Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages Abad, Javier; Fenoy (B) F 013 Marriage: A Path to Sanctity Eugenio Abrams, Richard I. & (B) R 029 Illustrated Life of Jesus, An From the National Gallery of Art Collection Hutchinson, Warner A. Wings Books 1982 159 Coming Home (B) Ap 027 Roots of the Reformation Adam, Karl Resources 2000 108 Franciscan University (B) C 039 Spirit of Catholicism, The Adam, Karl Press 1996 252 (B) Con 029 Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance, A Aid Ass. For Lutherans (B) Sp 059 Imitation of Christ, The A'Kempis, Thomas A. (B) L 012 Mass Confusion: The Do's and Don'ts of Catholic Worship Akin, James Story of Father Nicholas Gruner, the most controversial priest (B) B 033 Fatima Priest in the Roman Catholic Church today, The Alban, Francis Good Counsel 1997 342 (B) Sc 002 Hope and Glory Catholic Introduction to the Book of Reverlation, A Alfaro, Juan Archbishop Timothy Dolan in Converstaion with John L. Allen, (B) B 040 People of Hope, A Jr. Allen Jr., John L. Image Books 2012 228 (B) S 045 St. Rose of Lima Alphonsus, Mary Sr. (B) H 003 Understanding the Old Testament Anderson, Bernhard W. Anderson, Carl; Chavez, (B) M 002 Our Lady of Guadalupe Mother of the Civilization of Love Eduardo (B) C 013 In His Light Anderson, William A. (S) C 022 In His Light Anderson, William A. (B) M 029 Way of Compassion, The … into the Heart of the Seven Sorrows of Mary Antall, Father Richard C. Our Sunday Visitor 1997 119 (B) MI 017 When God Asks For An Undivided Heart Choosing Celibacy in Love and Freedom Apostoli, Andrew St. Paul Books & (S) St When God Asks for an Undivided Heart Choosing Celibacy in Love & Freedom Apostoli, Andrew, CFR Media 1995 200 (B) H 010 Mass of the Early Christians, The Aquilina, Mike Aquilina, Mike; Stubna, (S) St What Catholics Believe Pocket Catechism, A Fr. Kris D. Our Sunday Visitor 1999 111 (B) S 032 Aquinas Prayer Book, The Aquinas, St.Thomas (S) St Holy Eucharist, The Arinze, Cardinal Francis Our Sunday Visitor 2001 142 (B) L 022 Holy Eucharist, The Arinze, Francis (B) Con 047 Be Not Afraid Overcoming the Fear of Death Arnold, Johann C Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of (B) B 034 Mother Angelica Miracles, The Arroyo, Raymond Thorndike 2005 663 Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of (S) B 008 Mother Angelica Miracles, The Arroyo, Raymond Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of (S) B 025 Mother Angelica Miracles, The Arroyo, Raymond Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of (S) St Mother Angelica Miracles, The Arroyo, Raymond Doubleday 2005 384 Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday (B) Sp 027 Spirituality Arroyo, Raymond Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday (S) Sp Spirituality Arroyo, Raymond Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday (S) Sp Spirituality Arroyo, Raymond Mother Angelica's Little Book of Life Lessons and Everyday (S) Sp 018 Spirituality Arroyo, Raymond Mother Angelica's Private and Pithy Lessons From the (B) Sc 014 Scriptures Arroyo, Raymond (B) YA 013 10 Good Reasons to Be a Catholic Teenager's Guide to the Church, A Auer, Jim Liguori Publications 1987 64 (B) YA 001 Handbook for Today's Catholic Teen Auer, Jim (B) YA 008 What's Right Teenager's Guide to Christian Living, A Auer, Jim (B) S 037 City of God, The Augustine, Saint (B) S 006 Confessions Augustine, Saint Auz, Martin M.; Maureen (B) Con 063 Handbook For Those Who Grieve Lyons Andrews Pauline Books and (B) MI 020 Women, Sex and the Church Case for Catholic Teaching, A Bachiochi, Erika, Editor Media 2010 2581 (B) T 044 Catholic Spirituality, Its History and Challenge Bacik, James J. (B) T 042 Contemporary Theologians Bacik, James J. (B) P 041 Lay Person's Guide to Crossing the Threshold of Hope, A Bagliackus, Joseph Bakalar, Nick; Balkin, (B) P 024 Wisdom of John Paul II, The Pope on Life's Most Vital Questions, The Richard Baker, Robert J.; (B) Pr 038 When Did We See You, Lord? Groeschel, Benedict Bakh, Antoine; Daou, (B) C 008 Building on a Solid Foundation Daniel .. (B) B 015 Champion of the Church Extraordinary Life & Legacy of Archbishop Noll, The Ball, Ann Our Sunday Visitor 2006 144 Barbaric, Fr. Slavko, (B) L 029 Celebrate Mass With Your Heart O.F.M. Faith Publishing 1994 140 Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages Unlocking the Book of Revelation and Applying Its Lessons (B) Sc 007 Coming Soon Today Barber, Michael (B) Sc 025 New Testament Wordbook, A Barclay, William Barraclough, (B) R 009 Christian World, The Geoffrey(ed) (B) Sc 055 Word on Fire Barron, Robert Companion to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, (B) Sp 044 Finding God in All Things A Barry, William A. (B) Sp 007 Friendship Like No Other, A Experiencing God's Amazing Embrace Barry, William A. (B) Sp 011 With an Everlasting Love Developing an Intimate Relationship with God Barry, William A. (B) Pr 061 Praying the Truth Deepening Your Friendship with God Through Honest Prayer Barry, William A., SJ Loyola Press 2012 120 Barry, William A., SJ & (B) SV 003 Contemplatives in Action Jesuit Way, The Doherty, Robert G., SJ Paulist Press 2002 84 (B) M 008 Scientist Researches Mary the Ark of the Covenant, A Bartholomew, Courtenay (B) Sp 028 Unexpected Answers Bartocci, Barbara Bateman, Susan, (B) Y 020 Mass, The Illustrator Joshua Horgan 2007 32 (B) N 003 Kristi So Thin Is the Veil Beaulieu, Peter (B) Pr 011 Sister Wendy on Prayer Beckett, Sister Wendy (B) B 044 Return to Rome Confessions of an Evangelical Catholic Beckwith, Francis J. Barzos Press 2009 144 (B) H 001 History of the English Church and People, The Bede (B) S 046 Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux, The Story of a Soul, The Beevers, John (tr) (B) S 083 Under Her Wings Spiritual Guidance from Women Saints Bence, Kathy Upper Room Books 2001 224 (B) P 004 Fathers, The Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 007 Fathers, The Benedict XVI, Pope Libreria Editrice (B) P 065 God is Love; Deus Caritas Est Encyclical Letter Benedict XVI, Pope Vaticana 2006 54 (B) P 008 Jesus of Nazareth Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 026 Jesus of Nazareth Part 2 Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 066 Joy of Knowing Christ, The Meditations on the Gospels Benedict XVI, Pope The Word Among Us 2009 143 (B) P 018 Legacy of John Paul II, The Images and Memories Benedict XVI, Pope (S+A1157) P Legacy of John Paul II, The Images and Memories Benedict XVI, Pope (B) M 006 Marian Thoughts Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 017 Pope Benedict XVI Priesthood, The Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 034 Values in a Time of Upheaval Benedict XVI, Pope (B) P 016 Virtues, The Benedict XVI, Pope Call No. Title Sub-Title Author Publisher Copyright Pages Living His Life (N) V 025 Abundant Life, The Program #12: Eating Disorders Benkovic, Johnnette Abundantly 58 Mn Early Curch in Her Own Words; Clement of Rome, Ignatius of (B) T 047 Four Witnesses Antioch, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons Bennett, Rod Ignatius Press 2002 341 Bernardin, Joseph (B) B 014 Gift of Peace, The Personal Reflections by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Cardinal Bernardin, Joseph (S) B 002 Gift of Peace, The Personal Reflections by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Cardinal Bernardin, Joseph (S) St Gift of Peace, The Personal Reflections by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Cardinal Loyola Press 1997 153 (B) L 027 Bread Broked and Shaped Broadening Our Vision of Eucharist Bernier, Paul, SSS Ave Maria Press 1981 140 (B) SV 002 Lives of the Trappists Today Bianco, Frank 220 (B) R 013 Tomb of Christ, The Biddle, Martin Sutton Publishing 1999 172 In the Arms of Mary (B) Sp 083 Open Wide the Door to Christ Biela, S. C. Foundation 2005 198 (B) H 006 Cross and the Crescent, The History of the Crusades, A Billings, Malcolm (B) Sc 030 God of Freedom and Life, The Commentary on the Book of Exodus, A Binz, Stephen J. (B) Sc 038 God of Freedom and Life, The Commentary on the Book of Exodus, A Binz, Stephen J. (B) Sc 046 God of Freedom and Life, The Commentary on the Book of Exodus, A Binz, Stephen J. (B) Sc 072 God of Freedom and Life, The Commentary on the Book of Exodus, A Binz, Stephen J. Liturgical Press 1970 147 (B) T 015 Trial, Tribulation and Triumph Before, During and After Antichrist Birch, Desmond A. (B) N 004 Day Christ Died, The Bishop, Jim Blenkinsopp, Joseph; (B) Sc 029 Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy Cchallenor, John (S) Sc 009 Collegeville Bible Commentary OT18 Proverbs Boadt, Lawrence E. (S) S 052 Through the Year with Francis of Assisi Daily Meditations from His Words and Life Bodo, Murray, O.F.M. Image Books 1987 240 (B) S 051 Way of St. Francis, The Challenge of Franciscan Spirituality for Everyone Bodo, Murray, O.F.M. Doubleday 1984 180 (B) Sp 006 He and I Bossis, Gabrielle (B) PS 002 Day by Day Through the Easter Season Boyer, Reverend Mark Liguori 1987 95 (B) Pr 064 Following the Star Daily Reflection for Advent and Christmas Boyer, Reverend Mark Liquori 1989 128 (B) Con 062 Life Is Goodbye, Life Is Hello Bozarth, Alla Renee (B) Con 051 Mending the Torn Fabric Brabant, Sarah Brady, Ignatius, O.F.M., (B) S 077 Writings of Saint Francis of Assisi, The Translated by Edizioni Porziuncola 184 (B) Con 031 Time for Healing, A Surviving the Death of a Child Brahier, Joyce (B) Sc 051 Meditations on the Old Testament Psalms, The Brillet, Gaston Call No.
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