ICEMS 2019 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society Jakarta, Indonesia 1 October 2019 EDITORS Salamah Agung Dwi Nanto A. Adrefiza Aodah Diamah Ismarita Ramayanti CCER Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 30 September - 01 October 2019, Faculty of Educational Sciences, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia ICEMS 2019 General Chairs Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, MA TESOL., Ph.D (Chair) Dr. Siti Masyithoh, M.Pd. (Secretary I) Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd (Treasurer) Yenny Rahmawati, M. Ed (Secretariat) Technical Programme Chair Adrefiza, Ph.D (Universitas Jambi) Ismarita Ramayanti, Ph.D (STBA LIA) Aodah Diamah, Ph.D (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) Salamah Agung, Ph.D (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) T. Zulfikar, Ph.D (UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh) Cacik Damayanti,Ph.D (Universitas Brawijaya) Daflizar, Ph.D (STAIN Kerinci) Fitriah, Ph.D (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Conference Organization Steering Committee Dr. Sururin, M.Ag Muhammad Zuhdi, M.Ed, Ph.D Dr. Abdul Muin, M.Pd Dr. Khalimi, MA Organizing Committee Chair : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, MA TESOL., Ph.D Secretary : Dr. Siti Masyithoh, M.Pd Division of Finance Coordinator : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd Members : 1. Tri Hardjawati, M.Si 2. Lilih Solihah, B.Sc. 3. Mufti Rahmatika, SE, M.Ak 4. Farah Mailinda, SE 5. Tri Nurhayati, SE 6. Indrayani, SE Division of Website, Program Book, and Proceeding Coordinator : Dr. Azkia Muharram Al-Bantani, M.Pd Members : 1.Yazid Hady, S. Pd 2. Fatkhul Arifin, M. Pd 3. Yubaedi Siron, M.Pd 4. Muhammad Fachry, S. Pd 5.Dewi Listia Apriliyanti, M. Pd 6. Muhammad Furqon, S. PdI., MA Division of Program Coordinator : Buchori Muslim, M. Pd Members : 1. Dr. Elvi Susanti, M.Pd 2. Desmaliza, M. Si., M.Ed 3. Dr. Alek, M.Pd 4. Imam Thobroni, SE 5. Andalia Roza, S.Pd.I 6. Rifqi Alim Nur, S.Pd 7. Wati Susiawati, M.A. 8. Novi Diah Haryanti, M.Hum Division of Secretariat and Registration Koordinator : Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed Members : 1. Dr. Fidrayani, M.Pd., M.Si 2. Atik Yuliani, MA TESOL 3. Nuraeni, M. Pd 4. Marnita Umar, S.Kom 5. Hafizah Zahra Halim, SH 6. Umi Prastyaningsih Pertiwi, S.T 7. Marhamah Saleh, MA 8. Maya Defianty, Ph. D Division of Equipment Coordinator : Rohmat Widiyanto, M.Pd Members : 1. Mufida Awalia Putri, M.Pd 2. Khamida Siti Nur Atiqoh, M.PMat 3. Rivo Agusta, A.Md 4. Sainih, S.Ag 5. Jamingil Muslimin 6. Junaedi, S.Pd.I Division of Accommodation, Transportation, and Volunteer Coordinator : Dadan Nugraha, M.Pd Members : 1. Zaharil An’asy, S.Ag., M.Hum 2. Dina Rahma Fadlilah, M.Si 3. Dewi Purbasari 4. Sugeng Agus Bukhari, MM 5. Abdul Cholis, S.Pd.I 6. Drs. Mulyadi 7. Dr. Wati Susiawati, MA Division of Logistics Coordinator : Cut Dhien Nourwahida, M.A Members : 1. Gusni Satriawati, S.Ag., M.Pd 2. Dhian Sukmaningsih, S.H. 3. Mudianah Mahmud, S.IP 4. Sonya Soraya, S.Hum 5. Mardawati, S.Pd Division of Article and Publication Coordinator : Dr. Sita Ratnaningsih, M.Pd Members : 1. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed 2. Nanda Saridewi, M.Si. 3. Fathiah Alatas, M.Si 4. Dr. Lia Kurniawati, M.Pd. 5. Dr. Zahruddin, Lc., M.Pd. 6. N. Lalah Alawiyah, M.A. 7. Kustiwan, Ph.D Preface The 5th International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) is held by Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) and supported by Center for Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This year’s conference centers on the issue of creativity and innovation in teaching and learning, a crucial issue to be discussed to improve the teaching and learning quality which in turn ultimately raise the overall education quality. As a response to this issue, this conference is expected to serve as an academic forum where researchers and academicians of various disciplines interact, build and extend their network. This conference is also intended to facilitate the improvement of educators’ and researchers’ scientific publications. Among these are research papers from the various fields of education, social sciences, humanities, Arabic and English linguistics. It is believed that in the future this conference would be able to consistently grow into one prestigious annual conference by actively collaborating with educators and researchers from varied different fields of study, particularly in education. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat Contents The Implementation of Compare-Diagnose-Operate (CDO) Strategy on 1 Students Writing Skills in Narrative Text Nadira Sekar Lintang, Zaharil Anasy, Ratna Sari Dewi Case Study as a Research Method for Arabic Language Education 9 Kisno Umbar, Ubaid Ridlo PGMI CURRICULUM DESIGN AND STRENGTHENING TEACHER COMPETENCE 23 21ST CENTURY Fauzan Fauzan, Fatkhul Arifin Analysis of Creativity and Innovation Chemistry Education Students Through 28 Chemo-Entrepreneurship-Oriented Product Assessment Model Dila Fairusi, Erina Hertanti, Nanda Saridewi Disaster Education to Increase Family Resilience (Community Based 36 Participatory Action Research on Post Flood Reconstruction Phase) Ahyani Radhiani Fitri, Desma Husni Analysis of Creative Thinking Skills and Student Learning Motivation in 42 Solving Problems Novferma Novferma, Husni Sabil, Febbry Romundza Learning Cycle Assisted by Physics at School Application : Optical 49 Instruments Concept Fathiah Alatas, Annisa Fitri Komariyah AL-QUR'AN BASED ON CHOMSKY’S THEORY 59 Wati Susiawati A Critical Discourse Analysis of Dzawin’s Stand Up Comedy Humor 65 Tias Sil Romansyah, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek Alek, Dede Puji Setiono Ideological Path of Science and Islam Integration in The Context of University 73 Management Sururin Sururin, Jejen Jaenuddin, Edy Sanjaya, M. Muslim An Analysis of Basic Skills Teaching the Biology Pre-Service Teachers Based 80 on Model Core Teaching Standards in PLP Program at an Islamic University in Jakarta Sujiyo Miranto THE ROLE OF SCHOOL IN DEVELOPING SOCIAL SKILLS CHILDREN WITH 87 DEVELOPMENT OBSTACLES Suharsiwi Suharsiwi, Weny Savitry S. Pandia The Implementation of Information Literacy in Learning Islamic Religious 99 Education Suci Nurpratiwi The Effect of Interactive Multimedia Base Problem Solving on Students’ 110 Critical Thinking Skills in Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics Concept Sri Ratnaningsih, Erina Hertanti The Effect of Using Process Approach on Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text 117 Qisthi Amalia, Zaharil Anasy, Ratna Sari Dewi The Disaster Education In Strategic Management Studies 124 Nurochim Nurochim, Siti Ngaisah Reducing Cheating Chances by Involving Critical Thinking Skills within the 134 Assessments: Students’ Perspective Nida Husna HR The Washback Effects of English National Examination in Teaching and 141 Learning English for Deaf Students Najmi Hilalliyati, Fahriany Fahriany Enlighment Strategy Leads To A Quality Learning At Islamic School In 4.0 Era 146 Mukhamad Musyafiudin, Ahmadi Ahmadi Integration of Islamic Values in Designing English Material by the Teachers 153 through Video Marhamah Marhamah, Syofianis Syofianis, Yenni Rozimela, Hasanuddin Hasanuddin, Nuraini Nuraini, Fenny Suryani Assessment Of Higher Order Thinking Skills (Hots) For Chemistry Pre-Service 161 Teacher Using Computer Based Testing (CBT) Luki Yunita, Yetti Supriyati, Herwindo Hariwibowo Analysis of Writing on Scientific Learning (Articles) in The PGMI UIN Jakarta 167 Lu'luil Maknun, Zulela Zulela, Maruf Akbar The Effect of Puzzle-based Learning Approach on Students’ Mathematical 173 Intuitive Thinking Ability Lia Kurniawati, Mardiana Zulfa, Ramdani Miftah Rasch Model Analysis of Critical Thinking Instruments for Elementary School 181 Kowiyah Kowiyah, Arita Marini, Sihadi Darmo Wihardjo The Effect of Flipbook Media on Visual Students’ Learning Outcome in 188 Remedial Teaching of Parabolic Motion Concept Iwan Permana Suwarna, Dini Nurhayati The Effect of Make a Match Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension of 197 Descriptive Text Irma Khairunnisa, Ratna Sari Dewi, Zaharil Anasy The Effectiveness of Smart Jakarta Card Program at Islamic Senior High 205 Schools Hasyim Asy’ari, Riqotun Nihlah Constructing A Prototype of Developing Students’ 21st Century Skills; Soft 212 Skills, Hard Skills and Competiveness at a University in Indonesia Hadiyanto Hadiyanto Spirituality in Pedagogy A Qualitative Study of Teachers Values in High 220 School Erba Rozalina The Impact of Daily Prayers Multimedia Application towards Student’s 227 Learning Interest Eka Prasetya Adhy Sugara, Guntoro Barovih, Nurussama Nurussama Uncovering the Function of Taboo Words Used in “Not Another Teen Movie” 235 Dian Mukti Primasari, Alek Alek, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Dhuha Hadiyansyah Effect of Learning CD Based on the SAVI (Somatic Auditory Visual 240 Intellectual) Approach to Student Learning Outcomes on the Concept of Global Warming Devi Solehat, Ai Nurlaela, F.N. Fauzia Challenges of Islamic Religious Education Due to The Implementation of 4.0 249 Industrial Era Dede Rosyada, Andriyani Andriyani Attribute of Thematic Learning Innovation on Elementary School (A 260 Diffussion Of Innovation Research) Asep Ediana Latip, Atwi Suparman, Nadiroh Nadiroh The Effect of Fishbone Diagram on Students’ Writing of Analytical Exposition 268 Text Ardianto Ardianto, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ismalianing Eviyuliwati Problem Based Learning Models With Student Worksheets: Effect on Higher 279 Order Thinking Skills in Digestive System Concept Anggun Wicaktini, Nengsih Juanengsih, Meiry Fadilah Noor The Formulation Of Management Standard For Karawang Kota Santri 288 Program Amirudin Amirudin, Umar Mukhtar, Iqbal Amar Muzaki The Feasibility and Effectiveness of Android-based
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