TRANSFORMING Performance Measurement ................. 16154$ $$FM 10-04-06 08:25:10 PS PAGE i This page intentionally left blank PAGE ii TRANSFORMING Performance Measurement Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success DEAN R. SPITZER American Management Association New York • Atlanta • Brussels • Chicago • Mexico City • San Francisco Shanghai • Tokyo • Toronto • Washington, D.C. ................. 16154$ $$FM 10-04-06 08:25:11 PS PAGE iii Special discounts on bulk quantities of AMACOM books are available to corporations, professional associations, and other organizations. For details, contact Special Sales Department, AMACOM, a division of American Management Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. Tel: 212-903-8316. Fax: 212-903-8083. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.amacombooks.org/go/specialsales To view all AMACOM titles go to: www.amacombooks.org This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Spitzer, Dean R. Transforming performance measurement : rethinking the way we measure and drive organizational success / Dean R. Spitzer. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-10: 0-8144-0891-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-8144-0891-9 1. Organizational effectiveness—Evaluation. I. Title. HD58.9.S68 2007 658.4Ј013—dc22 2006020651 ᭧ 2007 Dean R. Spitzer. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of AMACOM, a division of American Management Association, 1601 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. Printing number 10987654321 ................. 16154$ $$FM 10-04-06 08:25:11 PS PAGE iv To Cynthia, my wonderful wife To David, my wonderful son To Marjory Goldman, my wonderful mother ................. 16154$ $$FM 10-04-06 08:25:12 PS PAGE v This page intentionally left blank PAGE vi Contents Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 The Elusive Search for the Secret of Success 1 Changing the Paradigm 2 A Surprising Truth About Performance Measurement 3 The Purpose of This Book 4 The Transformational Measurement Questionnaire 5 Chapter 1: Why Measurement Is So Powerful 9 The Pervasiveness of Measurement 10 The Challenge of Organizational Measurement 11 The Power of Measurement 12 Performance Measurement Promotes Effective Management 13 The Functions of Performance Measurement 15 Chapter 2: When Measurement Goes Bad 21 The Problem of Measurement Dysfunction 22 A Major Cause of Measurement Dysfunction 23 How Rewards Increase the Potential for Measurement Dysfunction 23 Fear Also Induces Measurement Dysfunction 26 Measuring the Wrong Things 29 Measuring ‘‘Looking Good’’ Rather Than ‘‘Being Good’’ 30 Suboptimization 31 Cheating 33 Measuring Too Much 34 Dysfunctional Measurement and Employees 35 Chapter 3: Why Measurement Goes Bad 36 Motive and Opportunity 36 How People Experience Measurement 38 Employees’ Attitudes Toward Measurement at Work 39 The Context of Measurement 40 Confusing Measurement and Evaluation 41 vii ................. 16154$ CNTS 10-04-06 08:25:14 PS PAGE vii viii CONTENTS Purpose 42 Disempowerment 43 The ‘‘Motivational’’ Use of Measurement 44 Distrust 45 Negative Accountability 45 Resistance to Measurement 46 Opportunity and Motive Revisited 46 The Challenge Ahead 47 Chapter 4: Beginning the Transformation 48 The Transformational Vision 48 How to Realize the Vision: The Four Keys 51 A Roadmap to Success 55 Chapter 5: Creating A Positive Context of Measurement 56 The Context of Measurement 56 TheFormalAspectsofthePerformanceMeasurementSystem 59 The Human Factor 60 The Context of Measurement Continuum 61 A Sure-Fire Indicator of Positive Context of Measurement Change 62 Snapshots from the New Performance Measurement Paradigm 63 The Ongoing Transforming Power of Context 67 Chapter 6: The Focus of Measurement 68 The Importance of Focus 68 Selecting the Right Measures 69 Effectiveness First 71 How Value Is Created and Destroyed 72 Business Models and Strategy 74 Measuring What Matters Most 76 Measuring Intangible Assets 78 High-Leverage Measuring 79 Emergent Measures 81 New Customer Measures 82 Don’t Expect Perfection 84 The Next Step 85 Chapter 7: The Integration of Measurement 86 The Importance of Measurement Integration 86 The Dis-Integrated Organization 87 Dis-Integrated Measurement 89 Dis-Integrated Data 90 Strategic Measurement 90 ................. 16154$ CNTS 10-04-06 08:25:14 PS PAGE viii CONTENTS ix The Balanced Scorecard 91 The Value of Measurement Frameworks 93 Measurement Frameworks and Trade-Offs 96 Developing Measurement Frameworks 97 The Need for a CMO 102 The Next Step 102 Chapter 8: The Interactivity of Measurement 103 The Importance of Interactivity 104 Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom 105 The Data-to-Wisdom Conversion Process 108 Examples of Interactivity to Generate Wisdom 109 The Performance Measurement Cycle 110 Dialogue: The Key to Measurement Interactivity 115 Assessing an Organization’s Measurement Capabilities 116 The Challenge of Interactivity Today 118 The Tendency to View Technology as the Panacea 119 Making Progress 120 Chapter 9: Measurement Leadership 121 The Importance of Measurement Leadership 121 Why Measurement Leadership Doesn’t Happen 122 The Tension Between Intuition and Measurement 122 What Happens in the Absence of Measurement Leadership? 123 Routine vs. Transformational Measurement 126 The Challenges of Changing Measurement 127 Leading Transformational Performance Measurement 128 Establishing an Environment Conducive to Change 128 Making the Transformation Happen 132 Measurement Leaders 134 Needed: The Role of Chief Measurement Officer (CMO) 139 Chapter 10: Learning About and from Measurement 140 Transformational Learning 140 The Process of Learning 140 The Learning Loop 142 Transformational Measurement and Double-Loop Learning 144 Organizational Learning 145 Why Smart People Do Dumb Things 147 How Performance Measurement Can Help 148 Learning New Ways of Thinking About Performance Measurement 149 The Keys to Transformational Learning 150 How Well Does Your Organization Learn About and from Measurement? 159 ................. 16154$ CNTS 10-04-06 08:25:14 PS PAGE ix x CONTENTS Chapter 11: The Uses and Abuses of Measurement Technology 160 In Search of a Quick Fix and a Technology Breakthrough 160 Technology Infatuation 161 The Human Factor 162 The Proper Role of Technology in Performance Measurement 163 Business and Social Architecture 164 Failure to Address the Social Issues 166 Critical Issues in Adopting Measurement Technology 166 Scorecards and Dashboards 168 Adopting and Implementing Measurement Technology 171 Steps for Successful Technology Investment 174 Chapter 12: Performance Measurement Maturity 177 The Concept of Maturity 177 Assessing Transformational Performance Measurement Maturity 180 Levels of Performance Measurement Maturity 188 The Transformational Measurement Maturity Assessment 191 Chapter 13: Transformational Measures 196 Defining Transformational Measurement 196 From Exploration to Transformation 197 Traditionalvs.TransformationalThinking 197 Taking the Lead in Transformational Measurement 199 The Transformational Lens 201 An Experimental Attitude Is Essential 201 The Challenge of Measuring Intangibles 201 Transformational Measurement of Intangibles 204 Introducing the Transformational Measurement Action Plans 211 Don’t Get Discouraged 213 Chapter 14: Transformational Measurement Action Plans 214 1. Customer Experience 214 2. Customer Engagement 215 3. Customer Delight 216 4. Customer Loyalty 217 5. Customer Relationship 218 6. Voice of the Customer 219 7. Customer Profitability 221 8. Customer Lifetime Value 222 9. Service Quality 222 10. Brand Equity 223 11. Intellectual Capital 225 ................. 16154$ CNTS 10-04-06 08:25:15 PS PAGE x CONTENTS xi 12. Strategic Readiness of Intangibles 226 13. Innovation Climate 227 14. Reputation 228 15. Organizational Trust 229 16. Partner Relationships 232 17. Collaboration 233 18. Productivity 234 19. Organizational Agility 235 20. Waste 237 21. Inventory 238 22. Total Cost of Ownership 240 23. Activity-Based Costing 241 24. Economic Value Added 242 25. Organizational Intangible Value 243 26. Project Scheduling 244 27. Employee Engagement 245 28. Emotional Intelligence 247 29. Employee Safety 249 30. Employee Presenteeism 250 31. Learning Effectiveness 251 32. Information Orientation 252 33. Information Proficiency 253 34. Knowledge Flow 255 Epilogue: How to Begin Transforming Performance Measurement in Your Organization 257 Notes 262 Bibliography 271 Index 277 ................. 16154$ CNTS 10-04-06 08:25:15 PS PAGE xi This page intentionally left blank PAGE xii Acknowledgments Even though I am the sole author of this book, there are more people than I can mention who contributed to it in one way or another. My deepest thanks to Jim Spohrer, director of Almaden Services Re- search and a true champion of innovation at IBM, who has believed in my work on the ‘‘socialization of measurement’’ and protected my time so that I could write this book. I would also like to thank my
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