Equipment List– Required Supplies Equipment Description Why it is used 55 gallon or bigger aquarium A glass tank of dimensions 48” L x A large tank has the footprint neces- 13” W x 20” H. Tank may exceed sary to accommodate lots of fish. these dimensions. Avoid hex tanks or Large tanks are also easier to main- tanks that are taller than they are long. tain because the larger volume di- lutes wastes. Stand or support for aquarium A stand of metal or wooden design that The salmon tank will weigh several adequately supports all edges of the hundred pounds. If it is not support- aquarium. It is best to buy the stand ed correctly, there is a risk of a that matches the size of your tank. seam bursting on the tank or leak- age that will damage the classroom and compromise the fish. Glass top or hood for aquarium A hinged top for the aquarium that fits A good top for the tank will keep the the dimensions of the tank. Can be fish in and contaminants out. Salm- either a hood ensemble with light or on are avid jumpers, so this is a just a glass top. It will have a plastic must. The glass top will also pro- back strip or holes to accommodate tect bulbs for lighting fixtures that filter, wires, and airlines. may otherwise become water dam- aged. Large filter (hang on the back An external power filter that offers a The external filter is an essential or canister) turnover rate of at least 300 gallons per tool for both oxygenating the tank hour. This filter will also feature multi- and keeping the water clear and stage filtration (chemical, mechanical, clean. Carbon components within biological). Marineland Emperor BIO- the filter keep impurities out while Wheel 400 or Fluval canister 306 or biological media with lots of surface 406 are good choices. It is always bet- area grows beneficial bacteria. The ter to over-filter than to under-filter. mechanical aspect of the water be- ing pushed through the media keeps the tank filtered. Sponge filter (secondary inter- A large, air-driven sponge that has am- Once established, this internal filter nal filter) ple surface area in the porous material offers a powerhouse supply of bac- for bacteria to grow. It will feature a teria. The bacteria on this filter in- chimney that focuses air bubbles up creases efficiency of the tank in and through the inside of the filter to handling waste products. It is easy keep water circulating. A cultured to maintain and only needs to be sponge is highly recommended. squeezed out once a month. See back page to contact a retailer offer- ing established sponges. Chiller unit A refrigeration unit for aquarium appli- Salmon require very cold water. cation. It must be able to maintain The chiller keeps the temperature of temps 47-52 degrees F. This can be a the tank in ideal ranges. drop-in or inline design. Keep in mind that the inline chiller will require a sepa- rate pump purchase. More Required Supplies Equipment Description Why it is used Air pump rated 50 gallons or bet- A quiet plug-in air pump that drives air The air pump supplies devices that ter into the tank. Attaches to devices will increase oxygenation in the such as air stones or sponge filters salmon tank. High dissolved oxygen via tubing. Keep it above water level is very important to these fish. A or as close to tank level as possible. strong air pump will be both quiet Dual output is ideal for supplying both and deliver good flow of air bubbles. sponge filter and air stone in one tank. 25 ft or more of airline tubing The tubing itself can be clear or col- The airline tubing connects the ored. The clear tubing tends to be- pump to the filter or air stone. It can come rigid faster and harder to work be trimmed to any length needed with. Colored tubing is a softer, more and cut to accommodate check flexible material. You will need a min- valves and control valves. imum of 25 ft. Battery powered air pump A portable battery operated air pump This is a vital tool in case of emer- that also plugs in. Requires D batter- gency power outage situations. ies which must be purchased sepa- Keep it plugged in and attached to rately for battery mode. Hooks up to an airstone in the tank. When power any airline tubing. The Penn-Plax Si- is out, it automatically turns on to lent-Air model is the best battery keeps the tank oxygenated. It also pump on the market currently. comes in handy when moving the fish to the location for releasing as it can simply hang on the bucket. Check-air valve A small plastic-encased valve that fits The check valve ensures you do not in the tubing between the aquarium get back-siphoning of tank water if and the air pump. the power goes out. If the air pump is below the water level, when it shuts off it will no longer push air and so water will enter the tubing instead and may damage the pump. Large Siphon A large tube that has an extension at This is the single most important the end that vacuums gravel and item for water changes. It is used to cleans the bottom of the tank of detri- allow partial water changes. It al- tus and waste. Comes in many varie- lows you to suck up waste at the ties. Self-starting ones make the job bottom of the tank with ease and easy. You can also buy a siphon that maintains the tank environment drains and fills from the sink. through continual use. Master Test Kit A liquid drop test kit that covers the Liquid tests are more accurate than basic water parameters. This kit tests strips. By measuring drops and for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and watching for color changes to indi- high range pH. General hardness cate values, you can be quite pre- and carbonate hardness (alkalinity) cise in your readings. Accurate test- tests should be purchased in addition. ing makes a difference in under- standing your tank. Equipment Description Why it is used Algae scraper A tough sponge pad or stainless steel The algae scraping device is useful blade on a handle. For the salmon for removing green algae growth on tank, a longer handle works better to the glass. This growth decreases vis- avoid contact with cold water. You ibility into the tank which is vital to can also buy magnetized scrubbers. keeping tabs on fish progress. Aquarium net 6” or larger aquarium net recom- The net is a basic aquarium tool. For mended. Must be able to catch salm- the salmon tank, it will be most useful on at the end of the year that are ap- at the end of the school year when prox. 4-5” in length. There are varia- the fish are ready to be released. tions in length of handle and the size The net allows you to quickly catch and texture of mesh available. and move fish from tank to bucket. Bacterial additive A bottled form of live nitrifying bacte- The bacterial additive ensures fish ria. Seachem makes an effective stock are least compromised in the product called stability that enables early stages of tank establishment. fishless cycling. An established This speeds up the cycling process sponge filter can also be considered and reduces fish loss when used cor- a form of bacterial additive. rectly. Water conditioner The water conditioner is an additive If you have a municipal water source that neutralizes toxic compounds in that is chlorinated, you need this the water such as chlorine, chlora- treatment to neutralize chlorine and mine, and ammonia. Prime by chloramines. Fish do not tolerate Seachem covers all of the bases, but chlorine. This will be used whenever there are other conditioners on the water is added from the tap. If you market that will make tap water safe have well water, you do not need this for fish. product unless there is trace ammo- nia present. Replacement filter media Pads with carbon or other filter media Carbon is the targeted media for that need monthly changing to keep monthly exchanges. This is because the filter functioning efficiently. carbon is limited in its ability to ab- sorb impurities. Sponges and BIO- wheels need no replacement except under extreme wear. Air stone A porous object that connects to air- An air-driven bubbling stone. It cre- line tubing and diffuses streams of ates lots of circulation which is good bubbles into tank. for salmon. Turkey baster A kitchen utensil, typically. The tur- This is used to pick out the dead eggs key baster is a dropper with a suction for disposing. It can also be handy in bulb on one end to suction and inject. removing debris from eggs. Optional Equipment– Things you might find helpful Equipment Description Why it is used Ammonia Alert A sensitive indicator on a suction It is an easy way to determine when cup that will adhere to the front of fish are imperiled by ammonia toxici- the tank and shift colors accord- ty. Only requires a quick glance to ing to ammonia levels . alert you when something is wrong. It works for up to a year, so replace annually. Neoprene gloves Large gloves that cover the length When removing dead eggs in the of the arm. large aquarium, you will be sub- merging your arm.
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