raiDAT, JULY M, 1144 t- 'h AveraE# Dslly Circulation t ^ L V B For ths Meath at Jane, 1M4 Manchester Evening Herald The Weather Foreeost of C. 8. Weather Bureau The final union aervlee of the Police Captain Herman O. P vt Frederick Phillips teft Isst veterans, nsxt Tussdsy svsning at Due to the tow-n meeUng Mon­ night f6r Sioux a ty , lows, after Chester as Speaker 8,762 day night, the meeting of the V. F, North Methodist and Second Con­ Schendel,' who ir chairman of the eight o’clock. Bathing Caps Showers today and tonight; Sun- gregational eburobea will be held Dog Obedience Trials to be held a 10-day furlough at his home, 382 Arthur V. Geary, Veterans’ . Member at Hw Andit 'About Town W, athedulev. on that date has been Hartford road. He was gradustad day fair and moderatelT warm; Sunday morning at 10:45 at the on the grounds of the Aetna Life On Rehabilitation Placsmsnt Ofllcsr for OonnscUcut, Thermos and Pienk Jags *4 OifeolnUoas moderate winds. canceli^ until further notice. Congregational church, when the Insurance Company in Hartford from the Chahute Field, 111.,-Army U. S. Employment Service, will paator, Rev. Dr. Ferris E. Rey­ tomorrow afternoon, has an­ Air Forces Training Comniand, Mibl Berthold Woythaler ol' Mis* Incx Sea stra n d ^ i^*®“** after taking the special purpose also address th* meeting. William and SoppHes. Manchester—’A City of Village Charm ipl« B«Ui^ Sholom, announce* nolds will praach on the subJect, nounced that Congressman Wil­ Edward P. Cheater, I^rector, C. Mullane, Oommandant, First ’’Deity Smamilned." Sunday liam Miller, who representa the motor vehiclee maintenance Bureau of Rahabllitatloh, Depart­ District, Tbs Americarn Legion. ^ a 1 *€ff\’lc* for Sunday mom- s c ' J b . - w S a ! "Waahiifgton, Firat District, will be present and course. VOL. LXni.. IW. 255 (CIssMSsd Advertiatag on Itego 10) at eight o'clock, in ob*er»*nc* d T C.7Vt>ere the has-^iindergone morning, Aug. S. the union aer- ment of Education, State of Con­ Charles McOame, Past District MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) vices of these two churches will make the presentation of the tro­ necticut, will address the Rehabili­ Commander and Louis Chevalier PRICE THREE CE! ;the holiday, Tiahoh B'A*. an operation, ir the hoptf of phy to the dog adjudged beat' in Mra. William Munsie and young H A T H U K transfer to the North Methodist tation meeting at the American State Executive Committeeman, DRUG STORES k' ^ - 1 ing her eyesight. Misa Seastrand church, and Its pastor. Rev. Dr. tha show. sons, William and James, of Ben­ haa been given a transfusion and ton street are vacationing at PidBt Legion Home on the functions of Ihe Ameriean Legl<kii,'wi]l also bs la now being treated with pneicll- ‘I&ri H. Furgeson, . will be in his Department as It pertains te prssent. charge. Mr*. Oeorg* H. Bryaa of 179 O* Woods, South Lyme. Wounded Ride in Double-Decker Jeep TAf J. OHDABS lln. Mra. Mary Seaatrand. owner Tolland Turnpike, with friends Soviet Spearheads of the Raleigh Beauty Salon, is Fred E. Werner of 152 West from Hartford, Is spending two BINGO with her daughter. ^ , week* at Hampton Beach, N. H. Super-Bombers Hit street. weiT -known local organist Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Richmond and teacher, IS taking a summer TONIGHT of 427 Main atreet are spending s course at the W«*tmlnater school ALICE OOFRAN Push Ahead Within ORANGE HALL few day* at Point O'Woods Bench. In Princeton, N. J. ^ r . Werner (Known As <)ueen Alice) South Lyme, Conn. was at the same achooMaat aea- S Pm m iA L MEDIUM son. and write* that neariy twlce Seventh Dnnghter of n Seventh Son Eastern Manchuria; as many young men and wompn V Bom With n VnIL - Sight of Warsaw are attending Ihia yeaf. * ReniUngn Dmlly, Inelodlng Snndny, FOR TOP VALUE ' i’ S A. M. to S P. M. Or By Appoint­ Roofing'-’AsbestoB IN A NEW HOME Pfc. John W. Aceto, eon of Mr. ment. ' In the Service of the Peo­ Germans Report Other i and Mra. Leonard Aceto, of 195 ple for M'Venm- Seasonable Items at Savings Siding and Rock See the Ones Being Built By Spnice atreet, ha* been promoted ISS Oinrch Stepet, Hertford, Conn. ^i^Mian Forces Pene- Yank Fliers Anshan Is Poundc' I to Technician. 5th Grade, it haa Pho«SS-2M4 Wool Insulation GREENBROOKE ' been announced at a European trat^v^tvian Rail Hub base. He Is ter\-ing with a U. B. Set Record Bnerl wuikhianililp. All work HOMES, INC Armv Transportation Corps Port Of Jei||Hva; Threaten Weather Favorable for] naianteed. Bcaaonsbl* Pttoe*. Battalion somewhere in the Euro­ «• a b lltn O n n fo r *■ M th n ste . NORMAN BENTZ CHILDREN’S SPORTSWEAR I Domestic Dept To Pincif\off Ger­ , For Safety On^'alker Street pean area. Japs Flee South Success of Massed^^l W rite . ^. "r- hon4 Motel Work — Bnveo man Baltic Divisions. For nartber Infomiatlo* oaU at Mra. Elixabeth M. Phelan of 54 Trokgfce. Now la tbs ttni* to Raiders in First Day­ g|«uuider Jarvis Co. office on Chestnut atreet haa returned after hnvo Eaves Tronghe Instelled Squadron of Navy Land- light Assault; Drop > ^Burton Insulating Co. Caater street o* at *S Alexander spending a week with Mr.- and er repaired. Reduced Part Linen London, July 29.— ' tSS Oxford St. Hartford street. Mrs. John F. Phelan of Oneida. Based Medium Bomb- Bombs from High Al­ rboM*: 4UI or 7S76 OAIX SSSS SHORTS, SPORT SHIRTS, PLAY SUITS Red Army spearheads rollihx On Tinian Island PboM Hartford St-W lS N. T. I across the Polish plain were \e r$ Claim Top Avia- titudes; p ty One ol^ AND DIRNDL SKIRTS DISH TOWELS reported within sight of War­ Ctip n Performance. Yanks Tighten Trap «« W f lU Most Important PitK saw today and the German X — Reg. $2.98 Values communique said other So­ U. 8. Pahi^c Fleet .Headquarters. ducers of ChemicdUf viet forces had penetrated Peart HarborXlJJy 29. — ^ — A I j ^ P s s ir e Gains Sho^VU OH GaU N o w ................... the Latvian rail hub of Jel- aquadron of N a^tend-baaed me­ node on Both Isles. I A Super-Fortress Base 4 $1.00 gava, which would practically dium bombers, operating from the Western China, July 29.^.^,., blssct the, Baltics. The German Marshall islands, clalm4 the great­ Towels that are really absorbent and will give years of aervic*. U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ Torn in Lines —B-29 Super-Fortresses Reg. S li9 8 Values bulletin said a Nasi counter-at- est safety record in the history of day bombed Anshan in east­ Colored border* in blu* and red. taM!k bad thrown the Russian van­ aviation—99.96 per cent operation­ quarters, Pearl Harbor, July Now **sa*kk*hs**4*s guard out of Jeigava. 120 miles ally perfect. 29.—(/P)—Capturing a second Ceriiian Tactics r May ern Manchuria. In the firat; southwest of Daugavpils (Dvinak) Not one pIShe was lost during' X British Jeep is converted into a double-decker to move men wounded on the Normandv front air field, American.^ forces to­ daylight assault of thess Heavy Drill and about 21 mllae routhweat of- the 61 days of May and June. serosa a pontoon bridge spanning ■ the Ome river in Franco. '. day chased fleeing Japanese Supply Clues on How long-ranging super'^bombei^ Reg.' S I*59 Values Riga on an arm of the Baltic sea. T))ese Ventura PV’a (patrol the gather was reported fa- , -Able to See Warsaw planes) have been attacking neu­ into the south half of Tinian Long Enemy WiR island while other Yanks v^rable for the success of the 1 N o w ................... ***** British diapatchea from the tralized Japanese bases in the Mar­ Resist in maased raiders, which loosed ’ eastern front said Warsaw could shalls, but that is only a portion tightened a trap on 2,000 Europe, IRONING BOARD COVERS of their atory. bomba from high altitudes. foods be seen by advance Soviet forces Nips at Guam, swelling the Anshan, city of 200,000 in tha Tahks Clash in Fierce Battles By John M. Higbtow^ Extra heavy qiiality driU that will outlast in the Polish offanalve, made up Flying 260 sorties, only one Ven­ total of more than 37,000 of the Mukden industrial region of Man­ From HALE'S Self Serve of cavalry, acoJt cara and tanks. tura failed to laach the target enemy killed in the Marianas. Washington, July 29.--4/P)—Ger­ churia, is one of the most impor- M several cheaper grades. Will St any standard' Fighting apparantly raged on area. many's reaction to the smashing site board. With drawstrings. There ie no Japanese aerial op­ Impressive Gains Reported tant producers of chemical by­ in the vicinity of Jalgava aa the On Fen-Mile Normandy Sector Impressive ground gains on American breakthrough in Nor­ product# vital to Japan’s moau-‘ WOMEN’S SPORTSWEAR Ruaaiana threatened to pinch off position and comparatively little both islands were reported by Ad­ lecture of munition*. Its output ' 5 9 ^ German Baltic diviaiona by gain­ flak during these miasions, but mandy is (Waited in military quar­ and Health Harket Heavy Ironing Board Pads...............,59c Each Each. there always is the possibility of miral Chester W, Nimitz and includes sizeable percenUigea o i! ing mastery of the rail line from Rommel Reacts Violent­ front line correspondenta. ter* here with most Intense inter­ the total empire production at * Siauliai to Kaunas.
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