i ttJortl) ffllanifaftlet SIXTY-SECOND YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1936 NO. 22 TAPS THREE HUNDRED H O T SLUGS EDIGRAPHS SURPRISED BY There are so many ways of Maybe the reason a politic­ ATTEND ANNUAL making a fool of one's self M ian jumps on his opponent's WEDDINGS OF that the average mun can't y record is because his own is BIRTHDAY BALL hope to dodge them all. too frail to stand on. Two things that test a 1.0 ts of jjeople are looking TWO COUPLES man's love more than any­ to the future with faith and Excellent Talent Provides a thing else are his wife's cold optim ism in sp ite of the fact w M m - Mrs. Metzen-M. E. Franey; Good Program of feet and her hot temper. S t t that congress is again in ses­ sion. Evelyn Dorsey-Geo. Entertainment If a fellow could sneak up 7 on himself when he wasn't H.- An old-timer is any citizen Hoppler. looking, we've got a hunch he who can remember when The third annual Franklin wouldn’t contract a case of there was criticism of the gov­ Metzen-Franey Roosevelt birthday ball held in big head. a m ernment for giving out free seeds. M. E. Franey. of Chatsworth, The Grand Thursday night again - l i proved Chatsworth's ability to car­ and Mrs. Minnie Metzen, of Chi­ Oil wells are not the only It is agreed that a nation ry out an undertaking of that kind cago. were united in marriage Sat­ things that gush. How about should act like a gentleman happily and successfully. Those urday morning. February 1st, by the girl who knows how to but the trouble is too many in charge were well pleased with make men enjoy giving her Rev. \Y. J. Scollin, at Arlington, 1 statesmen don't know what a Illinois. Father Scollin was for­ the outcome and those who partic­ p rese n ts? gentleman acts like. ipated in it were delighted with merly pastor of Saints Peter and Pauls church in Chatsworth, of the evening's program and the What has become of the There may be some doubt capable management of the enter­ old-fashioned girl who said ' ' which both bride and groom were as to whether 1936 will be a communicants. tainm ent. she didn't want a diamond bigger and better year, but it M The couple was attended by Receipts $149.85 ring until after the furniture r- /V *;V ! is certainly going to be a nois­ Miss Agnes O'Malley, of Chats- The total receipts were $149.85. was paid for. ier one. Expenses were $102.15, which in­ worth. and Charles Metzen. of cluded orchestra, hall rent, enter­ A ,■ Chicago, elder son of the bride. tainment, advertising and other The younger son. Aloysius, assist­ miscellaneous items. Of the net b u d g e t ed in serving the mass. proceeds, amounting to $47.70, STRAWN NAN IS The above information came to thirty per cent or $14.31, goes to ,-ISh a Plaindealer editor in a brief the national fund for infantile pa­ note mailed by them Saturday ralysis research. Seventy per rent, BADLY HURT IN SQUAD WINNER night and which also requested $33.39, will remain in the local that the paper be mailed to them fund, to be administered by the at Miami. Florida, until further committee as in the past, accord­ notice. It is understood the couple ing to their judgment, as necessity AUTOACCIDENT FROM CHENOA motored to Florida. The news of may require. the marriage of this estimable ■ ■? T hree Hundred in Attendance Robert Homickel Has Jaw couple came as a surprise to It looked for a time as if the Chatsworth Cagers Take most of their friends in this com­ attendance would be small, on ac­ Fractured When Car Overtime Game; Seconds m unity. count of unfavorable weather. A Turns Over. Lose Overtime Contest Mrs. Metzen resided in Chats­ late canvass for the sale of tickets Prjr worth a few years ago and shared brought the support of numerous -------- H a w in the operation of the restaurant patrons and the attendance rec-1 __ _ . ___. First Team W ins that was formerly and is now the orded was in the neighborhood of o , ^ P Coach Collins’ high school bas- J. A. Leggate establishment. A three hundred. St Joseph s hospital Bloomington keteers took their first overtime lifelong resident of Livingston _- . suffering from injuries sustained county, she holds here, as well as Don Bruyneel and his orchestra “ MeJ icc‘d ? ntJ h al ™ _________________ ' when °uthey lhe.year trimmed ^ Chenoa r dHy "x'frn20-lb at othpr P»a«*_____ where. - she has liv- The floor show following the ^ l, °^n. Saturda>- H ls ------------------------— -------r- in a game advanced from Febru­ ed, a wide acquaintance and is grand march was one of ex- uP. j HUNDREDS ATTEND | FARM OWNERSHIP ary 28th, because of the creation numbered by many as a valued friend and capable home-maker SSTofThf D ™ t ^ ble -d wlsh:u£tTTodCerx^uriTn EHMAN’S OPENING GOOD GRAVY INCREASES IN PAST uaof UMMsub-districts va >4.1 v • IV VO illin .HUIVstate tourneyIOU1 UCt . „ , 1 'll , , , .... play. Chenoa had defeated the lo- ” h° " grace ,ho sPlcnd,d home vided by Pontiac talent, the coun- "e,'° we«ther for an hour before HELD YESTERDAY , , ,i , , of .\lr. r ranev. 5 YEARS IN COUNTY cals in the first game of the sea- Mr. Franey is one of the best Wednesday was John Deere day The two most popular ways j The number and the per cent of son und certainly put forth every of living at somebody rise’s ex­ effort to win this one, too, but the known and most successful citizens rection of Jack Haskins of Pnn of the development of pneumonia in Chatsworth and the Ehman lm- farm s o w n f e d by the operators in of this community. In addition to ^ J , has been thTcause for anxious ploment Store was a busy place, pense are getting a dole or local club seems to have hit their i Livingston County, Illinois, in- operating his farms, he conducts tiac. G««rge Platt, also of Pon-. fpar since ,he accjdent_ 'Die entertainments and demon- learning to say "charge it. 1 creased between April 1, 1930, and real■ ' «• stride» I iVIV UIIUand hadIIUU thel I IV. IIUnecessary .I ,-V»« I > , i^C’ inc"1!he i Car 8k,dl*- Turn'* Over stration of implements and power January 1, 1935, according to pre- reserve to win out after having 3 f a,n bu-vlnK b,,smoss at an ele- The fellow who talks most losti™. a„ .^U||small lead in the closing vator southwest of Chatsworth. He !^n^pfficilnnJhanH nicLina^ The accident occurred on the machinery attracted hundreds of I lim inary tigures from the 1935 partici[>ates in the social, frater­ The nrrwr»m irvcliiHert-P 8 y‘ county-state road west of the farmers during the day. The Eh- about woman’s place being in I Federal Farm Census released minutes of the game. P«^am tnciuaro^ Quinn school 3 miles east of mans consider the event to have the home is the one who does nal and church life of the com­ I February 3rd by Director William Close All W ay Through munity in a measure and manner ah»T V ilT Z -inip Strawn. Mr. Homickel, who quit been very successful and every- not provide a home for a wo­ i L. Austin, Bureau of the Census, The game was close all the way m an. that marks him definitely as a Y o^g and Shirley Holding boys: [arm.inK ^ t year, moved with his thing seems to have been satisfac- j Department of Commerce. through but the home boys seem­ valued citizen. The number of farms in Living­ ed to have n under control all Blessed are the heathens for A fine new house was built on “ * d ^ " to th frS e lt^ r farm ‘°?hc day's program was opened ston county was practically the the time und everyone expected lhp Franev farTn )ast to re_ they shall inherit the earth Vocal solos:' "Moon Over Mi- that was vacated by Lyle Hummel at 11 o'clock by A C Ehmam Jr sam e in both years, w ith 3,575 in to see a burst of scoring at any p|are Uu. onf, (i(.slroved bv fire when the "civilized nations" DrMi.. Mini i a few weeks ago. He was return- who made a short talk introduc- | 1935. M eanw hile, the farm s oper- time as the shots were rolling out Mr and Mrs Franey havp‘ a dp. have wiped each other out in t ated by owners had increased from which might easily have dropped iigh,fu| home to to w hpn Mo" h^r^ro^Tv HerrM^f inK from Sibley in his Buick car, lng John Deere representatives, w ars. Jiatswort^ °f accompanied by his 13 year old who had charge of the program i 1,236 in 1930 to 1,296 in 1935, and in. Pearson started the scoring they rf>turn from basking in (he j the tenant-operated farms had de- with two of his favorite side shots Fiorida sunshine to be greeted Taolap dancedance. JerrvJerry Sebekbebek, Pon son>^ onJyvir8il- account Th® b°y.of thefrom accident whom fromThe then entertainment on. bill included Most any husband feels he has an intelligent wife if she ! creased from 2,308 to 2,261.
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