I ' fhe. _. B-ritish oon ~ ilridge orld ID ·september 1957 European Open Championship- First Half, by H\rol~ . Franklin E . llropean Ladies Championship- First Half, by Alan Truscott · Former Champions in Action, by Rol~ Hoe ·' Sixty Ycars in the Game, by Philip R. Wolff The highest bid ... amongst bridge players is for Thomas De La Rue's LINETTE and CROWN playing cards ~ -·. L I NETTE u C 11 SERIES CROWN SERIES The Qubman's Playing Cards. The world renowned Popular Geometrical design in red nod Playing Cards in geometrical blue to make playing pairs­ design in red and blue to make linen grained. playing pairs- linen grained· Packed singly in tuck cases. Packed singly in tuck cases. • '•a o • LONDON• THOM'" "' LA RU lE. 4 CO: LTD., 84·80 RI!OI!NT ST., w.t • • • • · EVERY IN . • • THE • • • • • • • . .I . ·• • i>. ' • Daily t!tlt£lraph .. .· ' · EDITED BY EWART KEMPSON The Aristocrat of Bridge Magazines Published I st day of the month ,. ~ Annual subscription 30/- to any address in the world Order your copy from your bookseller or direct from Bridge Magazine, Wakefield Road, Leeds, 10 ---------- Please send Bridge Magazine for twelve months to NAME (block: capitals please)._......... _.. _..... ...... _:... - .......:.. __·;.... ---~ Address --·-·---· ·-······-·· .. ·······-·-·---··---··--·--- ·------- ·-----···-·-·-·----·--···--·····---·--·-----=--- Post, with remittance for 30/- to 1 Bridge Magazine, Wakefield Road, Leeds, 10 ' 2 The British Bridge World SUCCESSOR TO _THE CONTR ACT BRIDOE JOURNAL: ME DI U M fOR ENOLISH BRIDOE UNION NEWS Edited by TERENCE ·REESE VOLU ME 4 September 1957 NUMBER 3 Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHA.IRMAN) GEOFFREY L. BUTLER HUBERT PHILLIPS TERENCE REESE KENNETH KONSTAM EDITOR FOR REGIONAL NEWS: HAROLD FRANKLIN · 4 Roman Avenue, Leeds, 8 Pub/"AI/ otht h ' correspondence including Subscriptions and A d 1·ert1 semen 1.1• ro tire 11 m: Hugh Quckctt Ltd., 35 Dover Street. London, W.l Annual Subscrfptloo 30/· The British Bridge World Is published on the 15th ofeach month I'U~t,~d 011 IHN.lf Lid b Ht~Jit Qwbtt LIIL ~J Do, S of til~ propr/,lorl0 TIIDnuu 01 lA R.u .I Co. ·• ~ lAitd«t u W.J. Ptlnlld by M011t1 BlltuY Lid.. RtlfiiJI ' ,. ''•tt, LDndot., PI~. , 'I 3 September, 19~ I . .Contents Page Editorial S European Championship Table· 6 European Open Championship-First Half, by Harold Franklin 7-13 The Middle Game, by Albert Dormer .... .,. 19-23 No. 4 What do I Throw? Autour de !'Etoile, by Jean Besse ... 24-25 26 The Fleet Street Coup International Pairs Tournament-Order of Play 27 International Pairs Tournament-List of Entries ... 28-29 Former Champions in Action, by Rolf Boe ... 30-34 European Ladies Championship-First Half, by Alan Truscott 35-38 E.B.U. Master Points 38 ' ... 39-42 American .News-Letter, by Alfred Shei.nwold ... 42-43 Et tu, Sap ire? .. ... 44-46 Sixty Years in the Game, by Philip R. Wolff . .. .. 46-48 The Second leg, by" Non-Expert " ... 49-50 Bridge Quarterly, reviewed by Terence Reese ... S0-51 One Hundred Up: September Competition ... 52-53 Across the Green Baize, by George Baxter ~ British Bridge World Agents ss Subscription Form 56 D' iary of Events 4 GAY CITY ber 8th I shall be introducing two We all loved Vienna. The of the overseas pairs in. a pro­ people, the life, the s ho ps~it :was gramme at 6.45 p.m. on the new all delightful. The orgamsat10n, Network Three {Third Programme after a shaky start, was good and wavelength). a great credit to a country with a ~m all membership. As to the THE SHOW MUST GO ON bridge, one must congratulate the In a letter that was received too Italians very heartily and say that late for publication in full, Mr. they were very hard- almost Geoffrey Butler puts the B.B.L's impossible- to beat. I don't case in respect of the cancelled want to anticipate Harold Frank­ trial match (see June Editorial lin's summary which will appear and Major Gibson's letter last next month, but r will say that the month). If all .Jhis points are British team ( 10 wins, 6 draws, conceded mine remains-that· a no losses) seemed to me to play as public match had been announced well as in any of the years when and should have been played, we have won; yet we were only whoever took part and whether third. or not it conformed to the regulations for the trial. FOUR AND TWO The ladies declare that ' as the 1 play went they could have beaten - - HEARD AT VIENNA Denmark ,and have only them­ " Do you hear there's a prize selves to blame. Here, the critics for the most polite and gentle­ who said that the team was badly manly partner? l'm going all put together were justified in the out for that. "- Boris Schapiro. eve~t, for the captain relied almost To an opponent who had gone enhrely on four of the six players and ' down in four slams and while h the others never had a playing a fifth was fumbling at c ance to find their form . some length for a card he had dropped under the table:- RADIO RETURN ~ow we look ahead to the big " Monsieur, do you look for_ Pa 1rs t .ck? "-Charles ournament at Selfridges your twelfth tn ne~t month. On Tuesday, Octo- Guittotr. s '' Open Series Played Won Lost Drawn !.M.P. V.P. 1 Italy ... 16 14 1 1 1,021 : ~ 541 29 2 Austria 16 12 2 2 984 : 670 26 3 Great Britain 16 10 6 0 947 :. 676 26 4 France .16 12 0 4 996 : 745 24 : t 5 Holland 16 10 3 3 813 : 789 23 6 Norway 16 9 1 6 895 : 773 19 7 Finland 16 5 5 6 938 : 868 15 l 8 Denmark 16 5 5 6 835 : 823 15 ~·. .~· · 9 Belgium 16 5 5 6 834 : 869 15 10 Lebanon 16 5 2 9 820 : 961 12 11 Germany 16 4 4 8 772 : 964 12 12 Switzerland· ... 16 . 4 4 8 784 : 987 12 : 13 Ireland 16 5 1 10 769 : 865 11 14 Spain ... 16 4 1 II 754 : 950 9 15 Iceland 16 3 3 10 748 : 1,035 9 16 Poland 16 I 6 9 751 : 927 8 17 Sweden 16 2 3 Jl . 689 : I 9)6 7 Ladies Series V.P. ' Played Won Lost Drall'n /.M.P. i.. .. 1 Denmark 11 9 1 I 641 : 41 2 19 •' 17 . 2 Great Britain 11 8 1 2 630 : 433 16 3 Norway II 7 2 2 603 : 446 14 4 Belgium 11 6 2 3 558 : 467 13 5 Ireland II 6 I 4 560 : 500 • 6 Austria 588 : 575 11 II 4 3 4 10 7 Sweden I I 537 : 500 4 2 6 9 8 525 : 595 Switzerland II 3 3 5 8 477 : 578 9 Germany II 3 2 6 5 10 600 France II 3 7 455 : 5 : 665 11 Holland II 3 7 452 : 5 ., 12 Finland II 2 8 452 : 710 6 Etrropean . Open Championship-First Half By HA ROLD F RANKLIN Round J To the purist the Reese-Schapiro Britain beat Denmark sequence:- by 26 /. M. P . 51- 2S. WESr EAST Reese and Schapiro, Konstam 10 and Meredith opened against 3+ Denmark, a middle of the table 3NT learn who are never easy to beat is more desirable than the and who were one of the few seemingly untutored teams to take a poin t from us when we were undefeated at 2+ Montreux. British supporters had 3NT some anxious moments when with its disrespect for " reversing Reese and Schapiro had a couple values " and its ragged spades. e.arly an d un a cc u s tomed However the 'first sequence per­ dtsasters in the Open Room. suaded North to a well-judged double. South led a heart and East dealer Nofth.South vulnerable Harold Franklin '"iU conclude NORTH this report, and give his summary, • 4 3 2 next ~ontb • <v AQ 10 3 2 on the spade switch at trick 2 0 6 Reese made the only possible • 194 2 Wrsr shot of the J(jng and was four • J 5 EAST down doubled in a contract which went quietly two down ~ KJ 8 + K987 0 9 8 7 ~ 64 undoubled in the other room. AKQ3 This was closely followed by a t AK65 3 0 + Q 107 failure to find five top tricks So urn against Three No Trumps ; add + A Q 10 6 the fact that the Danes were <v 9 8 5 giving little away and it was good 0 J 105 4 2 to find comfort in this late board + 8 of the half-session :- 7 South dealer play. s'outh won ~nd erred ."~ .' East-West vulnerable underleading his diamond ace 'to NoRTH take an unnecessary club ruff. ' _ leaving the declarer with the ~ AKQ3'2 remaining tricks for two down . ·-0 K9872 against a certain slam. + 1042 The good result proved to be WFST EAST very ordinary, for in· the other ..:. .... ... +A 10 84 • K9752 room Meredith jumped to Four I• • ~- ~ 986 Hearts with the South hand after I 0 Hl43 · o Q East had intervened with a spade. + QJ8763 + AK95 .west competed with Four Spades SouTH and Konstam's bid of Five Hearts • • QJ62 closed the auction. But was ~·.,.... ' this . ;. ·. ~ ~ JI0754 one of very few blemishes from · .. • .. 0 AJ65 the closed room and we were r • •" +- well content with a lead of eight After two passes North bid One 'points.
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