THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1894. 1283 In Parliament—Session 1895. with the Callander and Oban Railway at a CALLANDER AND OBAN RAILWAY. point 730 yards or thereabout measured in a westerly direction along that Railway (BALLACHULISH, FORT WILLIAM, AND BANAVIE from the said western end of the said EXTENSION.) booking office at the Connel Ferry Station, and terminating by a junction with the (Contruction by Callander and Oban Railway intended Railway No. 1 at a point 300 Company of Railways and Pier in Counties of yards or thereabout measured in an easterly Argyll and Inverness; Crossing, &c., of Roads, direction from the northern end of the Lochs, &c. ; Deviation and other Powers as to southern pier or jetty at Connel Ferry. Construction of Works; Variation of General 3. A Railway (No. 3) wholly in the united Acts and Board of Trade Regulations in refer- Parishes of Lismore and Appin, in the County of Argyll, commencing by a junc- ence thereto; Light Railway; Purchase of tion with the intended Railway No. 1 at Lands, &c. ; Special Powers to Limited Owners the point of termination of that Railway as to Grant of Lands, &c.; Application of hereinbefore described, and terminating at Company's Funds and Additional Capital; or near the northern end of the tramways Interest during Construction; Separate Under- leading from the Ballachulish Slate Quarries to the Harbour at East Laroch, in or off taking ; Tolls, Rates, and Charges ; Agreements Loch Leven, at a point 450 yards or there- •with Highland and West Highland Railway about measured in a northerly direction • Companies as to Junctions and Joint Construc- from the northern corner of the Post Office tion or Ownership of Works; Joint Ownership Building at East Laroch. of and Running Powers and Facilities over 4. A Railway (No. 4) commencing in the united Parishes of. Lismore and Appin, in the West Highland Railway Company's Mallaig County of Argyll, by a junction with the Extension Railway, Pier, and Breakwater; intended Railway No. 1 at the point of Running Powers over other Portion of their termination of that Railway hereinbefore Railway, and Use of their Pier in Caledonian described, and terminating in the parish of Canal; Agreements with County Councils and Kilmallie and County of Inverness, at a point on the southern bank of the River Others as to Use of Bridges or Viaducts for Nevis, 100 yards or thereabout measured Vehicular and Passenger as well as Railway in a easterly direction from the Bridge of . Traffic; Powers and Charges in respect there- Nevis carrying the road from Fort William of ; other Agreements and Confirmation of to Spean Bridge over that river. 5. A Railway (No. 5) wholly in the Parish of Agreements; Amendment and Incorporation of Kilmallie and County of Inverness, com- Acts; and other Purposes.) mencing by a junction with the intended OTICE is hereby given, that application is Railway No. 4 at the point of termination intended to be made to Parliament in the of that Railway hereinbefore described, and ensuinN g Session for leave to bring in a Bill (herein- terminating at a point 245 yards or there- after called " the Bill") for all or some of the about measured in a south-westerly direc- following among other purposes (that is to say):— tion from the principal gateway into the . To empower the Callander and Oban Railway enclosure of the Belford Hospital at Fort Company (herein called "the Company ") to make William, and 90 yards or thereabout land maintain and work the railways and pier measured in a south-easterly direction hereinafter described, with all proper stations, from the M'Lachlan Obelisk at Fort sidings, piers, quays, roads, approaches, bridges, William. wharves, depots, warehouses, cranes, machinery, 6. A Railway (No. 6) commencing in the Parish and other works and conveniences connected of Kilmallie and County of Inverness, by therewith, viz.:— a junction with the intended Railway No. - 1. A Railway (No. 1) commencing in the united 4 at the point of termination of that Rail- Parishes of Ardchattan and Muckairn, in way hereinbefore described, and terminat- the County of Argyll, by a junction with ing in the Parish of Kilmonivaig, in the the Callander and Oban Railway at a point County of Inverness, at a point 90 yards 145 yards or thereabout measured along or thereabout measured in a south-easterly that Railway in a westerly direction from direction from the centre of the Bridge the western end of the booking office at carrying the said road from Fort William . the Connel Ferry Station on that Railway, to Spean Bridge over the West Highland and terminating in the united parishes of Railway, such Bridge being about half a Lismore and Appin, in the county of mile northward of Bridge of Nevis. Argyll, at a point in the field numbered 7. A Railway (No. 7) commencing in the Parish 31, on the 25-inch Ordnance Map of the of Kilmonivaig, in the County of Inverness said united Parishes of Lismore and Appin, by a junction with the intended Railway 250 yards or thereabout measured in an No. 6 at the point of termination of that easterly direction from the north-eastern Railway hereinbefore described, and ter- corner of Ballachulish House, and 570 yards minating in the Parish of Kilmallie, and or thereabout measured in a southerly County of Inverness, at a point on or near direction from the southern end of the the southern bank of the Caledonian Canal southern pier or jetty at Ballachulish 630 yards or thereabout measured in a Ferry. north - easterly direction from the upper 2. A Railway (No. 2) wholly in the united gates of the Highest Lock at Banavie Parishes of Kilmore and Kilbride, in the Locks. County of Argyll, commencingby a junction 8. A Railway (No. 8) wholly in the Parish of.
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