Review: "Something Corporate" Plays The University By BRANDON HATLER for "Something Corporate" to enter, the up by Josh Partington and William Tell on standing in front of the stage or sitting on Staff Writer fans enthusiastically rushed to the stage. guitar, Brian Ireland on drums, and the the side bleachers. When the band played fan favorites such as "Konstantine," "Punk Piano rock. Rock Princess," "21 and Invincible" and "If That's what Southern California-based You C Jordan," every voice of every fan "Something Corporate" is best known for. could be heard singing along. Until this Sunday, I did not know what was Even their cover of Cake's "The Distance" meant by the phrase "piano rock," but after had many fans bobbing their heads, seeing lead singer Andrew McMahon sing a singing along, or even crowd surfing. 1\vo song while pouncing on piano keys with lucky teenage fans got their shining his feet, I soon understood how the phrase moment as they snuck up on stage during was coined. a song to join McMahon before quickly The University held its arumal Spring being ushered off stage. After the song, Concert on Sunday, April 24. Headlining McMahon quipped 'How 'bout our two new this year's concert was "Something fans over here. Give them a hand!" Corporate," with independent band "Days It is this energy and love for music and Away" as their opener. performing for others that made me open Having never seen these two bands live my ears and eyes to "Something in concert, I went to the show not knowing Corporate." McMahon should be !lPPlaud­ what to expect. When I got out, I was very ed for not only his amazing voice but also much impressed. for the veracity and accuracy with which "Days Away" played their first chord he plays the piano. While disappointing promptly at 6:00 p.m. While half of the new fans by traditionally not coming back crowd was still filing in to the John Long for an Encore, the band could not have per­ Center here at The University, "Days Away" formed better within their given hour. was getting everyone ready for the excite­ Many fans stood outside after the show, ment they were about to experience. admiring the band's performance and Playing for about 45 minutes, the band had As the band walked on stage, they were infamous Clutch on bass guitar, McMahon claiming it was one of The University's bet­ ter choices for a spring band. a sound that was pleasin& to the ears of the greeted with not only the screeching cheers played his piano and sang his lyrics with "Something Corporate" fans. Minus the of the many teenaged female admirers such charisma that you would think this "Something Corporate" will be playing a piano, "Days Away" performed songs simi­ present, but also the burly yells of the was their last concert. few shows in the Vans Warped Tour this summer, as they get their name out to big­ lar to ones that "Something Corporate" males in the crowd, many of whom can Playing roughly 12 of their original songs, would play; songs about partying, girls, relate to the lyrics that McMahon sings. "Something Corporate" made sure their ger and broader audiences. I have a feeling the energy they expressed on Sunday here and the typical "she doesn't like me" -type For a little over an hour, "Something fans were pleased. McMahon and others at The University will be even greater this songs. Corporate" took the stage and rocked out frequently ran around the stage, making When the lights dimmed in preparation as if they owned the Long Center. Backed sure they sang and played to every person summer. Diversity Symposium Interpreted As One Great Movie By EMILY HOLLERBACH To Hit Campus Arts & Life Editor By far the most intelligent action movie I The University of Scranton will sponsor have seen all year, "The Interpreter" is an a Diversity Symposium entitled all-round great flick. "Diversity: More Than Black and White" Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman), an inter­ on Friday, May 6, in Brennan Hall on cam­ preter for the -United:Nations, grew up in pus. The conference is designed for busi­ Matobo, Africa with her brother Simon ness, corporate leaders and community after her parents and sister were killed by a leaders, human resources professionals, land mine. President Edmund Zuwanie lib­ healthcare service providers, mental erated Matobo from a terrible dictator health practitioners, human services and when Broome was a little girl. As the cycle rehab counselors, diversity and multicul­ often goes with liberators and dictators, tural coordinators, and student leaders Zuwanie himself became a fearsome dicta­ and organizational change agents. It will tor when the power of liberating a nation offer a forum for the intellectual exchange overcame him. Zuwanie is accused of the of ideas and cross-cultural dialogue about ethnic cleansing of his people and is sched­ the challenges and opportunities related uled to give a speech at the UN in a few New York City. It is not only an interesting derer drown, the family will endure a life­ to diversity in the workplace, the college days time to avoid going to an internation­ thriller about diplomacy and foreign lead­ time of mourning. If they save him, they campus and in the community. al trial for crimes against humanity. ers, but is also an insightful look into will be able to move on. Broome uses this as Keynote speakers of the conference will During an evacuation of the building human emotion. her reasoning for reporting the planned be Frank H. Wu, dean of Wayne because of a bomb scare, Broome left some Keller recently lost his wife, Laura Laura assassination. University Law School, and attorney, personal items in her interpreter's booth left him a few months earlier with a lover President Zuwanie himself is also an teacher and lecturer Angela E. and went back for them after hours. While and moved to Santa Fe. She called Keller to interesting character to examine. We see Oh, Esq. gathering her things, Broome overheard tell him she was coming back to him, but this character only twice close up during two voices speaking about assassinating she was killed in a car accident on the way. the film, and yet are almost able to under­ Student Workshop President Zuwanie. Keller obviously loved his wife very much stand him as a man. At one time, Zuwanie "Who Am I And What Is It To You?" Tobin Keller (Sean Penn) is put on the and had taken her back a number of times was revered as the liberator of Matobo, and Brennan 5th Floor case. Suspicion surrounds Broome because in the past when she had run away with Zuwanie still thinks of himself that way. ll:OO a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Zuwanie was responsible for the death of different lovers. He remembers wistfully as he drives her family. One thing is clear though - Broome lost most of her family because down Second Avenue how he was wel­ someone wants her dead. of President Zuwanie's reckless ethnic comed whole-heartedly by a large crowd Throughout the few days leading up to cleansing of Matobo. She then overhears a the last time he visited New York City. As the President's speech and the planned conspiracy to kill this man. She reports it. they drive, however, the crowd is protesting assassination, Broome is almost killed at Broome tells Keller that when one of the vigorously against him. He seems confused least three times, despite her protection Matobo people is murdered on the anniver­ and humbled at this time, almost as if he from Keller. It is clear that others are sary of the murder, the murderer is dropped had not realized what kind of man he had involved, but Broome's involvement is into a river with his hands and feet bound. become until that moment. If you want to unclear until the last 10 minutes of the film. The family has to choose whether to jump see an excellent action story that probes This is the first movie to actually be in and save the man or let him drown. deep into the human psyche, watch "The filmed in the United Nations building in Broome says that if the family lets the mur- Interpreter." Iyou have a rally about on campus?" --"-....._. ···-. l'f..'· __ ·· -- ,~.-; - . "'!iiif_..,._:.. ·_ - __, ~ ·-···If' '. f -- '- •' ~~' .,~ .. ·-~- -~~· r' ,, Sarah Sllei, fresllul fnlll teatereacll, NY' eat luelln, sealer fnlllll.illbnei, NY Rlcllie Saatosdiaz. freslulaD from Carol Meghaa ny.t, sopllollore frail BIBstala, IU Joe casaiiGRa, sopflomore frail Middfetoa. ICY Stra,IL "II.M loiYes' Iaiiy!" "Drop Ia Tlitlell ~(For tflose wllollm to "Prt-R-•cb liflyf" . "Aati-Protestor Iaiiy!" pay tlilf 011.)11 "fret l.oYe Rally!" .
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