11 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Amalek from Generation Asher Benzion Buchman responds: to Generation I thank Dr. Tanen for acknowledg- I WAS DISAPPOINTED that you in- ing that my article on modern-day cluded gratuitous political posturing Amalek made “many fine points,” in your recent article Amalek From but I am puzzled as to why he then Generation to Generation (Hakiraḥ 28). finds it to include “gratuitous polit- Hakiraḥ is supposed to be “a forum ical posturing” as there is nothing for the discussion of issues of hash- gratuitous about my identification kafah and halakhah relevant to the of the base of the Democratic Party community from a perspective of with Amalek. That is the whole careful analysis of the primary To- point of the article. What could be rah sources.” The article could have more “relevant to the community” made its many fine points without than this? The purpose of Torah is the political posturing, sexism and lilmod al m’nas la’asos. Rambam iden- xenophobia: “And thus the base of tifies the eternal enemy of the Jews the Democratic Party in the United as those who either want to physi- States is made up of the envious cally annihilate the Jewish people or lower classes, the Muslims, and the to kill them spiritually by tearing G-dless ‘intellectuals’ who domi- them away from their religion. He nate and indoctrinate on our college refers to the prophecies of Daniel campuses and in the media. All are to suggest that these two groups will driven by jealousy. Jealousy and its eventually work in tandem. Honest precipitous hatred for the Jews and people should be willing to Judeo-Christian America unite acknowledge the truths about those them.” Castigating Secretary Clin- groups who have the most intense ton as a modern-day Amalekite hatred towards the Jews and Juda- does not meet the standards of a ism. The base of the Democratic text-based Torah journal. One can Party uncritically embraces BLM add Hakiraḥ to the list of Orthodox rallies/riots where the Palestinian institutions that have become polit- flag is routinely displayed and ha- ical spokespersons for the Republi- tred for all Jews is clearly expressed. can Party and where dissenting Let me quote from the New York views are vilified as antithetical to Times (May 15, 2021): Torah values. On Thursday, a group of leading Melech Tanen progressive members of Con- Thornhill, Ontario gress offered a rare break from party unity, giving fiery speeches on the House floor that accused Ḥ akirah 30 © 2021 12 : Hakirah,̣ The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought Mr. Biden of ignoring the plight President Biden praised her. And of Palestinians and “taking the though as of this writing he had not side of the occupation.” Repre- acquiesced to his party’s base in its sentative Alexandria Ocasio- call to stop Israel from defending it- Cortez of New York directly self, nevertheless he doomed the challenged the president, who Abraham Accords and replaced had asserted that Israel had a them with the Iran nuclear deal. right to defend itself. “Do Pales- The intellectual elite on college tinians have a right to survive?” campuses routinely attack Judaism, she asked in an impassioned ad- and of late, the entire Judeo-Chris- dress. “Do we believe that? And tian culture is under assault by this if so, we have a responsibility to group. The Liberal media con- that as well.” Less than 24 hours stantly distorts what is happening later, on Friday, nearly 150 between the Arabs and Jews, espe- prominent liberal advocacy or- cially when Israel is under attack ganizations issued a joint state- and must defend itself. When Hil- ment calling for “solidarity with lary Clinton declares, “deep-seated the Palestinian residents” and cultural codes, religious beliefs and condemning “Israeli state vio- structural biases have to be lence” and “supremacy” in Jeru- changed,” she is leading the left’s salem. The statement was signed charge to eradicate the Seven No- not just by groups focused on achide Laws from American cul- Middle Eastern and Jewish is- ture. The call to “defund the police” sues but by groups dedicated to and to abandon government laws causes like climate change, im- on immigration and protection of migration, feminism and racial private property makes dinim the justice—a sign that for the sixth of the seven laws that are un- party’s liberal faction, the Israeli- der attack. (It would seem that ever Palestinian conflict has moved min hachai will survive for the time far beyond the realm of foreign being—but give them time.) policy. “The base of the party In Orthodox circles, the talk is (my emphasis) is moving in a about whether we will soon be very different direction than forced to leave America. Rabbi where the party establishment Berel Wein, a learned scholar and is,” Mr. Zogby said. “If you sup- accomplished historian, writes: port Black Lives Matter, it was not a difficult leap to saying Pal- A serious question has now estinian lives matter, too.” arisen regarding the future of the United States of America. It is a What kind of electorate puts very polarized society, and over open anti-Semites like Omar and the past decades, it has lost its Tlaib into office, and what kind of moral footing. It has become party allows them to be influential? dissolute, hateful of its own her- As Tlaib spewed her hate for Jews, Letters to the Editor : 13 itage, spoiled by too much mate- all Jews, encouraged by people who rial wealth, and subject to Marx- are icons of the left. ist indoctrination emanating Dr. Tanen refers to “a list of Or- from its educational systems. thodox institutions that have be- Whether or not the United come political spokespersons for States will be able to survive this the Republican Party.” This must be storm is, as of yet, an undecided a very short list as the chilling effect question. However, it is clear to of the cancel culture and the fear of me that no matter what hap- actual physical violence have si- pens, it will become increasingly lenced all the institutions that I difficult for Orthodox Jews to would hope would be speaking up. maintain themselves in Ameri- The rank and file of Orthodoxy nat- can society. The entire culture is urally supports the party that sup- hostile to Torah values and to a ports Israel, religious liberty and the Jewish way of life. seven Noachide Laws. Most Ortho- Jews have waxed prosper- dox Jews also bear the simple mid- ous over the past decades, and dah of hakaras hatov. Hakiraḥ , unlike the continuity of Orthodox edu- the institutions Dr. Tanen supports, cational institutions is contin- allows many voices to be expressed gent upon the continuation of and the mainstream voice of Ortho- that prosperity. However, doxy should be one of them. More- whether America will have a over, where does he see in any of prosperous future over the next Hakirah’ṣ authors the “vilification” few decades is a difficult ques- of dissenting views? It is he who, ra- tion to answer. There will be ther than make a rational argument more governmental regulations as to what facts are wrong, resorts regarding curriculum, and the to the standard name calling of nature of educational classes in “ism’s” and “phobias” to those who schools. Education separated by simply state the facts. If a cogent ar- sex will certainly not be allowed, gument can be made for supporting and the concentration on Torah a political party whose “base” and studies will be severely limited. I driving forces despise Israel and hope that I am wrong regarding whose intent is to abolish the seven my fears, but my heart tells me Noachide Laws and support the in- otherwise. 1 explicable Iran nuclear deal that im- poses an existential threat to Israel, As I write these words (late May) Hakiraḥ will print it. It would bring I read about the physical attacks on comfort to many of us to feel that Jews only blocks from my home in the left is not intent on destroying Flatbush by men chanting “Free us. Palestine.” This is happening The Rav expressed a more throughout the world and online hopeful tone some 50 years ago. the mention of Zionist sympathies “The Gentiles are not anti-Zionist and brings a flood of vilification against 14 : Hakirah,̣ The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought are not anti-Semites. They just don’t un- words of Ḥazal are the first and pri- derstand us, and they resent us, and resent mary basis for understanding Ta- our resistance to assimilation and apos- nach.” tasy.”2 The Rav is addressing Esav, I here present the view that which was the enemy he saw 50 peshat and midrashei Hazaḷ are two years ago. And Esav must be torn completely different, but equally away from the influence of Amalek important approaches to the words In .(שבעים פנים לתורה) whose jealousy cannot be deflected. of the Torah As I noted in my essay, Esav will fact, not only does the midrash not eventually be won over by Israel, explain the pasuk, but, as Rambam but the Rav explains we need a points out, the literal words of the spokesman “who is as sophisticated and midrash are often problematical, -In) "תראה בו עניינים רחוקים מן השכל" as well-trained as all of the alufim, and perhaps better; who commands the respect troduction to Seder Zeraim, Part Six) "ונתברר שכל מה שחז"ל אמרו of the agnostic and uses the beauty of Yefes and also שבלתי-אפשרי, אין דבריהם אלא על דרך to protect the oholei Shem.” As I ended ,Commentary on the Mishnah) .משל" my essay, “An ideological battle must be waged.
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