Credit Guarantees, Moral Hazard, and the Optimality of Public Reserves £ Þ Matthias DoepkeÝ Robert M. Townsend UCLA University of Chicago August 2001 Abstract In this paper we show that public reserves with a low return and a partial credit- guarantee scheme can be optimal if banks face a moral hazard problem with both hid- den actions and hidden information. In our model, banks face uncertain returns on their loans or investments, and both the level of investment and the actual returns are unobservable to anyone but the bank itself. We formulate the problem of providing optimal incentive-compatible credit insurance to the banks, and find that the optimal contract has the feature that low-return public reserves are used. This occurs even though public reserves are dominated in return by other investments, and would not be used in a full-information environment. In order to compute the optimal partial in- surance scheme, we develop general recursive methods to solve for optimal contracts in dynamic principal-agent models with hidden income and hidden actions. £ We are grateful to Harold Cole, Hugo Hopenhayn, Ruilin Zhou, and seminar participants at Chicago, MIT, Boston University, IIES, and the SED meeting in San Jose for helpful comments. Ý Department of Economics, UCLA, Box 951444, Los Angeles, CA 90095. E-mail address: [email protected]. Þ Department of Economics, The University of Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. E-mail address: [email protected]. 1 1 Introduction We consider the problem of providing optimal incentive-compatible insurance in an envi- ronment where banks face uncertain returns on their loans or investments, and the level of investment and the actual returns on investment are unobservable to anyone but the bank itself. The model that we use to analyze the role of public reserves is thus a rep- resentative of a wider class of models with unobserved states and unobserved actions. In such environments, optimal allocations cannot be computed with standard methods, since the number of incentive constraints becomes too large. We develop recursive meth- ods to solve for optimal incentive-compatible contracts that require only a relatively small number of constraints. In dynamic principal-agent models with unobserved income shocks the principal gener- ally needs some control over the intertemporal rate of substitution of the agent in order to induce the agent to report his income truthfully. Controlling the intertemporal rate of substitution becomes difficult, however, if the agent can take unobserved actions that in- fluence his future consumption possibilities. Indeed, Allen (1985) shows that if the agent has unobserved access to borrowing and lending in a perfect credit market, the princi- pal cannot offer any additional insurance. The reason is that any agent will choose the reporting scheme that yields the highest net discounted transfer regardless of what the actual endowment is. The planner is no longer able to distinguish agents with low and high endowments. For real-world applications, an important question is what the optimal insurance scheme looks like if the agent can take hidden actions that are different from accessing a per- fect credit market. Examples of such actions include risky investments, or storage at a return lower than the credit-market interest rate. In this paper, we present methods to compute the optimal insurance contract in a wide class of such environments. We apply our methods to a banking model where bankers face uncertain returns on their invest- ments, and both the level of investment and the realized return are observed only by the bankers themselves. We show that in this environment an insurance scheme can arise in which high-yielding private investments and low-yielding public reserves coexist. In other words, our model provides a new rationale for bank reserves. Reserves arise as a feature of the optimal insurance contract in an environment characterized by moral haz- ard. The traditional justification for public reserves, the need to provide liquidity, does not play a role in our formulation. 2 Thesetupofourbankingmodelisasfollows.Alargenumberofbankownersorin- vestors are trying to decide on their own investment strategies and whether or not to adopt some kind of collective credit guarantee scheme. Each bank owner/investor, given his own unobserved income, has to decide on his current consumption compensation, how much to take out of the bank, as well as the amount to invest in a variety of risky loans, assets that have an uncertain payoff in income next period. Other things equal, each bank owner/investor would like to smooth out next period’s income fluctuations. There are two ways to do that smoothing. One way is for all bank owner/investors to remain on their own, to respond to higher income this period by consuming more and also saving more, that is investing more in risky loans, though the return on those loans next period remains uncertain. A second way is for bank owner/investors to get together and collectively insure one another against loan default, that is, levying premia when portfolios are successful and paying indemnities against the low yields of some of the projects financed with bank loans. In effect this is like a deposit insurance scheme, an attempt to stabilize returns on investment against the risk in loan portfolios, but here it is the bankers’ money that is at risk and the loan return the risk that is insured. The possibility of such a scheme is limited, however, if the level of investment and realized investment returns are unobserved. The bank then becomes a ‘black box’, with all the inner workings hidden to outsiders. More formally, the classic moral hazard problem arises: A low current-period level of investment makes high returns less likely next pe- riod, so if loan default were insured completely, and levels of investment were not known, no banker would invest or be diligent and all would claim indemnities. Recall again that investment comes at the expense of current consumption levels, and private, unobserved investment cannot be required. Yet an alternative partial insurance or loan guarantee scheme is possible. Bank owners can set up a separate public reserve fund financed with premia but with more limited possibilities for indemnities. Money placed in this fund is under collective control and can be put into low-yield but safe assets. The advantage of the fund is that there is presumed to be no moral hazard problem, so next periods relatively low returns can be used to compensate bank owners with bad loans. For a variety of parameter values it turns out to be optimal for bank owners to to pay premia into the public fund. While the bank owners still invest in loans, they are doing less internal investing than they would if they were entirely on their own. Surprisingly, the insurance gain from the public reserve fund is so large that it can under certain parameter values dominate what might seem to be more 3 efficient investment. That is, at an optimum, the average yield from more liberal internal investment among bank owners can dominate the yield-safe asset, but still it is optimal to set up the public reserve. The reason is that eliciting the information about actual loan yields under the more liberal policy would be too costly in terms of incentives. Also, since bank owners invest less in risky loans when the reserve fund is used, the variability of their income in the next period is reduced, further mitigating the original insurance problem. In effect, we have created a rational for reserves. This policy only disappears when the economy’s internal rate of return (i.e., the average return on investments) is so high that it makes sense for the public authority to issue its own bond, that is, borrow from outsiders, and lend to the bankers. Even here, however, some insurance is still possible in the sense that the bank with successful loan portfo- lios pay back more to the public authority than do those with loan defaults. In effect, though all bankers might appear collectively to be borrowing at the outside rate, a risk contingency kicks in for those with loan defaults. On the other hand, when the economy’s internal rate of return is low (though possibly still higher than the rate of return on public reserves) in the optimal insurance scheme bankers do not invest at all in risky assets with unobserved returns. All intertemporal smoothing is provided through safe investments with observed returns by the fund. Here we observe the seemingly perverse situation that the utility of the bankers depends negatively on the return of investment projects. Even though in the optimum the investment projects are not used at all, their rate of return still influences the optimal allocation. With a high rate of return, it is more difficult to provide incentives for truthful reporting, and consequently less insurance is possible. Our results here are related to a literature on the optimality of public insurance, or iron- ically, how public insurance can be non-optimal. The idea in Attanasio and Rios-Rull (2000) is that the provision of public insurance for aggregate shocks can undercut self- sustaining private insurance against idiosyncratic shocks. Most of the models feature lim- ited commitment, rather than private information, and people continue to participate in private schemes only as they weigh the benefit of future participation, insurance against a bad shock, against the current cost, e.g., of paying a premium now. Of course, such in- surance is most valuable when one needs it most, particularly when aggregate shocks are perverse. Thus publicly engineered transfers to those adversely affected, which ceteris paribus can be a good thing, can undercut some of the benefits of private transfers, and this latter effect can, depending on parameter values, be large enough as to cause a net 4 welfare loss.
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