THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. Volume VII.—No . 11). JOHNS, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 1. 1896. Whole No . 383 THE NEWS IN HRIKF. A ItlU 8HOKTAHE. THREE NT. JOUNM KNIGHTS Wars I'lactxl on Cuiiiiuitte«M by th« .Miaa Hrtiwnie Hromley ia aiientliiiK the Kuriii«ri> Have Had liood Ksaitun Ut Cnni- UlJ plain. “Grippers.” we«>k in (irand Haven. yKARS AT IONIA Eighte«»n hundred and ninety-four was The Knighta of the Grip held their an ­ Hobt. .McFarlan of Detroit, apcnt an <*xccptioiially dry year. Farmers felt nual im*eting at Lanaiiig Monday. It Chriatmaa day in St. .lobna. the effwts of the luck of rain very d«H*id- That is the Sentence Harry Wil­ waa one of the tiui'st ine<*tingH ever held AND NEARLY FROZEN TO County ('lerk Maraliall waa eonfim*tl to The Columns of The News for Pub­ by the order. E. B. Waldron ofthiacity, lic Discussion. edly. Eight<*«*n hundred and iiinety-Hve liamson Received. DEATH. hia home yeaterduy with ai(‘km*Ha. has bi*en still drier. Few people, how­ waa made chairman of the eominittee on Mr. and .Mi'a. .1. H. (}ilh*tt of Detroit, ever, are awan* how much less has bwn rulea and order of huaineaa, E. L. Smith an* apent|in>i: the wt*«*k in St. .lohna. the lU'tual rain fall. Below an* given waa made first vh-*<* |»n*aident and B. I), Balnier waa made a member of the board Dean Wickea left for Colorailo S|>rin|?a A CHANCE FOR OPINIONS ON THE LO­ theiwordsof the observator 3’ at Ann WAS FOUND GUILTY OF PASSING of dire«*tora. Mra. B. D. I’ahner very Was Ed Cross, of Ovid, When laat \vts*k when*hH haa»<*curt*du poaitioii. CAL OPTION QUESTION. .Arbor. In 1H94 from .January 1 to Oct- COUNTERFEIT MONEY. olK*r .’11 there was a rain fall of 22.in- ph'aauntly entertained the local inem- Found Yesterday. Ltmia Severance retumet! Monday ni>fht b<*ra of the order and their wivea at her from a viait at hia old htimciii Pontiac* ch**K distribiiti'd as follows: .Innunry........................................................l.OtJ In. home laat evening. .1. C .Andcraon and wife, of Detnut, If You Have Anything to Say Here Is Kebriiary......................................................1.27 “ Respectfully Declined tbe Assistance of IS DANGEROUSLY ILL AND MAY viaiit*tl L. C. Meail anti family over Snn- Your Cbaance. .March........................................................... 2.0<) " An Attorney. Very I.uw. tlay. Ai»rll..............................................................2.7H •• Henry M. Berriii, who haa lafcii con ­ NOT RECOVER. .May................................................................I.tia •• fined to hia home now for several inontha Tin* ptiat offict* and the exprt*aa olflee .tune...............................................................l.il.H •• past, ia very I«)w toda.v and grave fears each hail their uaual Chriatmaa rush laat The proposed adoption of local option .July...............................................................O.sa “ Harrv Williamson was found guilty in .\iiKiiat......................................................... 0.00 •* are entertained for hia re<-overy. He ia wt*ck. in tliiiton county is re(5civiiig cronaider- the circuit court .Monday of paaaing Feared That Both Hands Will Have .S«‘pteMilKT.....................................................H.OO “ still eh(H*rful in mind hut ae<*ma to be Ket-M* Smith was in ,St. .Jolina the past able diacuaaion on all aidi's and when the October .........................................................2.70 “ bogus half (lollara and sentenced to thrta* gradually growing weaker. to be Amputated. week htime from the iiiiiv>raity for vatni- (pieatioii ia eonaidered in all its various yeara at Ionia by .Judge Daboll. tion. phases there can be found much argu- Total .......................................................22..HI " Harr.v dwlined with thanks the offer of Krepjia & DeWitt are liaving a large m(*nt against it aa w«*ll aa in its favor. Miaa Eila Ste«*I liaa returned to her During the first ten months ofthiayear an attorney and fought out hia own caa** trade during their apecial aule. For the Tmk Nkws does not wish to atn* (.'linton WAS UNCONSCIOUS UNTIL NOON YES­ h'uncinSt. .lohna, having reai^netl her with the ground much drier to start with alone. AA'hen he bad b(*«*n aworn .liidge next yo days yon would do well to call, county stampeded into any change which TERDAY. position in Ithnea. the rei'ord ia aa follows: Daboll asked him if he had an attorney if there ia unpthing in their line you may would be afterward regretted, luirahould to which he replied that he had not. The W. D. Itishop of Chica>?o who haa spent .luiiuary ....................................................l.OH In. want while you can get it so cheaj*. the vot(*ra cast tlieir ballots until they February.................................................... H.O.'i ** judge explained to him that if he wished the Inilidaya with nlalivea here, ret urnetl are satisfied timl the course suggested ia ■March...............................................................0.7.') " he might have tin* aid of a lawyer for to hia lionit* Tiit*ailuy. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wandered Away Into the Country 8 Miles a wise one. It ia certainly the duty of April............................................................0.00 “ whhdi the county would pay; that the .May..... .......................................................H.52 " From Home. E. P. Wnltlron ami family an* iiioviiif*: U'liat H. I>. Gmk<) Tliliiks of T. & It the press to throw all the light on the June.............................................................(I..")<•( •• law made thia provision for prisoners eiiliiK I’oultry Fu<>«l. into their hantl.some new honn* tin ipif*ation of which it may be p()aa«*aaed, July...................................................................2.27 “ who lm*ked the wherewith toH«*<*ure h'gal Hiu:hiuii street thia wt*t*k. and h*t Hie readers judge for tliemaelvca AuKUHt..........................................................2..57 “ I have ua(*d Travis Baker’s Lighten­ advice. Williamson looked up one aide ing Boultr.v Food and find it to be all HniTV Taylor and .Miaa .Marit* .MeCall of tluM-laima that may beset fourth. .September.......................................................0.tl4 ** and down the other of Broa«*<*iitiiig At- L'luroiiHcioiiH, and witli lii.>< * ‘aiv, liaiids Oetober ............................................................0.H4“ that ia claimed for it. It ia a sure cure of Chiea>.jo, >vere j^ueata of H. .V. Doilirt* If there were any way to forever effa<‘e torne,v Norton and either concluded that for croup and chicken cholera and 1 can and f«'Pt froKon, whk E<1. CVosh o ( Ovid ehe**rfully recommend it to all who raise at The Steel, »)ver Sunday. from theearth the ram tiaffli* Tiik Nkwh Total ......................................................10 HHIn. the big [iroa4*cutor waa too much for an.v found in a wnow bank i>y thn roudHidp, poultry aa a health promoter to the Clinton avenue pn*at*nteil a very lively would be only too glad to a<*<* the adoje This ahowH a dt*< ‘reaHe this year, or dur ­ lawyer that could be awured at county fowls, »*gg [iroducer and great saving in eifrlif-miI**H from liona* early yenterday app**aranee .Saturtlay afteruoon laat, dia- tion of meaaun*a which would r«*ault in ing the first t«*n months of thia year, of rates or d«>*'ide<l that he could tell hia hH*<l. .No one having fowlea should be morning, .Mr. Scott, wlio livew near the pite the bad (•omlition of the roads. amrh and end, but that ia not germane to .").4.‘l incli<*a which ia nearly one-third of story alone to the jury with just aa good without it. H. B. Gaok . theargument. The question ia whether effiH’t aa eouhl be gaiiieil by the oratori ­ Brice 10c per pound at Tiiavis A Bakku 's. Hainniond CornerH in .Middlebiiry, waw Mr. nnd .Mrs. F. F'. Murdock pleaaantlv the entire rainfall of the iirai ten months or not local ojition will bring the deaireil cal ab'lit.v of one of ehe “limbs.” In any entertained a amall party with wliiat laat of this year When this ia considered in R<*member we are going hack into the walking t<»ward Ovid when lie diHCoveretl results or will bett«*r the pn*a«*nt condi ­ event he assured the .fudge that he would connection with the fact that hist year old quarters. Si.ade A H otchkiss . a man lyin^ by the roadeide. eveniiiK- 'I'he old year was watched out. tions and thoai* beat jioated on the aub- was much drier than uaual it would a])- forego the jilenaure of any devotee of The Henpd Fuioii .Aid society will AK<‘iitH Wantsrt. Hie efforts to uronee the fel­ j(*ct are not of one mind. That the voters j>ear that farmers have good grounds Blackatoin* and theaaae proc*H*di*d. mt*«*t with .Mrs. FYed (leorf^ia Wedm*aduy The St. .fohna Bortable Oven Company low w«*re futile and he thonjrlit at may more thoroughly familiarize them- for complaining of the extn*niely dry Mrs, Briiddiah who runs the hot«*l over have immediate use for a(*veral good •luniiary H. in the forenoon. A full house aelvea with the qm*ation Tiik Nkws will weather. The entire rainfall for 1H5)4 at .Matherton swore that Harry atopp< ‘d agents. .Apj)ly at once to tiret the man wjia dead but tindin^ that is dcaireil. throw its columns open to the public, waa 2.‘1.49 inchea. at her hoiiae about a wi*ek and ended up W. H. Fiki .na, Mgr. hie iieart wae beating he hurrietlly Hum- Ei>?ht day elocka, bt*at in town, with and invites all who wish to enter into The rainfall from Nov. 1 at up to the by shoving aome of the“<pi**er ” in paying Corner of Clinton .Avenue and Walker moni ‘d aid ami the unfortunate man waa alarm, oak or walnut, durinjy their the diacuaaion to avail tlicmaelv«*a of the present time has been above the average for the last meal.
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