It's easy, and it's free. HUNTonet* you've Qot male. Vol. 3 • No. 8 • November 2005 /04%947/p/i One Stop Is Alf 513 State St. You Need To Make Rockford, IL C10 For All Your LGBT Needs! 65.0344 (Boy not included) Marmon www.outwordsbooks.com Friday, November 1111, ROMARTIN BENEFIT Saturday, November 12th AT 11pm STRIPPER REVUE Card, Calendars, Gift Boo Gfit01-Th ovies RV, STARTING AT 11pm .iolliday Ornaments a S OC ..01gRad 5,00.0,‘w V 12../ „„. 0,.,,,z„, a Be Go 0 ,, "Y It's Great Saturday, November 19th . n,7 (hrtstrw THE OFFICE NITECLUB SHOW LOUNGE PRESENTS... of MISS ILLINOIS CONTINENTAL PLUS STATE PAGEANT - STARRING AMAYA-R MISS:CONTINENTAL2005 I TAMA HALLZMISStANADAIONTINENTAL1005 feco1.• AN GELICHANCHEZIMISSUNTINENTAI2004 Outwords offer SHANNON DUPREE!MISS ILLINOIS CONTINENTAL" Gift Certificatesi DENA CASSZMISGCONTINENTAE1991 . • ) CHEVELLE BROONSIMISSCONTINENTAF2002 online SAVANNAH SANCHEZ!MISS ILLINOIS CONTINENTAL 2005 Shoppin% Free Shi I ing Saturday, November,26th PERFORMING ININEOFFICE NITECLUB SNOW LOUNGE... on orders 81111:0WiliTAIMAIALLTCECE MARTIN FROM CHICAGO - TELLA BI STARLITETMONIQUE MOOR' SNOW STARTS°611:3001 over $50.00 ee GiftiVVrappilig Thursday, December 1st <\) WORLDAIDS DAY e" . FREE a CONFIDENTIAL11111 TESTING @ , Monday -- Saturday 11:00am to 9:00pm \•• • 4E Saturday, December 3rd Sunday 11:00am to 6:00p PERFORMING IN THE OFFICE NITECLUEISHOW LOUNGE... TO STAR OUR OWIITAIMAIALLTCECE MARTIN TOM POP. FROM MILWAUKELTSHANNON DUPREET NATASHA SIMMS SNOW STARTS"@"11:30pm 2710 North Murray Ave • Milwaukee, WI 53211 414.963.9089 rizfap,K,p:1 7 / 77 ",4 137 W. HMO AIVEfillf • 01101T, WISCONSIN 15001351-0000 Specials 3rd Saturday of the Month Last Saturday of the Month EnfOrced Dress Code 1100101 Drink Specials & Contests For Guys in Leather OH ViSile us an IIEWCZOOM/POLMOZOL-COM THE BARRACKS WWW-CIOO-IMPOLSECOM MEN'S BAR 5 Applegate Court • Madison, WI 53713 • 608.277-9700 CLUB5CidAOL COM • www club-5 com The Next Dimension In Nightlife Tuesday - Latin Night *Coronita & Margarita Specials* Wednesdayaryn's Night *Weekly Special events* ThursdayWVIen's Night *Weekly Special Events* Friday - Leather/Fetish (1st Bear Night 2nd Club de Sade 3rd Coyote Ugly 4th Leather Night) Saturday - Live Entertainment *Cover* (2nd Diamond Girl Prod./3rd Stella BiStarlite Prod.) Football Sundays Beer Bash Noon - 4 • $8 .ft&aray. 671_4, 66-N-riotor4,Taf"--* --t7 NirlAy o r (1) Madison Rockford, ILlL Club 5 5 .............. 5 Applegate 5 Applegate ct ......... Ct. 608-277-9700 608-211-9100 The Office Offi(e NiteClub Niteclub .............. 513513 E. StateState St St .......... 815-965-0344 815-965-0344 /47 the Edge.' Greenbush .............. 914 Regent914 Regent st ...........St. 608-257-2874 608-257-2874 The Oh'Zone oh'Zone ............ 1014 1014 Charles Charles st St......... 815-964-9663815-964-9663 Slipper Club(lub ............................ 121121 W. Main Main St. §t ......... 608-251-1030 608-251-1030 Aids Care Care Network Nowork .............. 310 S.i. Avon .............. 815-968-5181815-%8-5181 Horoscopes 2 Ray's Bar Bar & &Grill Grill ............ 25Z6 2526 i.E. Washington Washington . 608-241-9335 608-24l-93}5 T.H.A.T ............. „ 614 7'h6141'" §t St............... 815-961-1269 815-961-1269 Take My Advice 4 §hamro(kShamrock ........... 117 W. 117 Main W. Main §t .........St. 608-255-502? 608-255-5029 Beloit, WIWI Milwaukee Scene 6 The Barracks Barracks .............. 5 Applegate ct ......... 608-277-9700 Club Impulse ............ 132 W. Grand Aye ..... 608-36I-0000 5 Applegate Ct. 608-211-9700 Club Impulse 132 W. Grand Ave 608-361-0000 3720 Pinecrest PloadRoad Spotlight: DJ TIM 10 The foxhole Foxhole .............. 5 Apple8ateS Applegate ct Ct. ......... 608-277-9700608-211-9100 Green Bay, WI Green Bay, WI Rockford,Plockford, IL lL 61107-1310 61107-1310 Vibes Adult Atlult Gift Gift Shop Shop ............ 1637 16}7 Thierer Thierer Rd. Rd ....... 608-301-0290 608-301-0290 Brandy's II ll ....... I IZ6 1126Main Main §t .............St. 920-4}7-3917920-437-3911 Music Review 12&13 Printed in the U.S. Napalese ............................ 135l 1351 cedar Cedar §tSt. ........... 9ZO-43Z-9646920-432-9646 Montage 14 RockfordFlockford Office: (815) (815) 378-2215378-2215 RestuResturants/Cafesrants/Cafes Sass .............. 840 5. Broadway 840 S. Broadway ...... 9ZO-437-7Z77 920-437-1277 Milwaukee Scene 16 Editor: Cody Cody Barron - MadisonMadi§on Edible Edible Complex (omplex ......... 5 5Applegate Applegate Ct. Ct ......... 608-211-9700 608-277-9700 Cricket'sCricket'§ Fox RiverRiver Lounge Lounge ...... 115 715 S. §. Broadway Broadway ......920-884-2835 920-884-2835 Madison Scene 17 [email protected] Ray's Bar Bar & & Grill Grill ............ Z5Z6 2526 E. E. Washington Washington . 608-241-9335 608-24I-9335 Tipsy's On Broadway Broadway .............. 301 301 S. §. Broadway Broadway ...... 920-436-9970 920-436-9970 Edge "HEALTH" 20 The Shelter Shelter .............. 730 730N.Quincy N.Quincy st St......... P20-217-2199 920-217-2199 Madison Scene 22 Columnist: Tajma Hall, Travis Other OrOrganizationsganizations XSX§ Niteclub Mte(lub ........... 1106 1 Main106 Main §t St............ 920-884-Z949 920 884 2949 Columnist: Tajma Hall, Travis AID§AIDS Network Network ..... „ ....... 600 600 Williamson Williamson St.st. Oshkosh,0shkosh, WIWl Press Releases 24 Copeland, Cody, Baily Baily D D and and Carin LessnlessLessnless (on retreat). OutReachOutRea(h Inc. ln( .............. 600 600 Williamson Williamson st. St. Suite Suite pIPI Christopher(hristopher AIIan's Allan's (IubClub lz261226. 1226IZ26 Oshkosh 0§hkosh ........... 920-651-1226 920-65I-12Z6 RockfordScene 27 LGBT Business Bu§ines§ Alliance Alliance ........... P.O. P.0. Box Box 168 168 [email protected] [email protected] Appleton, WI Appleton, WI Edge Personals 29 Crossroads .......... J042 W. 1042 Wisconsin W. Wisconsin ... 9ZO-830-19Z7... 920-830-1927 Photography: Cody && ColinColin S Directory 31 & 32 DubuDubuque,que, IAlA Rascal's BarBar & & Grill Grill ........... 702102 E. WisconsinWiscomin ..... ..... 920-954-9262 920-954-9262 Production, Printing & Distribution: One Flight flight Up up .............. 44-48 44-48 Main Main st St. .......... 563-582-8357563-582-8351 La Crosse,Crosse, WIWI Production, Printing & Distribution: IowaIowa City'City, lAIA My Place pla(e .............. 320I South3201 South Ave Ave ........ 608-788-9073 608-788-9013 Cody Barron, Joe Galvanoni. The Alley Alley Cat (at ............... Linn Linn st I.nSt in the the alley alley ........319-887-1305 }I9-887-1305 Ramblin Rose Rose .............. 717 711 Rose Rose st St. ........ „..„. 608-796-116I608-196-1161 or Cedar Rapids, IAlA Players .... „„ ....... 214 214 Main Main St. §t .............. 608-784-2353 608-784-2353 The Edge Magaz/'neMagazine is published (lub Basix .............. 3916 lit Aye .............. 319-363-3194 monthly.monthly, andand is distributed FREE FPEE Club Basin 3916 1st Ave 319-363-3194 Rainbow's End End .............. 417 411 lay Jay stSt. ............... 608-784-2353608-784-2353 rI+ throughout Northern Illinois, Alley Cat cat ............ 1548 A1548 §t. A§W St. SW ........... 3 I319-363-5959 ?-363-5?59 Eau Claire, WIWI throughout Northern Illinois, Waterloo, IAlA Scooters§(ooter§ ..... „ ....... 411 4lGalloway I Galloway St. st ........715-835-9959 715-835-9959 Wisconsin, Chicagoland, Chicagoland, and and (lubClub MetroMetro .............. 510 Mulberry510 Mulberry st ........St. 319-23Z-2239 319-232-2239 Wisconsin Dells,Dells, WIWl U I 'COAAI N Eastern Iowa inin businesses businesses that cater toto the GLBT community. Davenport, IAlA (QuadCities) (Quadcities) Rainbow ValleyValley Resort Resort ............. 4124 4124 River River Road Road ........866-553-1818 866-55}-1818 #T\ D FAD LI N ES the GLBT community. 1301EAVILINIES Liquid .............. 8Z2 W. 822 Znd W. 2ndst .......... St. 563-324-9675 563-324-9675 Stevens Point,Point, WIWl Mary'sMary'§ on on 2nd znd ............... 832 832 W. W. 2nd 2nd st St ........ „ 563-884-8014 Club(lub Night Out out .............. 2533 2533 Cty.Rd. Cty.Rd. M M ......... 715-342-5820 Publication of thethe name ofof photo- *S-!*javi+ Thursday, Fusion ..„„ ......................... 8l} 813 W. W. 2nd2nd §tSt. .......... 563-326-3452 Central(entral Wi§(on§inWisconsin Rainbow AllianceAlliance ................... P0PO Box 390,390, 5448154481 %,„ Th u rsdgiv* graph of any person or business inin ;?:f November 17&h\' this magazine does not reflect upon 8ll811 Lockdown Lockdown .............. 81l 811 w. W. 2nd 2nd §t St ........... 563-322-}292563-322-3292 SheboySheboygan,gan, WIWI November 17th this magazine does not reflect upon Augies (Rock (Rock Island, Island, IL) lL) ......... 313 313 20th 20th St. §t ..,........... 309-788-7389 309-788-7389 Blue8lue Lite Lite ........ „„ 1029 N.1029 8th N. 8th.............. 920-457-1636 920-457-1636 set for ones sexualsexual orientation.orientation. Wausau, WIWl for Oz .......................................... 320320 Washington St.§t .......115-842-3225 715-842-3225 NOTE: thethe views expressedexpressed by our writers may not necessarily reflectreflect `~vy.:j:#xxp6'.December oL|DAY 6th |ssu6\,''ft, ( Placing a personal ad has the viicNIsviews of Of The The Edge Edge Magazine Magazine or HOLIDAY Issue its advertisers. never been easier! v ,re{t8,`,,St; a. 3 . No 9 ` _. Vol.I 3 • No. 9 : u-(`y-a- -rt`tt~~~syrz<z;,(,z>\i,i(i.-yfdi-,faa This Publication may not be wwwedgemagonlineicom editor@edgemagonlineaitor@edgemago n •,-`J(r ;i reproduced in any manner, either inin 815.378.22158t5.378.2215
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