11 RTP/10/30 TAYSIDE AND CENTRAL SCOTLAND TRANSPORT PARTNERSHIP 14 SEPTEMBER 2010 DUNDEE CITY SINGLE OUTCOME AGREEMENT DELIVERY PLAN REPORT BY DIRECTOR This report seeks the Partnership’s endorsement of the Dundee City Single Outcome Agreement Delivery Plan. 1 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 That the Partnership endorses the Dundee City Single Outcome Agreement Delivery Plan. 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 At its meeting on 23 June 2009 the Partnership endorsed Community Planning Partnership Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs) covering the four partner Council areas (Report RTP/09/20 refers). In doing so the Partnership noted that the four SOAs had been formally signed by the Chair/Deputy Chair on behalf of Tactran during May/June 2009 and agreed to receive periodic reports on progress towards supporting the delivery of SOA outcomes. 2.2 Officials have continued to work on embedding the Partnership as an active member of the four Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs). Each of the CPPs is progressing the development of its SOA and associated Delivery Plan and Tactran officials are contributing to this process through attendance at the relevant CPP management groups and/or relevant CPP thematic groups, principally those dealing with the economy and environmental issues. This continues to be a significant and growing area of work for officers. 2.3 This report deals with the Dundee City SOA Delivery Plan. Reports on other SOAs and associated Delivery Plans will be brought forward to the Partnership for formal comment and endorsement as these progress, in line with Scottish Government expectations that all public bodies commit formally to supporting the delivery of SOAs. As outlined in the separate report dealing with the 2009/10 Annual Accounts, a review of the Partnership’s Governance procedures will take account of the Partnership’s statutory accountability in respect of SOA delivery. 3 DISCUSSION 3.1 The Dundee City SOA Delivery Plan 2010 – 2012 has been developed and approved by the Dundee Partnership. The Director is a member of the Dundee Partnership Management Group which oversees the development and Delivery of the SOA and the Projects Manager has recently become a member of the Dundee Partnership Work and Enterprise Group. Arrangements are in hand for the Strategy Manager to become a member of the Dundee Partnership Environment Group, reflecting similar effective liaison arrangements which are being put in place with other CPPs. 1 3.2 The SOA Delivery Plan is attached at Appendix A. This sets out a comprehensive range of actions to be taken by partners across the CPP to achieve the targets set out within the SOA. Individual actions are assigned to Lead Officers, normally a member of the Dundee City Development service for transportation issues. 3.3 Specific outcomes and actions of relevance to Tactran include :- Maintain and improve the City’s transport infrastructure, implement sustainability measures and prepare detailed costed proposal for a new rail station concourse (Appendix A, page 6 refers) – these actions are supported by a range of projects within the Partnership's existing Revenue and Capital Programmes, including specific funding and professional support for the Dundee Station concourse proposal, as discussed in separate Monitoring Reports; Deliver the economic benefits of the Waterfront project (Appendix A, page 8 refers) – this action is being supported by the Partnership’s contribution towards the Dundee Port access scheme; development of Strategic Park & Ride around Dundee; financial and staff time support for development of Dundee Station enhancement proposals; TERS; and other elements of the Capital and Revenue Programmes; Implement Demand Responsive Transport pilot in Mid Craigie and Linlathen (Appendix A, pages 29 and 52 refer) - this action is being supported through funding for DRT within the Tactran Revenue and Capital programmes, as discussed in separate Monitoring Reports; Improve public transport through introducing bus priority measures on North West arterial route (Appendix A, page 52 refers) – this action has previously been supported through the Tactran Capital Programme and is included in the RTS Delivery Plan; Develop and implement public sector carbon management programmes with action plans to reduce carbon emissions (Appendix A, page 54 refers) – this action is being supported by a range of initiatives, including Park & Ride strategy around Dundee; Travel Information Strategy (e.g. tactranconnect); Travel Plan Strategy (e.g. tactranliftshare); Freight Action Plan and TERS; Promote Dundee as a sector of excellence for renewable energy (Appendix A, page 55 refers) - this action is being supported by the Partnership's funding and staff time contribution to the Dundee Port access project in support of the emerging renewables market; Implement sustainable measures such as Smarter Choices/ Smarter Places (Dundee Travel Active); Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets. Support Tactran RTS Delivery Plan. City Centre parking polices and implementation including Park & Ride (Appendix A, page 56 refers) – this action is being supported by the Tactran Revenue and Capital Programmes, including financial and Travel Plan Officer time support for Dundee Travel Active; development of Park & Ride Strategy around Dundee; TERS; and ongoing alignment of the RTS Delivery Plan with SOA priority outcomes. 2 3.4 In addition to the above specific actions Tactran will have a role in contributing to a variety of other SOA outcomes related to the economic, environmental and social health and wellbeing of Dundee City. 3.5 As can be seen from the above, work on aligning the RTS Delivery Plan with emerging SOA Delivery Plans is ensuring that the Partnership fulfils its statutory duty to support SOA priority outcomes. The Partnership is asked to note the progress in aligning the Partnership’s delivery priorities with the Dundee City SOA, and to endorse the Dundee City SOA Delivery Plan. 4 CONSULTATIONS 4.1 The Director has been involved in the development of the Dundee SOA Delivery Plan through the Dundee Partnership Management Group. 5 RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS 5.1 The Partnership has a statutory duty to engage in Community Planning and officer time will continue to be committed to developing relationships with and within CPPs as a key function of the Partnership, in line with this statutory duty. 5.2 The Revenue and Capital implications of supporting the Dundee City SOA Delivery Plan are addressed in separate reports on Revenue and Capital Monitoring. Eric Guthrie Director Report prepared by Eric Guthrie. For further information e-mail [email protected] or tel. 01738 475771 NOTE No background papers, as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (and not containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to a material extent in preparing the above Report. Report to Partnership RTP/09/20, Single Outcome Agreements, 23 June 2009 3 REPORT TO: POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE - 28 JUNE 2010 REPORT ON: SINGLE OUTCOME AGREEMENT DELIVERY PLAN 2010-2012 REPORT BY: ASSISTANT CHIEF EXECUTIVE REPORT NO: 363-2010 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 This report recommends the approval of the Dundee Partnership Single Outcome Agreement Delivery Plan 2010-2012. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 It is recommended that committee approves the SOA Delivery Plan in Appendix 1 of this report. 3. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 3.1 There are no specific additional financial implications from the adoption of the SOA Delivery Plan. Where commitments are made by Council departments these will be met from existing revenue budgets. 4. BACKGROUND 4.1 Policy and Resources Committee agreed the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) for Dundee 2009-2012 in June 2009 before it was signed off jointly by the Dundee Partnership and John Swinney on behalf of the Scottish Government in July 2009. 4.2 In the SOA for Dundee a commitment was given to develop a Delivery Plan which would clearly set out the action which would be taken across the Partnership to achieve the ambitious targets set by the SOA. These actions would connect the strategic and intermediate outcomes defined in the SOA to the frontline day to day activity of collectively and individually. Outcome delivery plans are aligned to the strategic theme groups of the Dundee Partnership and progress reports will be presented to the Partnership and the Policy and Resources Committee twice a year. 4.3 The SOA Delivery Plan for Dundee 2010-2012 is attached in Appendix 1. It has been developed in close collaboration with community planning partners and will be reflected in their respective corporate and service plans. This process is already underway in relation to the service plans which have or are soon to be presented to Dundee City Council. 4.4 The period of the Community Plan for Dundee ended in March 2010 and the SOA delivery plan largely replaces it. In doing this it explicitly identifies the SOA and the delivery plan as the primary drivers of partnership working for the city. 5. POLICY IMPLICATIONS 5.1 Further impact assessment of the equalities impact of this plan will be undertaken and published as required. P:\Board Meetings\2010\10 09 14\Draft papers\10 09 14 Item 11 Dundee SOA Delivery Plan Appendix A.doc 2 6. CONSULTATIONS 6.1 Extensive consultation has taken place across the Council and community planning partners over the last year while the delivery plan was being developed. 7. BACKGROUND PAPERS 7.1 Report to Policy and Resources Committee, 22 June 2009, Report No 332-2009 Chris Ward Assistant Chief Executive
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