OF WESTE STRALIA (Published by Authority at 4 .00 p.m .) No. 82] PERTH: FRIDAY, 30 AUGUST [1985 POISONS ACT 1964-1981 LICENCES AND PERMITS VALID UNTIL 30 JUNE 1986 POISONS ACT, 1964 - 1981 LICENCES AND PERMITS VALID UNTIL 30 JUNE 1986 Health Department of Western Australia Perth, August 27, 1985 The following schedule contains a list of licences and permits valid until June 30, 1986 under the Poisons Act 1964 - 1981 . J C McNULTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PUBLIC HEALTH LIST OF PERSONS HOLDING LICENCE TO PROCURE AND/OR MANUFACTURE AND SUPPLY POISONS (OTHER THAN DRUGS OF ADDICTION) BY WHOLESALE DEALING . Company Address Name Abbott Laboratories Pty Ltd 97 Kew Street, Welshpool Marmara A P Acacia Nominees Pty Ltd Shop 31, Floreat Forum, Floreat Park Hawkins K J Shoo 15, 248 Morley Drive, Eden Hill Hawkins M J Action Foodbarn Pty Ltd 50 owe Street, Osborne Park Finlay J A F H Nominees Pty Ltd Shop 87, 1352 Albany Highway , Cannington Hunt A F Agfa-Gevaert Limited 187 Great Eastern Highway , Belmont Barber G Agricultural-Racing Services Cnr Francisco Street & Abernethy Road, Belmont Burton B H, Krypet P/L, T/as Airedale Laboratories 149 Canning Highway, South Perth Petrie TS Allpest Aust Pt Ltd 66 Canning Highway, Victoria Park Peek G R Allwest Scientific Distributors Pty Ltd 12 Lindsay Street, Perth Booth F Alpha First Aid Supplies 138 Brown Street, East Perth Benwell G K Amalgamated Chemicals Ltd 36 Railway Parade, Welshpool Hutton G Andora Investments Pty Ltd 132 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie Hicks W L Anthony , Ross & Huntley 4/114 Mary Street, Como Price D A H Applied Chemicals Pt Ltd Box 31, Post Office, Osborne Park Anderson K W Arthur Webster Pty Ltd Unit 4, 229 Bank Street, Welshpool Page A Associated Chemical Enterprises Pty Ltd 244 Treasure Road, Welshpool Hayes W Atlas Agencies 1808 Albany Highwa , Kenwick Bartolone T Australian Laboratory Services Pty Ltd Unit 9B, 12-16 Milord Road, East Victoria Park Neville T J Ballyboy Pty Ltd Guildford Shopping Centre, James Street, Spiro V T Guildford Banovich Trading 195 Hampton Road, South Fremantle Banovich B S BASF Australia imited Box 490, Post Office, Cloverdale McManus G K S Bateman J & W Ltd 47 Henry Street, Fremantle Cooper C L Bayer Australia Ltd 76-80 Oats Street, Carlisle Sumner M W Company Address Name B B Holdings Pty Ltd 7 Temp letonia Crescent, City Beach Bell B A Beccaro Pty Ltd 2209 Albany Hi hway, Gosnells Loneragan L & Ben 7amin R D 30 James Street, Perth Ben amin R D Bird World 72-74 Belmont Avenue, Belmont Garner B J The Boots Company Aust Pty Ltd 17/386 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park Park Ronnie Boronia Nominees Pty Ltd Parade Street, Pingelly Pearson B T Bortwell Holdings 777 Canning Highway, Applecross Dillin M & Hamilton I B P Australia Ltd Box X2224, GPO, Perth - North Fremantle Cope G N Brimar Nominees Pt Ltd 3 Buckland Street, Northam Barker B A Bristol-Myers Co Pty Ltd 6 Aitken Way, (No . 2 Warehouse), Kewdale Massey K C Brown & Dureau Chemicals 16 Fargo Way, Welshoool Sheen J F Bush Boake Allen Aust Cnr Great Northern Iighway & McDonald Street, Taylor C L Millendon Calsil Ltd Forrest Road, Jandakot Lei old K Cardiac & Surgical Australia 5/611 Hay Street, Jolimont Beg e S M Castrol Australia Keegan Street, O Connor Pummel B S Charger Holdings 392 Canning Highway , Melville Burns G M Chemical Formulators Pty Ltd 7 Kirke Street, Balcatta Clapp K A Chemtech 453 Belmont Avenue, Kewdale Barron D G, Sherlock Holdings P/L, T/as Chemtex Pty Ltd Unit 3 8 Dewar Street, Morley Browner J C Chem Ware Products Unit 16, Cnr Ryelane & Marion Streets, Baker A B Maddinqton Chintoo Pty Ltd Koondoola Pharmacy, Koondoola Lane J B Ciba Geigy Australia Limited 105 Sheffield Road Welshpool Davies H L CIG Medishield 594 Hay Street, Jolimont Candy P CIG Limited 590 Hay Street, Subiaco Hunter T J City Milling Pty Ltd 23 Fitzgerald Street, West Perth Harrold F C1 ymene Pty Ltd 4 Hillview Place, South Bentley Simenson D M Collie & Company Pty ltd 106 Norma Road, Myaree Outen L Corian Nominees Pty Ltd 63 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring Maitland I A & C Cottman L J Pty Ltd 93 York Street, Subiaco Cottman L J Crisp-Chem Pty Ltd 140 Hannan Street, Kal oorlie Crisp G J CSBP & Farmers Limited Railway Parade, Bayswater Mu rp ay W J Cussons Pty Ltd 33 McDowell Street, Welshpool Berry A D Cyanamid Australia Pty Ltd C/- Bays Transport Pty Ltd, Graylands Road, Lombe R J Graylands Dale Distributors 261 South West Highway, Armadale McIver D R Daly Laboratories Pty Ltd 76 Daly Street, Belmont Banovich B S David Brown Scientific 228 Balcatta Road, Balcatta Brown D, D & G D Nom . P/L, T/as Company Address Name David Gray & Co Pty Ltd Rawlinson Street, O'Connor Gray K M Delta Wes- Pty Ltd 9-ll Coulson Way , Canning Vale Unsworth R W Dental Houses Dentsply Unit 3, 50-54 Jersey Street, Jolimont Baker C H Devscan Trading Boans Shopping Centre, Walter Road, Morley Devereux R J Dolmar Chemicals WA Pty Ltd 8 Ledgar Road, Balcatta Mar aria F T Don Campbell & Company Unit 15, 113 High Road, Willetton Hunt A D Reidsdafe Hold . P/L, T/as Dulux Australia Limited Murphy Street, O'Connor Huber E East West Veterinary Supplies Pty Ltd U15, Cnr Leach Highway and High Road, Willetton Hunt A D Elders Pastoral 244 Welshpool Road, Welsh ool Baldwin B J Equine Veterinary Surgeon 66 Mathieson Road, Belmont McDermott J D Esperance Animal Supp lies Box 639, Post Office, Esperance Staaden A Esta Nominees Pty Ltd 4 Pace Road, Medina Cruse D A Faulding Agencies WA 493 Abernethy Road, Kewdale Ward S W Faulding F H (WA) Pty Ltd 493-495 Abernethy Road Kewdale Jackson T E Fawns & McAllan Pty -td Sigma (Pharmaceuticals5 Pty Ltd, 112 Churchill Addison C Y Avenue, Subiaco Flora Faun Pty Ltd Box 229, Post Office Willetton Murray V J Foodland Associated Ltd 15 Barker Street, Belmont Thomas D J 102 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie 106 Hobart Street, Mt Hawthorn 57 Kent Street, Wilson 18 Miles Road, Kewdale Fosroc - Nonporite 56 Peel Street, O'Connor Davy D C C Fremantle Agencies 197 High Street, Fremantle Cat-alini J A FSE Scientitic 126 Kewdale Road, Kewdale Murray R C General Nominees Pty Ltd The Boulevard, City Beach Williams P V Gibson Chemicals Ltd 5 Bellows Street, Welshpool Pretty A Godwin Nominees Pt Ltd 1 Old Perth Road, Bassendean Godwin B L Gow Nominees Pty Ltd 5 Wedge Street, Port Hedland Gow J R H GPA Pty ltd 215 Main Street, Osborne Park Atzemis G P Grenoble Cottesloe 484 Stirling Highway, Cottesloe Barron I W, Morwest Inv . P/L, T/F Morwest Trading Trust Ch a' Company Address Name Hardie Trading Limited 37 Belmont Avenue, Belmont McPherson N 0 Harmax Minint Sulpies 89 Burswood Road, Victoria Park Hardy M G Henol ProducWAs 470 Newcastle Street, Perth Dallimore N G Hoechst Australia Pty Ltd 150 Stirling Highway, Nedlands Aldridge T Hortico Aust Pty Ltd 20-22 Coulson Way annin Vale Withers C D C Hunters Cleaning Chemicals Unit 2, 144-146 Russell Street, Morley Seidel S Ilford (Australia) Pty Ltd 105 Sheffield Road, Welshpool McDonald E Inglenom Pty Ltd 1 King William Street, Bayswater Inglis L H 259 Walcott Street, Mt Lawley Jackson Ceramic Crafts 391 Hay Street Subiaco Pistilli P J D Distributors Shop 6, 27 Marfoo Road, Balga Davenport N J Joe's Equestrian & Pet Supplies 293 Camberwarra Drive, Craigie Conceicao J Joe Watson Farm Supplies Box 294, Post Office, Northam Watson A J Kendall E D & Son 20 Angove Street, North Perth Kendall R E Kodak Aust Pty Ltd 10 Chllver Street, Kewdale Richardson J S Kwinana Nitrogen Pty Ltd Kwinana Beer M R Lancet OMS Unit 2 52 Hector Street, Osborne Park Weir D N Lang ley Chemicals Box 356, Post Office, Bentley Langle y T A Lenkane Exploration Pty Ltd Kanowna Road, Parkeston Trask F, T/As Kale Lime & Chemical Company Lepanto Pty Ltd 30 Hooley Road, Midvale Crump N G Lion Electronics 314 Great Eastern Highwa , Midland Ayres G F Loran Administration Box 101 Post Office, Alan DaL M Lucas Industries Aust Ltd 647 Wellington Street, Pert Gray L G H Macis Pty Ltd Box 103, Post Office, Newman Lewis V R Magar Enerprises Pty Ltd 504 Marmion Street, Booragoon Magar A S Mainland Warehousing Co Pty Ltd 12 Reggie Road, Kewdale Bush D L Marfield Ltd 132 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie Hicks W L Marig ny 'A/sia' Pty Ltd 4 Burgay Court, Osborne Park Fraser D B M & T Chemicals Pty Ltd 578 Murray Street, Perth Wales R A Marabou Holdings Py Ltd 122 Rokeby Road, Subiaco Rowe M J & J M Master Butchers Co-operative Ltd 10-12 Asquith Street, Victoria Park Newton P A Mauri Foods (WA) Co 5 Keeg an Street, O'Connor Devine A G Maxwell Family Trust 74 Federal Street Narrogin Maxwell R W Midland Chemicals 4 El g ee Road, Bellevue Howard P Micro Bros Pty Ltd 800 Rockingham Road, Henderson Mirco P Adline P/L T/As Company Address Name Mitsui & Co (Aust) Ltd 144 St George's Terrace, Perth Briggs P H Monsanto Australia Ltd 18 Howe Street, Osborne Park Loder G R Mooneba Pty Ltd Shop 47, Innaloo Shopp ing Centre, Innaloo Bateman K D Mycos Pty ltd 8 Spencer Street, Bunbury Simms D K McGloin J WA Pty Ltd 32A Drake Street, Osborne Park Colligan H McGuire Chemicals Pty Ltd 21 Dellamarta Road, Wanneroo McGuire P J Nairn Wholesale 1026B Albany Highway, East Victoria Park Nairn D M National Veterinary Consultants 7 Sleat Road, Applecross Franklin D A & Miller P Nicholas - Kiwi Ltd 1 Norlin Street, Kewdale Ross D Nightingale Chemicals - Division of 19-23 Cleveland Street, Dianella Meldrum J S Hacros Chemicals P/L Inc in NSW North West Veterinary Supplies Karratha Veterinary Hospital, Warambie Road, Fenny R E Karratha Nufarm Chemicals WA Pty Ltd Thomas Street, Kwinana Davison R C Numeruno Pty Ltd 54-55 Rockingham Park Shopping Centre, Allen
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