Calgary City 1991 Sept E

Calgary City 1991 Sept E

234 Dvorkin Barry Sports Collectibles Dyck Bryan lllSunmillsOrSE 256-3147 Dyck John 36ScenicRdrJW 239-1951 1009 16AvNW 282-9355 Dyck Byron 408 611 8AvNE 277-2192 Dyck John G 34 10030-OakmoorWySW 281-0877 Duthie—Dyck Fax Line 289-6667 Dyck C MnHr2538 lOAvSE 248-9028 Dyck John H 3201 5325 26AvSW 242-9513 3407 17 Av SW 246-8375 Dyck C 701 4610HubaltaRdSE 248-5129 Dyck John P l59HawkviiieCioseNW 239-4951 Duthle Gordon 621 860MidridgeDrS£ .. 256-2491 Dvorkin C 2430BayviewPlaceSW 238-3432 Dyck C A C 282-3209 Dyck June Mrs 203 2404 i6aStsw ... 244-0107 Duthie Gordon A 2327DeefSideDrSE .. 271-7239 Dvorkin D ll6MalibouRdSW 252-0881 Dyck C 8 5707LadbrcGkeDrSW 246-8089 Dyck K 117ShawneeWySW 256-4497 Duthie J 2708Ce<)art>raeOrSW ........ 238-3452 Dvorkin Harris 1O6 ssiOPatinaDrSW .. 242-9565 Dyck Calvin 1 636 isAvSW 228-4551 Dyck K 10664ShillingtonCrSW 255-6956 Duthie J leSFredsonDrSE 1 252-5603 Dvorkin J 2644 iiAvNW 289-2000 Dyck Carole Cosmtc Dir 1 Dyck K R 524Whiterld9eWyNE 293-3350 Duthie Kevin 4303 SaAvSE 248-1660 Dvorkin Kai 106 SSlOPatinaDrSW 242-9566 59TemplebyCrNE 293-0758 Dyck Keith 295-0446 Duthie M 5227BriseboisOrNW 282-4640 Dvorkin Larry 141 330CanlerbuTyDrSW 251-5607 Dyck Corrie R220 l2aStNE 269-5408 Dyck Kevin R A 2027 46StSE .569-1233 Duthie Peter L 4404 isstsw 287-3806 Dvorkin Lome T 238-4577 Dyck Craig 3832 49StNE 285-2643 Dyck L 417EastChesternnereDr 248-0807 Duthie Rot>ert 303 600 iStNE 276-2928 Dvorkin M 8el33 25AvSW 228-4005 Dyck Curtis 220 710 57AvSW 258-1879 Dyck L 112MidlandCrSE 256-0795 Duthie S 3 2512 isstsw 245-0144 Dvorkin N 703 SOSCanyonMeadowsDrSW 251-7774 Dyck D 84AbbercoveLaneSE 248-1793 Dyck L 2RossdaleRdSW 242-3263 Duthie T Bsmt428HuntingtonWyNE 274-7223 Dvorkin R & L 302 1720 13SISW .... 228-6081 Dyck D 101 223 14AvSW 264-9361 Dyck L Shepard 279-5868 Dutka B 37 700RanchEsiaiesPlaceNW .. 239-8701 Dvorkin Richard S 2430BayviewPlaceSW281-3708 Dyck D 401 2305 17bStSW 244-9429 Dyck L 10 2016CherokeePlaceNW 284-4227 Dutka Daniel 916 8AvSE 265-4154 Dvorkin S 1220 8AvSE 234-0089 Dyck D 421 2528 66AvSW 246-3066 Dyck Larry C 280-2116 Dutka Michael 108AppletreeCloseSE ... 248-5887 Dvorkin S R 906 815 l4AvSW 244-3998 Dyck D A 6419 31AvNW 288-6130 Dyck Laurence RR6 226-0497 Dutka 0 M 254-9254 Dvorkin Theodore 317 9229 l6StSW . 255-5556 Dyck D G 140DcvertreePiaceSE 235-2932 Dyck M Bsfnt2430 26StSW 686-0707 Dutka R R 3215 ISSiNW 289-4935 Dvorkin Tony 2428a22AvSW 245-1066 Dyck D G 3315VarnaCrNW 286-5247 Dyck M 602 727 lAvSW 269-2982 Dutka T L 79DeercrossRdSE 271-4267 Dvomek George I4ll l9StNE 277-2927 Dyck Dan B 240-OgdenDrSE 279-5147 Dyck M H llOl 2010UlsierRdNW 282-5450 Dutkowski John 78SunparM>rSE 256-5212 Dvomik F J 2firl316 24StSE 272-3580 Dyck Darrell 173ShannonCrSW 254-2550 Dyck M T 9 302 l4AvSW 262-7436 Dyck Dave 63SunhijrsiRdSE 256-7926 Dutkowski Steve 102 617 56AvSW .. 258-2358 Dvorska A 23HanoverRdSW 259-6485 Dyck Marina 5980DalcasticDrNW 288-0410 Dutnall F 124 723 57AvSW 252-2476 Dyck David 6336BowCrNW 288-4529 Dwan David Dr 103WaterlooDrSW 249-0874 Dyck David 36b6CentreBStNW ... 277-4140 Dyck Mark 9 428 20AvNE 276-568S Dutnall J 6724BownessRdNW 286-9105 DWAN DAVID DR Phys Dyck Martin RR9 256-9262 Dutnall L 124 723 57AvSW 255-3843 Dyck David 24DeerCTestCloseSE 278-5529 Dyck Melvin lllSilverRidgeCloseNW ... 286-3236 Dutnall R M 6724BownessRdNW 286-9097 606 206 7AvSW 262-1400 Dyck David 1004 1710RadlssonDrSE ... 272-0082 24 Hour Service 262-1400 Dyck David A 19MacEwanParkPlaceNW . 274-6679 Dyck Michael 6 1725 9aSiSW 228-0213 Dutoff S 101 1630 ISAvSW 244-5985 Dyck N 1717al2AvSW 228-0277 Dutoit Chart 51 5019 46AvSW 246-7880 Dwarkin J L 305 345 4AvNE 230-1036 Dyck Denis 190EagleRidgeOrSW 255-0795 Dweile W 67s203LymvlewRdSE ....... 236-9474 Dyck Don lOFondaHinsE 235-4963 Dyck Norm 3413CedarilleDrSW 251-3962 Dutta S 405Falcoi>ridgeGdnsN£ 285-9579 Dyck P 1904 505 6StSW 269-7232 .,u»aDutta Sanjay 1202x.v. ...u1540 29$iNW .... 284-4808 Dwemychuk Dale .. 241-2408 BJdi t 201o¥sle';RdNW !!!!!1!!!!!! ! 282-2702 Dyck P J 240-3655 Dutta Sanjay 115 1540 29StNW 289-8522 Dwemychuk Dean i36PumpHillGdnsSW 253-/153 e 214 4944DaitGnDrNW 286-7294 Dyck P W 334ErinWoodsDrSE .... 273-2638 Dutton B 4716BrockingtonRdNW 284-3708 G 1448MarlynWyNE 248-9330 pyck E K 107 6724 17AvSE 248-9726 Dyck Pat 2201 505 4AvSW 290-1363 Dutton C E 1901 3500VarsityOfNW ... 282-0865 DWIGHT S SHACK Dyck Earl M 4 828 44SISE 248-3733 Dyck Paul J 1607RobsonCrSE 272-5394 Dutton Chris 303 12l7BownessRdNW . 283-4504 10 2650 36S1SE 569-2288 Dyck Edward J 8108 43AvNW 288-2843 Dyck Perry 1627 29AvSW 228-3463 Dutton D 2327 l6StS£ 265-5519 Dwinneli Ronald James lb328 2lAvSW244-1623 Dyck Edwin W lool l7l0Radissor)DrSE 272-5390 Dyck Peter 40TaraglenRdNE 285-8683 Dutton D 910 3600BrennerOrNW 284-1899 Dwivedi Shrinath Prasad Dyck Elmer C 8803 47AvNW 288-3737 Dyck Peter H 10407 esisw 255-5614 Dutton D H 302 1217BownessRdNW ... 283-1285 242BerwlckDrNW 274-0269 Dyck Erich 92ShawnessyDrSW 256-0792 Dyck Peter J 2931 12AvNW 282-3204 Dutton F 2848SlgnalHgtsSW 246-5723 Dworkin David L 320 lOOl 13AvSW .. 228-9545 Dyck Ernie l2McHughRdNE 276-7449 Dyck Quentin Bsmi7l2 40AvNW 282-5336 Dutton G B332 7030CoaditiilRdSW 686-1226 DWORKIN DAVID L lawyr P tO^SVincentPlaceNW 286-3755 Dyck R 281-3472 Dutton Harry 408 1540NorihmountDrNW 284-2893 9Flr717 7AvSW 261-3050 Dyck Frank 4835 7AvSE 272-0868 Dyck R 286-5136 Dutton Jeff 53llThomtonRdNW 274-0718 Snce 320 1001 13AvSW 228-9545 Dyck Fred 2320 58AvSW 243-6998 Dyck R SllEdgemontBayNW 239-2674 Dutton Jeff 368Whltene)dOrNE 285-9529 DWORKINUWUItnira HEUMANNnCUIVIHIVIV Lawyrs -^i.-jncn Dyck SG ^^'^^39402 1451 3SAVNW21AvSW 286-2871PPR-tin? Dyck R 7219FleetwoodDrS£ 253-5564 Dutton John E 4240 40StNW 247-0797 9Flr717 7AVSW 261-3050 Dyck Garry ^B ,aFrinr-.M.o„;;oc24ErinCrofiP!aceSE. 248-9145 Dyck R 438 55AvSW 253-2179 Dutton M 60 19SManoraPlaceNE 235-3740 DWORKIN JEFFREY R Lawyr Dyck George 11 640 38SiSW ... " 240-9138 Dyck R E 13803DeerRunBlvdSE 278-0036 Dutton MA 252-5206 9Flr717 7AvSW 261-^50 Dyck George P 318 2211 29StsW ..! 242-8042 Dyck R M 118SidonCrSW 242-9408 Dutton P C215 3805MariboroughOrNE .. 569-0524 Residence 1723 46AvSW 243-OT82 Dyck Gerald 18 1901VarsiiyEstaiesDrNW 247-0071 Dyck Randall 132ShawiniganDrSW ..... 256-7588 Dutton Patrick 71HuntnieadowRdNE ... 274-1211 Dwornik D B 1303ChildAvNE 277-1358 Dyck Gerry 2526 17S1SE 266-5701 Dyck Randy 107HendonDrNW 289-7347 Dutton R E 5311ThomlonRdNW 274-0435 Dwornik E 1415 19SINE 277-9528 Dyck Gerry 4111735 IIAvSW 228-0750 Dyck Randy 2 1823 28AvSW 245-9537 5^ ::::::: i3o.«6o Dyck Gerry 2I6 15AvNW 230-7565 Dutton Ronald 228-7767 Dyck Glen A 415AsiorlaCrSE 252-9497 Dutton Roy R 52Marcon<)ePtaceNE .... 273-4296 DWORNIK LEASING LTD DYCK REAL ESTATE ; 4226c-OgdenRdSE .262-9944— aqcv Dyck Gordon 3WoodfieidRdSW 251-5374 Dutton S 27 lOPointDrNW 283-7507 Dyck Grant P 4613 4AvSE 248-9702 SERVICE LTD • Dutton S 502 333 2AvNE 276-4818 Dwornik M 75ArmstrongCrSE . 240-3140 Dyck H 2410BayViewPlaceSW 281-3834 2640CrowchildTrSW 246-4630 Dutton S 4 437 llaStNW 283-7262 Dwornik 0 203 550WeslwoodDrSW Dyck H 301Blkl 44S5GreenvlewDrNE ... 276-1754 DUnON TRUCKING LTD Dyck Reuben 4632MontalbanDrNW 286-1837 TSSSL"'LIMII tU 4226c-OgdenRdbt .... .262-^^^^ 264-9078 Drc.H..,„,sM.swDyck H & C 108StraddockCrSW ^240-3034 Dyck Rhoda 271-5392 1620 540 SAvSW 269-4304 Dyck Robert 19MldnaporePlaceSE 256-7526 Dutton Wm G 9603PalisanPlaceSW 281-8836 m"i743 47AVSW' i ^ ^ 243-5661 Dyck 605^912 6AvSW 265-1398 Dyck Ron 35SandringhamWyNW 274-8136 Dwver David 3721 14aSlSW' 243-1246 Dyck Harvey 5211ForegoAvSE 272-5083 Dyck Rudy H 276ParkvistaCrSE 278-0262 DUTY FREE (ALTAN) S:David 3721 14SIsv!! 1 243-5782 Dyck Heinz 2827GranlCrSW 249-0357 Dyck S 248-6505 Dwyer David L 23 4769HubattaRdSE ... 248-6348 Dyck S 59TemplebyCrNE 280-5221 SHOPS LTD . ' Dwyer George P 3920PoimttecKayRdNWM3-M38 pVCK HEINZ P PROF Dyck S 303 2808 25StSW 242-7377 Box 218 Couiis Crossing .^..(Cou^is 344-^3000 ovvyerDwyer J 209 1732 9aStSWvabisw 245-6510 Dyck S 2212 34Stsw 240-3534 Dutz Mel 112t)eeiSaxonOcleSE ....... 278-4650 Dwyer J D 43DeerLaneCloseSE 278-7602 CORP Dent Dyck S L 277-0662 DuVal A M 402 4726 BAvSE 273-7502 Dwyer John 331TraffcrdDrNW 295-23W 433 Martborougti Wy NE Dyck S L 432 27AvNE 276-1299 Duval C D llSRiversioneCriSE 236-7023 Dwyer K 2904 48S1NE 293-2099 22 OMarftoroughT ownSqPro fesslonal Dyck Selma 4023 16SiSW 243-5309 Duval Daniel 5016 21aSiSW 287-9946 Dwyer Kevin J 704 1309 14AvSW— 228-4463 BIdg . .273-4524 Dyck. Shannon Duval G 115RivefstooeCriSE 236-8227 Dwyer Richard 280 3223 83SINW.... 288-0457 3 139HuntingtonParkGrnNW 295-9495 DovaI'M 1413RanchlaodsRdNW 239-1751 Dwyer W R 583WoodparkBlvdSW 238-2953 Dyck Helen Mrs 6WesiGienCrSW 249-0173 Dyck Sheldon 3SignalHillMewsSW 242-6545 Duval M 203 1202 13AvSW 228-5821 Dwyer William C 3921KoreaAvSW — 246-6190 Dyck Henry Art Dyck Stephen 1406 3520 31SiNW ... 284-4045 Duval Paul 9970 26Stsw 251-0446 DV-DRILL INC 360 i4o 4Avsw . 263-3347 C103 3805Maf«)oroughOrNE 235-1082 Dyck Steve & Joan Duval R 5015 44AVNE 285-5378 DYAD DATA SERVICES(CANADA) Dyck Henry R 269-9501 168RivercroflCloseSE 279-3260 Dyck Howard 4 804 iSAvSW 229-3646 Duval Richard 196TenipiewoodRdNE ... 280-6319 LTD 7260 12S1SE 259-3922 Dyck Steven 82QueenlsabeliaCioscSE .. 225-13S0 Ouvaf Yves 2608&owchadTrSW 249-7567 Dyck I M 4752RundlehornDrNE 285-8824 Dyck T 404 47GiamisOrSW 242-2725 DYAD ENGINEERING INC Dyck T 128 56HannletRdSW 253-5819 Duvall M 31MiriseCfSW 254-2106 504 630 6AvSW 263-6600 Duwors H 101 600 ISINE 230-4339 DYCK INSURANCE Dyck Terry 508 1239 l2AvSW 228-0950 Dyad Systems Group 7260 l2SiSE ..

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