UN I s ' tfWOON3)h UOTOtttOA UbAAAY Th e La w r e n t ia n Vol. 54. Mo. 32. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WI8. Monday, June 14, 1937 Award Degrees to Heads Trustees Leech Is Awarded 130 as Lawrence The Spector Cup Install Barrows Honors 87th Class In Senior Vote Tenth President William Christensen Re­ MacDonald Wins Junior ceives Bachelor of Arts, Spoon; Marion Huin- Trustees, Faculty, Alum­ Summa cum Laude leker, Junior Spade ni, Students Pledge Their Support Lawrence College this morning Recipients of prizes and honors observed its eighty-seventh Com­ were officially announced during EVENT IS IMPRESSIVE mencement, awarding 130 degrees. the Commencement weekend. Presiding was newly inaugurated President Thomas N. Barrows, who The Spector Cup, as announced Backed by the pledged support of awarded 82 Bachelor of Arts De­ on Class Day, was won by Fred trustees, faculty, alumni and stu­ grees, 9 Bachelor of Philosophy, 1 Leech by popular election. To Don­ dents of Lawrence college and the Master of Arts, 5 Master of Arts in ald MacDonald went the tradition- Institute of Paper Chemistry, Dr. Education, 1 Master of Music, 12 rich Junior spoon, and to Marion Thomas Nichols Barrows was offi­ Bachclor of Music, 11 Master of Sci­ Humleker, the junior spade. ence, and 6 Doctor of Philosophy cially installed as the tenth presi­ J. William Christensen, received dent of Lawrence college at investi­ Degrees. the Lewis award to the senior of Three honorary degrees were most excellent record. Christensen's ture ceremonies last Friday at awarded. To Dr. Anton Carlson, who successor for the Warren Hurst Lawrence Memorial chapel when ho delivered the Commencement Ad­ Stevens scholarship given for high dress, was given a Doctor of Laws received the charter of the college Degree, The Reverend Frederick C. scholarship and useful activity in and the chair of Amos Lawrence, Lawrence, was awarded the degree college affairs, was Everett Bauman of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He resides founder of the college as insignia of of Doctor of Divinity, and Frank W. C. P. CLAlfcK his office. C. B. Clark, president of Lovejoy received a Doctor of Sci­ in Woodstock, Illinois, and is a jun­ ior. the board of trustees of the college, ence. J. William Christensen was gradu­ Tickenor Awards invested President Barrows and ated summa cum laude, and 12 oth­ Trustees Elect The Tichenor prizes in English DR. THOMAS N. BARROWS presented the insignia. er members of the 1937 class were Literature, founded by the great* uncle of Arthur Tichenor, a sopho­ The solemn academic procession­ given their degrees magna cum al of faculty members and trustees laude. They were: Clark New Head more at Lawrence, were awarded Marjorie Blunck, Jane Carr, Stan­ to first, Marion Fostner, a senior, Appoint Five to to the flower-banked rostrum open­ of Appleton, and second to Mildred ley Chmiel, Jane Cornell, Mildred William Buchanan Named ed the ceremonies last Friday Gaenge, Albert Ingraham, Thomas Arline Taege, also a senior. the somberness of the black gowns The Alexander Reid prize in es­ Lawrence Faculty Jenkin. Soren Mickelson. Dorothy To Fill Vacant Post and caps being relieved only by the Mitchell. George Moersch. Belva say writing was given to Clairece touches of red, biue, green, yellow Stratton and Mildred Taege. On Board Black, a junior. Sylvia Dubsky, a Seven Profeseors Resign; To 13 went the degree of Bachelor senior, won the Hicks prize in po­ and pink in the hoods. Dr. G. C. of Arts cum laude. They were: C. B. Clark, Neenah, presidentetry while the Hicks prize in short- Five are Granted Cast, professor of German, and Dr. Irene Bosscrman. Norman Clapp, of the Riverside Paper Company, story writing was awarded to Dan­ A. H. Weston, professor of Latin and iel Wolterding of Delta Tau Delta. Greek, were marshals of the aca­ Leone Diny, Rosemary Dupont, was chosen as the new president I^eave of Absence Marion Fostner, Ethel Helmer, The story, “Thirty-first Street Nig­ demic procession. Charles Herzog, Winston Klein, of the Lawrence College Board oi ger”, appears on page 7 of this is­ Five appointments have been Pledge Allegiance Joanne Litts, Joyce Lochme. Mar­ Trustees at its annual meeting held sue. \ j made to the Lawrence College fa­ Pledges of allegiance and expres­ garet Mercer, Mary Mortimer and last Thursday afternoon at the Li­ Herman Erb Prizes culty toward replacing seven va sions of confidence were given to Dr. Barrows in a series of short ad­ Betty Jane Seitz. brary. He succeeds the late Wil­ The Herman Erb prizes in Ger­ cancies that will be left by resign The 56 who received the degree of man were won by Theodora Behr­ ing professors. Those leaving the dresses by representatives of the liam H. Hatten, New London. The ens. a senior, and Vivian Steger, student body, alumni, faculty and Bachelor of Arts were: vacant position on the board was faculty are Miss Olga Achtcnhagen, Donald Alferi, Eudora Beadle. El­ also a senior. Miss Behrens won the associate professor of English, Dr Institute of Paper Chemistry. Per­ filled by the election of William E. first prize and Miss Steger the sec­ ry Albert Peterson, spoke for the len Brown, Kermit Bury. Charlotte Buchanan, vice president and sales Henry Meyer, Instructor in biolo­ Clark, Helen Cloyd. Sylvia Dubsky, ond. Among the other language gy, Mr. Chester Heule, assistant students of Lawrence, Russell Flom, manager of the Appleton Wire Menasha, president of Lawrence Edward Fritz, Maxine Goeros. Mar­ Works. prizes. Delta Gamma's Elizabethprofessor in French, Mr. Johannes ion Griggs, Robert Grogan. Milton Holt, a sophomore, won the Pea­ Sachsc, instructor in Spanish and Alumni association, pledged th« The new president of ths Board support of the alumni, while Dr. Haase, Jean Harper, Marjorie Hath­ body Prize in Latin, while Ottilie Cerman. Mr. Phineas P. Wright, is a graduate of the Sheffield Louis C. Baker, professor of mod­ away, Sherman Heideman, Edith School of Science of Yale Univer­ Buerger won first and Mary Graet- instructor in English. Mr. Walter Johnson, James Johnson, Ruth tinger won second in the Business ern languages, representing the fac­ sity, having completed his work Coffey, assistant to the dean, and ulty, paid tribute to Dr. Barrows Johnson, Emily Jordan, John Kelly, there in 1904. He has served on Man's prizes in Latin. Miss Marguerite Woodworth, dean George Verbcck, a Beta Thota Pi tact and ability in handling people Russell Kloosterbocr, James Laird. the Board of Trustees since 1930. of women. and assured the new president of Frederic Leech, Dolly Levett, Jane Dartmouth Graduate sophomore, won the first Ralph The professors who have been White prize in mathematicst and the cooperation of the faculty. Buchanan is a Dartmouth grad­ granted a leave of absence for next Ernst Mahler. Neenah, president Turn to Page 2 Robert Toltcr, a freshman, won uate of the class of 1924. He attend­ year arc: Mr. LaVahn Maesch, as­ of the board of trustees of the In­ the second place award. ed the graduate school of business sociate professor of organ; Mr. stitute of Paper Chemistry, pointed administration at Harvard, com­ Winston Klein, a senior econom­ Theodore Cloak, assistant professor out that while the institute is sep­ Conduct Seventh pleting his course there in 1923. He ics major, won the Charles Cham­ of Speech and dramatics; Dr. J. arate from the college both finan­ has been active in Appleton civic pion prize in Commerce and Indus­ H. Griffiths, professor of psycholo cially and from the stand point of Alumni College affairs. try for the best essay written in the gy, second semester. Dr. J. B. Mac buildings, equipment and faculty, Two new alurrni trustees were field of economics. Harg, professor of American his­ the two are invariably associated named to succced Mrs. Harriet Scholarship Prizes tory, and Miss Dorothy Bcthurum, with each other and the president of Chicago Attorney Ad­ Nicholson. Appleton. and Lee Scholarship prizes were won by professor of English. Lawrence college automatically be­ Rascy, Milwaukee. Those named three students The Sigma Alpha comes the chief officer of admin­ were Jessica North MacDonald, New Professors dresses Alumni at Iota scholarship in'- music went to istration of the institute. He ex­ Chicago, associate editor of Poetry Jane Dresely, a junior. The Thom- The new professors will be Miss Annual Session Magazine, and May Jenkins Wiley, Kathryn Gilbert Dapp. instructor pressed the belief that under the Chippewa Fall«*. in English; Miss Virginia Schrier. guidance of Dr. Barrows, the edu­ Tun to Page 3 cational program of the institute Old grads flocked back to the instructor in English; Miss Alice E. Witcomb, instructor in Spanish and will continue to be one of real sub­ halls of learning last week end stance and that the balance between when they attended the seventh an­ French; Miss Ann Prioleau Jones, instructor in French and German; industry, research and education nual Alumni College held under the Senior Class Picks the will be maintained. auspices of the Social Science de­ and Dr. W. Faul Gilbert, assistant professor in physics. Speaking for sister institutions of partment. the Conservatory of Mu­ Lawrence college, Dr. Silas Evans, Miss Kathryn Gilbert Daop re­ sic, and the Institute of Paper Best Apple Furbishers president of Ripon collcge, spoke Chemistry, with classes held at ceived her B. A. from Wellesley, briefly of the many experiments Peabody Hall, and at the Institute. and her M. A. and Ph. D. from the Topics for speeches and discus- Class day events have long been If clothes make the man, they carried on in recent years in the University of Pennsylvania, and field of education and stated that it aions included the recent trends in predetermined by the discrimina­ must make the most popular man, has studied at Oxford University the field of social science, comments or so the voting seniors considered, makes no difference what method tion of the senior class.
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