United Nations A/74/745 General Assembly Distr.: General 10 March 2020 Original: English Seventy-fourth session Agenda item 159 Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali Budget for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 Report of the Secretary-General Contents Page I. Mandate and planned results ..................................................... 5 A. Overall ................................................................... 5 B. Planning assumptions and mission support initiatives ............................. 5 C. Regional mission cooperation ................................................ 15 D. Partnerships, country team coordination and integrated missions ................... 16 E. Results-based budgeting frameworks .......................................... 17 II. Financial resources ............................................................. 70 A. Overall ................................................................... 70 B. Non-budgeted contributions .................................................. 71 C. Efficiency gains ............................................................ 71 D. Vacancy factors ............................................................ 71 E. Contingent-owned equipment: major equipment and self-sustainment ............... 72 F. Training .................................................................. 72 G. Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration .................................. 73 H. Mine detection and mine-clearing services ...................................... 74 I. Quick-impact projects ....................................................... 75 20-03785 (E) 230420 *2003785* A/74/745 J. Other programmatic activities ................................................ 77 III. Analysis of variances ........................................................... 80 IV. Actions to be taken by the General Assembly ........................................ 85 V. Summary of follow-up action taken to implement the decisions and requests of the General Assembly in its resolutions 70/286 and 73/320, including the requests and recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions endorsed by the Assembly ..................................................................... 85 A. General Assembly .......................................................... 85 B. Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions................... 91 Annexes I. Definitions .................................................................... 97 II. Organization charts ............................................................. 99 III. Information on funding provisions and activities of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes ................................................................... 101 Map ............................................................................... 104 2/104 20-03785 A/74/745 Summary The present report contains the budget for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, which amounts to $1,196,908,800. The proposed budget in the amount of $1,196,908,800 represents an increase of $58,450,900, or 5.1 per cent, compared with the apportionment of $1,138,457,900 for the 2019/20 period. The increased requirements are attributable primarily to the whole- of-mission adaptation, notably the structural reconfiguration of its force within the approved troop ceiling in response to the assessment of the situation in northern and central Mali and of the Mission’s configuration in connection with the implementation of its primary and secondary strategic priorities outlined in Security Council resolution 2480 (2019). The proposed budget provides for the deployment of 40 military observers, 13,249 military contingent personnel, 350 United Nations police officers, 1,570 formed police personnel, 828 international staff (including 2 temporary positions) and 908 national staff, 205 United Nations Volunteers and 19 government-provided personnel. The total resource requirements for the MINUSMA for the financial period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 have been linked to the Mission’s objective through a number of results-based budgeting frameworks, organized according to components (political engagement and implementation of the peace agreement in the north and the politically led strategy for the centre; protection of civilians; promotion and protection of human rights and reconciliation; return of State authority, stabilization and the rule of law in central and northern Mali; and support). The human resources of the Mission, in terms of the number of personnel, have been attributed to the individual components, with the exception of the executive direction and management, which can be attributed to the Mission as a whole. The explanations of variances in resource levels, both human and financial, have been linked, where applicable, to specific outputs planned by the Mission. Financial resources (Thousands of United States dollars; budget year is from 1 July to 30 June) Variance Expenditure Apportionment Cost estimates Category (2018/19) (2019/20) (2020/21) Amount Percentage Military and police personnel 505 536.8 495 313.0 495 872.9 559.9 0.1 Civilian personnel 184 110.8 183 887.2 196 945.8 13 058.6 7.1 Operational costs 416 019.4 459 257.7 504 090.1 44 832.4 9.8 Gross requirements 1 105 667.0 1 138 457.9 1 196 908.8 58 450.9 5.1 Staff assessment income 16 473.4 16 267.3 17 411.7 1 144.4 7.0 Net requirements 1 089 193.6 1 122 190.6 1 179 497.1 57 306.5 5.1 Voluntary contributions in kind (budgeted) – – – – – Total requirements 1 105 667.0 1 138 457.9 1 196 908.8 58 450.9 5.1 20-03785 3/104 A/74/745 Human resourcesa United Formed Inter- United Government- Military Military Nations police national National Temporary Nations provided observers contingents police units staff staffb positionsc Volunteers personnel Total Executive direction and management Approved 2019/20 – – – – 98 76 – 31 – 205 Proposed 2020/21 – – – – 100 76 – 32 – 208 Components Political engagement and implementation of the peace agreement in the north and the politically led strategy for the centre Approved 2019/20 – – – – 35 19 – 14 – 68 Proposed 2020/21 – – – – 35 19 – 14 – 68 Protection of civilians Approved 2019/20 40 13 249 350 1 570 57 91 – 13 – 15 370 Proposed 2020/21 40 13 249 350 1 570 58 90 – 13 – 15 370 Promotion and protection of human rights and reconciliation Approved 2019/20 – – – – 35 39 – 25 – 99 Proposed 2020/21 – – – – 35 39 – 25 – 99 Return of State authority, stabilization and the rule of law in central and northern Mali Approved 2019/20 – – – – 32 34 – 16 19 101 Proposed 2020/21 – – – – 32 34 – 17 19 102 Support Approved 2019/20 – – – – 560 644 2 98 – 1 304 Proposed 2020/21 – – – – 566 650 2 104 – 1 322 Total Approved 2019/20 40 13 249 350 1 570 817 903 2 197 19 17 147 Proposed 2020/21 40 13 249 350 1 570 826 908 2 205 19 17 169 Net change – – – – 9 5 – 8 – 22 a Represents the highest level of authorized/proposed strength. b Includes 150 National Professional Officers and 758 General Service staff. c Funded under general temporary assistance (2 international staff). The actions to be taken by the General Assembly are set out in section IV of the present report. 4/104 20-03785 A/74/745 I. Mandate and planned results A. Overall 1. The mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) was established by the Security Council in its resolution 2100 (2013). The most recent extension of the mandate was authorized by the Council in its resolution 2480 (2019), by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 June 2020, adding protection of civilians and restoration of State authority in central Mali as a second strategic priority to be implemented within existing resources. 2. The Mission is mandated to help the Security Council achieve the overall objective of long-term peace and stability in Mali. 3. Within that overall objective, MINUSMA will, during the budget period, contribute to a number of expected accomplishments by delivering related key outputs, shown in the frameworks below. The frameworks are grouped by components: political engagement and implementation of the peace agreement in the north and the politically led strategy for the centre; protection of civilians; promotion and protection of human rights and reconciliation; return of State authority, stabilization and the rule of law in central and northern Mali; and support. The components are derived from the mandate of the Mission. To better position and equip the Mission to implement its extended mandate, MINUSMA developed a mission adaptation plan. The adaptation plan is an essential element of the Mission’s overarching political strategy to support the implementation of the peace agreement and assist the efforts of the Malian authorities to stabilize the situation in central Mali and to protect civilians. 4. The expected accomplishments would lead to the fulfilment of the Security Council’s objective within the lifetime of the Mission and the indicators of achievement provide a measurement of progress towards such accomplishments during the budget period. The human resources of MINUSMA in terms of the number of personnel have been attributed to the individual components, with the exception of the Mission’s executive
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