*1U& J\fohe 2>euHe SCHOLASTIC Vol. 82 August 18, 1944 No. 6 * Law Baff Tonight Mt * Sfafues Placed in Alumni and Lyons Tonight: Top hat, white tie, and tails—if you have them! r*^:> I, c NAVAL OFFICERS-Thank the U.S. Navy for pushing prices down and quality up THAT'S the U. S. Navy for you... every­ thing they've tackled, from officers' gold braid to officers' raincoats, has been stepped up in quality and stepped down in price. We doubt if you can get finer ones at any price. QUALITY AND PRICES ESTABLISHED BY NAVY DEPARTMENT SERVICE BLUE NAVY RAINCOAT UNIFORM With Removable All-Wool Lining FOR COMMISSIONED OFHCERS $3^50 (Extra Trousers SlO.OO) 990-2% Star and With Lining 990-2% LACE Fine Quality, 16-ounce 2-plY, Of fine 16-ounce 2-ply, pure ATorsted serge, Cravenetted andi pure worsted serge. Meets all Sterling silver base with 2 per cent gold content. rain resistant. The "button-in" government specifications as to Warmer is of pure wool flannel, wool stock, weight, dye shrink­ Finely woven, long providing excellent insulation age and tensile strength. wearing. $5.40 (full sleeve) against cold. TAXI OPEN FREE! HOUSE —in South Bend GILBERT'S Saturday afternoon Hail any cab— and Evening — we pay on arrival. "OHM. A/odi. HjUi /^Ptatlu/i and Sunday, 9 to 4 813 - 817 S. Michigan Street L IN SOUTH %EHD TAXI FREE TO Gl LBERT S Home of HICKEY - FREEMAN Navy Officers' Uniforms Indiana's Largest Naval Officers' Uniform House Is NOT DOWNTOWN! ILBERT'S Naval Tailors, Indiana's Largest — is located G eight blocks South on Michigan Street in South Bend — NOT DOWN TOWN! Everything you need UNDER ONE ROOF — 88 courteous Gilbertarians to serve you. The Dobbs Sea-Master OBBS Naval Officer's Cap —100% lighter to wear — D 100% easier to change! Dobbs quality, styling and workmanship, of course. TAXI OPEN FREE! HOUSE GILBERT'S Sat. Afternoon in South Bend and Evening —to Gilbert's "(ht£> Afa4v TiMs /^*€otlvi/L^ —and Sunday 813 - 817 S. Michigan Street SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! ^he ^otre ^ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moritums Man About Campus FOITNDED 1S67 BY BLAIR NATTKEMPER Tall, likable, well known Richard G. (he won't tell) Mur­ phy uses 311 Sorin Hall for sleeping purposes only. "Murph" claims Oak Park, 111., as his home. While at Fenwick High, he played two years of varsity football and captained his track team. Because of physical difficulties, Dick was forced to give up baseball after a year on the Irish squad. Now a senior, "Murph" has passed his twentieth summer, stands 6' '2,\'^", and tips the scales at 190. A discharged veter­ an of the army signal corps, Dick, who is majoring in Busi­ ness Administration, will graduate this Of^ober. He has been quite the "boy" around the campus: was chairman of the Sophomore Cotillion, Junior-Senior Ball, music chairman of THE STAFF the Engineers' Ball, and is at present co-president of the Commerce Forum. AL LESMEZ, Editor-in-Chief "Murph" also won the frosh oratorical contest, helped to AL BHOTEN JOE THORNTON put on the TFar Charitij Carnival two year's ago, is circula­ Associate Editor, Marines Associate Editor, Navy tion manager of the Scliolai^tic and has announced the Ben­ EDITORIAL STAFF gal Boiita for the last two years. A former dining hall em­ ployee, Dick gave up in despair after his failure to unionize ROBERT HIORDAN Managing Editor BILL WADDINGTON - Sports Editor fellow employees. DICK MDRPHY Circulation Also one of the schools leading politicians, Dick used BOB O'TOOLE Promotion pressure politics in the Spring of '42 when he wrangled an election before anyone else on the campus found out or had COLUMNISTS a chance to organize—his pai'ty won by an overwhelming LIEUT. S. L. BEATTY Observations majority. (Wonder why?) LIEUT. J. I. COLLINS Know Your Navy IM CASEY - The Green Banner His pet peeve is "Guys who swipe all my toilet articles." JIM HECK Introducing To prove this point, Dick produced a rather forlorn, dejected EMMETT HASSETT The College Parade toothbrush out of an otherwise empty cabinet. "Murph" gave BLAIR NATTKEMPER Man About the Campus up going out windows last semester, but is still a well known PETE BROWN Pressbox Splinters figure in the Prefect of Discipline's office. A member of the HARRY LE BEN The Periscope "Two Week's Club," "Murph" lias been campused off and on ARNIE SKLARE The Gabby Gizmo for four years. (Every time he goes off, he's back on.) CONTRIBUTORS A favorite pastime of Dick's is to sit around with some DON MURPHY GEORGE KRAUSER BELL LESSARD of the old timers and reminisce about the pre-war days at JACK MCCARTHY rOHN FEENEY C. STONEBARGER N.D.—the good food, weekends in "Chi," etc. He has been rOHN BUTLER GENE DIAMOND f. KLOCKENKEMPER thinking seriously about starting a "Bundles for Murphy TOM DINGES BILL BYINGTON ART WAGNER Drive" since the laundry has greatly depleted the ranks of IM CAREY D. NUECHTERLEIN L HERGSTEIN his wearing apparel. DICK GORMAN fOE HAMMOND HM FOY Music is another of Murphy's many talents; a few years FACK CAHILL S. B. STOCKWELL BILL OVER back, Dick had his own 13 piece band, which played in and DICK MELLETT f. S. HAMEL IIM SOMMER rOHN MORRIS A. E. FUSS AL KOHN around the Chicago area. He featured soft and sweet melo­ TOM McNALLY R. L. VOSBERG GUY WILSON dies in the Del Courtney style, and his band went under the lACK MILES TOM SHANAHAN GEORGE NUTIL uame of "Ray Kendel" because Dick figured the name Mur­ FAMES KEENAN RONALD BYERSMITHROBERT MOLNAR phy was too common and far too Irish. HARRY SEIMONSMA If you decide to go looking for Mr. Murphy any one of these hot summer evenings, you have an even chance of find­ PHOTOGRAPHY ing him parked placidly behind a cold bottle at "Georges." AL SHAEFER CHARLES RENAUD DON WHITE Being a true N.D. man, Dick holds no love for South Bend REV. CHARLES M CAREY. C.S.C. Faculty Advisor —"and South Bend holds no love for Murph" so stated Jim Casey, one of Mux-phy's bosom buddies. The retail merchandise business seems to be a slight fa­ Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated CoUeeiatc vorite with Dick's intentions upon graduation. However, Press, Distributor of Collegiate Digest. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York music or politics might prove to become the "Murph's" am­ City—Chicago—Boston—Los Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHOLASTIC bition. is published weekly during the school year, except during vacations and examination periods at the University of Notre Dame. Address all manu­ P.S. B]i the way, boys, Dick has a sister ivho is entering script to the Editor, Administration Building, Notre Dame, Indiana. St. Mary's next semester, and from the picture—hmtmnm! THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailins at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25. 191S. VOL. 82 AUGUST 18, 1944 NO. 6 Law Ball in the Rockne Memorial Tonight Lew Diamond to Supply Music at Rockne Memorial; "Scholastic" Announces Civilian Semi-Formal Dance Promises to be Success. Photography Contest Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Stately Rockne bei-s composing the staff of the Univer­ Plans are now underway for the first Memorial will be the scene of one of the sity auditor's office. Miss Kowalswki is photography contest ever to be con­ most important social events of the sea­ also in the employ of the University in ducted by the SCHOLASTIC on the son, this evening, as the Notre Dame the office of the manager of the Notre Notre Dame campus. This contest will Lawyers present their annual Law Ball. Dame dining hall. embrace all types and phases of photo­ Writs of Haheiis Corpus, Mandamua. Another special guest of the evening- graphy and will be open to all civilian, will be Miss Paula Popko, of Bessemer, marine, V-12, and NROTC students on Mich., who will be escorted by John Pat­ the campus. According to present plans, rick Flanagan, president of the Notre Dame Law club. there will be several divisions for en­ tries so that each picture may be judged Completing the list of special guests according to the techniques peculiar to of the evening will be Miss Eileen Burns that particular kind of photograph. of South Bend. Miss Burns will be the guest for the evening of Charles M. Prizes will be awarded to each division BojTiton, editor of the Notre Dame Law­ of entries. These prizes will be a sum yer. of money. In the past the Law Club Ball has The purpose of this contest is to stimu­ been a pace-setter for the social activi­ late interest in photography, and to give ties of the season. This time, regardless those interested in the field an opportu­ of the handicaps that have been im­ nity to test their prowess in competi­ posed due to the war, nothing has been tion along with others so inclined. This spared to carry on the tradition that has contest will also serve to give praise and honor where it is due for praiseworthy made the Law Club Ball something to efforts and accomplishment. No limit be looked forward to, and long remem­ will be placed on the time at which the bered. picture was taken, so that pictures from the present, or from past collections, Miss Loretta Kowalski may be entered indiscriminately.
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