University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers Graduate School 1942 Some chapters in the history of Fort Buford Levi N. Larsen The University of Montana Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Larsen, Levi N., "Some chapters in the history of Fort Buford" (1942). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 3613. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd/3613 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. soma OBAPTaa# iB 3%% ei8T0R% o f fORg amMMüo by B« A. JmmeatewR Gbllega, Jameetown. g* D*k# 1932 fr##ebt#6 la partial fnlfillmant of the req&lremeat for the degree of lee- ter of Arts* Moat&n* Stet# University 1 9 4 & Approved; Shsi'rSa' 'o‘f W f’r l’ of E*s#lasrs }f- ^ £ ( Z u i L C X ^ ISimti^n oi uommfftee on Sredmate Rtndy UMI Number; EP36145 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will Indicate the deletion. UMJ UMI EP36145 Published by ProQuest LLC (2012). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 %Aa&a ü f yo**%a%3 ogAfBaa 1 * imraoBwcTiOB . , , . , . i fert #mfepa*e pfü8eoceenr8 . I %*ent# l$#41ag to the mdlltery oooapetloa of t&e Bppor aa*eo*ri . « . « , , . , . 4 ii. &a&*ofi5* %&& fvai üWfw&D sifa . 9 ill. moiiAiae tarn *oa* . ........ i& iT. %&% faAüa Ü08B18S10& Of % a*6 ................ 19 ?. %B& *i*ta* OP %a6&~#7 . %8 *1. POSf AOflPlfiaS - 1867-69............... 23 711. TSE %&% fOK? . 29 7111. T*A4&a8 A% foaf aopoaa . , . 4& 11* *. *. BA2&5 A* fO*T W O k * . A. %B& $B%82ma*a v* siTfi&a BWi& aa* Ta% OBCPAfA aiuüi . &? a*. sTaaSBAX ii;% a* *oa% aBpoK* . Ti JEKi. #Kl&#8&% lamiABS AT FORT aufOA* . WA 1111. lATaa BAT* AT POaT BWPO&W * . ................. #6 117. PORT ewpo&w AAlBBOam# . * . 93 If. POST rnoarm .................... 9w 171. *ia&ioaaAfa% . A f f i m i K v i a ................................. 110 PREFACE la tb* mtody of tho gremt « o s t m M movomoat, «Moh ima ooottpiod muoh # mmjor mbmre of o w àamwtmis. hlatasy, nm&ii W @ beoa glvoo to t)io#e hor^y pionoor elvlll&m# #bo blmmod tboly amj through the Indian ommtry la oomroh of gold, fw#. Of homo*# A groat âoal has also W s a writ tan about those great Indian oampalgns led by Clarke, airrlsm, Jaakoon, Sibley, Sally, Terry, Caster, Miles sad scores of other fsmoo# Indian fighter# W m tarried the red man Into mibjeotlma# While we should In no pay seek to minimise the eon- tributl<ms of those eourageonp trall*bl#sere, we might well be reminded of the actually Important, thou^ less speetaoular, cimtritoaticMas to the westward progress made by the coMsoa soldier of the frontier forts* His w m not a glasouroas tsiki M s everyday contacts with the Indian were taken as a matter of course, and M s skirmishes received little publicity. Meverthelees, these stalwart men who want into the sawaga—iafested regions, hewed logs to build defenses and living Quarters, stood at t W i r posts to ward off the ferocious Indiana, and eaoortcd the white settlers as they pushed westward, are deserving of a generous considérât le» • This treatise is devoted to a study of one of these sentinels of the westward mlg^tlon* It is In no @^»e a 1 1 mmSL of ## &l#twv Bufwd, m #@%M W p m a lW .9 «3ly t#os a # W y of me peet rew W e ef m e fwt* %be#e x m m û a e r e leeeted In me #e%lmml Ayohlvee e t mehlrngtea# B#G# «ai eenelet e f #<me 115 velmmee* g W eetWp m#&e en effoét to gain eeeeea to mee# peoopêm W # #ee î M m m m Û ty m e #ef«pe%m* Mulsion W* m e mtlonal Arohlvem tbet eeeh I t ^ bad t# be w m M n e d by a g^pwmentatlv» flpom tbe #*r Bepmptmwit W f ^ e It eoaM be motoeta^^ mad #mt oat* V i m ear natlm: at mtr It was lm#m#alble fmp m i s departaent to prevl#* m e perstamel to peoptmm ttds mmmlmatlom* mdoabtedly at some fattm# daW, ebem omdltlmm again mamsm mmnmloy^ lawae peempds «111 be aealleble* BemWille* m e anthmy bas exidMtvi^ed to ^weent m m me^mira ^ m e blsmey of that fort as ooald be glmmed fapom #iblimed sonrees a M snob matmmmtlo post reoords as be «as fmptwmte enoogh to reeelve the mirllw efforts of m# 8 Qe^va #mbes of Bldimy, mrntana. An effort baa bema m tû » to presmit a true a ^ m m t of m e establlsWmt a M abmodmment of the pmit* tbs eeeryaay life, straggles and baxdsblps W* Its InbRbimnts, and smae o£ m e major Ineldenm mid mrmwnte that e#re related to Its blatory# It is $ W hope of t W author that this trwtlee may aid Ill I m # # o f » & m 9 £ hlmWel® #*$ took #3» w *t P m % a M # m t it m j Im #@a# s m l X e<miaplWte to a elomMBp imdWratmWlog anâ # k##a#r of i â m ^ #o## Im&repid ooMlmpa' «&t^ at #mt Immly of ## Bakota Ammtle#* o m u w % 3Ma08GQ*I<* I * P@R% B8P0R&*# PR2DBGB880R8 M # m y f m m b#fw# the m itW M llt m r y p@#W m Wm N tw w A M w m m tm # » # t&B th# «f #m jimotlom #*a#: W e M vw # #ma # » @e#m@ of oacWmtv# ootlvity om #m port of t w fmp trWbwo# Am oorly as 18R8 RmmstA MmoWm*» slo oams i# A # m ssowl rlvsr on& bogoo Wilding Port Wlom * fes mil## aW v# th e m o o W of t w Wm almost 40 ysMPS W i s fort sms t W most important trading post In ttm Bakotas# It sms W # o that R m m s W aWmmzi# rnrnl*# orsr a w s t domain and majeati^lly antortaimd t&# msosrow dlgnitarlss # m t ssntorsd up t W MLsaomel* Bmt # * posmr of ttis sdgbty *6amr^ of tbs #|^#soapi f w trad# did mot go smWallsmgsd# Opposition posts by xdval sompmniss s m m sstsbaitbsd from t&mo to time o n ly to find oompstitlom of t W nmsoropnloos Port Obion traders too sever## d f all those opposition posts that sors b u ilt in this area* the one that mads the most spirited eball«m# W We deter fo r monopoly ims Port William* founded in by W illia m dublette and Robert Oampbell#^ It m m by 130 f#*t w l V h & f w t h i # m#a# #f ©«tt«swooa log#*# It w a ©m#lete with a wem^ mmae# oM^pwnter Wwp# blmekm^th ahap^ ie© hooaw* m m t hem##, mod ether baildlhg# %*o##a«wy tm a wm ll"*#t*bll*h*a trading ÂM ##0A as th e ptm t m m ©empleted* th e m*w pit in an immime a te e k # f g e W e , hired papular elerk# and Interpreter# m m had fwwerly worked far m akm ale, and enargatloally «et abeut aeeklng te diwart ##aa e f Naekanmie*# half"#«4allll@ » dollar fur ttewW* à period of b it W r end wlolmm r le a lr y followed during whWb time th e p ric e of beaver aklna «eared t e tw e lv e dollars*^ But before long the eatabllshed renown Gi f o r t % l * m p re v a ile d and at the and of the year the poet was abandoned*® #an ye#rs later the firm of Pow* livlngeteoe, and Cosgmny t © ^ poeeeaelon of the poet and built some adobe houses farther from the river bank* whiah they called W m t m>rtirnwr* % # buildinge of Port William ee#e used sui store houses. Boon ths name of Fort William came to be applied W ® delenel Olement 1# Deaneberrv..Barlv gietorr of Perth m m ta (Idbertgr Press* f6 Sew York $^^^7ltlW p .l79 ® Ibid* ^ p. 178 #11 tb* buildinge end the name of Kortlmer #»a dropped, He#» ever* being convlnoed by three yeere of bueineee that it erne a loein% venture to oppoee the jUnerloan Pur Com;%ny* the firm gold 7 out to ite competitor in 1846» The aubaequent hiatory of Port William la obaeure and relatively unimportant. By 1863 it had been abandoned ooapletely ae la noted by the fact that Senry Boiler* on a journey up the Wiaaouri in that year* obaerved that nothing remained of the 8 fort except "a chimney or two and portlona of the adobe vail#".
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