· (~ ( . ) · / \ ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE STATUS REP()R"r : \,) 43-MW COAL BASEl) POWER PLANT () OF SITAPI-TRAM POWER LIMITED C) AT DONDAPADU VILLAG,E, MELLACIIERUVU MANDAI.., NALGONI)A I)JSTRICT, A.P. C) o () () · () "() I . (j o o o c> (; I i (~) ,I • o (J c) C) --- -~----- -_._--_._- .-----­ ~lrl'AI.UIIAM 1."WI~11 IMlrl'I~I. "; 1.. :\ Villu~m ..o ..dulu...... l\1.~II~..~ ..N·.." .. MUlidul. " / :> '\ ,. ~"~'KSK "i~'.z Nul~.....lu 4A. II.• Power 'frOll1 knowl"dglJ ENVIR[INMENTAl C[IMPI.IANCE STATUS REPI]RT - JULY 2011] TIl DECEMBER 2D10 Table of Contents ') Chapter # Title Page# ) Table of Contents TCl List of Figures and List of Tables TC2 " \ } Annexure TC2 Compliance 1-8 ') 1.0 Introduction 9 .() 1.1 Scope of Work 9 1.2 Description of Environment 9 () 1.3 Brief Description of Plant 11 C) 1.3 Pollution Control Measures 12 1.4.1 Air Pollution Control 12 () 1.4.2 Green Belt Development 12 () 1.4.3 Noise Pollution Control 12 2.0 Environment Data Analysis 13 2.1 Meteorology 13 2.1.1 Methodology of Sampling 13 2.1.2 Temperature 13 (j 2.1.3 Relative Humidity 13 2.2 Ambient Air Quality 13 2.2.1 Methodology of Sampling 14 o 2.2.2 Analytical Procedure 14 2.2.3 Presentation of Primary Data 16 o 2.4 Observation on Primary Data 16 2.3 Source Emission Monitoring 25 (j 2.3.1 l'vlethodology of Sampling 25 2.3.2 Results and Discussion 26 (1 2.4 water Quality 29 2.4.1 Methodology of Sampling 29 2.4.2 Analytical Procedure 29 2.4.3 Result and Discussion 30 2.5 Noise Levels 39 2.5.1 Methodology of Sampling 39 2.5.2 Analytical Procedure 39 2.5.3 Results and Discussion 40 Page TC 1 ofTC 2 () o ,-------­ --_.-' .----. r Sl l'AI-UIlAJ\1 1-••WI~11 1.. 1J\1lrl'I~I) Villll~m M.,IIIU·h.~.·.n' 1c~ lIo••dIlIUuh•• .. Mm..h.l• ~:';'KSK Ui~ •• z NIII-.t.....11I 4/\. II.~ . Power Irom knowlodgo ENVIRI:INMENTAL C[IMPI.IANCE ----STATUS REPI:lRT - JULY .-­20m Til DECEMBER 2011] ) List of Figures .) Figure # Title Page # ') 1. Index Map 10 () 2. Study area Map of 10-KM Radius Showing Sampling Locations 15 ~J List of Tables () C) Tables # Title Page # () 2.2.1 Ambient Air Quality Sampling Locations 14 2.2.2 Summary of Ambient Air Quality Result 17 () 2.2.3 Ambient Air Quality 18-24 o 2.3.1 Source Emission IVlonitoring for Boiler I&II 25 o 2.3.2 Source Emission Monitoring for Boiler I&II 26-28 2.4.1 Water Sampling Locations 29 o 2.4.2 Raw Water Quality 31-32 2.4.3 Waste Water Quality 33-38 2.5.1 Noise Level Monitoring Locations Inside the Plant 39 () 2.5.2 Ambient Noise Level Monitoring around the Plant 39 o 2.5.3 Noise Level around the Plant 41-42 o 2.5.4 Noise Level inside the Plant 43-44 3.0.0 List of Annexure I to VI 45 '0 () (I o , () () (y () Page TC 2 ofTC 2 ( I , / SITAPlJRAM POWER LIMITED Villll~c: HOlldllpadll, McllllchcrllvlI Mandai, His": NlllgOlldll (A. P.) ENVIRDNMENTAl CDMPlIANCE STATUS REPDRT ­ ) JULY T[] DECEMBER 2DID SITAPURAM POWER LIMITED, Village: Dondapadu, Mellacheruvu Mandai, , ) Dist.: Nalgonda (A. P.). ENVRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE STATUS REPORT JULY 2010 - DECEMBER 2010 () Letter No.: J- 13011/11 2006. IA - II (T) Dated: 22.06.2006 C) Point wise compliance for the conditions specified in Environmental C) Clearance - MoEF () S. No. Condition Compliance () 1. The conditions stipulated by Andhra Point wise compliance of APPCB Attached Pradesh Pollution Control Board vide their Separately for Your ready reference. o letter no.: 182/PCB/CFE/HO/RO-NLG/2005 Dated: 27.11.2005 shall be implemented. () 2. Land required for the project shall be Complied. () restricted to 12.00 ha, which is in No additional land acquired for this purpose. The possession of project authorities. No total plant area is only 10.52 ha which less than () additional land shall be acquired for the the approved land. project. i rJ 3. A bi-flue stack of 80 m height with exit Complied. A bi-flue stack of 96 m is already () velocity of not less than 15 m/sec shall be provided. We are carrying out monthly monitoring provided with continuous Online to check the level of particulate matter monitoring system. The data collected concentration which is less than the prescribed 3 o shall be analyzed and submitted regularly norms of 100mg/Nm • A continuous online to the Ministry. monitoring system is already procured and o installed. o 4. Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP's) with Complied. ESP's with 99.8% collection has been 99.8% efficiency shall be installed to limit designed by our EPC Contractor M/s. Cethar 3 () particulate emission to 100 mg/Nm • The Vessels Pvt. Ltd. Trichy. stack shall be fitted with inter locking C) system to shut down the plant in the event of non-functioning of ESP's. C) 5. Dust extraction and suppression system Complied. Dust extraction system had been () and water sprinkling shall be provided for provided. Cyclones and bag filters are provided in controlling fugitive dust during coal handling plant to minimize the fugitive () transportation, in coal storage area and emission. Water sprinkling arrangement is also other vulnerable areas of the plant. provided to dust prone areas like coal handling r) plant. () 6. Water requirement of 6000 m3/day shall Being complied. No ground water is being utilized be met from the Krishna river. No ground in the plant. water shall be extracted for the power plant at any stage. ') ~) 1 , ~/) 'j ) ) SITAPURAM POWER LIMITED ViIIllgC: l)ol1daplldu, Mclhlchcruvu MlIlldal, ' . ./ \ ,::., '\': Uist.: Nlllgol1dll (A. P.) / '~'KSK ~. Power' from knowledge ENVIRONMENTAL C[JMPLIANCE STATUS REP[]RT ­ ) JULY T[] DECEMBER 2[]1[] ~----'-----------------------'--"'-''---------------'''''''---I S. No. Condition Compliance I----+-------------------I---------·····~·~--------I 7. Closed cycle system of cooling with cooling Being compiled. Closed Cycle cooling system towers shall be provided. COC of at least 5 with COC of 5 Is provided. The present COC is shall be adopted. in between 5.00 to 5.8 which is as per the c ) requirement. ~) 8. The treated effluents having TDS within 1950 Being complied. The 100% treated effluent Is mg/I shall be used for dust suppression and utilizing for Greenbelt Development. () greenbelt development by the cement plant of However, there Is no wastewater discharge M/s. Shri Vishnu Cement Ltd. There shall be no from the plant premises. () wastewater discharge outside the plant boundary. C) 9. Rainwater harvesting shall be adopted in Complied. RWH system is provided in the o consultation with Central Ground Water plant. However we will modify it accordingly Authority/board and details furnished to this to meet the requirement. (~) ministry within a period of three months from the date of clearance. () 10. Noise levels shall be limited to 75 dBA and Being complied. All necessary measures have C) regular monitoring of equipments shall be been taken to limit the noise levels to 75 undertaken. For people working in the high dBA. However, people working in high noise noise area, protective devices such as earplugs areas are being provided with personal o etc. shall be provided. protective equipments like ear plugs, ear () muffs etc. as per the requirements. It is monitored by the safety and Env. Dept. to o implement the same. 11. Dry ash collection system and pneumatic Being complied. The fly ash and bottom ash o conveying system of dry ash through closed generated is being collected in ash silos in pipeline shall be provided. Transportation of dry state and transported in bulkers to o ash to cement plants and coal also, if by road adjacent M/s. Shri Vishnu Cement Ltd. for shall be In covered trucks/ bulkers. 100% ash 100% utilization. () utilization shall be ensured. o 12. On site Disaster management plan shall be Being complied. On-site Emergency Plan is prepared and implemented. Regular mock drill prepared and implemented at Project. shall be conducted and training programmes for the employees to handle hazardous o chemicals and waste and to deal with the emergency shall be conducted. Safety alarms () shall be installed at strategic points including main gate, assembly points, first aid centre, () etc. () 13. A greenbelt of 25 m width shall be developed Being complied. Green belt is developed in around the plant boundary with tree density of and around the plant boundary as per norms \) around 2500 trees per ha. The area under of MoEF, CPCB/APPCB. The total area covered green belt shall be 1/3 rd of the total area. under greenbelt is around 9 acres (3.50 ha) and further greenbelt development is in progress. 2 f I" ../ SITAPLJRAM POWER LIMITED Villa~c: I>undlljllldu, Mcllachcruvu Mandai, \) , ~"". I; \\ I I>ist.: Nlligonda (A. P.) '.'.' " ~KSK Power from knowledge ENVIIUlNMENTAL C[]MPLIANCE STATUS REP[]RT ­ I JULY T[] DECEMBER 2[]1[] S. No. Condition Compliance 14. First Aid and sanitation arrangements shall be Being complied. First aid & Sanitation made available for the truck drivers and arrangements provided for the truck drivers temporary staff engaged in the plant. and temporary staff. 15. Copies of the coal linkage and stack height Complied. The copies of coal linkage and clearance from Airport Authority of India shall stack height clearance from Airport Authority be submitted within 30 days from the Issue of of India obtained vide letter No.: this letter. AAI/20012/1165/2005-ARI (NOC) Dated 30.12.2005 as Annexure ­ I. 16. Regular monitoring of Air and water quality Being complied.
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