2015 Winter Edition NOUS Congress Concludes The 2014 Annual Congress of the Naval Order of the United Some of the lecturers were from the Naval War College: States (NOUS) was held in Newport, Rhode Island, at the Professors John Hattendorf, Kevin McCranie, Michael Newport Marriott Hotel from 30 October through 1 Pavković, and Stan Carpenter. Other speakers included November. The theme of the Congress was Newport Then & Admiral James Hogg, Mr. Keith Stokes, Captain Richard Bailey Now. Guests from the various commanderies around the and Mr. Bart Dunbar of SSV Oliver Hazard Perry, and the United States were treated to a fulfilling agenda of speakers but Command Master Chief Petty Officer of USS were also given the opportunity to see many tourist attractions CONSTITUTION, Nancy Estrada. available in the local area. On the last day, the Admiral of the Navy George Dewey The Order’s mission is to encourage research and writing on Award Luncheon was held and a video of its award to former- naval and maritime subjects and promote the preservation of Secretary of the Navy John Lehman was viewed. In historic artifacts and memories of our maritime history. attendance were former-Secretary of the Navy, Ambassador J. NOUS was founded in 1890 and is the oldest such William Middendorf II, and Medal of Honor recipient Captain organization in the United States. Thomas Hudner. Wednesday, 29 October, was reserved for the many committee The evening’s Distinguished Sea Service Award Banquet was meetings and national issues. The Newport Commandery, the crowning activity of the Congress, however. The recipient under the leadership of retired Chief Petty Officer George of the award was General James Mattis, USMC (Ret.), former Wardwell, hosted the event which was welcomed to Newport commander of U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM). by the Mayor of Newport, The Honorable Harry Winthrop. General Mattis is currently a Hoover Fellow at Stanford University. The Congress was then concluded with the The Congress began on Thursday with a general meeting, promise to come together in one year’s time in New Orleans. followed on Friday and Saturday with educational lectures. Submitted by John Kennedy WINTER 2015 ● VOL. XXV, NO. 1 WWW.NAVALORDER.ORG COMMANDER GENERAL’S REPORT Commander Admiral George A. Huchting, USN (Ret.) as a Companion to the General Council (At Large); Professor John B. Hattendorf General’s as Acting Historian General as Companion Doug Smith Report to the Order recovers from illness; and Captain William J. Waylett, USN (Ret.) as Auditor General. We are most fortunate to be able to Lots of enthusiasm, hard call upon so many talented companions to lead us. work, and talent by the Newport Commandery To honor our extraordinary companion, Howard Snell, who resulted in a very successful you recall passed away last winter, the Congress approved Annual Congress this past creation of a senior enlisted distinguished sea service award. autumn. Companion George Awards Committee Chair CAPT Carter Conlin and CG-E Wardwell and his team Michele Lockwood are developing the criteria and process for provided attendees with a establishing the award this coming year. beautiful and convenient venue, a list of guest speakers, The past few issues of our newsletter have included a notice many from the Naval War about “Cause,” an organization that provides comfort for College who elicited very America’s service members including the organization of favorable comments, unique and enjoyable tours, and a programs that promote recreation, relaxation, and resiliency productive, well-run program of general business sessions. The for those members of the US Armed Services recuperating event was completed within budget; Newport has set the bar high from injuries received in support of operations in Iraq and for future Congresses. Afghanistan. Companion Dr. Jack London, our 2013 recipient of the Naval Order’s Admiral of the Fleet George Dewey Last year I promulgated a Strategic Plan to guide us during the Award, leads this effort and told me recently that they still subsequent two years. I reported to the Congress successes on have a long way to go to fulfill their mission. There is another many fronts and some areas that require additional attention. notice on page 18 in this issue with more information for your consideration. On page three in this issue of our newsletter, I have re-published that Strategic Plan to emphasize our course for this next calendar The recent Congress approved funding full-color issues of our year. More successful objectives in 2014 included: developing quarterly newsletter. Favorably received in the past, now each effective national and local leadership; improved communications; newsletter will be full-color, such as this current issue. We also maintaining the Order on a firm financial basis; innovative and will be including more articles about the many fascinating appealing ideas (two will be mentioned) under the auspices of aspects of our Companions and their professional experiences. our new Project Management process; and enticing and The Charleston Commandery has taken the lead on initiating enjoyable Naval Order events – of which we have held many this feature which we hope you will enjoy. across the country. Less successful has been our efforts to invigorate less active Commanderies, but during the Congress our The General Council has recently approved the creation of an leadership formed a task force to help address this issue. We also Historical Committee that will to function as a support group continue to seek new areas likely to support establishment of for the Historian General in such cases when advice and additional Commanderies. assistance may be necessary. Now that the committee is established, we will be calling upon members with historical Two projects of note that we have undertaken and funded are: expertise to join the Committee to proceed at a new, more supporting the voyage of the French sailing vessel Hermione, a vigorous level as we pursue one of our most important full size and operating replica of the ship that brought Marquis mission goals. Lafayette to support George Washington during our War of Independence, that will be visiting various East Coast ports this In closing, Companion CAPT Gary Bair, USN (Ret.), summer; and funding a graduate student research fellowship to Commander of the New Orleans Commandery, is gearing-up support Companion Richard Ector’s Envisioning History digital his committee for another exciting annual Naval Order naval history library project. Others are under consideration or Congress in his city 21-24 October 2015. There is a brief still in the planning stages. Companion Kent Siegel, our Projects notice now on the NOUS website and soon full details will be Director and Vice Commander General (At Large), explains more posted there. New Orleans has been a favorite venue in the in a separate article on page 16 in this issue. past and we hope you plan to attend this coming fall to fully enjoy all the attractions there – as well conduct some Naval Our national leadership has experienced changes, including Order business! Please save the dates. election of Captain Michele Lockwood, USN (Ret.) as Commander General-Elect (CG-E); and appointments of Rear Submitted by Vance Morrison WINTER 2015 ● VOL. XXV, NO. 1 PAGE 2 WWW.NAVALORDER.ORG STRATEGIC PLAN Commander General’s efforts as well as bring favorable notice to STRATEGIC PLAN the public 2013-2015 Plan Naval Order events that are eagerly anticipated by the membership and fun for all GOAL: participants To provide the vision and key objectives guiding the Naval Order of the United States for the next two years to ensure With the above in mind, enabling actions include, but are that the Order continues to meet its mission objectives. not limited to, the following: VISION: ENABLING ACTIONS: A Naval Order that, as a team: Ensure every Companion knows that he/she is an Continues to grow and diversify its membership active recruiter of new members and provide them with the materials to do so Continues to broaden its membership with eligible members from all of the Sea Services, females as Ensure leaders know their responsibilities and are well as males, young as well as old, and enlisted as equipped to perform them well as officers Provide increased emphasis on Vice Commander Is increasingly acknowledged as the leader in its field General (VCG) - Development and the team that of endeavor supports those efforts More actively engages its membership in each of its Upgrade the position and visibility of the primary mission tasks, including: Electronic Communications efforts to VCG-level as communications with and among the o Commemorating and observing important naval-related historical events membership goes “high tech” and publicity assumes an increasingly important role o Supporting the study of naval history o Preserving historical artifacts, documents Provide commercial support, when required, to and monuments the Registrar General’s repetitive and time o Promoting camaraderie among its consuming tasks to enable that position to focus Companions as well as members of other on strategic challenges organizations with similar goals. Pursue engagement of America’s youth through state-led maritime history contest and affordable STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: grants and scholarships In an era of increasingly constrained resources and aging Encourage and participate in outreach activities organizations, the successful prosecution of this Strategic such as new warship commissionings, the Samuel Plan will require awareness, persistence, and commitment. Eliot Morison Book Award, symposia at the Our membership has been declining and some of our Naval Academy and other maritime organizations, Commanderies exhibit decreasing activity; one has recently and assume responsibility for new projects folded. Objectives, then, to reverse negative trends include: deemed worthy as well as affordable Grow and broaden the membership by pro-active GUIDING PRINCIPLE: recruitment of new Companions by every Companion Dr.
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