CHA KUNA TAITEIT US009925232B2UN CERTAIN ET ANNET INN TIN (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 925 , 232 B2 Fein et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Mar. 27, 2018 ( 54 ) METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS 4 ,505 ,616 A 3 / 1985 Grzelka et al . COMPRISING DESMOPRESSIN IN 4 , 557 , 934 A 12 / 1985 Cooper 4 ,783 ,450 A 11/ 1988 Fawzi et al. COMBINATION WITH A 5 - ALPHA 5 ,023 ,252 A 6 / 1991 Hseih REDUCTASE INHIBITOR 5 ,534 ,496 A 7 / 1996 Lee et al. 6 , 558, 695 B2 5 /2003 Luo et al . (71 ) Applicant: Serenity Pharmaceuticals LLC , 7 , 112 , 561 B2 9 / 2006 Gyurik et al. 7 , 182, 747 B2 2 / 2007 Kwon Milford , PA (US ) 7 ,244 , 703 B2 7 /2007 Gyurik et al. 7 , 335 ,186 B2 2 / 2008 O 'Neil @(72 ) Inventors : Seymour H . 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No. : 14 / 338 , 567 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS @ WO 1992 -016213 1 0 / 1992 (22 ) Filed : Jul. 23 , 2014 WO WO - 1992 /016213 Al 10 / 1992 WO 2004 - 041153 5 / 2004 WO WO - 2004 / 041153 A2 5 / 2004 (65 ) Prior Publication Data WO WO - 2005 /046707 A1 5 / 2005 WO 2007 -072156 6 / 2007 US 2015 /0031614 A1 Jan . 29 , 2015 Wo WO - 2007 /072156 A1 6 / 2007 WO WO 2007072156 A1 * 6 / 2007 Related U . S . Application Data WO WO - 2010 /075266 A2 7 /2010 WO WO - 2010 / 147981 AL 12 / 2010 (60 ) Provisional application No . 61/ 857, 428 , filed on Jul. WO WO - 2015 /013454 Al 1 / 2015 23 , 2013 . ( 51 ) Int. Cl. OTHER PUBLICATIONS A61K 31/ 569 ( 2006 . 01 ) Nam et al. Efficacy of Desmopressin in Treatment of Adult A61K 38 /08 ( 2006 .01 ) Nocturia . Korean Journal of Urology. 2004 , vol. 45 , pp . 49 -55 .* A61K 38 / 11 ( 2006 . 01) Document Info — The Management of Nocturia in Adults With A61K 31 /404 ( 2006 .01 ) Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, QuickBooks Docstoc , Dec . 27 , 2011, Retrieved from the Internet: URL :http : / /www .docstoc . com / A61K 31 /4375 ( 2006 .01 ) docs / 109695408 / The -Management -of -Nocturia - in - Adults -with A61K 31 /473 ( 2006 . 01 ) Lower- Urinary - Tract - Symptoms [ retrieved on Sep . 2 , 2014 ] . A61K 31 /58 ( 2006 .01 ) Doorn , Boris Van , Nocturia in Older Men , Maturitas , 2012 , 8 - 12 , A61K 45 /06 ( 2006 .01 ) 71. A61K 31 /56 ( 2006 .01 ) Nam , Sang Gan et al. Efficacy of Desmopressin in Treatment of Adult Nocturia , Korean J Urol , Jan . 2004 , 49 -55 , 45 . ( 52 ) U . S . CI. Son , Joung Hwan , The Management of Nocturia in Adults With CPC .. A61K 38 / 11 (2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 31/ 404 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Pundang Jesaeng Hospital , Dec . 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The methods and compositions are useful in the 3 , 497 ,491 A 2 / 1970 Zaoral et al . treatment of nocturia and other urinary frequency disorders . 3 , 989 ,816 A 11/ 1976 Rajadhyaksha 4 ,316 , 893 A 2 / 1982 Rajadhyaksha 17 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets US 9 ,925 ,232 B2 Page 2 (56 ) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS Wang , Chung - Jing et al, Low Dose Oral Desmopressin for Noctur nal Polyuria in Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ; A Double- Blind , placebo Controlled , Randomized Study, The Journal of Urology , Jan . 2011 , 219 - 223 , 185 . International Search Report for International Patent Application No . PCT/ US2014 / 047897 dated Oct . 6 , 2014 (6 pages) . Written Opinion of the International Searching Authority for Inter national Patent Application No . PCT/ US2014 / 047897 dated Oct . 6 , 2014 ( 6 pages ). * cited by examiner atent Mar . 27 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 2 US 9 , 925, 232 B2 )hour / ing Rate Flux Desmopressin ? ? o *** 5:00AM * * re'7" imponerende** *** ** * e werdepapper women. wwwwwwwwwwwwmWW ."* irismen777,time 4:00AM i wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WWU14W*-M .VS hins . 3:00AM -HUUA M 2:00AM W FIG.1 . * " * * Time ! *, ! * ! 1:00AM . ? ActivationThresholdConcentration V . X 71 Sier. W * * 12:00AM ** * * photos be. he t BloodConcentration then -FluxRate tegy. 11:00PM *** - WirWAIIIIMIIM777 IMIWA ** * * * ** ** * * * ** * 10:00PM )ml / pg ( Concentration Blood Desmopressin U . S . Patent Mar . 27 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9 , 925 , 232 B2 jwbw xniz Ett 5:AM00 004:AM 1 - 3:00AM - Threshold 2:00AM - FIG.2 mg/hr-5Hours10 - Time DesmopressinFluxConstant - - ConcentrationBlood 1:00AM -- -- -- -- :0012AM - -- - -- 11:00PM - -- - ? ? ? ? 10:00PM ml/ pg Concentration Blood US 9 , 925 ,232 B2 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS inhibitors include , for example , dutasteride, epristeride , fin COMPRISING DESMOPRESSIN IN asteride, izonsteride, turosteride , AS -601811 , FK143 , COMBINATION WITH A 5 -ALPHA TF - 505 , and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. In REDUCTASE INHIBITOR certain embodiments , the method optionally further com 5 prises administering an alpha - adrenergic receptor antago FIELD OF THE INVENTION nist . Accordingly , one aspect of the invention provides a The invention provides methods and compositions for use method of inhibiting the urge to urinate in a human subject of desmopressin in combination with a 5 - alpha reductase over an interval of about two hours to no more than about inhibitor. The methods and compositions are useful in the 10 seven hours. The method comprises administering to a treatment of nocturia and other urinary frequency disorders . human subject in need thereof an effective amount of desmopressin and a 5 - alpha reductase inhibitor so that both BACKGROUND exert physiological activity during an overlapping time Nocturia and other urinary frequency disorders affect a 15 period . The dosage of desmopressin and /or 5 -alpha reduc significant portion of the human population . Patients with tase inhibitor and /or the dosing regimen may be adjusted so nocturia experience interruption in sleep due to the need to that the method inhibits the urge to urinate in a human get up during the night to urinate. Patients suffering from subject over an interval of about 4 hours to about 7 hours. overactive bladder often experience urge incontinence , The desmopressin is administered at a dosage such that the urgency of urination , and higher urinary frequency. Over - 20 subject does not experience hyponatramia , a harmful con active bladder can be caused by uncontrolled contractions of dition in which the sodium concentration in the subject ' s the bundles of smooth muscle fibers forming the muscular plasma is too low , e . g . , below about 135 mmol/ L . Hypona coat of the urinary bladder ( the detrusor muscle ) during the tremia is avoided provided the maximum dose of desmo filling phase of the bladder and is more prevalent in elderly pressin in the blood is less than 10 pg /ml , preferably less adults . 25 than 5 pg /ml , and most preferably less than 5 pg/ ml , e . g . , 2 Compositions and methods for treating nocturia and other or 3 pg /ml . Severe hyponatremia can result in electrolyte urinary frequency disorders have been described . For abnormalities that can cause cardiac arrhythmias , heart example , U . S . Pat . Nos. 7 ,579 , 321; 7 , 799 , 761; and 8 , 143 , attack , seizures, and / or stroke . In certain embodiments , the 225 describe pharmaceutical compositions and methods method optionally further comprises administering an alpha using a low dosage of desmopressin . U . S . patent application 30 adrenergic receptor antagonist, such that, for example , each publication US 2009 / 0042970 describes treating nocturia of desmopressin , the 5 - alpha reductase inhibitor, and the and other urinary frequency disorders using, for example , alpha - adrenergic receptor exert physiological activity during transdermal administration of desmopressin . Also , U . S . pat - an overlapping time period . ent application publication US 2012 /0015880 describes 5a -Reductase inhibitors are a group of medications with treating nocturia and other urinary frequency disorders 35 antiandrogenic activity , used in treatment of benign prostatic using , for example , intranasal administration of desmopres - hyperplasia . These drugs decrease the levels of available sin . 5a - reductase , thus reducing the products of its enzymatic One of the challenges in treating nocturia and other reaction , including those which convert testosterone to the urinary frequency disorders using desmopressin is achieving more potent dihydrotestosterone , and act on progesterone, a therapeutic , but non - toxic , blood plasma concentration of 40 androstenedione , epi- testosterone , cortisol, aldosterone , and desmopressin .
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