ALL.-AME LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 378 Alien Edwd.perambulator m&nfr. 3 A.lbion ter. Wandsworth rd SW Allgood Rosa (Miss), dress ma. 78 Thurlestone rd. We. Norwood SE Alien Edwacd George, shopkeeper, 32 Picton street, Camberwell SE Alliance Dairy Co- Limited (W. Overton, managing director), 1 .Alien Edwin Em est, newsagent, 208A, New King's road, Fulham SW fltation buildings, Catford road, Catford SE ; 18tl High street, .AllenEdwinJohn, bootmaker, 11 Trafalgar road, Greenwich SE Clapham SW ; 8 Moat place, Stockwell SW ; 44 Perry vale, Alien Elizh. (Miss), dressmaker, 4 Craigrrne road, Blackheath SE Forest Hill SE ; 118 & 196 N orwood road SW ; 217 Streatham Alien Emily (Mrs.), laundry, 91 Goodrich road, East Dulwich SE High road SW · 12 Tolse hill SW ; 385 Brixton road SW ; .Alien Ethel (Miss), boarding houre. 22 Adolphus rd. Finsbury pk.N 14 Half Moon lane, Herne Hill SE; 517 Finchley road; 75 Alien Flora (Mrs.), coffee tavern, 21 & 23 Bridge rd. Battersea SW Mill la. & 221 West End la. Hampstead NW Alien Francis Willia.m, outfitter, 14 Perry vale, Forest Hill SE Alliance of Honour (E. ]<;. Bagnall & A. B. Kent, hon. secs.). 81 Alien :Franois W1lliam. ho~ier. 74 Lord>hip hne, East D)llwich SE Dynevor road. Stoke Newington N Alien Frank, boot maker, 9 Westcombe hill, Greenwich SE Allibone & Haddon,boot & shoe repairers, 6 Queen's rd. PEckhPm SE Allen Fredk. grngr~. 6 Clarence ter. Churchst. Stoke Newngtn N Allin George, florist, lil Avenell road, Finsbury Park N & Elwood Alien Frederick George, news agent, 115 Fulham Palace road, nursery,Elwood st.Highbury & 18 Jackson's bl(),os.Stroud Grn.rd N Hammersmith W Allingham Edward, assist. insur. supt. 31M~coma rd. PlnmsteadSE Alien Fredk. Wm. hosier, 74 Lordsh'p lane, East Dulwich SE Allingham Thos. Richard, boot ma. 3 Crsnmer rd. Nth. Brixton SW Alien Gocrge, ga.sfittu, ll4 Cranbrook raad, Dl'ptford New Town SE .Allinson Benj. boot maker, 71 Thorpedale road, Tollington Park N Alien George, boot repairer, 172 .Acre lane, West Brixton SW Alli!!on & Foskett, builders, 2 Holly hill, Hampstead NW .Alien Geo. sewiog machine, manfctr. 91 Laus3nne rd. Peckham SE Allison Emrna (Miss), confectioner, 26 Crouch hill N Alien George, shopkeeper, 51 Chatham road, Battersea SW Allimn Emily (Mr~.), cor3et maker, 132 Brookdale rd. Catford SE Alll'n George, undertaker, 50 Gordon road, Peckham SE Allimn James, tobacconist. ll1'olygon. Clapham SW Alien Geo. Albert, laundry, 10 South row, Kensal New Town W .Allison Rosina (Mrs.), shopkpr. 2 Auckland hill, We. Norwood SE .Alien George Henry, bcotmakEr, 38 Fcnwick street, Woolwich Allman Edward, hosier, 98 High street, West Norwood SE .Alien G. R. removal contractor, 2 Kersley road, Stoke Newington N Allman William, provision dealer, 43 Sunny Hill road, Streatham SW Alien Gertrude (Miss) A.L.C.M. teacher of music, 18 Beresford Allnutt l<'redk. Wm. butcher, 10 Melbourne grove, East Dulwich SE street, W oolwich SE Allnutt Bros. hay & straw salesmen, 4 & 5 Hay yard, Wandswcr.h Alien Harold, oilman, 26 Oldridge road, Balham SW road SW Alien Henry, boot maker, 155 Brookb~nk road, I.ewitham SE A.lloway Annie (Mrs.), dress ma. 232 Albion rd. Stoke Newington N Alien Henry, grocer, 60 Eccles road, Battersea Rise SW Allpress William, builder, 48 Elswick road, Lewisham SE A lien Herbert, shopkeeper, 4 Cork street, Camberwell SE AU,horn W1llhm Edw2rd. grocer, 17 High street. BatWr3ea SW .Alien & Roar. surveyors, 283 West End lane, Hampstead NW Allson John, shopkeeper, 124 High street, Plumstead SE Alien Jacob Thomas, greengrocer, 67 Nunhead lane, Peckham SE Allwp Freder,ck, ~hopkeeper. 124 Maxey road, Plnmstead Allen Jarnes., boot maker, 48 Avenue road, Lower Clapton NE Allsop Robert, aparbment:;, 37 Dcronda road. Herne hill SE Alien J ames, boct repairer. 17 Dutton street, Greenwich SE Allsopp S. & Sons, Lim. brewers, Lytcott gro. East Dulwich SE Alien James, carpenter. 17 & 19 Brandram road, Lee SE ('IN 207 Sydenllam) & 3A, Polygon, Clapham SW Alll'n James, insurJnce rgent, 393 Woolwich ro8d, Charlton SE Allsworth _o\., (Mrs.), grocer, 20 Hadyn Park rd. Shepherd's Bush W Alleu James W!lliHm, fhupkeeper. 103 Bridge street, Greenwich SE Allsworth Elizh. (Mrs.), watch maker, 14 Gipsy hill, Norwood SE 1\llen James, dyer & cleaner, 179 Lordship lane, East Dulwich SE Allt Nathniel Wm. L.R.C.P. & S.Irel. surgeon, 424 Clapham rd SW Alien James, news agent, 5 Rathgar road, Brixton SW Allum Fras. Hy. secondhand furn. dlr. 59 Bedford hill, Balham SW f\.llen James, printer, & publishing office of the "Forest Hill & Allnm Herbert Arthur, boot maker, 78 Stockwell road SW Sydenham Examiner " & " Brockley&Crofton Park Free Press" ; .Ailum J ames, insurance agent. 15 Guildford ro:ld, Greenwich SE published friday, 101 Dartmouth road, Forest Hill SE Allum SarHh Ann CM1 s.), laundry, 35 & 37 Fernlea rd. Balham SW Allen James Doliman, corn. agent, 174 Ramsden road, Balham SW Allum John, chimney sweeper, 60 Fonthill road, Finsbury Park N Alien James Louis, boot ma. 64 Old Hill street, Upper Clapton NE All wood Charlotte (Miss) dres,mak r. 78 Hoth1.m road, Putney S\V .Alien Jane Snsannah (Mrs.), confctr. 43 Patmore 't.Sth.LambethSW Allward James, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 9 Mount View Alien John, apartments, ti8 Queen's road, Peckham SE road, Crouch Hill N Alien John, insur... nce agnt. 10 North ter. Fairlawn pk.Sydenharn SE Allway James Randall, baker, 126 High st.r{'Ct, Plumstead SE Alien John, jobbing gardener, 57 Wellington rd. Stoke Newington N A.llworth A. Leigh L.R.C.P. Lond., M.n.C.S., L.D.S.R.C.S. lmg. dental A.llen John, toy maker, 66 So:.~thampton street, Camlerwell SE surgeon, 123 Peckham road SE & 14 West Hill, Sydenham SE; Allen John Archibald, plumbEr, 3 Rokeby cretcent, Rokeby road, T.N. 414 Rydenham Brockley SE Allworth Alfred M. D., L.U.S.R.C.S. F.ng. dent. surg.123 Peckhm. rd SE Alien John Cole, lighterman, 47 Norman road, Greenwich SE Allworth Arthur, undertaker, 84 London road, Greenwich SE :1\..llen Joseph, boot maker, 76A, Shacklewell lane NE Allworth Frank P. L.D.S.R.C.S. Eng.dental surgn. 123 Peckham rd SE Alien Joseph, builder, 208 Commercial road, Peckham SE Allwr ght J<:dward Alfd. confPctioner. 22 Church st. C.imberwell sg Alien Joseph, dining rooms, 112 Rushey green, Catford SE Allwright Eli Rowland, 112 Glen Eagle rd. Streatham SW Alien Loms. shopkeeper, 2 Fr'*'land street. Batter3ea SW Allwright Henry Rust, jobmaster, 23 l<'erncliff road, Dalston NE Alien Lacy }'. (Mrs.). dres~mak£r, 159 Crofton pk. rd. Brockley SE Almond Alfred E. confectioner, 67 L'\rkhalllane. Claph1.m SW AlleO:J,ouisa (Mis.'l), confectioner, 6 Frederick terrace, Coldharbour Almond Charles Lancaster, baker, 205 New rd. Sth. Lambeth SW lane, Camberwell SE Almond Emily (Mrc.), tobacconist, 24 King's parade, Mitcham Alien Marion (Mrs.), laundress, 30 Swaffield rd. Wandsworth SW road, Tooting Gr.J.vrney SW Allen Mary (Miss), dress maker, 39 Dunstan's rd. East Dulwich SE Almond George J. undertaker, 120B, High street, Homerton NE Alien Mary (Miss), ladies' outfitter, 75 Queen's rd. Peckham SE Aim; houses 'l'hale. 103 & 105 Streatham High road SW Alien Maud (Miss), confectioner, 13 Upland rd. East Dulwich SE Aleop Henry. buildu & decoratcr. 11 Stanbridge road. Putney SW Alien Caroline Lonisa (Miss), householder, 1 Torrens rd. Brixton SW Alsop Waiter, butcher, 101 Kensal road, Kensal New Town W Allen ll.ichard, eel pie shop, 131 High street, W oolwich SE Alstin Geo.Jn.Man-in-thc-Moon P.H. Old Woolwich rd.Grccnwch SE Alien Robert, watch maker, 8 Dowlas street, Peckham SE Alston William, grocer, 7 Barmouth road, Wandsworth SW Alien Robert Georve, boot maker, 4 Stockwell green SW A.lston Wm. grocer,23 Bective rd.& 209 Lower Richmond rd.Ptny.SW AlienS. J. (Mra.). dr~per, 31 South End road, Hampstead NW Altuccini Luigi, coniectioner, 225 Munster road, Fnlham SW .Alien T. W. plumber, Biackheath Works, The Village, Charlton SO A.lvarez Ash, tailor, 20 King street, Hammersmith W Alien Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 2 W estbourne terrace, Gar- A.lvarez Ben, tailor, 24 Hare street, W oolwich SE ratt lane, Wandsworth SW .Alway Ellen (Mrs.), boarding house, 7 Adolphns rd. :F'insbury Pk N i\Jlen Thomas, general !hop, 79 Bridge street, Greenwich SE Alwill Eliza (Mrs.), tobacconist, 244 Battersea Park road SW Alien Thomas, grocer, 15 Greyhound lane, Streatham SW A.lwin Thos. watch maker, 11 Harton st. Deptford New Town SE All en Thos. tbccnst. 4 Arragon par. High rd. South Streatham SW Alwin William Robert, blacking manufacturer, 36A, Heston street, Alien Thomas, wheelwright, 9 Buff place, Camberweli road SE Deptford New Town SE Allen Thomas Isaac, grocer, 32 High street, West Norwood SE ·Alwynne G. A. bootmaker. 5 Nunhead crescent, Peckham SE Alien Thos. Isaa.c, grocer, & post off. 52 Siddons rd. Forest Hill, SE Amalgamated Engineers' Club & Institute Society Lim. (Robert Alien Thomas Stevens (Mrs.), ladies' school, 231 Devonshire road, Owen, sec.), Glyndon road & Villas road, Plnmstead SE .l<'orest Hill SE Amalgamated Society of Engineers (George Nichol Barnes, sec.); Allrn Thomas Waiter. plumbEr. 42 Bowat£r place, Blackheath SE head offices, 110 Peckham road, Peckham SE Alien Waiter, grocer, 34 & 116 Chatsworth rd. Lower Clapton NE Amber Samuel, coffee rooms, 1 Waldo road, College park NW Alien Walter, grocer, 123 Stoke Ne\Yington rd. Sto~e Newington N Ambler Mary & Sophia (Misses), haberdashers, 59 Walmer road, Alien Waiter, hair dresser, 1 Hercules road, Holloway N Plumstead SE Alien Waiter, wardrobe dealer, 22 Straight's mouth, Greenwich SE Ambler Ernest, cab proprietor, 6 Orris mews, Hammersmith W Alien Waiter Jas. farmer, .Bellingham farm, Southend, Catford SE Ambler Wm.
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