EXERCISE PREFERENCES AND EXPECTATIONS OF YOUNG FEMALE STUDENTS IN A UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT Estelle van Niekerk Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Sport Science at Stellenbosch University Department of Sport Science Faculty of Education Supervisor: Prof J.G. Barnard December 2009 DECLARATION By submitting this thesis electronically, I, the undersigned, declare that the entirety of the work contained in this thesis is my original work, that I am the owner of the copyright thereof (unless explicitly otherwise stated) and that I have not previously, in its entirety or in part, submitted it at any university for the purpose of obtaining any qualification. Copyright © 2009 – Stellenbosch University All rights reserved ABSTRACT The study investigated the exercise preferences of female university students participating in exercise modes presented at the local gymnasium and their expectations of the outcomes of such participation. Secondly, the study aimed to determine the most important reason for their participation and whether this was satisfied by their choice of exercise mode. A third aim was to determine other reasons that contributed to the selection of exercise environment and mode. The size of the research group of the pilot study was 210 (n=210). For the final longitudinal study, over a period of three years, it was 985 (N=985). The study population was selected on a basis of convenient sampling, availability and interest among young female gymnasium members, (aged 18 to 27 years). Their participation was voluntary. Original questionnaires were constructed for the purpose of the study to provide general demographic and physical characteristic information of the participants, their exercise preference and choice of exercise mode, reasons for participation in particular exercise modes, time spent on physical activity, frequency of attendance of exercise sessions, exercise motivators, barriers to exercise, medication and supplementation prevalence, health problems and smoking. The questionnaire was completed in a five to 10 minute time slot before the commencement of exercise classes at the gymnasium. Information required on the questionnaire was verbally explained to the participants during the initial few minutes of data capturing. Guidance was given for each section of the questionnaire during the five to 10 minute period allocated for completion. Data was captured on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and the analysis was performed using Statistica for Windows (Statsoft SA-2008). Descriptive statistics were used to analyse and present the data. The results of the study indicated that most (34.4%) young female students who regularly attended group exercise sessions at the gymnasium preferred participating in the exercise modality punchline (a boxing aerobic modality), with the aim of losing weight (45%) and improving their general fitness (24%). ii Convenience factors were indicated as being the most important motivators to exercise on campus. The gymnasium location and accessibility, as well as the wide range of exercise modes presented at the gymnasium, were key motivators to participate in physical activity regularly. Time constraints, academic responsibilities and a full social programme were experienced as the most important barriers to exercise. Low incidences of major health problems were reported. The results from the study confirm the initial research theory, namely that weight management and weight loss are important to young female students. Exercise mode however is randomly selected and not representative of information that is available to assist this group with planning a balanced exercise programme. An information specific programme within a gymnasium environment could provide more targeted results. There is no relationship between the choice of exercise mode and the post-exercise effect they expect. Key words: young female students, exercise environment, exercise mode, physical activity, exercise preferences, exercise benefits, weight management, weight loss, university setting, health-related behaviour, health-risk behaviour iii OPSOMMING Die doel van die studie was om die oefenvoorkeure en oefenverwagtinge van jong damestudente wat gereeld by die plaaslike universiteitgimnasium oefen, vas te stel. Tweedens wou die studie die belangrikste redes vir deelname bepaal, en of hierdie verwagting gerealiseer het met die keuse van oefenmodaliteite in hierdie oefenomgewing. 'n Derde doel was om vas te stel watter ander redes 'n bydrae sou maak tot die keuse van 'n oefenomgewing en oefenmodaliteite. Die navorsingspopulasiegroep was jong dames in 'n universiteitsomgewing. Tydens die verkennende studie was die getal kandidate 210 (n=210). Vir die finale longitudinale studie, oor ’n tydperk van 3 jaar, was dit 985 (N=985). Die jong dames by die spesifieke universiteitgimnasium is geselekteer op grond van beskikbaarheid en belangstelling in die navorsing en was tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 27 jaar. Hul deelname was vrywillig. 'n Vraelys is spesiaal vir hierdie navorsing opgestel. Die vraelys het inligting ingewin oor algemene demografiese aspekte en fisieke kenmerke van die deelnemers, oefenvoorkeure en verwagtings van oefenmodaliteite, redes vir die seleksie en deelname in oefenmodaliteite, tyd bestee aan oefening, frekwensie van deelname, motiveerders vir oefening, beperkende faktore ten opsigte van gereelde deelname aan fisieke aktiwiteit, medikasie en supplementasie gebruik, gesondheidsprobleme en rook. Die vraelyste is voltooi in die eerste vyf tot 10 minute van oefenklasse, voor die aanvang van die gereelde gimnasiumprogram. Inligting op die vraelys is verbaal aan die teikengroep verduidelik in die eerste paar minute van elke klas. Tydens hierdie tydperk is gereeld inligting oor elke vraag verskaf vir kontrole en akkuraatheid van voltooiing van die vraelys. Data oor die veranderlikes is in die rekenaarprogram Microsoft Excel gekodeer en die statistiese ontleding is deur middel van Statistica vir Windows (Statsoft SA 2008) gedoen. Beskrywende data is gebruik om die resultate te ontleed en aan te bied. iv Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat die meeste jong damestudente (34.4%) punchline (’n boks-aërobiese oefenmodaliteit) verkies het, met die doel om gewig te verloor (45%) en hul algemene fiksheid te verbeter (24%). Gerieflikheidsfaktore is aangedui as die belangrikste motiveerders vir deelname aan gereelde fisieke aktiwiteit op kampus. Hierdie faktore sluit in die ligging van die plaaslike gimnasium, toeganklikheid asook die wye reeks oefenmodaliteite wat aangebied word. Te min tyd, akademiese of werksomstandighede en 'n vol sosiale program word as die vernaamste redes vir oefenonthouding aangedui. Minimale rapportering van gesondheidsprobleme het voorgekom. Die resultate bevestig die inisiële navorsingsteorie, naamlik dat jong damestudente gewigsbeheer en gewigsverlies as belangrik beskou. Die seleksie van oefenmodaliteite is egter lukraak. Dit is nie verteenwoordigend van goeie inligting wat beskikbaar is om 'n gebalanseerde oefenprogram vir spesifieke uitkomste te kan saamstel nie. Daar is nie noodwendig 'n verwantskap tussen hul keuse van oefenmodalite en die voordele wat dit ingevolge hul verwagting inhou nie. Sleutelwoorde: jong damestudente, oefenomgewing, oefenmodaliteite, fisieke aktiwiteit, oefenvoorkeure, oefenuitkomste, gewigsbeheer, gewigsverlies, universiteitsomgewing, gesondheidsverwante gedrag, gesondheidsrisiko- gedrag v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With the successful completion of this study the researcher wishes to acknowledge and thank the following people for advice, assistance and support: ○ Our heavenly Father who granted me the talent, will, strength and guidance to continue and persevere in this endeavour. ○ Professor J.G. Barnard, who supervised this study and encouraged me to persevere. I will never forget this. ○ The Department of Sport Science, at Stellenbosch University, for the continuous support, to make it possible to complete the research. o Prof Martin Kidd from the Centre of Statistical Consultation of Stellenbosch University, who statistically analysed the data for this study and assisted me with the interpretation of the results. o Amelia Burger of Wordworx for text editing and formatting. ○ Staff of the Stellenbosch University Sport Performance Institute Gymnasium, especially Diedie Tourell and Louise van Zyl and all the assistants at the aerobic section of the gymnasium, for their assistance in making this project possible. ○ My husband, Bern, for his continued encouragement. His patience, love, understanding and support during the research period meant a great deal to me. Without his support this effort would not have been possible. ○ My late parents, for always believing in me. ○ Opinions expressed and conclusions arrived at, are those of the researcher and not necessarily influenced by organisations involved in the research. vi DEDICATION To my late parents, Fredal and Christoffel von Solms Fourie and my husband Bern vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration i Abstract ii Opsomming iv Acknowledgements vi Dedication vii CHAPTER ONE PROBLEM STATEMENT AND RESEARCH AIM 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 BACKGROUND TO THE RESEARCH PROBLEM 4 1.3 AIM OF THE STUDY 10 1.4 LIMITATIONS 12 1.5 TERMINOLOGY 12 1.6 EXPLANATION OF CHAPTERS 19 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE STUDY 2.1 INTRODUCTION 20 2.2 GENERAL BACKGROUND 21 2.3 TRENDS IN RESEARCH PARADIGMS 22 2.4 CONCEPT DEFINITIONS 26 2.4.1 Health 2.4.2 Wellness 2.4.3 Physical activity 2.4.4 Physical fitness 2.4.5 Exercise
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