Adar-Nisan 5776 Our Newsletter North Fork Reform Synagogue Member of the Union for Reform Judaism Web Site: www.northforkreformsynagogue.org Message from the Rabbi Message from the President Shalom On June 3rd, we will read from parshat Bechukotai, the last chapter in the book of Leviti- As I write this column the North Fork is turning cus. In Bechukotai, we learn about the Jubilee or green. Trees are sprouting leaves and the Sabbatical year, the year when we are command- lawns are coming to life. The Ospreys are back ed to refrain from working the land and allow it to and many of our snow birds have returned as rest. well. As is customary this time of year we cele- We read that we are forbidden from selling brate Purim and Passover. We also conduct the land "beyond reclaim" (Leviticus 25:23), even our annual Women’s Service. This year we when such a sale might bring profit, because, God held an all-new Purim Shpiel using Dr. Seuss tells us, "the land is Mine; you are but strangers as a theme. A good time was had by all. Our resident with Me" (Leviticus 25:23). Rabbi Beth Ka- Women’s Service was the result of a great deal lish teaches, “God's words are a lesson in grati- tude, a lesson that is fundamental to the Jewish of hard work and dedication of Ruth Eilenberg way of being in the world.” We learn that, just as and Kay Freeman. It is truly a wonderful exam- the land is not ours, neither are its produces. The ple of a tradition that was started years ago and ability to learn to cultivate the land and reap suc- had developed and improved each year, much cess is our privilege; this opportunity is a blessing, as fine wine. As has also been part of that cus- and not a gift to be taken for granted. tom, a very copious oneg was provided by the I have had the great privilege of partnering men of our congregation. with you, the members, builders, and visionaries of the North Fork Reform Synagogue. You have giv- en me the opportunity to learn and grow, and work- In May we have a good deal of exciting items to ing with you has been a blessing that has prepared look forward to. We conclude our 2016 Cine- th me for continued growth and learning. matic Series on April 30 with a showing of A NFRS is a remarkable community. You cre- Borrowed Identity, a complex story about a Pal- ate many opportunities to learn together and be estinian Israeli’s life being a 10% minority together even beyond services and onegs. The amongst the Jewish community in Israel. On book of Leviticus has one main message: Sunday May 1, our congregant Joel Klein (a “Kedoshim t’hiyu—You shall be holy, for Adonai, renowned archeologist) will lead a Program on your God is holy.” Together, we shared in many the irrefutable facts modern archeology has de- holy moments this year: The introduction of our termined about the existence of the Holocaust. new High Holiday machzorim (prayer books), the th annual Foodie Tour, the celebration of Simchat To- Our book club will be meeting on May 7 and our final adult education conducted by Rabbi (Continued on page 2) Jade will also take place that day. More details on all of these events can be found on our web- site. (Continued on page 2) Page 1 (Continued from page 1, from the Rabbi) (Continued from page 1, from the President rah—when we unrolled the entire Torah around the sanctuary, lighting Channukah candles to- gether, joining together to celebrate the young As most of you know Marcia and Steve Weinstein people in our congregation as Hudson and Miles long standing members of our congregation and helped to lead Shabbat evening services, singing Steve being the Editor of our Newsletter have relo- the Song of the Sea on shabbat shira (though we cated to New Jersey. In recognition of the years of were scheduled for a blizzard later that night), service the Weinstein’s have given to our Syna- Hudson’s bar mitzvah on March 12th, the Seuss- style Purim schpiel, the annual Women’s Ser- gogue we are holding a “farewell party” in their hon- vice, the Yom HaShoah Memorial service, the or. The party will be held at the home of Sara and generous support and care you continue to pro- Jerry Levin on May 21. We are also holding our vide to members of this community, the participa- summer party at the home of Ellen Zimmerman on tion of so many life-long learners and teachers in June 4th honoring Rabbi Jade Sank who will be lively and enriching adult Hebrew and adult edu- leaving us at that time. cation sessions, and in so many more moments of kadosh—of holiness, this year. We received notice from Hebrew Union College You are an inspiring group of learners and leaders who have created a community that is so about our upcoming student Rabbi for the 2016- warm and welcoming. This year has been one of 2017 year. The individual selected is Tobias Moss. immense growth for me. I have learned so much Tobias has been an outstanding student with vast from each of you. It has been a true privilege to experience belying his years. He is also very musi- be with you this year and I cannot thank you cally focused and we are looking forward to fully uti- enough for this opportunity, for your wisdom, and lizing all of his talents. Please look elsewhere in this for your partnership. newsletter for more information about Tobias. When we finish a book of the Torah, or mark a milestone in our learning, we say “Chazak! Chazak! v’nitchazek!—Strength! I am pleased to tell you that we have reached an Strength! And may we strengthen one another!” agreement with Temple Israel of Riverhead and May you, the North Fork Community, go from Tifereth Israel of Greenport to continue our newly strength to strength. May you continue to bless established tradition of holding a “joint” beach ser- your student rabbis with opportunities to learn vice with all of the North Fork Congregations. The and grow, may you continue to strengthen one services will be jointly led by Rabbi Gadi Capela of another at all moments of holiness and may you Tifereth Israel and Rabbi Michael Rascoe of Temple be blessed with continued learning, warm com- th munity, and peace. Israel. The joint service will be held on June 17 at Kenny’s beach in Southold. A Kosher meal will be Student Rabbi Jade Sank provided by the participating synagogues. The exact time of the dinner and services is still being deter- mined. Please check our website for the final de- tails as they materialize. Join us at our Summer Party Our Foodie Tour committee has been hard at work. On June 4th; 2:00-4:00 PM Our Tenth Annual Foodie Tour will be held on Sun- To say goodbye to Rabbi Jade day September 11th. As you all are aware the Food- ie Tour is our major fund raising event, without At the home of Ellen Zimmerman which we would be unable to maintain our dues East Marion, NY structure and other costly events. One of the things we rely heavily on is our congregants, their families and friends to act as docents at the Foodie Tour. I cannot stress enough that we need the assistance (Continued on page 4) Page 2 10th Anniversary Foodie Tour! Save the Date Newsletter Sponsorship This Newsletter is sponsored by : Hard to believe but plans are already well under Joan and Eugene Kuchner way to make this 10th Anniversary North Fork Foodie Tour the best yet! In loving memory of their parents: We're asking you to mark your calendars Harriet and Howard Freeman now...Sunday, September 11, 2016...and save the date, so that when Miriam Lastoria calls you to ask you to be a docent, your answer can be yes! Our docents are valuable re- sources...without them we can't have a Foodie Tour...with more of them, we can accommodate more vendors and expand the tour. Please ask your family to mark the date as well...we can really use their help. Remember, all docents get a free wristband and can visit the Foodie Tour when they are not working. Upcoming Book Club March 26th Help us make this, the 10th Anniversary of the People of the Book, North Fork Foodie Tour, a resounding success. by Geraldine Brooks. Kay F and Ellen Z Inspired by a true story, People of the Book is a novel of sweeping historical grandeur and inti- mate emotional intensity by an acclaimed and beloved author. This ambitious, electrifying work traces the harrowing journey of the famed Sara- SYNAGOGUE OFFICERS jevo Haggadah, a beautifully illuminated Hebrew manuscript created in fifteenth-century Spain. When it falls to Hanna Heath, an Australian rare- Steven Hill.................President book expert, to conserve this priceless work, the series of tiny artifacts she discovers in its ancient Margo Lowry.....Vice President binding-an insect wing fragment, wine stains, Kay Freeman.......VP, Treasurer salt crystals, a white hair-only begin to unlock its Ellen Love..................Secretary deep mysteries and unexpectedly plunges Han- na into the intrigues of fine art forgers and ultra- Barbara Sheryll.............Trustee nationalist fanatics. Howard Eilenberg.........Trustee Ellen Zimmerman..........Trustee May 7, 10:00AM At the home of Kay and Irwin Irwin Freeman....Past President Freeman The discussion will be led by Howard Eilenberg Page 3 (Message from the President Continued from page 2) Our New Student Rabbi of all in order to conduct this wonderful event.
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