CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL AGENDA WEDNESDAY 10 DECEMBER 2014 10.30AM AND THURSDAY 11 DECEMBER 2014 9.30AM COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC OFFICES, 53 HEREFORD STREET Watch Council meetings live on the web: http://councillive.ccc.govt.nz/live-stream AGENDA - OPEN CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL Thursday 11 December 2014 at 9.30am in the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, 53 Hereford Street Council: The Mayor, (Chairperson). Councillors, Vicki Buck, Jimmy Chen, Phil Clearwater, Pauline Cotter, David East, Jamie Gough, Yani Johanson, Ali Jones, Glenn Livingstone, Paul Lonsdale, Raf Manji, Tim Scandrett, Andrew Turner ITEM DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. NO 1. APOLOGIES 1 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 1 3. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 1 4. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 1 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETINGS OF 27 NOVEMBER 2014 AND 1 5 DECEMBER 2014 6. REPORT OF THE AKAROA/WAIREWA COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 8 OCTOBER 2014 11 7. REPORT OF THE LYTTELTON/MT HERBERT COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 17 15 OCTOBER 2014 8. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT OF THE LYTTELTON/MT HERBERT COMMUNITY BOARD 23 MEETING OF 19 NOVEMBER 2014 9. REPORT OF THE HAGLEY/FERRYMEAD COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 29 5 NOVEMBER 2014 10. REPORT OF THE HAGLEY/FERRYMEAD COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 35 19 NOVEMBER 2014 11. REPORT OF THE RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 53 4 NOVEMBER 2014 12. REPORT OF THE RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 57 18 NOVEMBER 2014 13. REPORT OF THE RICCARTON/WIGRAM COMMUNITY BOARD EXTRAORDINARY MEETING 73 OF 25 NOVEMBER 2014 14. REPORT OF THE SHIRLEY/PAPANUI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 5 NOVEMBER 2014 75 15. REPORT OF THE SHIRLEY/PAPANUI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 87 19 NOVEMBER 2014 16. REPORT OF THE SPREYDON/HEATHCOTE COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 91 4 NOVEMBER 2014 17. REPORT OF THE SPREYDON/HEATHCOTE COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 95 21 NOVEMBER 2014 18. REPORT OF THE BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 103 3 NOVEMBER 2014 19. REPORT OF THE BURWOOD/PEGASUS COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 105 17 NOVEMBER 2014 COUNCIL 11. 12. 2014 ITEM DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. NO 20. REPORT OF THE FENDALTON/WAIMAIRI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 111 3 NOVEMBER 2014 21. REPORT OF THE FENDALTON/WAIMAIRI COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING OF 115 17 NOVEMBER 2014 22. REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE FENDALTON/WAIMAIRI COMMUNITY BOARD 121 MEETING OF 1 DECEMBER 2014 23. REPORT OF THE REGULATION AND CONSENTS COMMITTEE MEETING OF 131 20 NOVEMBER 2014 24. REPORT OF THE STRATEGY AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING OF 20 NOVEMBER 2014 133 25. REPORT OF THE GREATER CHRISTCHURCH URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 167 IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF 21 NOVEMBER 2014 26. REPORT OF THE AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF 169 25 NOVEMBER 2014 27. REPORT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING OF 4 DECEMBER 2014 (TO BE SEPARATELY CIRCULATED) 28. REPORT OF THE COMMUNITIES, HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - MEETING OF 4 DECEMBER 2014 (TO BE SEPARATELY CIRCULATED) 29. DUDLEY CREEK FLOOD REMEDIATION CONSULTATION 175 30. CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKE MAYORAL RELIEF FUND: APPLICATIONS 217 31. AMENDMENT OF REGISTER OF COUNCILLORS’ AND EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM 223 INTERESTS 32. CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL’S SUBMISSION TO THE PRODUCTIVITY COMMISSION’S 229 ISSUES PAPER “USING LAND FOR HOUSING” 33. LIBRARIES 2025 FACILITIES PLAN – UPDATED PLAN 253 34. COUNTERPARTY CREDIT RISK – CALCULATION FOR TREASURY INSTRUMENTS 305 35. RESIDENTIAL ADVISORY SERVICE: FUNDING REQUEST 307 36. REPORT ON SUBMISSION PANEL QUORUM 315 37. APPOINTMENT OF TAYLOR’S MISTAKE WORKING PARTY - (TO BE SEPARATELY CIRCULATED) 38. NOTICES OF MOTION 317 39. RESOLUTION TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC 317 1 COUNCIL 11. 12. 2014 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have. 3. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT Deputations will be taken will be taken from 10.30am – 12.30pm only on Wednesday 10 December 2014. 4. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS 4.1 A petition will be presented from Generation Zero regarding the Riccarton Public Transport Hub Super Stop and Waiting Lounge contained in item 27 - Report of the Infrastructure, Transport and Environment Committee meeting of 4 December 2014. 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 5.1 Council Meeting of 27 November 2014 – attached 5.2 Council Meeting of 5 December 2014 – to be separately circulated. 2 3 MINUTES MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL HELD AT 9.30AM ON THURSDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2014 PRESENT: Councillor Vicki Buck, (Deputy Chairperson). Jimmy Chen, Phil Clearwater, Pauline Cotter, David East, Yani Johanson, Ali Jones, Glenn Livingstone, Raf Manji, Tim Scandrett and Andrew Turner. Councillor Buck assumed the Chair at the beginning of the meeting. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor, Councillors Gough and Lonsdale. Apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Jones and Manji. It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Buck, seconded by Councillor Turner, that the apologies be accepted. The agenda was dealt with in the following order. 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor East declared an interest in items 4.2 to 4.4 and item 12. 3. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - COUNCIL MEETING OF 23 OCTOBER 2014 AND 13 NOVEMBER 2014 It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Johanson, seconded by Councillor Livingstone, that the open minutes of the Council meeting held on 23 October 2014 be confirmed. It was resolved on the motion of Councillor East, seconded by Councillor Clearwater, that the open minutes of the Council meeting held on 13 November 2014 be confirmed. Councillors Jones and Manji arrived at 9.35 am. 4. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 4.1 Kevin Simcock, Pam Richardson and Paula Smith,representatives from the Banks Peninsula Water Management Zone Committee regarding item 21, Wairewa Addendum: Banks Peninsula Zone Implementation Programme. 17. WAIREWA ADDENDUM: BANKS PENINSULA ZONE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Clearwater, that the Council: 17.1 Endorse the Wairewa Addendum to the Banks Peninsula Zone Implementation Programme. 17.2 Note that a Little River Flood Mitigation Working Party has been established and will report to Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council on flood mitigation proposals. 4 COUNCIL 11. 12. 2014 CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL 27. 11. 2014 - 2 - 4. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT (CONT’D) 4.2 Sara Harnett on behalf of quieter please addressed the council regarding item 12 in public Report of the District Plan Appeals Subcommittee and item 25, considered in public excluded, PC52 (Ruapuna Noise Management) 4.3 Keith Cowan and Amanda Dewar on behalf of the Canterbury Car Club addressed the Council regarding item 12 report of the District Plan Appeals subcommittee and item 25, considered in public excluded, PC52 (Ruapuna noise management) 4.4 Andrew Schulte on behalf of the Christchurch Speedway Association addressed the Council regarding item 12 report of the District Plan Appeals Subcommittee, and item 25, considered in public excluded, PC52 (Ruapuna Noise Management) The meeting adjourned at 10.35 and resumed at 11.05 Councillor Manji left the meeting at 10.53 am. 5. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Nil. 15. PROPOSED MAIN ROAD MASTER PLAN HEARINGS PANEL RECOMMENDATIONS It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Johanson, seconded by Councillor Cotter, that the Council: 15.1 Receive the recommendations of the Hearings Panel on the Main Road Master Plan (Attachment 2), 15.2 Adopt the amended Main Road Master Plan (Attachment 3) subject to the further amendments yet to be made as shown in red in the Schedule of Amendments (Attachment 2). 15.3 Enable detailed design work on enhancements to Scott Park to commence by giving priority to reinstating the Estuary Edge Master Plan, to enable a holistic and integrated approach between the Estuary Edge and the Main Road Master Plans, the three-laning of Main Road between Ferry Road bridge and the Causeway, and the Coastal Pathway project. 15.4 Give priority to commencing detailed design work for the proposed road layout through the Redcliffs Village Centre (Action “M2”) to enable further public consultation to commence as soon as possible. The hearing panel noted the various concerns raised about the concept design for the Redcliffs Village Centre roading design in relation to minimum width standards and loss of car parking. The hearings panel as such recommends that there is urgent public consultation on the detailed design proposed for this area of the plan that incorporates the SCIRT works and Main Road proposal. The Council noted that the work on the Estuary Edge Masterplan is intended to recommence in the new calendar year 6. REPORT OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Livingstone, seconded by Councillor Chen, that the report be received. 5 COUNCIL 11. 12. 2014 CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL 27. 11. 2014 - 3 - 29. RESOLUTION TO BE PASSED - SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Clearwater, seconded by Councillor Livingstone, that the following reports and additional information numbers 30 and 32 and the information regarding item 19 be received and considered at the meeting of the Council on 27 November 2014: Residential Advisory Service: Funding (item 30) District Plan Subcommittee Delegation (item 32) Memo re: Amendments to the Proposed Significance and Engagement Policy (item 19). 7. REPORT OF THE SUBMISSIONS PANEL MEETING OF 3 NOVEMBER 2014 It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Jones, seconded by Councillor Clearwater, that the report be received. 8. REPORT OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF 4 NOVEMBER 2014 It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Scandrett, seconded by Councillor Livingstone, that the report be received. 32. DISTRICT PLAN SUBCOMMITTEE DELEGATIONS It was resolved on the motion of Councillor Scandrett, seconded by Councillor Livingstone, that the Council: 32.1 Affirm that the District Plan Subcommittee is established by Council as follows: (a) Chair: The Mayor.
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