Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Lectureship Books Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events 1919 1919: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text Jesse P. Sewell Geo A. Klingman Henry Eli Speck Maurice D. Gano Arthur R. Holton See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, Ethics in Religion Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation Sewell, Jesse P.; Klingman, Geo A.; Speck, Henry Eli; Gano, Maurice D.; Holton, Arthur R.; Yarbrough, Joseph U.; Wallace, Cled E.; Rowe, F. L.; Smith, G. Dallas; Young, F. L.; Straiton, John; Showalter, G. H. P.; Shepherd, F. B.; Baxter, Batsell; and Speck, Henry Eli, "1919: Abilene Christian College Bible Lectures - Full Text" (1919). Lectureship Books. 61. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Lectureship, Summit, and Ministry Events at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lectureship Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Authors Jesse P. Sewell, Geo A. Klingman, Henry Eli Speck, Maurice D. Gano, Arthur R. Holton, Joseph U. Yarbrough, Cled E. Wallace, F. L. Rowe, G. Dallas Smith, F. L. Young, John Straiton, G. H. P. Showalter, F. B. Shepherd, Batsell Baxter, and Henry Eli Speck This book is available at Digital Commons @ ACU: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/sumlec_man/61 0-;s'tJ-'vU ~ ~ ) ;f ~ 7?!~ i 11 §-0 Librar y of FORREST R. WALDROP Date .......... ................................... No ........... P r ice ....................... TO A BOOK "If tho ii ar t borrowed by a f rien d, R ig ht w elcome sha ll he be T o r ead , to stiidy-not to lend­ But to return to m e. Not that impart ed know ledg e Doth dimish learnings store ; But, I find , books oft en len t Ret urn to me no more ." - - -- ---- -- - --- --- -- Read slowly, pause freq uent ly, th ink serious ly • and return duly, w ith the corners of the leaves not turned down. • Anon. Abilene ChristianCollege Bible Lectures 1919 DELIVERED IN THE AUDITORIUM OF ABILENE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE ABILENE, TEXAS FEB RU ARY 23-28 1919 • F. L. ROWE, PUBLISHER, CINCINNATI, OHIO _JESSE P. SE W ELL INTRODUCTION BY J. P. SEWELL. It is with an earnest desire that it may contribute some­ thing to the extension and exaltation of the kingdom of Christ that we send forth this the first volumn of A. C. C. Lectures. · \;Ve hope each year to present a similar volume . In this way we trust to add something of permanent value to Christian Literature. A. C. C. Bible Lecture Week is a regular part of the program of Abilene Christian College,-the last week• of February each year. The lectures begin on Sunday morn­ ing and continue until Friday night with three each day. Brethren, preachers and laymen, who are outstanding in their Christian living and teaching are invited to deliver the lectures. An effort is made to cover a broad field of Chris­ tian thought and activity. This week was inaugurated for the purpose of deepen­ ing and strengthening the teaching and influence of the col­ lege with its students. The service proved to be so rich that we decided to invite our patrons and friends to be our guests during the time to enjoy it with us. Large numbers have accepted this invitation and our memories are filled with sweet association and communion. In this the service has been very greatly extended. That it may be extended still more we have decided to present these volumes each year. Abilene Christian College exists for the purpose of promulgating Christian teaching and influence. If we can extend some of the rich blessings which we are permitted to enjoy here to those who cannot be present we count it a duty to do so. And practically all who are present for A. C. C. Lecture Week desire to keep the lectures. The first order was for five volumes, from a gentlem an who was present and desired a volume for each of his children. vVe desire to record permanently the sincere apprecia­ tion of the trustees, faculty and students of A bilene Chri s­ tian College for the work clone in preparing and delivering the lecture s. which appear in thi s book. Each of them gave his time and labor without pay and the profit, if any should 6 Ab ilene Christian C allege Lectures . he made, is to go to th e religious section of the college librar y. Specia l mention is mad e of Bro . G. Dallas Smith who delivered the excellent series of five. This volume is offered to the public by Ab ilene Christian College as a part of its educational program. vVe feel that our mission is a worthy one. As th e peopl e are edu cate d to know and ap preciate the truth s and principles of Christi­ anity they are save d and developed in Christian manho od and Christian womanhood. We believe th ere is no greater service than Chri stian education so I close thi s introdu ction with a littl e sermon on th at subject. CHRISTIAN ED UCA TI ON. Text: Mat t. 28 :28, "Go ye, th erefo re. and teach all nation s." I. Introduction, -E ducation. By edu cation I mean that teaching , trainin g, develop­ ment which equip s the individual to live his life in such a mann er as to achi eve th e greatest amount of real success and happ iness for himself and to give th e greatest amount of ?"enuine service to the world. This education enable s the farmer to mak e the soil pro ­ du ce mor e and bette r. the stockm an to mak e his stock yield more profits. the school-t eacher to give better service to his stud ents . the mer chant and banker to better serve th eir patron s. the doctor and lawye r to better protect the int erest of their pati ents and client s, the preacher to more effect ively pr each the gospel, in fact, .the individual , in every activity of lif e, to bett er meet the obligations and duties of life, and to find more real joy in living . Any proc ess through which the indi vidu al may be taken which does not thu s equip him does not deserve to be called education. It may result in knowl edge. information and a certain kind of cultur e; but if it fails to equip the indi vidual fo r life as it mu st be lived it is not educat ion. II. Chri stian E ducat ion. Ev Chri stian education I mean the tr aining sugge sted given from a Chri stian viewpoin t, in schools wher e not only INTRODUC TI ON. · 7 th e body and mind may be trained but the hea rt also. Thi s is the only way in which man may be equippe d fo r the high­ est, bro adest, full est, rich est, noblest living and happin ess. I ca re not how perf ectly you may develop and tr ain th e body an d the mind , if you fa il to plant in the hea rt an un ­ wave rin g fa ith in th e ju stice and powe r of an eternal God, and a st ron g moral character to guid e, dir ect, support and rest rain th at body and mind in the acti vities of lif e, you fa il to full y edu cate; and the man becomes a greater injur y and hindr ance to society th an he would be with no t rainin g at all. ' 1. Christianit y is pr eemin ent ly a religion of tea chin g. Our L ord says to us, "Go ye, th erfo re, and teach all nat ions." \t\fhy? T his bin ds on us a vas t respo nsibility. It is an obligat ion demandin g vast th inkin g, effort and sacri­ fice. Aga in I ask, vVhy? "Ne ither fo r th ese onlY do I pr ay, but fo r all th em also th at believe on me th rough th eir word. " Jesus inclu ded in his praye r th ose who were disciples th en ; but he expec ted th em to obey his command s and teac h the gospe l to others . He un derstood that at least some of these others would be led by thi s "wo rd " to believe on him ; and he includ ed th em in his praye r. He re is one answe r. W e mu st teach the gospe l ; fo r through it men are made be­ lievers. "So belief cometh of hearin g and hearin g by th e word of God." Again. "Ma ny oth er signs therefo re did Jesus in th e presence of the disciples, which are not writt en in thi s book : but th ese a re writt en, that you might believe th at Jesus is the Chri st, the Son of Goel; and that believing ye might have lif e in his name." Jesus, th e Son of God, came to give lif e.
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