Vol. 34 No. 9 DAEMEN COLLEGE, AMHERST, N.Y February 15, 1979 Changes In Da e m e n T h e a t r e M a j o r G a in s R ec o g n itio n The In R e g io n a l C om petition Helga Chmielowski, a Theatre playwrite competition. Five Business Arts major at Daemen, was hon­ plays were chosen from the re­ ored earlier this month during gion to be presented through this year’s Regional Nine staged readings. "The one play Theatre Festival. Helga was erne I read was rather pornographic” Department of the ten finalists chosen totake she laughed. “I could hardly read part in the Irene Ryan Compe­ some parts!” The winners of the Well, it’s that time of the tition held at Penn State. She competition will be announced in year again! Rumors just seem was required to perform two solo February. to be flying right at yew from auditions along? with One reading The experience alone was every direction. The Ascent’s with a p a rtn e r/^ meaningful to Helga. "The qual­ Carlton Lampkins been hearing various rumors a- Winner of tlie competition re­ ity shown in the competition was bout the Business Adminis­ ceived a $500 scholarship and the excellent. It was good to be in­ tration’s curriculum require­ opportunity to compete in the troduced to different schools of ments. We thought we’d check national conference in Washing­ thought in my Held. One rarely out a few just to see what’s ton where the top prize is full gets to meet other schools of Vice President Of REALLY happening. In the pro­ tuition to the college of ones thought because Daemen alone cess, we’ve also gotten some new choice. Helga placed fifth in the can be such a closed at­ bits of information from the De­ regional competition^ "When mosphere.” partment Head that you might you’re that close you’d like to As a result of Helga’s parti­ want to keep in mind. get a little closer but I was happy cipation in the Irene Ryan com­ Programing Board Dr. Abdella Yousry, Chair­ just to be down there!’’ Helga petition, she received a letter of man of the Department, has con­ exclaimed. recognition from Roger N. Cor­ firmed the rumor that the cal­ Jeanne Jarka, also of Dae­ nish. Graduate Coordinator at culus requirement will no longer men’s Theatre Department, was Penn State expressing his delight be required of Business Adminis­ bhosen to participate in the com­ in her performance and offering Steps Down tration majors. Instead, more petition, but was unable toattend. assistance in graduate work. options are being offered, which *‘My mother had to step in as my partner.” explained Helga. emphasize statistics and com­ The Programing Board is Helga also particiapted in a - Andrea M. Ross there were no real major con­ puter science courses. The new under goin^ a slight change this flicts. He does feel his position requirements are felt to be more semester. Its Vice President, wap an experience different from relevant to practical business Carlton Lampkins, is stepping any others 1» has, encountered, applications. down from office. Carlton will and before one joins any student Thesis preparation in the de­ still be an active member of the association, they should consider partment will be more extensive Board, but not at the capacity the amount of time involved. than had been in the past. Regu­ as before. His reason for leav­ Carlton feels that his status as lar class sessions now instruct ing the position of Vice Presi­ student should be his first pri­ students in selecting topics in dent is that he feels he would ority. all areas of business. no longer be able to give the time Carlton’s successor, Wallace The research process will be necessary to do a good job. In Smith, has been appointed by the discussed, including areas of or­ addition to V.P., he also holds members erf the Programing ganization of the research, mea­ the position of Resident Assis­ Board. surement methods and empirical tant, along with a part time job. Carlton would like to thank research design and sources. As a full time student here at all those on the Programing Samples of completed re­ Daemen College, his time is Board for their cooperation search topics are presented and limited . throughout his term. are discussed in detail. The stu­ Carlton feels that the mem­ dent further has the opportunity bers erf the 1978 Programing Laurie Van Dusen to present his outline and ex­ Board was very cooperative; plain his own research progress to the class. Dr* Yousry emphasizes that feedback from the class and the class and the interaction and in­ Helga Chmielowski and Jeanne Jarka in last fall’s production sight obtained there from will of "The Gloaming, Oh My Darling” Does Daemen Have benefit both the individual stu­ dent and the class as well. Personalized consultation is Stock In Foster-Grant? also available from Dr. Yousry You are walking up the stairs were made "to make the place during regular office hours and at cp & p o P lans toward the second floor, half look better and not be so drab the student’s convenience. The asleep. You finally reach the and gray.” student’s subject will be review­ landing gasping for breath. You Some art students were asked ed and relevant sources of in­ U p c o m in g E vents pull open the door and inadver­ about the new art sketches in the formation will be suggested. tently turn to face a blaze of col­ building. (Needless to say, they After assuming chairmanship The Career Planning and PROGRAM to be held February ors that hit you. Red, yell­ all wished to remain anonymous). of the Business Department last Placement Staff has planned a 14„20 and 28. With the know­ ow and orange hues shock you A couple of people said that the fall, Dr. Yousry has introduced number of noteworthy events this ledge gained from these semi­ into consciousness as you squint new designs were nice and that several new courses. The de­ semester. As you may know, nars, you should find job-seeking your eyes. "Next time I come they really brightened up the sch­ partment will soon be adding the Career Planning and Place­ a less frightening and earth- up here,” you think to your­ ool. One said the school needed several more, including those ment Office (located in DJS. I ll) sharttering experience. Check self, "I’ll remember my sun­ something on the walls and the de­ in the area of international busi­ functions to help all students and the CP & PO Newsletter for oth­ glasses.” signs are something different. ness studies. alumni move along the career er announcements, and tell us The infamous stripes on the Not all the remarks were that The Chairman is presently path you wish to travel. In this which programs you plan to at­ second floor wall near the Chem positive, however. A group of seeking information from stu­ effort, we hope you will actively tend. Lab and other graphic designs four art students agreed that the dents regarding their needs dur­ participate in each of the pro­ SENIORS - you still have time in the corridors are part of an new art was "outdated” , and ing Daemen’s two summer sess­ grams offered which interest you. to start your placement file and over-all effort to keep up the money should have been spent on ions. He also reports that sev­ We urge you to come in and participate in our recruitment appearance of the building. Says more important things. Other eral industrial firms have al­ speak with our career coun­ program. To date, the follow­ Dr. Marshall, "the walls were statements were that the color ready contacted him regarding selors, to utilize our career li­ ing companies will interview on painted with a brighter, harder and the style were bad, and a bett­ placement of seniors upon grad­ brary, to register for placement campus this semester: Chevro­ (enamel) paint to liven the place er choice erf design and color co­ uation. service, to ask our assistance in let, Social Security Administra­ up and to have the colors last for ordination was needed. Dr. Yousry stresses the fact finding a summer, part-time, or tion, Xerox, U.S. Army, U.S. a long time. The super-graphics Nevertheless, hope springs that he is available at any time permanent position. Air Force, ACTION (Peace were also incorporated to put a eternal. I heard Michelangelo to assist with any problems or You have probably seen our Corps & Vista), IBM, and Pro­ little life into the building.” didn’t get the Sistine Chapel right questions that Business Admin­ canary yellow^ posters every­ vident Mutual. Stop in the Place­ Mr. Hoffmann, Superintendent the first time either..... istration students might have. where advertising our EF­ ment Office for details and of Maintenance, also agreed that - Kathleen M. Styn FECTIVE JOB SEARCH SKILLS assistance. the colors and the super-graphics Linda Doherty Page 2 THE ASCENT February 15, 1979 EDITORIAL.. C onstructive magnificat bookstore 305 commonwealth ave. buffalo, n.y. 14216 SALE Double Standard O pportunities The recent flap about the so- it, at least in tacit intent and pur­ called “pornographic” picture pose, than some of the pictures F o r hanging in the Erie County Hall on the covers of magazines that shows, sadly, how outdated are were displayed in full view of the "THE EVOLUTION HOAX EXPOSED” some of the attitudes held by our public.
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