PETER P. ROTHERMEL COLLECTION, 1864,1866-1880 A) "Proceedings of Governor [Curtin] and the Legislature of Pennsylvania Relating to The Picture of the Battle of Gettysburg." H. J., 1866, p. 189 ff. 1 folder B) Resolution by Committee to authorize the artist to exhibit the painting, June 2,1870 (copy) 1 folder C) Sketch of the Exhibition, December 24,1870, by Peter Rothermel? 1 folder D) General Correspondence, 1867-1880 (A-Z) 5 folders (List) E) Responses to Directors to View Unveiling of Battle of Gettysburg, December 20,1870 25 folders (list) F) Picture: The Battle of Gettysburg 3 folders 1. Historical Notes 1 folder 2. Sketch Maps 1 folder 3. Published information re 1 folder D. General Correspondence, 1867-1880 (A-Z) 5 folders Feb. 10,1872 Geo. Lowell Austin, Cambridge, to P.F.R. Nov.7 & 9,1871 Samuel P. Bates, Harrisburg, to P.F.R. (2 items) Oct. 6 & 13,1871 D. P. Coinin? Pittsburgh Art Assoc., to P.F.R. (2 items) Nov. 10,1870 S[amuel] Wrylie] Crawford, Louisville, Ky., to P.F.R. Mar. 8,1871 S[amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville, Ala., to P.F.R. Apr. 10,1871 S[amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville Ala., to P.F.R. Apr. 20,1871 S[amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville Ala., to P.F.R (part) June 2,1871 S[amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville, Ala., to P.F.R. Aug. 7,1872 S[amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Chambersburg, Pa., to P.F.R. Mar. 30,1868 John Watts dePeyster, New York City, to P.F.R. n.d. A. F. Devereux, Boston, to P.F.R. Apr. 28,1868 Theodore B. Gates, Kingston, to P.F.R. July 30,1867 Winfield Scott Hancock, to P.F.R. Dec. 31,1868 Winfield Scott Hancock, New York, to P.F.R. Dec. 31,1868 Winfield Scott Hancock, New York, to [P.F.R.] Jan. 2,1869 Winfield Scott Hancock to [P.F.R.] Jan. 5,1869 Henry H. Bingham, Post Office, Phila., to Maj. Gen. W. S. Hancock Jan. 9,1869 Winfield Scott Hancock, New York, to P.F.R. Jan. 21,1869 Winfield Scott Hancock, Washington, to P.F.R. May 4,1869 [Winfield Scott Hancock], Washington, D.C., to P.F.R. Oct. 26,1869 Winfield Scott Hancock, St. Paul, Minn., to P.F.R. Mar. 26,1870 Winfield Scott'Hancock, St. Paul, Minn., to P.F.R. Nov. 25,1870 Winfield Scott Hancoclc, Washington, D.C., to P.F.R. Dec. 7,1870 Winfield Scott Hancock, Washington, D.C., to P.F.R. Dec. 8,1870 Winheld Scott Hancock, to P.F.R I Dec. 10,1870 Winfield Scott Hancock, Washington, D.C., to P.F.R. Dec. 13,1870 winfield Scott Hancock, Washington, D.C., to P.F.R. Apr., 1871 Winfield Scott Hancock, St. Paul, Minn., to P.F.R. I Apr. 1,1871 Winfield Scott Hancock, St. Paul, Minn., to P.F.R. Dec. 12, 1870 J. Harrison, to Wm. Stmthers Apr. 4, 1872 J. William Hofmann, Phila., to P.F.R., a,Enclosure; E.B. Fowler, Brooklyn, to Gen. J. W. Hofmann, May 9, 1871 Jan. 11,1869 Maj. Gen. Henry J. Hunt, Ft. Sullivan, to P.F.R. July 5,1871 G. M. Jackson, Apollo, to P.F.R. Mas. 21,1874 Thomas L. Kane, to P.F.R. Mar. 28,1874 Elizabeth D. Kane, Kane, Pa., to P.F.R. also: Enclosure; General Kane, n.d. (2 items) June 22,1880 James W. Latta, Hanisburg, to P.F.R. Apr. 11,1871 B. F. Lee, Private Secretasy, Hassisburg, to P.F.R. ! , Nov. 23,1867 Gen. James Longstreet, New Orleans, to P.F.R. June 5,1871 Samuel G. Love? M.D., Chambersburg, to Rev. Dr. Crawford Oct. 6,1869 D. McConaughy, Gettysburg, to P.F.R. also: C.B. Brockway, to D. McConaughy, Mar. 5,1864; Charles H. Veil, to D. McConaughy, Apr. 7,1864 3 items June 20,1871 Robert A. McCoy, Harrisburg, to P.F.R. June 22,1871 James P. Speer, Pittsburgh, to Col. R. A. McCoy June 27,1871 Robert A. McCoy, Harrisburg, to P.F.R. Dec. 18,1869 Geo. G. Meade, Phila., to P.F.R. Incl: letter from Batchelder to Meade, No. 20,1869, and, Meade to Batchelder, Dec. 4,1869 (1 item) Feb. 8,1870 Egan, Ft. Colville, to Lt. Col. Geo. Meade (copy) Mas 15,1870 George G. Meade, Phila., to P.F.R. Dec. 19,1870 W. G. Mitchell, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, to P.F.R. Aug. 12,1870 Geo. B. Peck, Jr., to P.F.R. Dec. 19,1870 John Sartain, Phila., to Wm. Struthers, Esq. Dec. 12,1870 J. Hyett Smith, Brooklyn, N.Y. Nov. 25,1867 Ra Paul Smith, New Berne, N.C., to P.F.R. Dec. 12,1870 W. Struthers, Jr., Phila., to J. L. Claghoi-n n.d. Gen. J. R. Trimble, to J[ohn] H[azlehurst] B[oneval] Latrobe and Latrobe to P.F.R. (1 item) Jan., ? Alexander S. Webb, West Point, to P.F.R. E. Responses to Directors to View Unveiling of the Battle of Gettysburg, Dec. 20,1870 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Dec., 1870 25 folders Dec. 10, 1870 Copy of Invitation to Unveiling of the Rothermel "Battle of Gettysburg." Dec. 15, 1870 Daniel Agnew, Beaver, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 13, 1870 Thornton A. Ainkins, Rear Adm. U.S. Navy, Washington, to the Committee Dec. 7, 1870 A. Albright, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 17, 1870 Joseph Allison, to The Committee Dec. 7, 1870 Geo. H. Anderson & Co., Pittsburgh, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 12, 1870 W. H. Armstsong, Washington, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 10, 1870 Albert L. Ashmead, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 16, 1870 James Ashworth, Frankford, to [Caleb Cope Esq.] Dec. 10, 1870 Thomas Hewson Bache, to The Committee Dec. 10, 1870 Charles H. Banes, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 10, 1870 J[ohn] P. Bankson, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 15, 1870 Wm. C. Barns, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 10, 1870 T. F. Basslice, Phila., to James L. Claghorn, Esq. Chairman Dec. 7, 1870 Samuel Bates, Hamisburg, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 17, 1870 D. W. C. Baxter, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 19, 1870 J. Beale U.S.N., to The Committee Dec. 12, 1870 James A Beaver, Bellefonte, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 Geo. Beck Phila., to The Committee Dec. 16, 1870 William W. Belknap, Was Dept., Washington D.C., to Joseph Harsison, Esq. Dec. 13, 1870 Henry Whitney Bellows, New York, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 16, 1870 Chapman Biddle, to The Committee Dec. 14, 1870 James C. Biddle, to Caleb Cope Dec. 12, 1870 A. Bidelle, to The Committee Dec. 13, 1870 George H. Bier, Baltimore, to The Committee ' Dec. 15, 1870 Albert Bierstadt, Studio Building, N.Y., to The Committee Dec. 12, 1870 Henry H. Bingham, Phila., to W. Stmthers, Esq. (2 items) Dec. 17, 1870 Robert L. Bodine, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 14, 1870 Charles S[tuast] Boggs, Rear Adm. U.S.N., to The Committee Dec. 8, 1870 Samuel Boileu, Easton, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 10, 1870 F. Boland, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 Wm. J. Bolton, Norristown, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 B.F. Bond, Jr., Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 S. Bonnaffon, Jr., Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 0. C. Bosbyshel1,U.S. Mint, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 12, 1870 Oden Bowri, Annapolis, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 17, 1870 F. Carroll Brewster, Phila., to J. L. Claghom, Esq. Dec. 17, 1870 R.M. Brinton, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 14, 1870 Geo S. Brockett?, Treasury Dept., to Joseph Hasrison, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 H. Jones Brooke, Media, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 19, 1870 T[imothy] M. Bryan, Vincent Town, N.J., to The Committee Dec. 8, 1870 C[harles] R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg, to The Committee Dec. 13, 1870 John L. Burns, Gettysburg, to The Committee Dec. 10, 1870 Loren Burritt, Phila., To Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 Alfred R. Calhoun, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 14, 1870 Clever? E. Cadwalader, [Phila.,] to The Committee Dec. 15, 1870 Geo. Cadwalader, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 14, 1870 John A. Canace?, Lower Bern, To Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 15, 1870 R.H. Can, Baltimore, to The Committee Dec. 15, 1870 A. Ludlow Case, Commodore, U.S.N., to The Committee Dec. 9, 1870 Samuel U. Cattell, Phila., to The Committee Dec. 17, 1870 Joshua L[awrence] Chamberlain, Augusta, Maine, to The Committee Dec. 7, 1870 William Chapin, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 14, 1870 C. H. Clausen, Phila., to The Committee n.d. John Cloud, [Phila.,] to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 1, 1870 Dawson Coleman, Lebanon, to The Committee Dec. 13, 1870 Schuyler Colfax, Washington, To "Dear Sir" Dec. 12, 1870 James Collins, M.D., Phila., to The Committee Dec. 11, 1870 Charles H. T. Collis, to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 7, 1870 Geo. Connell, Phila., to Caleb Cope, Esq. Dec. 9, 1870 Geo Connell, Phila., to Jos Harrison, Jr., Esq. Dec. 12, 1870 Caleb Cope, Walnut St., Phila., to J. L. Claghorn, Esq. Dec. 16, 1870 Caleb Cope, Walnut St., Phila., to Mr. Struthers Dec. 13, 1870 Geo. Coray,? to The Committee 1 Dec. 12, 1870 S[arnuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville, Ala., to Caleb Cope, Esq. I Dec. 13, 1870 S [amuel] W[ylie] Crawford, Huntsville Ala., to The Committee 1 I I Dec. 10, 1870 John V.
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