Living Hope Church 29 October, 2017 Gospel Culture: Gratefulness Colossians 3:12‐17 Intro Reformation Sunday ‐ 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing 95 thesis to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church in Germany Luther was not looking for a split from the Roman Catholic Church ‐ he was looking for a genuine reformation of the church ‐ specifically the understanding of the gospel ‐ how do sinful men and women become right with a holy God. Was it through the pope ‐ a man ‐ or the priests of the church absolving one of sins, was it through buying indulgences ‐ little bribes to get God to lay off of punishment for sin? What the reformers said and what we declare is No, no, a thousand times no! What the reformers set about to do and they accomplished was to restore on the basis of the Bible alone, that salvation was by faith alone through grace alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone. We are the blessed spiritual descendants of the Gospel men and women who fought and suffered and even died that the church would trust in and be saved and amazed by God’s grace alone ‐ we offer nothing but the sin that makes grace necessary. RADICALLY FREE! Simply believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious ‐ still, there can be an implied “Yeah But” objection to the Gospel. Yes, grace, yes, YEAH BUT we need to follow God’s commands, BUT we must do God’s will, BUT there is work to do. We are called to follow God’s commands, do his will, labor in the good works he has ordained ‐ but this is not so we can be right with God ‐ it is because we are right with God, no condemnation, guilt, eternal life secure. Grace “but” is fine for the real go‐getters, lovers of discipline and work ‐ devastating for those of a more sensitive conscience ‐ in fact equally devastating to both types ‐ self‐righteousness and condemnation ‐ it is a wearying, impossibility to impress God ‐ to prove that we are acceptable to a God of impeccable holiness. Never sure of his love. Heart toward us. No, the Gospel of the risen Christ of the cross is not just helpful news ‐ we do our bit and he gets us the rest of the way, if we mix the right cocktail of doing good and God’s grace we arrive at forgiveness and acceptance ‐ NO Actually Good News ‐ free grace, in spite of our sin, never deserved, given as a gift only to be received. Not a “yeah but” ‐ rather a “and so” ‐ God saves us completely by his grace and so the life we live is for the one who loved us and gave himself for us. Our text shows us exactly this. Gospel Culture marked by the presence of gratefulness. This is the sixth of seven values of our Gospel Culture ‐ humility, godliness, fellowship, generosity, serving ‐ gratefulness God’s has profoundly blessed us and secured by his grace AND SO Let’s work through what the Bible says about gratefulness so that we might pursue what God commands and makes possible through the Gospel 1. The Problem of Ingratitude, 2. The Key to Gratefulness, 3. The Pursuit of Gratefulness 1 Living Hope Church 29 October, 2017 I. The Problem of Ingratitude A. Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Gratefulness is a big deal to God as he has laid out in Scripture, again and again commanded Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. (Psalm 30:4) Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous, and give thanks to his holy name! (Psalm 97:12) Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! (Psalm 105:1) Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 107:1) B. Every reason for all creation to give thanks to God ‐ surrounded by good gifts from a generous God ‐ even the next breathe we take C. Problem ‐ we are not oriented towards a Godward gratefulness ‐ general 1. Now even atheists can feel a sense of gratefulness, thankfulness Hiking through a nearby woods on a late summer day recently, I followed the turning path and suddenly saw a pristine lake, then walked down a hill to its edge as birds chirped and darted about, stopping at a clearing to register the warmth of the sun against my face. Feelings welled up: physical pleasure, delight in the sounds and sights, gladness to be out here on this day. But something else as well, curious and less distinct, a vague feeling more like gratitude than anything else but not towards any being or person I could recognize. Only half‐formed, this feeling didn’t fit into any easily discernable category, evading my usual lenses and language of perception. (Dr. Aronson, Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Wayne State) 2. We may at times feel grateful but apart from Christ not specifically toward God as he truly is. Not just a sad thing ‐ a perilous, tragic, dilemma ‐ Romans 1:18 ‐ the wrath of God is revealed from heaven because: For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:21) D. This ingratitude is serious business [1] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self‐control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. (2 Timothy 3:1‐5) 1. Look at how ungrateful is lumped in with brutal, treacherous, arrogance E. Ingratitude is a failure to recognize God’s gifts, our dependence on God, and our recognition of him as God ‐ pride, entitlement 1. Every murmur, why me? complaining, restless, anxious pursuit of what we don’t have that reflects a lack of contentment in and thankfulness toward God ‐ a failure to recognize his generosity, his goodness, his faithfulness 2. WHAT TO DO WE DO? II. The Key to Gratefulness 2 Living Hope Church 29 October, 2017 A. The key to turn this around ‐ to align our lives to be grateful towards God in a way that honors and worships him as God ‐ the key comes from God himself B. The Gospel ‐ wrath for our sin ‐ grace to forgive ‐ remove guilt 1. Christ entered this thankless world ‐ CAME TO HIS OWN 2. Lived a perfect, grateful life towards God, laid his life down in our place as our substitute bearing the wrath of God we earned for our ingratitude ‐ raised ‐ reigning ‐ pouring out the riches of his grace to all who call upon his name a) He came into our hell‐bound race and grabbed us and placed on his shoulders and brought us out of destruction and into his sheltering fold. C. Every reason to be grateful people this morning, to sing and shout, and celebrate no matter our circumstances Believers should be as thankful as refugees who have escaped the grim bondage of a repressive culture and have found refuge in a land of freedom and opportunity. (David Garland, NIVAC: Colossians/Philemon, p. 212) 1. Through this lens of grace our perspective about this world is transformed ‐ able to not only enjoy this world but for our enjoyment to redound to the Creator in joyful thanksgiving! To see and celebrate his imprint in every good thing. D. We have so much to be thankful for 1. In Christ ‐ sins forgiven, wrath removed, eternal life given, adoption into God’s family, God’s own Spirit to cheer and to guide and to empower, new heavens and earth coming, grace upon grace 2. God himself ‐ faithful, true, Shepherd, friend, promise‐maker and keeper 3. Look around ‐ family and friends, constellations and crickets, chocolate and coffee and Chik‐Fil‐A, warm clothes and comfy sneakers, trees and mountains, iPhones and iguanas, the warmth of the sun and the refreshment of the rain ‐ we are surrounded by good gifts ‐ oh how richly deserving is our God of eternal gratefulness! Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) a) In all circumstances ‐ even when we experience the bad news, the downsize, the cancer diagnosis, the betrayal of one we loved and trusted (1) Yes even in suffering, we are called to and are empowered by God to be thankful. (a) Why me? I don’t deserve this i) Place for sorrow and lament and crying out to God in our pain ‐ our landing place is Christ (1) Don’t get the answer to the why me question ‐ we have the assurance of Christ’s love ‐ question doesn’t get answered ‐ the question of God’s love for us is at Calvary (2) When we see the cross ‐ we remember that what we deserve is wrath and instead we have received grace ‐ we trust God though we can’t see the way. (2) There is a bittersweet beauty for the one who is suffering when one is able to look above circumstance and tragedy and recognize that God is still Father and Shepherd, Creator and friend, and though all around is giving way he is our sweet hope and stay.
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