1 1 11 1 1 1 1 GOAL 200 500 1,000 1,500 1,700 ... 1 1------------ 1 1 Sunny . Optimism . MICHIGAN . is when you can W a rm e r. think of roses while walk­ Low 60’ s. STATE Wednesday: Fair, mild. ing past the Judging Pa­ vilion. — Raymond Lantinga UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, November 2, 1965 Price 10< Vol. 58, Number 44 A frican M ajority R ule Seen For Rhodesia B l o o d NO DATE SET W i l s o n D r i v e M u s t H e a r C l a i m s A n e m i c T i m e W o n Donations on the first day of M SU ’ s blood drive were 50 pints Schiff C ase less than last year's opening Illegal Seizure day turnout, according to Shelby Robertson, East Lansing junior I n 1 0 D a y s Warned Against and president of Alpha Phi Omega. By DAVID HANSON Less than 200 pints were given State News Staff W rlter LONDON (jB — Monday as compared to the 250 Within 10 days, a standing com­ Prime Minister Har­ pints tallied for the same per­ mittee of 10 faculty members will old Wilson Monday iod in 1964, Robertson said.There hear the arguments in the case of are four more days for the drive Paul M. Schiff, a graduate stu­ claimed to have won to "com e from behind,” he said, dent who claim s he was denied time for a peaceful and students are urged to help re-admission last spring because reach the fall term goal of 1,700 of his political activities. settlement of inde­ pints. Schiff has now replied to the p e n d e n c e - se e k in g Lead ers in the first day are: University, which sent him a fraternities, Phi Sigma Delta, statement listing the reasons for R h o d e s i a ’ s future with nine pints; sororities, Kappa not admitting him for advanced based on eventual Af­ Kappa Gamma, with three pints; study last summer. co-ops, Bower House, with 17 Eldon R, Nonnamaker, secre­ rican majority rule. BOOKS GALORE — Irwin Hamburger, representing the American Council for pints; and dormitories, E a s t tary of the Faculty Committee Judaism, presented some 100 books and pamphlets to the Michigan State library. Shaw, with 11 pints. on Student Affairs, said the com­ Reporting to the House of Com­ The drive continues in Demon­ Accepting the books is Richard Chapin, director of libraries. mons on his 13,000-mlle jour­ mittee has not set a date yet for Photo by Cal Crane stration Hall today, Wednesday GOOD EVENING— And a good morning, too, for the the hearing required under a ney to Africa, Wilson said impor­ ,and Thursday from 2-8 p.m. F r i­ blood drive, anyway. Jack Breslin, secretary of the court ruling Octz 14. tant differences remain but he day hours are from 9 a.m. until B o a rd of T ru s te e s , stretches out as the first person Three Federal District Court could not believe Rhodeaia will 3 p.m. to donate blood and thus opens this fall s blood judges dismissed Schiff*s injunc­ BUSINESS OFFICE DIRECTS: embark on a policy of "danger­ MSU is competing with UCLA drive. The drive will last from Nov.8-l2and donors tion against the U niversity and ous lunacy." through their respective Associ­ can report to Demonstration Hall between 10 a.m. MSU’s request for dismissal and Wilson disclosed he had pulled ated Students organizations, ac­ and noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. • said the matter should be handled no punches in talking with the cording to John McQuitty, chair­ Photo by Jeff Fritzlan at the University level. white rulers of the colony and man of ASMSU. Under the ruling, the U niver­ Organizations Denied Mail with their African opponents. sity now has 10 days to give the activity involved was a part Schiff a hearing before the Com­ this summer, Hekhuis said, be­ To Prime Minister Ian Smith B y CHAR JOLLES of the University program .” cause the business office felt and his all-white government, mittee, at which time either he State News Staff W riter or the University may ask for Ju st exactly what “ officialUni- the service was being abused Wilson said, he had uttered no M SU, U-M H istory Contrasts Student organizations have further consideration by the court versity business” and "in the in­ by unchartered student organi­ threats if they tried to seize in­ been denied the use of campus which retained Jurisdiction over terest of the U niversity” mean zations. dependence w ith o u t Britain's mail under a new directive is­ the matter for 90 days. is being determined by Hekhuis Only chartered student orga­ consent. But there were warn­ sued by the U niversity Business According to the action taken and the Committee on Student nizations may use University fa­ ings of what Britain would do, Office, according to Louis Hek- In R ole O f lln Loco P aren tis1 by the Academic Council on June Organizations and the business cilitie s, he said. what the United Nations might huis, director of student activi­ 2, 1964, the Student AffairsCom - office. In addition to unchartered do, and of actions African states ties. mittee is responsible for ex­ The mail policy was changed might take. A tidy Latin phrase—"in loco The directive, which states that (continued on page 7) amining, evaluating and recom­ a re n tis "— has provided the MSU campus mail may be used “ for Then he said: mending to the office of the Dean dministratlon with tight reins official University business and "N o one in authority in Rho­ A n d Y o u of Students appropriate action on m social conduct regulations for ‘ t/’ not by student organizations," desia can now be in any doubt all policies affecting student af­ ts students. has spurred objections from such of the dire consequences, legal, fairs. Ferency Considers "In place of a parent" is a organizations as the Associated constitutional or economic, of (second in 5 parts) It specifically studies scholar­ •ole the University has assumed Students of MSU (ASMSU), Men’s an illegal seizure of power." ships, student organizations, dis­ or at least 108 years and re­ — By LINDA ROCKEY —— Halls Assn. (MHA) and Women’s To Joshua Nkomo, N.A. SI- lent statements by administra- cipline and housing. It maintains Gubernatorial Race Interresidence Council (WIC). a system of re-evaluation in thole and other Rhodesian Afri­ ors seem to indicate the Uni­ of the country," says John Blng- "Y o u didn’t run for the State A proposal for revision of the Zolton Ferency, chairman of est and best known candidate to order to update regulations. can nationalist leaders, Wilson versity will continue its role ley, Michigan's student activities Board of Agriculture if you were new policy will be drawn up the Democratic State C entral run against Romney,” he said. Each college, with the excep­ related, he was equally tough. ‘in loco parentis" for the time and organizations director. a lawyer from Detroit," says and presented to the Univer­ Committee, said recently he "N o one knows who 1 am .” tion of Justin S, Morrill and the No thunder bolt in the shape of >eing. Michigan's administration has Madison Kuhn, professor of his­ sity Business Office sometime would run for governor of M ich­ Ferency named two Democrats college of Human Medicine, has who might have a chance in the the Royal Air Force would come But Michigan State’s aging sis- come a long way from its swad­ tory and MSU historian. this week by the student-faculty igan if a more experienced and one representative on the Com­ hurtling from the skies to end :er Institution, the University of dling years when even faculty Many members of the govern­ committee on Student Organiza­ well-known candidate were not gubernatorial race. He said for­ mittee. white rule and to Impose Afri­ vlichigan at Ann Arbor, has no members were cautioned to ex­ ing board belonged totheGrange, tions, Hekhuis said. available. mer governor G. Mennen Wil­ When the representative’s can rule. ¡uch plans. ercise control over student be­ Farm Bureau and profession of Harlan Kirk, director of Gen­ liams would have a willing or­ term expires, the college sub­ Speaking on campus, Ferency ganization if he decided to re­ U-M has repeatedly relaxed havior. veterinary medicine, he explain­ eral University Services, said And although Britain is "deep­ mits the names of three faculty said he felt the most Important turn to state politics and Attor­ ts social regulations for stu­ Ironically, the attitude of Mich­ ed. that, under his interpretation of ly and irrevocably committed" to the Committee onCommittees. thing for his party in 1966 was ney General Frank J. Kelly would dents since its founding in 1837. igan State’ s present administra­ The University of Michigan’s the new policy, campus orga­ to work toward majority rule It T h is committee submits two to maintain its legislative also be a strong candidate. "W e try to keep one step ahead tion toward "in loco parentis" enrollment drew heavily from nizations could use campus mall won’t be coming today or to­ names to the president, who then strength in the state.
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