ANNIVERSARY EDITION 6 A Tradi ion of nno vation 25 Years Page 14 Pa 9 e 6 Pages 2,5 i ; !I;•• ~ ~ Fiorello laGuardia • ~ Community College aGua • C U N Y RaYJ1l~nd ~; 'B,owen ''-.-$..'?k:'iJt'' A -t ~.-· »:~" ... ~ .' " ~ . INDEX Th Bridge; the official (udellt IIew paper of LaGuardia Community Inside Page Inside Page Co llege. It is pub/i bed by all i" de­ Town Hall Meeting 3 Where Are They Now 12 pendellt staff andfinanced by rudent Honors Night 4 Math Tutorial 12 Activity fund. Opinioll expre' 'ed ill th paper are !lot neee sarily tho e of 25 Years Of Innovation 5 Weird New Science 13 the College, administration faculty, Letter from William Negron 5 LGCC Goes to NASA 14 or the student body. The 8rid" is not Budget Cuts 6 LGCC Student Sings For The World 15 responsible for unsolicited material Editorial 7 Vive La Difference 16 and all material is subject to editing. Copyright by The Bridge located in Student Activity Fees 8 Comics 18 Ml17E at LaGuardia Community Fitness For All 10 Horoscopes 18 College, 31-10 Thomson Ave., LIC, Help Is On The Way 11 Music Reviews 19 NY 11101 (718)482-5189. 9 c N E \\ s 25th Annh'ersary Edition GOUSSE S EDITOR the student committee chairman, worked with students to promote the event i Me hant from the Iud m ifi and I pm nlOf- fice proposed forming a planning committee consisting of members . from administration, faculty, staff, and students. It's through the com­ i mittee's teamwork that LaGuardia's first Town Hall Meeting was held. ~ Professor Terence Julien, fac­ 1 uity member of the Social Science Department and Chairman of the Task Force on Pluralism Committee ,I- at LaGuardia, opened the meeting. photo by: Wilberto Ortiz ,.!.. ..... In his~pe h; h appr priately d~- . Rafaelina BeltrA targets EMra Senese, Financial Aid Director, with questions rega~dirlg . ": ! ' .. fined the Town Hall M eeting as a possible improven:wnts to the services provideci in the F inarlcial Aid Office ; . , ", .. ",: ~ . .... ..':."". ' .' .. '. place where "students can have a fo­ pointments with the appropriate tions. longer so that more people can have . .1 rum to express concerns... The facu Ity and/or staff member to Difficult issues and com­ their questions answered. In addi-. purest form of democracy, that 's provide help with their situation. plaints were not the only subjects tion, the audience would like to dis- : what the Town Hall Meeting is." He For instance, a tran fer tudent . di ussed. One tudent declared np­ ·U. S i ues. uch as Ih fUlu I'm! . al. ted thaI f the Town stated that he had e perienced pre ialion ~ r the H.E. .P_S. Earl hildh enler. financial Hall M lin, "Twen,y-Ii ,e y .ars difficultie with the R .gistmr' .of­ Education Learning Project (Health aid andtuition hikes in future meet-! fi ce due to her inability to obtain and Services) program. which gives ings. her tran~cript. Upon h. !Iring this, students ' alth informatioll an(I pro- P!unlli n ,; R y chocnburg, the I.hr 4:tor f Ides refemal to health related aer­ "nmin h s 'nl 111;11 ,he " '. I thR gi tra,,', icesinR mMB40. meeting will be on Wednesday,: Office, made an Among those fielding ques­ April 2. in the E-Building Atrium:, logue between a ppointment tions were: Raymond C. Bowen, from 2 p.m.- 4 p.m. Students are: the audience and "The purest form with her to dis- President; George S. Hamada, Vice needed on the committee to obtaini the panel of cuss what could President for Academic Affairs and their perspective on how and what I deans began. of democracy, be done. Provost; Richard Elliot, Dean of Ad­ the next meeting could focus on toi Using an Another stu- that's what the ministration; Harry N. Heinemann, make it more effective. If you wouldl open . micro­ .. dent complained. ':d that he had been • "Dean 'of Cooperative EducBtio , . likt to ~a member of the commit-I phone format, Town Hall > l1 Ruth Lugo, Deanof Student Affairs; tee, ple~~e . co ntacllrene Sosa inl rejected for audience partic­ RoomMBI4. I Meeting is." every kind of fi- Judith L. McGaughey, Dean of ipanrs, mostly The Bridi!e newspaper would! nancial aid he Adult and Continuing Education. I students, raised like Lo speak to the audience partici-\ had applied for There also were staff and faculty questions about lack of fundi ng pants w~o spoke to a faculty/staftl and he didn't know how he would members on hand to answer ques­ :~ member about an issue. for library materials, instituting a I : '1, pay for school. Responding to tions concerning their departments. ---- If you would like to discuss telephone registration process, this complaint, a representative According to the surveys taken from your meeting with The Brld&e,i and overcrowding of classrooms. from the Financial Aid Office the audience, the Town Hall Meet­ contact The Brid&e at (718) 482-1: Some of the issues discussed made an appointment with the stu­ ing was a hit. There was a demand 5189 or come to Room M 11 8-E on were dealt with by making ap- dent to talk about alternative solu- for more of them and that they last Thursdays from 5 p.m.-IO p.m. .-............. LaGuardia Stars Come Out To Shine E.S.L. program. received awards in Account­ Honors Night Gives ing and Managerial Studies. She al so re­ ceived an award I'llI' graduating with hi ghest LaGuardia Students G.P.A ()f4.()O. 1he ni ght', hi gh li ghh he lo ngcd to the Recognition Th(llll a~ Samuel and :\ ~'M i d Ni eok,. 'I'll( lmas received the Herhert :\Itsc huier :Vtcmonal That's Well Deserved Scholarship. The schularship i, given to a staff member who graduated fmlll LaGuardia BY JOAN YVETTE ZELAYA and has made a great c()ntrihution as a staff M A ~ ,\ G t " G E \) t T () K member to the college. Astrid was given the Winston Memorial Award for Outstanding \P LaGuardia students were rewarded Service to the College Communit y. Both re­ tor their academic achievements and 0 cipients received a standing ovation. After the T:community service on Honors Night, 2 . ceremony, Astrid said she was very nervous held last Sept. 10. Students received recog- a. un stage. "but. if it wasn' t for the support of nition for categories such as Outstanding the students. I would not have made it ." The Professional Growth and Development as an ceremony was followed by a rcception in the • Intern. Outstanding Service to the College E-Bldg.-Atrium. '! Community, and Hi ghest Scholastic Congratulations to allthe stu dents and " AchievementITotal G.P.A of 4.00. Every de­ graduates who received honors, including , partment at LaGuardia handed out awards. The Brid2e's very own Gary Blake and Tarik Prof. Terence Julien of the Social Sci­ Cherkaoui. Gary received an award for Out­ ence Department spoke brietly during the awards. He stressed the importance of standing Professional Growth and Develop­ achieving goals and the positi ve influence it ment as an Intern. Tarik received an award : can have on other students. In a later inter­ for Outstanding Academi c Achievement and nite shortage stu- er give up- eve n yourself and keep on Outstanding Service to the College. All hon- i view he summarized his speech, stating that dents among the audience. Despite the lack going,." Receiving an Incentive Award from orees are shining examples of how hard work, , \ "U.S. society seems to reward physical ath- of LaGuardia students, the atmosphere re­ the Math Department determination, · letes. as exempli tied by the recent Olympics mained buoyant. held in Atlanta. LaGuardia ha<; created a spe- was Rebecca Ro- "Students should never give up and dedication · cial night to reward our academic athletes­ driguez, who started really do pay , And The Award Goes To ... outinBasicMathand -believe in yourself off. Honors : students who have worked hard, competed Among the honorees was Dorris Lip­ · with the best, and are rewarded .. Jor the high­ made it to calculus. d Night might not pold, who received several awards from the est academic achievements. Atthereception,Re- an keep on going?' havetheglam- Office Technology Department. Donis man­ LaGuardia's faculty and staff did re­ becca said that "iti1\oo-----------------.; o ur of the ward their academic Olympians, but most aged to do outstanding work, despite recent­ wasn't easy" and she found the experience Olympics, but it has just as much glory-stu- students were not aware of it. Although there ly giving birth to a baby girl. Donis said that challenging. dents receiving awards shou ld be praised not were plenty of family and friends to support she would never have made it if it wasn't for Another LaGuardia achiever, Ekaterina only by faculty and family, but also by their the honorees on Honors Night, th is reporter the help of her family. "Students should nev- S. Sabatino, who began her studies in the peers. SCHOOL SUPPLIES & BEAUTY AIDS BEHIND THE COLLEGE, ACROSS FROM YIPS NEXT TO AVIREX WIDE SELECTION OF JUST THE BASICS PROFESSIONAL HAIR CARE 3100 47TH AVE. LINES ... SEBASTIAN, NEXXUS, (718)729-5433 BIOLAGE, SMOOTH & SHINE, DARK & LOVELY, ZERO COME IN AND SAVE FRIZZ, JOHN FREIDA, FRIZZ ON ALL YOUR EASE,REVLON,SOFT HEALTH AND SHEEN, AFRICAN .PRIDE BEAUTY AIDS RAZAC, SOLID GOLD, OPTIMUM INFUSIUM 23 NEEDS MIRTHAS, PAUL MITCHELL. FILM DEVELOPING, CANDY, SNACKS AND MUCH MORE. BANK AND MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED.
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