![Red Men's NEW BINGO](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
T P4CE STXTEEJT ‘«U^DAY, JIEBRUABY i i a t t r l f » 0trr £trrafttg IfrraU i Tha Wasther Average Daily Net Press Run raraeaat af U. S. Waatbat Baieaa For Uw Maath aS Fabraary, 1S4B M n.. Louis Pack, o f Trumbull, OIbbona Aaaemhiy, Catholic La? bid filing data may ba granted. A l­ Snovr finrriaa, Mapwtag aui4 4rlft- ready the ar^itecta, as la usual, will give a ten-mlhute talk on the dies o f Columbus, will hold a buai- Manchester Boy Aboard School Plans ing oaow tUa aftarooaai partly About Town federation of Women’s Clubs, pre­ neas meeting ’Tuesday at 8 o'clock Light Cruiser Manchester have supplemented the original specificaUons with minor amend­ cleuSy Jaalght aa4 We4neaSe>i ceding the program at the meeting at the K. o f C. home. Rev. Robert 9,713 ments' which are to go to those in­ Bsuat eoMar taaiglit; tiaah wlaia. of the Women’s Club, Monday eve­ Carroll w ill speak on CTO. In con­ Robert B, Kant, seaman, Topic Tonight .Maoibar a< tha A a ilt tliM Anne ICcAdame of IS Onk terested in construction. ning. Bela Urban, concert violinist, nection with the Commtmity Serv­ U 8 N, oon of Mr. and Mra. W il­ ■trwt lima returned from n month’a General Manager George H. BnswM aC OtieUlatlaBa w ill be the feature of the evening. ice program,. members are asked liam R. Kent of 33 Palm street, Manehe$ter— A City of Village Charm ^••onUon epcnt In Miami, Florida. to bring old sheets and cloth for Waddell has stated that he will Mrs.. Robert J. Smith of Robert is now touring the Mediterra­ Joint Meeting for Dis­ the surgical unit of St. Laurence make some rccommendationB to­ road, and Mrs. Gordon Fogg of nean on a light cruiser with (FUtRIEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS The Pines Civic Association, la- OToole’s Altar Society of Hart­ the same name as hia home cussion of Details of night, the nature o f which he hiu (OaaaUaS ASvartlalas aa Fajpa It) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUE.SDAY, MARCH 1, 1949 Adelaide road, will be co-chairmen ford. The cloth will be used to not discloaed. .. LXVIII., NO. 127 cotporated. W ill. hold n meeting. of the hostesses for • the refresh­ town. Wednesday Evening at 8 o’clock make surgical dresalnga for 'can­ Proposed Buildings 'While apeciflcations omiaaloivi ments. • cer patients la care of the Holy Seaman Kent is aerving or changes are none of them o f a at the TMCA, Mrs. WiUiam Mehl aboard the USS Manchester win be in chaage-ot-the program Ghost Nuns. Mrs. WiUlam Kelvle Questions on apeciflcations for serious character, it Is learned Registration for all YWCA craft will be hostess tor the evening. with the Sixth Task Fleet un­ Manchester's twq new elementary n i i S X f T M j t Mardi Gras Royalty and will show sound-colored der the Command o f Admiral that the total change might run classes and the Public Affairs schools will be r^sed tonight at 8 into a fairly large figure. movies. The refreshment commit­ Richard Connolly. Edward M. Funds to Hire 1,500 tee viill consist o f Mrs. Richard Series will be held tomorrow eve­ A rehearsal of Manchester Civic when the Board of Education and Relief Plan Would Dailey, Jr., seaman apprentice, ning at the Comunity Y on North Orchestra, who are now working the Towm School Planning Com­ Ross. Mrs. Frank Grey and Mi-s. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed­ Main street between 7 and 9 p. m. on Haydn's “Seven Last Words,” mittee meet in the Municipal Charles Davis. ward M. Dailey, Sr., o f Flan­ At this time, those interested may w ill be held this evening at 8 building to give final approval to ders road. South Coventry, ia register for classes In stenciling, o'clock at the Concordia Luthern building arrangements. Bids al­ Let Strikers Get ' Special pictures, sponsored by also aboard. textile painting, Peter Hunt de­ church. The orchestra will accom­ ready have been asked, and tender New Tax Enforcing the Telephone Company, will be PLAID FAD The USS Manchester is par­ of bids closes at the present shown tonight at the Friendship sign, rug hooking, oil painting, pany the Central Baptist church slip-cover making, and lurnlture choir of Hartford on Palm Sunday ticipating in a good will tour scheduling on March 8 at 4 p. m. Circle meeting at the Salvation which will afford the crew the re finishing. evening in this cantata. However, as a result of tonight’s Army Citadel at 8 o’elock. opportunity to moke visits to woven gingkom Aid From States! seaston. if considerable amend­ Mary C. Keeney, Tent 14, Italy, Greece, France, Turkey ment to the original specifications The Willing Workera wUl hold The Miapahs and the Willing $YIIX n«m«w«rt PYMX WBim w f Daughters of Union Veterans of and Gibraltar. should be made, extension of the Employes Approved their business meeting tomorrow Workers will meet tomorrow morn­ SAUCEPAN DOUBLE BOILEI Altmeyer Says Timman B r i f i g h R e d s ^ ing at 9 o'clock at the South Meth­ the Civil War will meet tomorrow SHIRTS a^m oon , 2 o’clock, at the South So imarl - if goat to fh# Watch avarything caek Methodist church instead of on odist church to fry peanuts. evening at eight o'clock at the Proposal Would Per­ home ^ Mlsa Pauline Beebe, 39 The Motor Vehicle department labial 1 iy2-ql. lisa. iuit right! lioii!»e A|>|>ropriatioiis Wednesday as planned. stated today that no teat wrill be ( mit Payments to Fam­ Laura C. Toomey, daughter of Maple street. A social time and Leader Joins a penny auction will follow the conducted here for motor vehicle ^ Multiple Committee Ciit$i Rr- Mr. and Mrs. David C. Toomey, of Illegal Marihuana Bolton, is on the Dean’s list for the meeting. I operators' licenses on Tuesday. ilies, But Decision Electrolysis V2.25 <|iiP8l from 7,000 first semester at Bates College, ! March 1, but will be resumed Would Be Left to In Threats Lewiston, Maine. Miss Toomey is Lady Roberts Lodge will meet again Tuesday, Maurch 8. Superfluous Hair Removed Sought; Hike in Pobt* a Junior majoring in mathematics. tomorrow afternoon at’two o'clock Safely, Quickly and States Themselves Sale on Increase In the Masonic Temple. J. Hart Beach, of the United Permanently agp Rates. Especially States Treasury Department’s In­ Communist Declarations A ll women interested in hearing Appolntmeats strictly , private Washington, Ma^ch 1.— ! Mrs. Chester Bowles speak on some The Ladles Aid Society of the ternal Revenue office in Hartford / Commissioner of \ar- § ^ q |.||| J d le Those on Ptihlications Concordia Lutheran cburcll will Free Cnnsnltatlon On Stand on Invading Important legislative Issues are In- will be the guest speaker at the Office Hnara: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. — Arthur J. Altmeyer said to­ meet tomorrow night at 7:30. I nder Second Clas* %tted to tlie meeting of the Hart­ Tuesday night meeting of the Ro­ Closed Wednesday Afternoons day that President Truman’s Soviet Army Sets New coties Makes Report in ford County Federation of Demo­ tary Club. The meeting this week plan for aid-for-all-needji I’erinils Also Approved cratic Women's Clubs at the Y. W. There will be a meeting tomor­ will be held at the Club Chianti at .Mary Crossen, R.N., Prop. Pace in Cold War Testimony on Treas- Soloiis Today C. A. on Ann street in Hartford, row night at 8 o’clock of the Man­ the North End. 869 Main St., Tel. 2-2667 would permit relief payments II r y Appropriations chester Federation of Democratic Thursday. March 3, at 8 o’clock. Over Marlow’s to families of workers on London, March 1—(JPi— (Com­ W a-shingtoiT, March 1.— Women at the home of Mrs. John PYIIX nofiMwar* BYIEX Plemewere — Fiiml-^ to liire l.-iOO new strike. But the decision on munist declarations in wsstem Eu­ Sparse Attendaiiee in ] There will be Folk dancing, the Holden, 61 Washington street. PIICOLATOI TEAPOT whether they would get ' Washington, March 1.— (/P') la.\ onfcii'cing vvoi'kers were first meeting, at the Center Con­ rope that an Invading Soviet Army Both Houses; Decide SCHOOL SUPPLIES Colfaa navor tee weak or Boils, braws, gracas the "home relief,’’ he said, woiild ___The U. S. commissioner of appi'cjvef] toda.v by the House gregational church tonight at 8 Manchester’s Registered Nurses' WHY TILT-CdRDS ON would be welcomed snd assisted loo strong. 4,6, or 9-cup. laa-tray. faty to claan. be made by the Individual atatea. 1 narcotics sa\s that illegal To Hold Olco Hearing o’clock. Association will meet tomorrow STATIONERY set a new pace ih the cold war to­ Approjiriation.s committee evening at 7:30 in the Hospital Aa for what the atatea might do, ' traffic in the drug marihuana The Ti'casurv had asked for Altmeyer aald “ I don’t think any day. Clinic Room. William Slover wrill “The Kind You Use” 4 ^ p 2 e V 5 Communist party leaders in has increased, “ particularly state Cap.tol, Hartford, Manh 1 7.000, saying they were need­ be the speaker for the evening to atate would let the family of a .■P The Genera! .4Eee.r.bly \.a» atrlker atarve.” France, Italy. Germany and Bri­ among the young people.” ed to avert the “ threat of discuss the planned addition to the Arthur Drug Store tain In the past week have spoken The commissioner.
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