12610 Record Name

12610 Record Name

Record 12610 Name: apl 2018 withdrawals Note: Call Number Barcode Author Title Physical Cost Date Created Condition 649.133 Coh 33411830134011 Cohen-Sandler, Roni. "Trust me, Mom--everyone else is average/noncir 24.95 3/21/2002 going!" : the new rules for culating mothering adolescent girls 973.917 Hoy 33411830035390 Hoyt, Ray. "We can take it" : a short story of average/noncir 10.00 3/20/2000 the C.C.C. culating 920 Bec 33410420939912 Beckner, Chrisanne. 100 African-Americans who average/noncir 7.95 9/28/1996 shaped American history culating 618.3 Gei 33411830342770 Geil, Patti Bazel. 101 tips for a healthy pregnancy average/noncir 14.95 12/29/2004 with diabetes culating AudCD 33411830500542 Menzies, Gavin. 1434 [CD sound recording] : the average/noncir 16.47 12/4/2008 945.05 Men year a magnificent Chinese fleet culating sailed to Italy and ignited the Renaissance Mys Pat 201507010112 Patterson, James, 1947- 15th affair average/noncir 14.65 6/29/2016 author. culating Mys Pat 1601140181 Patterson, James, 1947- 16th seduction average/noncir 14.65 5/11/2017 author. culating 641.5 Sch 33410421099153 Schur, Sylvia. 365 easy low-calorie recipes average/noncir 12.95 3/9/1998 culating Fic Oji 33411830239679 Ojikutu, Bayo. 47th Street Black : a novel average/noncir 12.95 10/10/2003 culating Fic Rei 33411830472981 Reilly, Matthew. 7 deadly wonders : a novel average/noncir 23.00 12/21/2005 culating 813 Har 33411920742467 Harte, Bret, 1836-1902. 9 sketches average/noncir 18.95 10/17/2001 culating J 320.473 33411830324075 Kowalski, Kathiann M., A balancing act : a look at checks average/noncir 25.00 2/4/2005 Kow 1955- and balances culating 332.7 Boo 33410420636773 Boothe, Ben B. A banker tells you how to borrow average/noncir 21.95 11/4/1994 all the money you'll ever need culating J 629.133 33411830550844 Lopshire, Robert. A beginner's guide to building and average/noncir 12.95 10/17/2001 Lop flying model airplanes culating Mys Qiu 33411830521423 Qiu, Xiaolong, 1953- A case of two cities average/noncir 14.22 12/8/2006 culating AudCD Fic 33411830339156 Shaara, Jeff, 1952- A chain of thunder [CD audiobook] average/noncir 27.50 5/31/2013 Sha : a novel of the Siege of Vicksburg culating Report Date: 8/18/2018 LP Fic Lea 33411830267050 Leabo, Karen. A changed man [text (large print)] average/noncir 24.95 7/21/2003 culating LP Mys Per 33411830396958 Perry, Anne. A Christmas secret [text (large average/noncir 26.36 11/15/2006 print)] : a novel culating 921 War 33411830013181 Di Salvatore, Bryan. A clever base-ballist : the life and average/noncir 27.50 8/9/1999 times of John Montgomery Ward culating Fic Fol 1601140198 Follett, Ken, author. A column of fire average/noncir 14.65 9/19/2017 culating 200.1 Dew 33411830422382 Dewey, John, 1859-1952. A common faith average/noncir 19.95 10/17/2001 culating 941.5 O'B 33410420634349 O'Brien, Máire (Máire A concise history of Ireland average/noncir 18.95 10/19/1994 MacEntee) culating 973.7 Dav 33411830496451 Davis, William C., 1946- A concise history of the Civil War average/noncir 4.95 3/31/2008 culating 746.44 Cro 33411830155784 A cross-stitch Christmas : timeless average/noncir 25.95 9/3/2002 treasures. culating LP Fic McM 33411830085643 McMillan, Terry. A day late and a dollar short [text average/noncir 23.00 6/5/2001 (large print)] culating Fic Put 33411830273488 Putney, Mary Jo. A distant magic average/noncir 14.22 7/24/2007 culating Fic Rot 33411830474474 Roth, Henry. A diving rock on the Hudson average/noncir 14.00 1/11/2006 culating LP Mys Ren 33410420734495 Vine, Barbara, 1930- A fatal inversion [text (large print)] average/noncir 15.95 10/17/2001 culating LP Fic Gra 33411920804960 Graham, Lynne. A fiery baptism [text (large print)] average/noncir 19.95 10/17/2001 culating 641.5 Gil 33410421126535 Gill, Shirley. A flash in the pan average/noncir 16.95 6/4/1999 culating 613.7 Dar 33411830079919 Darden, Ellington, 1943- A flat stomach ASAP : the average/noncir 14.00 6/19/2001 breakthrough plan for the look you culating want in just six weeks SFF And 33411830267076 Anderson, Kevin J., 1962- A forest of stars average/noncir 24.95 7/16/2003 culating Fic Moo 33411830542411 Moore, Lorrie. A gate at the stairs : a novel average/noncir 14.79 11/17/2009 culating DVD 791.43 33411830579173 A good year [DVD] average/noncir 29.98 4/8/2011 Goo culating LP Fic May 33411920775095 Maynard, Nan. A grief ago [text (large print)] average/noncir 19.95 10/17/2001 culating 975.688 Car 33411830278396 Carley, Rachel. A guide to Biltmore Estate average/noncir 1.00 3/13/2008 culating Report Date: 8/18/2018 DVD 791.43 33411830303871 A guy thing [DVD] average/noncir 14.98 11/1/2010 Guy culating J 394.2 Car 33410417900570 Carrier, Roch. A happy New Year's Day average/noncir 14.95 10/4/1994 culating LP Fic O'N 33411830508321 O'Neill, Jennifer, 1949- A late spring frost [text (large average/noncir 25.56 1/3/2009 print)] : circle of friends : just off culating Main 921 Ven 33411830580692 Venter, J. Craig. A life decoded : my genome, my average/noncir 25.95 5/13/2011 life culating Mys Bro 33411830572889 Brown, Rita Mae. A nose for justice : a novel average/noncir 14.25 1/7/2011 culating Fic Sam 33411830469557 Samuel, Barbara, 1959- A piece of heaven average/noncir 12.95 11/22/2006 culating LP Fic Mac 33410420807051 MacLeod, Robert, 1928- A property in Cyprus [text (large average/noncir 15.96 8/3/1995 print)] culating LP Fic Wal 33411830533519 Walbert, Kate, 1961- A short history of women [text average/noncir 20.37 7/17/2009 (large print)] culating Fic Paj 33411830590972 Pajer, Bernadette A spark of death : a Professor average/noncir 8.97 7/14/2011 Bradshaw mystery culating 973.73 Cat 33411830361002 Catton, Bruce, 1899- A stillness at Appomattox average/noncir 19.95 6/1/2005 culating Fic Mic 33411830079604 Michael, Judith. A tangled web : a novel average/noncir 23.95 6/4/2001 culating SFF Nor 33411830527115 Norton, Andre. A taste of magic average/noncir 14.22 12/12/2006 culating J 641.5 McK 33410420876163 McKenley, Yvonne. A taste of the Caribbean average/noncir 14.95 6/18/1996 culating AudCD Fic 33411830563656 Hosseini, Khaled. A thousand splendid suns [CD average/noncir 21.97 5/18/2007 Hosseini audiobook] culating Fic Con 33411830659686 Connolly, John, 1968- A time of torment : a Charlie average/noncir 15.38 7/22/2016 author. Parker thriller novel culating DVD 791.43 33411830665451 A time to kill [DVD] average/noncir 6.99 8/22/2013 Tim culating 781.62 Tre 33410420635619 Foster, Stephen Collins, A treasury of Stephen Foster average/noncir 24.95 6/15/1995 1826-1864. culating 920 Wea 33411830230934 A wealth of wisdom : legendary average/noncir 27.95 1/23/2004 African American elders speak culating J 398.2 Van 33411920198207 Van Woerkom, Dorothy. Abu Ali : three tales of the Middle average/noncir 12.95 10/17/2001 East culating SFF McC 33410421347974 McCaffrey, Anne. Acorna's quest average/noncir 23.00 6/26/1998 culating Report Date: 8/18/2018 SFF McC 33411830209847 McCaffrey, Anne. Acorna's rebels average/noncir 24.95 1/28/2003 culating SFF McC 33411830107686 McCaffrey, Anne. Acorna's search average/noncir 25.00 1/15/2002 culating SFF McC 33411830227385 McCaffrey, Anne. Acorna's triumph average/noncir 24.95 3/3/2004 culating 649.68 Len 33410420893838 Lenn, Peter D. Active learning : a parent's guide average/noncir 10.00 3/29/1996 to helping your teen make the culating grade in school Mys O'S 33411830010609 O'Shaughnessy, Perri. Acts of malice : a novel average/noncir 23.95 7/20/1999 culating 920 LON 33410420728976 Long, Richard A., 1927- African Americans : a portrait average/noncir 18.00 5/15/1995 culating 920 McK 33410420896591 McKissack, Pat, 1944- African-American inventors average/noncir 18.90 4/18/1996 culating LP Mys McP 33411830478863 McPherson, Catriona, After the Armistice Ball [text (large average/noncir 28.95 3/13/2006 1965- print)] culating 973.931 Cla 33411830224606 Clarke, Richard A. Against all enemies : inside average/noncir 27.00 4/14/2004 America's war on terror culating Fic Ste 1601140169 Steel, Danielle, author. Against all odds : a novel average/noncir 14.65 5/23/2017 culating Fic Pyn 33411830483806 Pynchon, Thomas. Against the day average/noncir 19.95 12/8/2006 culating Vid 791.45 33410420885347 Agatha Christie's Miss Marple, average/noncir 1.00 3/4/1996 Aga Part 2 [videorecording] culating 921 Clo 33411920179470 Clower, Jerry, 1926- Ain't God good! average/noncir 16.95 10/17/2001 culating 975.7915 Car 33411830162939 Carawan, Guy. Ain't you got a right to the tree of average/noncir 27.00 2/19/2003 life? : the people of Johns Island, culating South Carolina--their faces, their words, and their songs SFF Fra 33411830498242 Frank, Pat, 1908- Alas, Babylon average/noncir 7.77 10/22/2007 culating Vid 791.43 Ali 33411830734513 Alien [videorecording] average/noncir 1.00 9/3/2015 culating 363.23 Rob 33411820417335 Robins, Natalie S. Alien ink : the FBI's war on average/noncir 27.50 2/18/1999 freedom of expression culating 001.942 Day 33410421441892 Day, Marcus. Aliens : encounters with the average/noncir 18.95 5/10/1999 unexplained culating LP Fic Mac 33410420937007 MacNeill, Alastair. Alistair MacLean's Red alert [text average/noncir 24.95 7/10/1996 (large print)] culating Report Date: 8/18/2018 Mys Cla 1601140140 Clark, Mary Higgins, All by myself, alone : a novel average/noncir 14.65 5/11/2017 author.

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