt to a lot of black stn- dents and speakingcfor the staff. sye miss him greatly.. The Fulbright program is aidministered by TODAY the U.S. Intormation .\gencv under the policy Scattere~d thundestorms 'uidelines established by the presidentiallIs throughout the da3. 40 44- High 73 Low~ 64 appointed J. Will iams Foriign Scholairship Board and in cooperation ssi th a numbei of FRIDAY priv'~ate organizations. Showiers~ all dai. 4 High 66 Low 6240 4 0 ,.,:; Scholarships are assaided thirouch open competition, si ith fi nal selections made by the SATURDAYX Foreign Scholarship Board. More than 410 for- Partly clouds ,. eign goveinments shaie in the funding of skie's and cool. 'he Farnuar CARUCHA MEUSE High 59 Low 45 these exchanges. FAMU slips out of a 3 year grip of losses to Southern with a 33 to 3 win Ossusui is one of approximately ,611 IU.S. on Saturday. grantees ssho swas chosen to trasvel ahiroad foi the 1997-98 academic seat under the Fulbricht Program. Wshile in his natise land, he wsill teach and FAMU community honors veterans do iesearch in the aiea (of automatioin and robotics, ens iron mentallsN conscious desigen and manufactuirinc. and biocons ersion of BY HEATHER DAVIS both in peace and s.scar.'' said Sgt.\Iaj. West News.............. wsaste matei als into usef ul products such as Staff Writer of FAMU' S ROTC. animal leeds. The festisvities. swhich ssere IClassifieds......... 6 "BOOM"' A cannon's noise resounded the organized by "'m excited about this oipportuinity. It ss ill the local American . Suls-Bridge Post morninc of Veterans Day outside of the Legion feel good to be at home agai n.' Ohssu said. Opinions........... 13 #13. began swith a parade. The Girl and Bos Capitol. Oss usu is a cgraduate ot PennssyIsania State Lifestyles............7 Scouts. Veterans o~f Wsars. lass The Salutinc Batters from F.AMU' s ROTC Foreign Unisersits and has been a FA\NU emplosee enforcement. as ssell as other cisvic and frater- Sports ....... ~.....15 fired three svolley s-infantry tire in sshich the since 1987. nal organizations Lnit fires simultaneoslx after pulling a 75 swerc insvolsved in the parade. LUnder the Fulbright Program, some 4.111)0 IFor questions and , Parade participants had strong feelings millimeter howsitzer cannon. The cannon wsas crants are asvarded each sear to American Isuggestions concernng about the meaning of V"eterans Day. st lit please call 599- fied after sesen Tallahassee police officers students, teachers and scholars to study,. teach "Veterans das is a day svhere all Veterans Tucker tired three solleys to honor those swho lost and conduct research around the wsorld. Thes 13158 or stop by are recognized for the courage that it took to Hal Room 309. their lives in sersvice. are also aswarded toi foreign nationals toi defend our country and our .American rights." "Veterans Day is day that's set aside, a fed- encage in similar actisvities in the U.S. said Sherrell Cauley. a junior aind a second al holiday, to recognize and honor people ho served or are serving in all branches. Please see VET'iANS 12 Please see RNBR1HT;'3 News. 2 The Famuan/November 13, 1997 NEWS IProject Vote-Smart looking for interins BY HEATHER DAVIS able to tell your political views," Stewart out an application. Staff writer said. "Students get internships as well as learn Students seeking internships have an When asked about the internship, Kim about politics. Journalismh majors put opportunity to work in the political arena, Scriven, an 18-year-old freshman political together reporter source books and track while also gaining media experience. science student from Jacksonville, said, "It candidates," Elm said. "Students also do a Project Vote-Smart makes it possible for sounds pretty good. I've been looking for lot of web search and contacting of people students to get involved in politics and an internship." running for office." their careers early. The national nonprofit Adelaide Elm, director of communica- Stewart said the organization gives stu- organization offers internships to students tions, said the internships are flexible. dents a way to learn about politics and of all classifications but looks especially "Students can arrange for intern credit what goes on behind the scenes with poli- for political science, communications and on their own and some students do intern- tics and the media. journalism students. It began in 1988 as a ships after graduation," she said. "Project Vote allows students to do test and made its most progress in 1992. Vote-Smart is particularly looking for things that other organizations don't give An internship can lead to a paid position. minority students. It offers the Minority opportunities to do," Stewart said. Jennifer Stewart, a volunteer internship Incentive Scholarship, which gives stu- "Students work with the national politician director, started as an intern in 1995. dents $250 to $1,400 for living expenses awareness test. They're questions given to "We try to get people involved in the for a 10-week internship. The scholarship candidates about the issues like abortion political process. Students work with fac- is funded by the William Hearst and welfare." tional information," she said. Foundation, a nonprofit foundation based The organization has two offices-one The organization does research on politi- in San Francisco. in Boston and the other in Corvallis, Or., cians and providing nonbias information The scholarship, which is awarded sole- which is the base and the larger of the two on politics. Interns usually develop skills in ly by application, is open to all classifica- sites. More than 100 schools are involved, working with the media along with provid- tions. On the average, 1,000 students get including FAMU. ing corporations with nonpartisan informa- scholarships. Students can get information about tion. "The award is also for how interested in internships at the Project Vote-Smart Web "The point of Project Smart is to learn the program they are," Stewart said. site: http://www.vote-smart.org, by calling about what is really going on. We check There are no qualifications for the pro- 1-800-622-SMART, or at the career center. our politics at the door. No one should be gram-interested students need only to fill SGA forum gives students 'You should have pride' a voice Howard University's Ernest Fears talks about what BY LEONA DANA WATTS makes FAMU great at the 1997 Staff Writer Students who would like to address the homecoming convocation Student Government Association regard- ing issues that concern them now have an BY HEATHER DAVIS will win. You will become great," said outlet. Fears. "FAMU has lost itself in what it is Staff writer Student forum, sponsored by SGA's doing." The audience animately roared in A spirited audience applauded wildly Student Relations Committee, gives stu- agreement at this statement. throughout the speech given by Ernest dents an opportunity to voice their opin- With a loud resonating voice Fears Fears at the Homecoming Convocation on ions and concerns at Senate meetings. spoke to the audience about the last charac- Nov. 7. "We really feel that Student Forum will teristicof what makes FAMU great - A 1951 FAMU graduate, Fears is a be beneficial to the students and give them thanks. senior lecturer with the Department of an opportunity to be heard," said Dedra "We should give thanks to our mothers Radio, Television and Film in the School Mitchell, the SR committee chairperson.
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