Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 6-7-1924 The aB tes Student - volume 52 number 19 - June 7, 1924 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 52 number 19 - June 7, 1924" (1924). The Bates Student. 257. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/257 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V cf ttubent \()L. XI.VII. No. in LEWISTON, MAINK. SATURDAY, JUNE 7. 1924 ■KICK TEN OK NTS &&+4**rt4444>44-;-Q4&<rt44444*&<-4*+**G4<*+4*<rir<><'444<>4<,<r*4* JUNIORS PLANT IVY BESIDE GARNET VICTOR CHASE HALL AT CONCLUSION COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM OVER N. H. STATE OF CLASS DAY FESTIVITIES IN FINAL GAME i A I appointments on Daylight Saving Time) Price Wins Own Game With SUNDAY, JUNE !•"> Last Chapel Held Wednesday Morning With Address by: Clean Bingle In Ninth S. Mathews Graves—Ivy Hop a Tremendous 3.30 P.M. Bac alalireate K\elvises. College Chapel —Cogan Stars Preacher, President Clifton D. Gray Success—60 Couples Present 8.00 I'M. Mmcnl Program. Organ. Soloists. College Chape] TIM- Garni I ball elub led by Captain MONDAY, JUNG l« Joe *'(ig:ni finished their Season by tak- The annual [vy Day exercises war* datiou for his wit in helping to keep ing tii-' New Hampshire State team to L'.::II P.M. Annual Meeting. Hates Chapter, Delta Simula Itho. .hered in iiy the obeervanee of the the program lively. camp li\ ,-i score of s 7. When throe Debating Boom, chase Hall Seniors' Laal Ohapel laal Wednesday runs crossed tiif plate iu the laal of the Annual Meeting, Gamma chapter. Phi Beta Kappa, IVY HOP 3.48 P.M. nintli, tin* Bates ball players knew that urning, followed In the afternoon byj Music Boom, Chase Hall The Ivy Uo|», given Iiy the class of revenge was sweet, the Junior elan program and Hie plant' MS P.M. Annual Meeting and Lunch, Alumni Council. ''l'i at Chase Hall, Tuesday evening, Joey Cogau was tin* fielding star of Debating Room, Chase Hall K of the ivy. was one of the most su -ssful social thf game, pulling some feature catchei Alumni Night. Annual Meeting of Gl r.'il Association. Last Chapel wns begun by the Ming events of the college year. The hall 8.00 P.M. which had the fans up in the air. His ii nf all the elasaea, After the doxol- Chase Hall was beautifully dec,rated in blue, yel recovery of ■ all ball ;i-* it bouneed off ogy. s. Matthews Graves, president of low. ami white; from the limits hung TUESDAY, JUNE I" Dakar's glove in the ninth Inning • , Benior class, led In the responsive I festoons of crepe paper in the three showed thai Joey was on his toes every 9.00 A.M. The A l.il Meeting of the President and Trustee!!, rending.. Tiiis was followed by an colors, while the rafters supported myr- minute in the game, Guy Rowe cap- I.iid.ey Forum ili.in by the Benior ehoir. Mr. iads of butterflies clinging to stream- tured .-ill nf the point3 En the outfield. Alumni Parade, and Carnival mi Gareelon Field, Graves then gave an excellent addressI era. The lights were softeued, with the 9.00 A.M. Rowe pulled down four Hies, some of Meet prompt ly a' Chase Hall on the duty of the younger generation greatest light radiating from a central which were fine running catches. Kip- Reunion classes according to Dix Plan; I860, 74, 79, '82, in bring i" 'I"' Million the coveted ideal square hung with butterflies and crysau- py Jordan showed up us well :is the of a true democracy. He also advo- thelllims. '88, 'HI. '86, '89, '94, '99, '01, '02, '08, '04, '"'.'. '14, '19. rest, and showed thai he could wield a cated lives of servii'e as oppose! to The affair was formal, and niiisie was 'L'u '21. '22, '23. All others expected to lie in line of wicked willow by crashing out two sin- PI of sellishness. Klwin Wilson of- furnished by Malcolm Gray's orchestra. march. gles, Yesterday's game was the laal 2.80 P.M. Class Day Exercises of class |Q24 College Campus fered prayer, after which the Seniors During the evening, cake and ices were game of baseball thai this trio played D the Last Chapel Hymn. After the served. The favors were elaborate pro- 6.00 P.M ('lass Day Lunch Fiske Dining Room for Bates and their errorless game yea* Animal Meeting of Alumnae Cluli ises hail Died out of the ehapel, they, grams with the Hates seal: and for the terday spoke well for them. gathered la a huge eirele and cheered I girls, green suede card cases with the Reception Room, Hand Hall The way that the team played yester- each other, concluding the program by Hates seal in gold, S.llll 1'. M Hai Conceit, and Illumination of Campus day was n revelation to many. The . i niug ' ■ The Alma Mater.' Chaperons wire Dean and Mrs. I'. K. 9.011 I'M Sen i Play Antifl<nn of 8ophot < Coram Library support given to Sap Price was as In the afternoon at halt past two Pomeroy, Prof, and Mrs. A. Craig Baird much ;is would be asked of' any team WEDNESDAY, JUNE is Junior class observed the customary ami Prof, and Mrs. Cheater A. Jenkins. ami then some. Bates scored first in exereiaea, with Brwin l>. Canham as The success of the Hop was due 8.30 AM Am ml Meeting College I'luh English Boom, Hathorn Hall thf third, an.I the New Hampshire Col- toastmaater. The program opened with chiefly to the untiring efforts of the 9.00 AM Aili limed Meeting of the President and Trustees legians pushed one over in the fourth. a prayer Iiy the class chaplain, Herbert committee in charge. consisting of Chase Hall From then the score see-sawed back and Mc.ireli. 1'iuiik B. Dorr then gave Robert !■- Chandler, chairman, Koln 10.00 A..M Tlii Fifty-Eighth Annual Commencement College Chapel forth until the hist of the ninth with the claBS oration on the subject of N'agakura, Clarence II. Archibald, liar 18.13 I'.M Commencement Dinner Brief Addresses by Distinguished the score "'• againal them Jaek Kar- evolution, giving the facts simply with- old It. Simpson. Carl II. Miller. Arthur Guests and Graduates The Armory u<>* crashed out ;i three base clonl with out an attempt of persuasion. Mr. S. TW Iilev. Helen B. I.nvclaeo. EVC N.HII P.M Reception to Alumni, the Graduating class, ami their two int'ii on. llaj> Price then stepped I'nnham, i" tl bsence of George C. lyn W. Parkhurat, Dorothy P. Hoyt Friends by President and Mrs. Gray up tn the rubber and drove out a Sheldon, read the Ivy Day Poems, Until I.. Wass, Kuteipo Boukis, I'rsula Upper Assembly B i, chase Hall i*reaming single and won his own game. which was followed by the singing of E, Tetreau. Helen B. Hill, Vnr.lis 10.00 P.M Senior I lass Di e Chase Hall Bates " ill Ins.' three of the beat hall tie Ivy Ode. Brown and Haael M. tngalls. players seen in the Maine colleges in The toasts were clever and well given, Joey, tiny, and Kippy. All thro.' have COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM ' K. Conner started with a brilliant been starring in Athletics since they en- 1st te the faculty, followed by Donald On May 26th, the sixtieth miniver- ♦♦•.•♦♦♦♦♦♦•.•♦•.••.••.^♦♦♦**-.-***->^ tered college and have left envious rec- \. Hall In a loast to the athletes. sary number of the Hates College Bulle- ords lifhiiii! thrill. big number, followed Iiy Clnss Day Ex- Hand,I It. Simpson followed with one tin was issued, containing the announce- for the CO-eds, and Kalherille <'. Iturke ments for the I92i commencement ex* ercises and Luilch, 1 Humiliation of the JUNIOR ORATORS IATES All R llll I'l A E '■ led with her toast to the men. After ■iciscs. Sunday, June 15, will open the campus, ami the Greek Play "Anti- 'ognn, ss :: II 'J 3 ."> 0 a musical select inn by the Orphic Sorie- program •■- usual, ivl.h President (nay gone." Wednesday will close the oxer Young, I'll :: II 1 4 1 1 . ('aniline Wells delivered a clever delivering the Bnernlnureate sermon in eises with the big Commeucon I Din VIE FOR PRIZES Moiinc.-illv. n l II 1 0 n 0 |i iipheey. The program was concluded the chapel. Then comes Alumni Day, nor in the Armory, the President's He Daker, 8b 3 II 0 3 4 0 hy the presentation of gifts, conducted with its society meetings, lunch, and reption, and last but not least till! Result of Contest Held Mon- Ionian, ll> 1 :; 2 11 II 0 .-, John .1. O'Connor ami Grace P. general association meeting at ulgkl Senior Dance in Chase Hall at I" P. M. day Night to be An- Bowe, If 1 1 l H 0 lioddard. The entire program was wit On Tuesday, the Alumni Parade and G I music is promised for this event, nounced at Com- Bay, ef 1 1 'J n l 0 and it seems a worthy climax, Karkos, e 1 L* 2 • > i 0 and Mr.
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