16 around the diocese NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 69, Number 14 AUG. 27, 2014 INSIDE MEN OF FAITH IN THE NORTH COUNTRY THIS ISSUE Around Memorare Legacy NONORTHRTH C COUOUNTRYNTRY Society invites new CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 cludes lunch, workshop materials. members l PAGE 6 Contact: Registration forms are avail- ST. LAWRENCE able from pastors, at the diocesan web- On the death HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS site’s pastoral documentation or respect of Robin Ogdensburg - St. Mary’s is holding a life pages: www.rcdony.org/pro-life. Williams l PAGE 12 CATHOLIC monthly Holy Hour for Vocations. Date: Thursday before the First Friday CARITAS DINNER Time: 7 p.m. concluding with Benedic- Lake Placid – Save the date to honor AUG. 27, 2014 tion at 8 p.m. Catholic Charities Caritas Award Honoree Place: Deacon Winter Chapel (Posthumously) Mrs. Penny Martin and President’s Award Catholic Daughters of Labor Day support for young NOVENA FOR MILITARY America, Ogdensburg Diocese. Ogdensburg Date: Oct. 26 POPE FRANCIS - Notre Dame Church is WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In their 2014 one we inherited," wrote against an "economy of ex- of suffering and pain. For holding a Weekly novena for the safety Time: Cash Bar 3:30 p.m., Dinner 4 p.m. Labor Day statement, the U.S. Miami Archbishop Thomas clusion" and applied it to the those men and women, and IN KOREA of U.S. military personnel at a new time. Place: Crowne Plaza bishops denounced the fact G. Wenski, chairman of the millions of unemployed their children, this is good Date:Tuesday afternoons Contact: 315-393-2255 young adults have "borne the U.S. bishops' Committee on young adults in the U.S. news," he said, but a little Shows church Time:1:30 p.m. Fathers Justin Thomas and Tojo Chacko, two priests of the Heralds of Good News Mother Theresa Province in India who are now serv- brunt" of unemployment and Domestic Justice and Human Some Americans, he said, digging shows there is an JOURNEY TO EASTERN EUROPE ing in the diocese, were surprised by a visit from their vice-provincial July 15. From left are Father Roy, the vice provincial; Father Tom underemployment in this Development. have found "stability and se- "enduring hardship for mil- interest in Asia DIOCESAN EVENTS Father Amyot will be leading a pilgrim- Higman, parochial vicar in Saranac Lake, Father Howard Venette, pastor in Constable, Father Chacko, parochial vicar at Sacred Heart in country and around the Writing the statement on curity" in an economy that lions of workers." END OF LIFE WORKSHOP age visiting the land of St. John Paul II. Massena and St. Lawrence in Louisville, Father Thomas, parochial vicar of St. Andre Bessette in Malone ;and Father Baiju, another vis- world. behalf of the bishops for has seen some improve- And the poverty rate re- iting priest. "Our younger generations Labor Day, which is Sept. 1, ments. There are signs the mains high, he said, with 46 Ogdensburg - Father Tad Pacholczyk will Date: November 3- 14 are counting on us to leave the archbishop spoke of country "may finally be heal- million Americans struggling present a workshop “Death, Dying and Cost: Only $3129 from Montreal them a world better than the Pope Francis' teaching ing economically after years "to make ends meet. Decisions at the End of Life” (Air/land price is $2449 plus $680 gov- Date: Sept. 6 ernment taxes/airline fuel surcharges) Time: from 9 a.m. to 5 Visiting: Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, Vi- Place: Wadhams Hall enna, Prague Back to Features: The event, sponsored by the Features: First Class/Select Hotels, most A PROFESSION OF VOWS diocesan Respect Life Office, will include meals with comprehensive sightseeing School time a morning and afternoon presentation Contact: Fr. Andrew Amyot at (315) Bishop LaValley and Sister by Father Pacholczyk as well as a ques- 384-2064 or mail: P.O. Box 637, Norfolk, Ellen Rose Coughlin, super- tion and answer panel with Kathleen NY 13667 e-mail: intendent of schools, share Gallagher, director of Pro-Life Activities [email protected]. messages as young people for the New York State Catholic Confer- prepare to begin another ac- ence; Bishop LaValley will celebrate the 10 DAY ADVENT PILGRIMAGE ademic year. closing Mass. The $20 registration fee in- Father Donald Robinson,,will be host- Sister Ellen Rose said, “the ing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. most important aspect of a Catholic school is its foun- Date: Dec. 1-10, 2014 dation in Christ. Our schools Cost: $2997 are first and foremost places Features: Haifa, Tiberias, Nazareth, where students meet Christ. Bethlehem, Jerusalem. From Him flows the unique CNS PHOTO/L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO Contact: 782-1190 for brochure PHOTO BY PAT HENDRICK marks of a Catholic school, Pope Francis poses for a selfie while Father Bryan Stitt, diocesan vocation director, led a summer retreat at the Guggenheim Lodge for the diocesan seminarians. From namely a supernatural vi- eating lunch with youth at the major NEIGHBORING DIOCESES left are Michael Jablonski who is entering his second year of theology at Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio; Todd sion of life, an awareness of seminary in Daejeon, South Korea, Thibault, third theology at the Josephinum; Father Stitt and Matthew Conger, fourth year college, at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary IGNATIAN RETREAT the dignity of the human Aug. 15. During his first Aug. 14-18 in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania. Missing from the photo is Leagon Carlin, a parishioner of St. Peter’s Church in Plattsburgh, who is be- person, the experience of a visit to Asia, Pope Francis urged South Paradox, NY - A directed retreat giving ginning his first year of seminary studies at the Josephinum. faith community, a curricu- an introduction to Ignatian Spirituality Korean political and civic leaders to lum which acknowledges seek peace on their divided peninsula has been planned the relationship between Date: Sept. 5 – 7 faith and culture....” and strengthen their nation's com- mitment to democracy and social Place: Pyramid Life Center FULL STORIES, PAGE 3, 7-10 Cost: $130 per person justice. Pope Francis also beati- Director: Brian Evers fied124 Korean martyrs Aug. 16, cele- PHOTO SUPPLIED brated the Aug. 17 closing Mass for Contact: www.pyramidlife.org or call From Potsdam Bishop Terry R. LaValley celebrated the Rite of Religious Profession Mass Aug. 16 at the Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse in the sixth Asian Youth Day, and cele- 518-585-7545 to Phoenix Watertown as Sister Suanne Marie Johnson made her first profession of vows. From left are Bishop LaValley, Sister Suanne, St. Joseph Sister Mary Eamon Lyng, major superior; and St. Joseph Sister Constance Marie Sylver, formation director. Joining the brated a Mass for peace and reconcili- ation Aug. 18 among other planned North Country woman follows her bishop in the celebration of the Mass were Father Leo Wiley, Msgr. Paul Whitmore, Msgr. Robert McCarthy and Father John Cos- mic as celebrants. During the coming year, Sister Suanne will be teaching at Augustinian Academy in Carthage. activities for the visit. dream to serve God by helping children, families at Maggie’s Place Participants of the Diocese of Ogdensburg Men’s Cursillo are shown during their gathering which took place Aug. 16-17 at St. Anne’s FULL STORY, PAGE 5 HOLY FAMILY MEGA-REUNION: Fr. Muench is among 600 to join the party.... p. 2 Shrine in Isle LaMotte, Vt. 2 Diocesan Life NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC news 15 AUG. 27, 2014 AUG. 27, 2014 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR’S NOTE OBITUARIES CATHOLIC The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Adams - Madden James Patrick Mooney, Heart Church; burial in Calvary Cemetery. Redford - Isabelle (Collins) Lamkins, 83; Box 326 Joy - yes, joy - in our world Diocese of Ogdensburg, Inc. 8 months; Funeral Services Aug. 13, 2014 Funeral Services Aug. 11, 2014 at Church Norfolk Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith at St. Cecilia's Church; burial in St. Ce- - Frances M. Neer, 27; Funeral of the Assumption; burial in Whispering cilia's Cemetery. Services Aug. 21, 2014 at the Church of Maples Memorial Gardens Mausoleum. USPS 0039-3400 These days, we need to make and abundant fruit. moving forward in religious barbecues and church festivals Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ, Director an extra effort to be the "You will find au- life, Kelly Donnelly and the tal- • In the people who staff our the Visitation; burial in Visitation Ceme- BISHOP TERRY 622 Washington St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669 R. LAVALLEY joyful kind of Catholics thentic joy,” he said, ented staff who served at Catholic schools, including (315) 393-2920; fax 1-866-314-7296 Adams - Frank J. Rubik, 87; Funeral Serv- tery. Sackets Harbor - Eleanor (Fields) Gilday, President that Pope Francis has “because he wants us Guggenheim this summer, and Kathy Behrans, principal of [email protected] ices Aug. 16, 2014 at St. Cecilia's Church. 76; Funeral Services Aug. 18, 2014 at St. REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN encouraged us to be. to be men and women 20-somethings like Trinity Catholic in Massena, North Bangor - Lealton "Lee" Joseph Andrew's Church; burial in Union Ceme- Vice President The news around the who are happy and ful- MaryCatherine Jadlos (see her who has made a mark on a na- Alexandria Bay - Heather L. Brayen, 30; Trombley, 83; Funeral Services Aug. 22, tery. SR. JENNIFER VOTRAW, SSJ world couldn’t be more filled." story on page 4) tional level. (See page 8) Funeral Services Aug. 16, 2014 at the 2014 at St. Augustine's Church. Secretary-Treasurer horrifying. So where can we find • In a bishop who works tire- • For our summer weather - Time to get back Costello Funeral Home.
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