Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 6-1963 Nor' by East, Summer 1963 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Summer 1963" (1963). Nor' by East. 6. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CASCO BAY ISLANDS - MAINE PRICE 5 CENTS VOL. 5 NO. 2 THE MAN WITH A NEW IDEA IS A CRANK UNTIL IT SUCCEEDS. SUMMER 1963 GALA SUMMER IN ISLAND VILLAGES INTERNATIONAL WEEK-END PLANNED ON BAY ISLANDS Guests From United Nations To Be Invited In "Downeast Diplomacy" Program CHAMBER Of COMMERCE AND CBL The Editorial Board of Nor' by East WILL SPONSOR "NAME THE NEW has voted to offer the cooperation of this BOAT CONTEST." paper and its readers to the program Cooperating will be the Gannett Pub­ recently adopted by Maine's Press-Radio­ lishing Company which will publish and TV Women - "Operation Down­ application forms; and the Island De­ east Diplomacy." velopment Association. Watch for news A special Casco Bay Islands event is in the Portland papers. planned for the first week-end in August when arrangements will be made George and Margaret Sterling at their home on through Nor' by E,ast to receive guests Peaks Island - a center for 'round the world com­ from among the employes of consulates munications. (P lease see story on page 3) and embassies represented at the United Photo by Leon Clough Nations. RADIO GENIUS STERLING PUTS HIS O.K. ON PEAKS Five homes on each island will be by Robert Skillings invited to serve as hosts for two United T)'pical of the career men who, on The work of his large staff in North and Nations guests. This will mean that South America, Hawaii and Alaska is about fifty in all will visit the Casco attaining re t i rem e n t years, choose secluded spots in the Bay where they credited with eliminating practically all Bay Islands. spy radws during World War II. The program is in keeping with the may pursue their hobbies in an atmos­ leadership already shown by Governor phere of beauty and quietude is George Mr. Sterling was born on Peaks Island Reed in inviting representatives of E. Sterling, summer resident of .Peaks, June 21, 1894. After a first year at Peaks foreign newspapers to visit Maine. who gave 31 years of distinguished Island School his family moved to Spring­ Miss Frances Hapgood, editor of the service to the Government, particularly vale. Summers usually brought him back Living in Maine page of the Portland in its Radio Intelligence Division (RID), to the Island to pursue such chores as Press Herald, represents the Diplomacy and later as Commissioner, Federal helping great Uncle Quincy tend the Program in this area and it is through Communications Commission. cows and deliver milk. her that Nor' by East will make arrange­ While Chief of RID 1940-45 he gained Cont. on Page 3 ments for the International Weekend. fame by ferreting out the principal clan­ Since only a few families on each destine radio transmitter of the German island will be involved the event will not Embassy in Washington. The Division interfere with the numerous fairs going later invented a device called the OUR HISTORIC FORTS on at the same time - all of which will "Snifter," which made possible the accu­ INTRIGUE SIGHTSEERS provide activity for the foreign visitors rate pinpointing of illegal transmitters. by Robert Skillings to see. Forms will be issued shortly for Unlike their legendary predecessors of recruitment of the guest homes. In the ALL-BAY WEEKEND the 17th-18th centuries Portland Harbor meantime, anyone who would like to forts of the 19th century were never Aug. 1-2 - Islands Art Festival, City called upon to fire a shot to repel an offer hospitality may sign up early by Hall Plaza. · contacting Nor' by East, Box 66, Peaks enemy. But the boys who slept on settees Island. Aug. 3 - Christening new CBL boat. in Fort Allen Park on Mun1oy Hill the Coordinator of the program will be night before July 4, 1901 (or 1902) saw Miss Maureen Mulkern of Little Dia­ Aug. 4 - ~pen House Day. and heard plenty of action at Fort Wil­ mond Island, who has already enter­ Aug. 2-4 - International Guests. liams, Preble, and Levett when a pseudo tained several students from foreign "enemy" set out to "take" the Harbor. countries at Little Diamond. Cont. o n Page 4 PEAKS ISLAND 4 WONDERFUL DAYS Merry-Go-Round - Ferris Wheel LIONS Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. - and Other Features FUN FAIR July 10, 11, 12, 13 Aerial Acrobatic Display See Miss Honey Bee in her 350' Slide for Life PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SUtvVv\ER 196: Staff of N 01' by East Apathy in planning and development RECENT PROPERTY SALES has slowed down much of the talked Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine According to listings provided by the about "potential" of the Casco Bay Casco Bay Light and Power Company, Published by Island Development Associa­ Islands and is thereby robbing the city tion for residems and visitors of Casco Bay the following new property owners are Jsl;rnds. A nbn-profit publication supported of valuable tax returns. welcomed to the Casco Bay Islands: by advertisers and members of the Associa­ Despite these problems the Bay is Peaks: tion. All work except printing donated by Mr. &: Mrs. Warren Hughes, Holden Mass. members. showing signs of new life. New residents, (Whitcomb Cottage, Beach Road) Editor ................................. Beatrice M. Chapman both year-round and summer, continue Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Curtis, Falmouth, Me. Advertising .............................. John W. Chapman to trickle in. Modest business expansions (Paul Conley Home, Island Ave. Year round) Louise Dunham and home renovations are going on. Mr. &: Mrs. John Few, Fairfield, Conn. (Harvey Circulation .................... Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane Woodbury cottage, Island Ave.) Editorial Committee: In return for higher taxes therefore, Mr. &: Mrs. loseph Mitchell, Portland. (McNeil Lawrence Stevens, Mary Justice, Richard can we do less than expect a higher rate Cottage, Is and Ave.) Bruns, Long Island; Raymond Hayward, Robert Mr. &: Mrs. Sven Swanson, New Britain, Conn. Follette, Chebeague Island; John Mulkern, of response to the plea for recognition (A. H. Blaisdell Cottage, Tolman Heights) Robert Laughlin, the Diamonds; Norman Black, of the islands? Mr. &: Mrs. Gunnar Eloyson, Millis, Mass. (Blais­ Priscilla O'Reilly, Cliff Island; Robert Skillings, dell Cottage, Tolman Heights) Eunice Pikuzinski and Marie Ritchke, Peaks Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Stover, Portland (George lsland. Huelin Cottage, Tolman Heights) J'hotographers ................................... Ruth Sargent Samuel S. Howard Mr. &: Mrs. Franklyn Kimball, Portland (Wilder Leon Clough Brackett Cottage, Pleasant Ave.) Not" by East here speaks in memory of Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Dobson, Gorham (Edna Clappison Cottage, Ledgewood Road) Samuel S. Howard, Peaks Island, widely Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Cain, Randolph, Mass. (Foley known for his participation in Casco Bay Cottage, Adams St.) IN RETURN FOR HIGHER TAXES affairs related to transportation. His Mr. &: Mrs. Adolphe Stevens, Portland (Dillon home, Torrington Point. Year round) When the tax bills are received this death in April saddened many in the Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Lavery, Montclair, N. J. year the year-round residents of the whole Bay area to whom. "Sam" Howard (Wilk.in Cottage, 8th Maine Ave.) Portland-owned islands will have heard had become a familiar figure. Little Diamond: City Council debates relative to revalua­ Dr. &: Mrs. Warren Thurston, So. Portland tion and its affect on taxes. The islands These words are in appreciation not (Carroll Davis Cottage) will be no exception. A tax increase is only of Sam Howard's personal gener­ Mr. &: Mrs. Allen Barker, Wayland, Mass. (The osity and helpfulness toward other Warner Cottage) inevitable. Further information on this Chebeague: subject will be found on page three. people, but also of the great amount of work he devoted to community affairs. Mr. &: Mrs. Carleton Bak.er, Simsbury, Conn. The out-of-state property owners, of Miss Johanne Foster, Portland. whom there are more than 600 in the Particularly during the past five years Mr. &: Mrs. Lloyd Conrad, East Patterson, N. J. Bay, may be more surprised and less he no doubt gave more time and effort Mr. &: Mrs. Fred Janis, Hartford, Conn. than any other single individual. Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Griswold, Jr., Wethersfield, prepared for the news. Conn. Island properties have been under­ It must be said that not always could Mr. &: Mrs. David Bowman, Cheshire, Conn. valued and an increase in estimated everyone agree with Sam Howard's ap­ value as such is not necessarily a bad proach to objectives common to all. But thing. no one can question the degree to which BOSTON GLOBE FEATURE But to absorb the coming tax increase he was willing to back up his convic­ On May 26 a full page feature ap­ with as little pain as possible it would tions. peared in the Boston Globe focusing on seem a ripe time to ask for and expect to Cliff Island. The story was arranged by receive a more equitable share of munici­ In the memories of all of us is the "retired" Cliff Islander Mason Spring pal responsibility in looking after the deepest respect for his untiring work. who entertained Globe writer Earl Ban­ welfare and improvement of the islands. We feel his loss keenly.
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