CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1977 compiled by PETER DE KLERK I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Battles, Ford Lewis. "The future of calviniana" in Renaissance, refor­ mation, resurgence. Papers and responses presented at the Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies held at Calvin Theological Seminary on April 22 and 23, 1976. Ed. by Peter De Klerk. Grand Rapids: Cal­ vin Theological Seminary, 1976. Pp. 133-173. De Klerk, Peter. "Calvin bibliography 1976" Calvin Theological Jour- nal U (1976) 199-243. -. "The future of calviniana" (response) in Renaissance, refor­ mation, resurgence. Papers and responses presented at the Colloquium on Calvin & Calvin Studies held at Calvin Theological Seminary on April 22 and 23, 1976. Ed. by Peter De Klerk. Grand Rapids: Cal­ vin Theological Seminary, 1976. Pp. 175-181. Kempff, Dionysius. "On calviniana literature. The study done by the Institute for the Advancement of Calvinism" in Christian higher edu­ cation. The contemporary challenge. Proceedings of the First Inter­ national Conference of Reformed Institutions for Christian Scholar­ ship Potchefstroom, 9-13 September 1975. Wetenskaplike Bydraes van die P.U. vir C.H.O. Reeks F 3, No. 6. Potchefstroom: Institute for the Advancement of Calvinism, 1976. Pp. 392-399. Strasser, Otto Erich. "Calviniana œcumenica" Kirchenblatt für die Reformierte Schweiz 118 (1962) 101-103. II. CALVIN'S WORKS A. Works Ephesians - Jude. Calvin's Commentaries, 12. Wilmington, Del.: Asso­ ciated Publishers and Authors [i.e. Lafayette, Ind.: Calvin Publica­ tions] 1974. Reprint of Calvin Translation Society edition. A harmony of the synoptic gospels. Calvin's Commentaries, 9. Lafay­ ette, Ind.: Calvin Publications, 1975. Reprint of Calvin Translation Society edition. Institución de la religion cristiana fi536] Traducción del latín por Jacinto Terán, con una introducción por Β. Foster Stockwell. Obras Clasicas de la Reforma, 15 and 16. Buenos Aires: Editorial "La Aurora," 1958. 2 vol. Isaiah 59 - Jeremiah 32, 20. Calvin's Commentaries, 5. Wilmington, Del.: Associated Publishers and Authors [i.e. Lafayette, Ind.: Calvin Publications] 1974. Reprint of Calvin Translation Society edition. Istituzione della religione cristiana. A cura di Giorgio Tourn. Classici delle Religioni. Sezione 5: Le altre Confessioni Cristiane, N. 16. Torino: Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, 1971. 2 voi. NOTE: In this bibliography the closest English equivalents have been substituted for some of the non-English characters. 164 CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1977 165 Jeremiah 32, 21 - Ezekiel. Calvin's Commentaries, 6. Wilmington, Del.: Associated Publishers and Authors [i.e. Lafayette, Ind.: Calvin Pub­ lications] 1974. Reprint of Calvin Translation Society edition. Romans - Galatians. Calvin's Commentaries, 11. Wilmington, Del.: As­ sociated Publishers and Authors [i.e. Lafayette, Ind.: Calvin Publica­ tions] 1974. Reprint of Calvin Translation Society edition. B. Selected Works "Breve tratado sobre la santa cena" in his Tratados breves. Obras Clasicas de la Reforma, 18. Buenos Aires: Editorial "La Aurora," 1959. Pp. 5-47. "Carta de Juan Calvino al Cardenal Jaime Sadoleto sobre la reforma de la iglesia en Ginebra" in his Tratados breves. Obras Clasicas de la Reforma, 18. Buenos Aires: Editorial "La Aurora," 1959. Pp. 49-133. "Catecismo de la iglesia de Ginebra" (1542) Introducción y notas por B. Foster Stockwell, in Catecismos de la iglesia reformada. Obras Clasicas de la Reforma, 19. Buenos Aires: Editorial y Librería "La Aurora," 1962. Pp. 5-124. "Christ, the end of the law" (Being the preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550) The Evangelical Magazine No. 31 (September-October 1964) 12-23. "Confessio fidei Gallicana" (The French Confession of Faith. A.D. 1559) in The creeds of Christendom. With a history and critical notes, by Philip Schaff. Vol 3, The evangelical protestant creeds, with trans­ lations. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. Pp. 356-382. Re­ print. John Calvin's sermons on the Ten Commandments. Translated, edited and critically introduced by Benjamin Wirt Farley. Th.D. dissertation. Richmond, Va.: Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1976. vii, 658 leaves. "Leerredenen over Job 34, 29 - 39, 7" in Stemmen uit Genève. Preken, artikelen, brieven, enz. No. 37, September 1976; No. 38, december 1976; No. 39, maart 1977. Goudriaan: De Gereformeerde Biblic*· theek, 1976-77. Pp. 97-200, 201-280, 281-364. On God and political duty. Ed., with an introduction by John Thomas McNeill. The Library of Liberal Arts. Indianapolis : The Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1976. Twelfth printing. A reformation debate. Sadoleto's letter to the Genevans and Calvin's reply. By John Calvin & Jacopo Sadoleto. With an appendix on the justification controversy. Ed., with an introduction by John C. Olin. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976. Reprint of 1966 edition. C. Selections of Works "The authority of civil government" in Renaissance and reformation 1300-1648. Ed. by Geoffrey Rudolph Elton. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1976. Pp. 215- 219. Reprint of 1963 and 1968 editions. [Selections from Institutes of the Christian religion, book 4, chapter 20] "Calvin to Cranmer, 1552" in Puritanism in Tudor England. Ed. by Harry Culverwell Porter. History in Depth. Columbia, S.C.: Univer­ sity of South Carolina Press, 1971. Pp. 64-66. British ed., London: Macmillan and Co., 1971. Another version in Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with historical 166 CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publica­ tion, 1858. Vol. 2, pp. 345-348. "Calvin to Edward VI, 1551" in Puritanism in Tudor England. Ed. by Harry Culverwell Porter. History in Depth. Columbia, S.C.: Univer­ sity of South Carolina Press, 1971. Pp. 67-71. British ed., London: Macmillan and Co., 1971. Another version in Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with historical notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publica­ tion, 1858. Vol. 2, pp. 299-304. "Calvin to Edward VI, 1552" in Puritanism in Tudor England. Ed. by Harry Culverwell Porter. History in Depth. Columbia, S.C.: Univer­ sity of South Carolina Press, 1971. Pp. 72-73. British ed.: London: Macmillan and Co., 1971. Another version in Letters of John Cal­ vin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with histori­ cal notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Pub­ lication, 1858. Vol. 2, pp. 354-355. "Ecclesiastical ordinance" in Renaissance and reformation 1300-1648. Ed. by Geoffrey Rudolph Elton. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.; London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1976. Pp. 213-215. Re­ print of 1963 and 1968 editions. [Selections from "Ecclesiastical or­ dinance"] "Ja zum Martyrium: Johannes Calvins Brief an Richard Lefevre in Lyon, 1551" in Zeugnis und Zeichen. Reden, Briefe, Dokumente. Hrsg. von Friedrich Wilhelm Kantzenbach. München: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1964. Pp. 27-31. Also in Johannes Calvins Lebenswerk in seinen Briefen. Eine Auswahl von Briefen Calvins in deutscher Über- setzung von Rudolf Schwarz. Band 2, Die Briefe der Jahre 1548- 1555. Neukirchen Kreis Moers: Neukirchener Verlag der Buchhand­ lung des Erziehungsvereins, 1962. Pp. 539-542. "John Calvin to Archbishop Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury" in Re­ naissance letters. Revelations of a world reborn. Ed. by Robert John Clements and Lorna Levant. New York: New York University Press, 1976. Pp. 235-236. Also in Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with historical notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1858. Vol. 2, pp. 356-358. "John Calvin to Heinrich Bullinger" in Renaissance letters. Revelations of a world reborn. Ed. by Robert John Clements and Lorna Levant. New York: New York University Press, 1976. Pp. 227-230. Also in Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with historical notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presby­ terian Board of Publication, 1858. Vol. 1, pp. 429-434. "John Calvin to his friend Sachinus" in Renaissance letters. Revelations of a world reborn. Ed. by Robert John Clements and Lorna Levant. New York: New York University Press, 1976. Pp. 449-451. "John Calvin to Oswald Myconius" in Renaissance letters. Revelations of a world reborn. Ed. by Robert John Clements and Lorna Levant. New York: New York University Press, 1976. Pp. 234-235. Also in Letters of John Calvin. Compiled from the original manuscripts and edited with historical notes, by Jules Bonnet. Philadelphia: Presby­ terian Board of Publication, 1858. Vol. 1, pp. 452-453. 'On the creation of man" in A treasury of evangelical writings. Valiant for the truth. Comp, and ed. by David Otis Fuller. Introductions by Henry W. Coray. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1974. Pp. 186- 204. Previously entitled Valiant for the truth. A treasury of evan- CALVIN BIBLIOGRAPHY 1977 167 gelical writings. Comp, and ed. by David Otis Fuller. Introductions by Henry W. Coray. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1961. "On the eternal predestination of God" in A treasury of evangelical writings. Valiant for the truth. Comp, and ed. by David Otis Fuller. Introductions by Henry W. Coray. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publica­ tions, 1974. Pp. 181-186. Previously entitled Valiant for the truth. A treasury of evangelical writings. Comp, and ed. by David Otis Ful­ ler. Introductions by Henry W. Coray. New York : McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1961. "Sermon XII" [Titus 1, 10-12] in This great company. Sermons by out­ standing preachers
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