pssi c solid status www.pss-c.com physica current topics in solid state physics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phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, No. 8, 2621–2626 (2008) / DOI 10.1002/pssc.200779109 REPRINT phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, No. 8, 2621–2626 (2008) / DOI 10.1002/pssc.200779109 c solidi pssstatus www.pss-c.com physica current topics in solid state physics Reflection anisotropy spectroscopy of biological molecules with the 4GLS source P. Weightman*, 1, 2, M. Bowler2, J. A. Clarke2, T. Farrell1, W. Flavell2, 3, P. Harrison1, D. S. Martin1, M. Z. Papiz2, M. A. Poole2, F. Quinn2, E. A. Seddon2, C. I. Smith1, S. Smith2, and M. Surman2 1 Physics Department, University of Liverpool, Oxford Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZE, UK 2 Science and Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD, UK 3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Sackville Street Building, P.O. Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK Received 17 July 2007, accepted 28 October 2007 Published online 21 May 2008 PACS 29.20.dk, 82.39.Jn, 82.39.Pj, 82.39.Rt, 87.14.G–, 87.15.–v * Corresponding author: e-mail [email protected], Phone: +00 44 151 7943871, Fax: +00 44 151 7943441 The main characteristics of the UK Fourth Generation Light of 4GLS could be used in studies of biological systems using Source (4GLS) are described. It is explained how the output Reflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy (RAS). © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1 Introduction This article gives an outline of the members of the UK scientific community and their UK and main features of a number of related experiments on bio- international collaborators. Four of these Flagship Propos- logical systems that could be carried out on the UK Fourth als are concerned with research on biological systems. Generation Light Source (4GLS). 4GLS (Fig. 1) is a suite They are: “Protein structure and dynamics” lead by Profes- of accelerator-based light sources, based on a 550 MeV sor David Klug (Imperial College), “Cell and tissue imag- Energy Recovery Linear Accelerator (ERL), which con- ing” lead by Professor Paul O'Shea (University of Notting- tains a VUV Free Electron Laser (FEL) as well as conven- ham), “Biocatalysis, photosynthesis and membrane pro- tional insertion devices in the electron transport path. teins” lead by Professor Nigel Scrutton (University of There is also an XUV FEL and an IR FEL, fully integrated Manchester) and “Molecular assemblies in the extra cellu- with the sources on the ERL. 4GLS is optimised to deliver lar matrix and cell signalling” which is lead by Professor high brightness radiation in the range 3 to 100 eV, but will David Fernig (University of Liverpool). also provide very powerful sources of coherent radiation in the terahertz (THz) regime. The light output of 4GLS is 2 Potential of 4GLS for studying mechanisms summarised in Fig. 2 and a full description of the facility of biological organisation A general feature of all can be found on the 4GLS web site [1]. these research programmes is an interest in the mecha- The 4GLS facility has remarkable potential to advance nisms by which biological molecules organise, self- research programmes over a very wide range of science assemble and carryout their functions. The scale and com- and technology. In order to realize this potential it will be plexity of such self-organisation is illustrated by the fold- necessary to design instruments to exploit the characteris- ing of DNA [2, 3] (Fig. 3). The human genome contains tics of the various 4GLS light sources. Since the light some three billion base pairs in the form of a double helix source capabilities of 4GLS are unprecedented this will that is two meters long. In the nucleus of a cell the DNA, necessitate the design of state of the art instrumentation which is divided into a number of chromosomes, is com- carefully matched to the scientific problems to be investi- pressed into a two micron structure by an intricate system gated. This article explores a number of pump probe ex- of folding processes [2, 3]. In order for the information periments on biological systems that will be possible with contained in DNA to be read this compact structure must 4GLS. be unwound and subsequently rewound. From a thermody- The 4GLS research programme includes a number of namic perspective one expects these activities to be driven Flagship Proposals that have been developed by leading by the free energy released from chemical reactions but we © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim c solidi p status s s physica 2622 P. Weightman et al.: Reflection anisotropy spectroscopy of biological molecules Figure 1 Schematic layout of 4GLS. have very little understanding of the physical mechanisms this field is to conduct experiments but this has proved to involved. It is reasonable to suppose that these mechanisms be very difficult due to the absence of strong sources of ra- will involve the vibrational and rotation modes that can be diation in this frequency range, the so called THz gap. Fortu- excited by thermal processes at the temperature at which nately 4GLS is an ideal source to fill the THz gap since it is this activity occurs which is just above room temperature. based on an ERL in which the electron bunches, which circu- These modes will be in the THz region of the electromag- late only once, are quite short. When the bunch length is netic spectrum since at room temperature kT ~ 6 THz. A shorter than the wavelength of the emitted light, a condition key issue is whether there are any long-lived coherent satisfied at ~ 1 THz, this gives rise to a dramatic increase in modes in such biological systems in this frequency range. intensity due to the phenomena of coherent emission [8]. A Frohlich suggested many years ago on theoretical grounds laboratory source for example would yield an average power [4-6] that such modes do exist and that they play an impor- of ~ 100 µW in the THz region of the spectrum whereas tant role in biological organisation. However this view is 4GLS will provide average powers of ~ 2.6 kW and peak controversial and there are good theoretical reasons to ex- powers of ~ 100 MW. With such high powers available it pect that such modes would rapidly dissipate their energy will be possible to search for long-lived modes that might be into the “thermal sea” of normal modes of vibration of involved in the self-organisation of biological molecules. such systems [7]. One might expect such thermalisation to There have been a few recent indications that such long-lived occur on a picosecond timescale. The key to research in modes do exist in biological systems [9, 10]. 0.24 THz 2.42THz 24.2THz 1.24µm 1.E+23 1240µm 124µm 12.4µm 1.E+22 IR-FEL 1.E+21 VUV-FEL 1.E+20 1.E+19 1.E+18 4GLS HACL Dipole 1.E+17 XUV-FEL undulators 1.E+16 HU34, 10m HU60, 5m 1.E+15 U56, 5m U30, 10m Average Flux (photons/s/0.1%bw) 1.E+14 1.E+13 3.5T Wiggler 1.E+12 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 2 Average flux per 0.1% bandwidth for different sources on 4GLS. Note the undulator and wiggler curves are example de- vices only. © 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.pss-c.com Invited Article phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, No. 8 (2008) 2623 However in searching for such modes it is unlikely that wide band laboratory sources which cause the speed of the simple spectroscopy will be useful since in the THz range experiment to be limited by signal to noise considerations. biological molecules will have a large number of normal An additional problem with laboratory instruments is that modes and many of these will be populated by the thermal the output of most discharge lamps falls dramatically be- energy distribution of the ground state. This is expected to yond 5 eV and this makes it impossible to reach important give rise to a broad featureless THz spectrum as shown re- transitions to higher energy in DNA and other molecules. cently for hen egg white lysozyme and horse heart my- Major advances in Circular Dichroism (CD) have fol- oglobin [11].
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