New England Power Company 20 Turnp;ke Road NewEngland Power wesinommo". r.ussmsens 0is8i Tel. (617) 3C49011 NEP 1 & 2 Nuclear Project ! January 31, 1979 nus 00 Cut,1EUT CONTAltlS NRC-N-t01 P003 QUnlTY PAGES, _. Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Renulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Dear Sir: Docket Nos. STN 50-568 and STN 50-569 Enclosed please find the following supplemental in fo rma t ion requested by the NRC staff on 1/4/79 relative to alternate sites: Responses to NRC Staff requests for additional i n fo rma t i on (RAI's) 301.85 through 301.94. This material will be incorporated in Revision 6 of the Environmental Report. We trust you will find this Information satisfactory. Very truly yours, Joseph Harrington Project Mana);er JDV:rh Enclosures (7) cc: R. Rush (ORNL) w/ enclosure (2) 7 9 0 2 0 6 0 c2 1 M A New Engiand Electric System company , . 301.85 For each candidate site (alternate sites and proposed site) identify and give acreages of National Forests, Parks, a nd Monuments, natural landmark, state and local jurisdiction of forests and parks, or privately dedicated wildlife areas of which a portion or all is within a 5-mile radius of the site based on readily available reconnaissance-level i n f o rma t io n . RESPONSE: Except for the Green Mountain National Forest relative to Bear Swamp, no National Forests or National Parks are within five miles of any candidate site. No natural landmark as listed by the Department of the Interior in the Federal Register of April 27, 1978 under " National Register of Natural Landmarks-Revision of List" is within five miles of any candidate site. The closest landma rk , llawley Bog, llawley , Massachuset ts , is approximately 7.5 miles from the Bea r Swamp site. Also, from the list of the 84 National Monuments and National Preserves listed on April 10, 1978 in the Federal Regiater and the 15 Primitive Areas listed on April 27, 1978 in the Federal Register, only one location is in New England and that is Saint Croix Island , Maine , far removed from any of the candidate sites. Of the 156 sites listed in the Federal Register of February 24, 1978 as being Mandatory Class I Federal Areas Where Visibility is an Important Value, there are the following in New England: Ma ine - Acadia - not near any site. Mooschorn - not near any site. Massachusetts - None New llampshire - Dry River over 25 miles from each Great Gulf of Moore, Comerford and Errol sites. Rhode Island - None Vermont - Lye Brook Over 25 miles from hear Swamp. Charlestown - Ref e r to ER Table 2.1-10. All measurements referred to for the following sites were calculated from the perimeter of each site, not from the proposed reactor location, e . ;; . , fo r Bea r Swamp , from the southern property line of the site of the northern property line of the llawley State Forest is approximately five miles. Rome Point Site - The State of Rhode island has a Management Area (59 acres) on Dutch Island in Jamestown, Rhode Island. Also there is the Marsh Meadows Wildlife Preserva (20 acres) in 301.85-1 , Jamestown. Refer also to E R Ta n le 2.1- 10 for other parks and recreational areas. Westerly Site - The Burlingame State Park, State Forest and State !!anagement Area (3900 acres), in Charlestown, Rhode Island, is entirely within five miles of the site. Also within five miles of the site are the Indian Cedar Swamp State Management Area (921 acres) in Charlestown and the Woody 11i11 Management Area (723 acres) in Westerly, Rhode Island. Refer to ER Table 2.1-10 for other parks and recreational areas. Gill /Erving Site- All of the Montague State Forest (7900 acres) is within five miles of the site. Portions of the 4,779 acre Wendell State Forest (Wendell State Forest is included in the acreage of the Montague State Forest) and the Northfield State Forest (total acreage about 5000) are within five miles of the site. There are two municipal par;.s in Greenfield, !!a s sachuse t t s named liighland Park and Rocky !!ountain Park. No state parks or other state forests in Massachusetts are within five miles of the site. Bear Swamp Site - A portion of the Green Mountain National Forest, Vermont, (total acreage 242,309) is within five miles of the site. No state forests or parks in Vermont are within five miles of the site. In Massachusetts all of the Mohawk Trail State Forest (6,457 acres) and the Monroe State Forest (4,321 acres) are within five miles of the site. Portions of the Savoy Mountain State Forest (total acreage 10,500) and the Florida State Forest (the Florida State Forest is included in the acreage of Savoy Mountain State Forest) are within five miles of the site. The llawley State Forest (total acreage 7,822' is approximately five miles from the site. No state parks or other state forests in Massachusetts are within five miles of the site. There is a state roadside picnic area on Massachusetts Route 2, in Charlemont, 301.85-2 , approximately four miles south of the site. Moore Site - No state parks or forests in either New Hampshire or Vermont are within five miles of the site. The nearest state reservation is Forest Lake State Park (420 acres) in Dalton, New Hampshire, over 6 miles east of the !!oore site. Comerford Site - No state parks or forests in either New llampshire or Vermont are within five miles of the site. The rearest state reservation is Groton State Forest (15,300 acres) in the towns of Groton, Ma rshfield and Peacham, Ve rmo n t , 11 miles west of the Conerford site. Also there is a state roadside picnic area on U.S. Route 5, in East Barnet, Ve rmo n t , approximately 2 miles west of the site. Errol site - Umbagog State Park (262 acres) in Errol and Cambridge, !!cw llampshire is appro:<ima tely 2 miles south of the site. No other state parks or forests in either New ilampshire or Maine are within five miles of the site. There is also a state roadside I , c area on Maine Route 26 near Upton, Ma i . , approximately four miles from the site. 301.85-3 301.86 As defined by the Soil Conservation Service, how much price or unique agricultural land exists on the following sites: Moore, Comerford, Errol, and Bear Swamp? RESPONSE. Bear Swamp Site (MA) A detailed analysis of the Soil Survey f or Franklin County, Massachusetts, and state classifica tion of prime and unique farmlands indicates that no agricultural lands considered to be prime or unique exist on the Bear Swamp site. Errol Site (NH) No soils considered to be prime farmland types cre known to be present on the Errol site. Although no recent soil surveys have been conducted, there appears to be a good correlation to the older survey. No lands of unique classification exist on site as well. Moore Site ( NH) A preliminary analysis of the soils of the Moore site has indicated that no f armland soils class ified as prime or unique are present. Comerford Site (NH) A preliminary analysis of the soils of the Comerford site indicates that prime farmland soil types do occur on the site along an extension of property southeast of Route 135 (ER Figure 9.2-7). The prime f armland soil and its estimated acreage is listed below: Name Acre a ge Berkshire loam 50-75 No soils or habitat classified as unique occur on the Comerford site according to references. RE FERENC ES : 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, February 1967. Soil Survey - Franklin County, Massachusetts. Soil Conse rvation Service (Bear Swamp Site). 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Personal Communication, 8/4/78. Re: Classification of prime and unique farmlands of Massachusetts. Soil Conservation Service, Amherst, Massachusetts. 301.86-1 3 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil mapping units used in Massachusetts that are prime farmlands. Soil Conservative Service, Amherst, Massachusetts. 4. U.S. Department of Agriculture. April 1939. Soil Survey - Graf ton County, New Hampshire. Soil Conservation Service (Moore and Comerf ord Sites). 5. U.S. Department of Agriculture. August 1943. Soil Survey - Coos County, New Hampshire. Soil Conse rvation Service (Errol Site). 6. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Soil mapping units of prime farmland soils of southern New Hampshire. Soil Conservative Service, Durham, NH. 7. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Personal Communication, 12/4/78 and 12/14/78. Re: Classification of prime and unique tarmland of New Hampshire. Soil Conservation Service, Amherst, MA. 8. Grafton County Conservation District, New Hampshire. Personal Communication 12/21/78. Re: Soil survey for the Town of Littleton, New Hampshire (Moore Site) . 301.86-2 * 301.87 Please identify the Federal and Stat .isted rare, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species likely to be impacted by construction and operation of the plant using the Moore, Comerford, Errol, and Bear Swamp sites. RESPONSE: Bear Swamp Site (mal Applicant conducted a site survey in July 1977. Using this inf ormation with an analysis of both S tate and Federal listings shows that no species of flora oc f auna considered to be threatened or endangered would be impacted by the construction of a power f acility at this site. Moore Site (NH), Come rf o rd S it e_(Nil) . Erroi Site (NID_ Preliminary evaluations of these sites indicate that no species of fauna considered to be threatened or endangered would receive an impact from plant construction.
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