SUPPTLE ME NT TO THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. LONDON: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25THI, 1911. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Association Intelligence: Proceedings of Council: - South-Eastern Branch: Eastbourne Division . ... 70 Elections to Central Council.-New Member.-Apologies.- ,, ,, Hastings Division ... ... ... 71 Address to the King.-Deaths of Members of Council.-Mr. Southern Branch: Portsmouth Division ... ... ... 71 H. A. Ballance.-Deaths of Former Members of Council.- South Midland Branch: Bedford and Herts Division.. ... 71 Resignation.-Annual Meeting, 1914.-Future Annual Meetings. Buckinghamshire Division ... ... 72 -Letter of Thanks for Use of Council Chamber.-Royal Sani- South Wales and "Monmouthshire Branch ... ... ... 72 tary Institute.-Australasian Medical Congress. Reports of ,, of ,. ,, Cardiff Division ... 72 Commnittees: Finance Committee.-Organization Committee.- MEMBERS ELECTED DURING THE JANUARY QUARTER ... 73 Journal Committee.-Science Committee.-Central Ethical Committee.-Medico1rolitical Committee.-Public Health AS3SOCIATION NOTICES ... ... ... 75 Committee.-Hospitals Committee.-Scottish Committee.- Irish Committee.-Arrangements Committee.-Territorial VITAL STATISTICS.-Annual Report of the Registrar-General Forces Committee.-Superannuation Committee. Candidates. for England and Wales ... ... ... ... 76 -The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain.-Committee re NAVAL AND MILITARY APPOINTMENTS ... ... 78 Annual Meeting, 1913 ... ... ... ... 65 to 68 Meetings of Branches and Divisions: VACANOIES AND APPOINTMENTS _ 78 Dorset and West Hants Branch: Bournemouth Division ... 68 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS ... ... ... 79 Lancashire and Cheshire Branch: Manchester(South) Division 69 DIARY FOR THE WEEK... ... 79 Southport Division ... 69 ... Metropolitan Counties Branch City Division ... ... 69 PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS ... ... ... 80 Hampstead Division ... ... 69 ,. Kensington Division ... ... 70 RECENT PUBLICATIONS ... ... 8o ,, St. Pancras and Islington Division 70 CALENDAR _ _ _ ...... 80 P. H. Benson, I.M.S., by the Bombay, Burma, South Indian and Madras, Colombo Ceylon, Assam, Malaya, sszodatiitu_ _uttelHturt. and Hong Kong and China combined Branches; and Dr. T. D. Greenlees, by the Cape of Good Hope PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Western, Cape of Good Hope Eastern, Cape of Good A MEETING of the Council was held at 429, Strand, Hope Border, Griqualand West (including Orange London, W.C., on January 25th, 1911. River Colony), Transvaal, Natal, Egyptian, Malta and Present: Mediterranean, and Gibialtar combined Branches. Dr. J. A. MACDONALD, Taunton, Chairman of Council, in the Chair. NEW MEMBER. Mr. HENRY T. BUTLIN, P.R.C.S., D.C.L., LL.D., London, The CHAIRMAN OF THE REPRESENTATIVE BODY President. reported that he had Dr. Gosse of Sitting- Professor ROBERT SAUNDBY, M.D., LL.D., Birmingham, appNinted President-Elect. bourne to flll the vacancy created by the death of Sir WILLIAM WHITLA, M.D., LL.D., Belfast, Past-President. Dr. J. J. Macan. Dr. EwEN J. MACLEAN, Cardiff, Chairman of Representative Meetings. APOLOGIES. Mr. EDMUND OwEN, LL.D., F.R.C.S., London, Past-Chairman Letters of apology for non-attendance were read of Council. from Dr. David Ewart, Dr. John 1. Hamilton, Mr. R. J. Dr. EDWIN RAYNER, Stockport, Treasurer. Johnstone, Dr. Munro Moir, and Professor A, H. Dr. J. GRANT ANDREW, Sir VICTOR HORSLEY, F.R.S., White. Glasgow London ADDRESS TO THE KING. Insp.-Gen. ROBERT BENTHAM, Mr. HERBERT JONES, Hereford The following letter from the Home Office was R.N. (ret.), London (Royal Colonel C. H. JOUBERT DE LA read and ordered to be entered on the Minutes: Navy Medical Service) FERTE, I.M.S., Weybridge Home Office, Surg.-Gen. W. R. BROWNE, Mr. HUGH R. KER, London Whitehall, M.D., C.I;E., London (Indian Dr. F. W. KIDD, Dublin November 15th, 1910. 'Medical Service) Mr. F. C. LARKIN, Liverpool Sir, Dr. R. C. BUIST, Dundee Dr. G. R. LIVINGSTON, Dum- I am commanded by The King to convey to you hereby Dr. W. A. CARLINE, Lincoln fries His Majesty's Thanks for the Loyal and Dutiful Address of the Mr. ANDREW CLARK, D.Sc., Mr. ALBERT LUCAS, Birming- Members of the British Medical Association, expressing their K.H.S., London ham sympathy with His Majesty on the occasion of the lamented late Dr. M. DEWAR, Edinburgh, Dr. JOHN MACDONALD, South death of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh, and congratulations on His Majesty's Accession to the Throne. Mr. E. J. DOMVILLE, Exeter Shields I am to say that the expression of sympathy with Queen Dr. J. E. EDDISON, Leeds Dr. D. J. MACKINTOSH, M.V.O., Alexandra has been laid before Her Majesty, who desires me to Mr. J. HENRY EWART, East- Glasgow convey to you Her Thanks. bourne Dr. B. H. NICHOLSON, Col- Iam, S3ir, Mr. C. E. S. FLEMMING, Brad- chester Your obedient servant, ford-on-Avon Dr. FRANK Ml. POPE, Leicester The Financial Secretary, W. CHURCHILL. Mr. T. W. H. GARSTANG, Dr. A. J. RICE-OXLEY, London British Medical Association, Altrincham Dr. H. JONES ROBERTS, Peny- 429, Strand, London, W.C. Dr. E. W. GOODALL, London groes Dr. W. GOSSE, Sittingbourne Dr. LAURISTON E. SHAW, DEATHS OF MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. Dr. T. D. GREENLEES, Lon- London Letters of acknowledgement to the Resolutions of don, Cape of Good Hope, Mr. C. R. STRATON, Salisbury Condolence passed by the Council upon the deaths of Eastern, Western, and Border Dr. J. H. TAYLOR, Salford Sir Constantine Holman and Dr. J. J. Macan were read Branches Dr. D. F. TODD, Sunderland and ordered to be entered on the Minutes. Dr. MAJOR GREENWOOD, Lon- Mr. T. JENNER VERRALL, Bath don Mr. D. J. WILLiAMS, Llanelly MR. H. A. BALLANCE. A letter was read from Mr. H. A. Ballance, Chairman ELECTIONS TO CENTRAL COUNCIL. of Representative Meetings 1909-10, thanking the The CHAIRMAN reported that the following had been Council for its Resolution appreciating his services returned to the Central Council: Surgeon-General to the Association. [357] SUPPLMCENT TO THE 1 6 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. [FEB. 25t I911. DEATHS OF FORMER MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. of Council for the year 1911-12, with the rest of that The CHAIRMAN reported the deaths of Dr. William Branch, instead of with the Metropolitan Counties Hall and Dr. J. B. Greathead, formerly Members of Branch. Otherwise the grouping of Divisions and the Central Council, and was authorized to forward Branches in the United Kingdom for the election of the Council's expressions of regret and sympathy to Members of Council for the year 1911-12 shall be the respective families. the same as for the year 1910-11.. RESIGNATION. Particulars for Voting Papers. The CHAIRMAN reported that Sir Alfred Keogh had The Council decided to report to the Representative resigned his membership of the Council, to which office Body that it is not desirable to insert particulars of he was elected by the Representative Meeting in Nominations; whether by Divisions or Members,.in July, 1910. voting papers for the Election of Members of Council ANNUAL MEETING, 1914. of in A communication from the Aberdeen Branch by groups Branches the United Kingdom. was read, stating that at the Annual Meeting of the Election of Service Members of Council. Branch held in Aberdeen on Saturday, October 15th, It was decided that one Member only for each 1910, it was unanimously resolved to invite the Associa- Service should in future be nominated by the Council, tioy to hold its Annual Meeting in Aberdeen in 1914. provision being made to enable any Member of the The Council decided to thank the Aberdeen Branch Representative Body to nominate a further Member. for the letter, and ordered that it should be entered It was decided also to instruct the -Naval and on the Minutes for future reference. Military Committee to suggest at least three names for each seat on the Council to be held by Service FUTURE ANNUAL MEETINGS. Members, and to make suitable provision for ascer- The Council decided that in future the question as taining the willingness to serve of candidates so to where the Association shall hold its Annual Meeting will be referred to the Organization Com- nominated. mittee for report. Amendments of Articles and B19-laws. The Council approved of the action of the Organiza- LETTER OF THANKS FOR USE OF COUNCIL CHAMBER. tion Committee in giving instructions for the drafting A communication was read from the Central Com- of Amendments of the Articles and By-laws as stated mittee for the State Registration of Nurses, thanking in the Report of the Committee, for the purpose of the Association for the use of the Council Room. giving effect to Minute 105 of the Annual Repre- sentative Meeting, 1910. ROYAL SANITARY INSTITUTE. An application from the Royal Sanitary Institute, Methds of Voting in Association Elections. inviting the Association to appoint Delegates to its In reference to Minute 114 of the Annual Representa- Congress, to be held in Belfast, July 24th to 29th, 1911, tive Meeting, 1910, the Council decided to recommend was referred to the Public Health Committee. to the Representative Body: (i) That the following elections; be conducted on the AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL CONGRESS. Transferable Vote System: In response to a communication from the General Members of the Council: Secretary of the Australasian Medical Congress, ask. (a) By Branches within the United Kingdom by Voting ing for the appointment of a Representative to attend Paper. (b) By grouped Representatives. the Congress, to be held in Sydney, N.S.W., September (c) By the Representatives as a whole (Four Members). 18th to September 23rd, 1911, the Council decided (d) By the Representatives as a whole (Three Service to askl the respective Presidents of the Australasian Members). Branches to represent the Association officially at the Officers: Congress. Elected by the Representative Body. (a) President. REPORTS,OF COMMITTEES. (b) Chairman of Representative Meetings. (c) Deputy Chairman of Representative Meetings. FINANCE COMMITTEE. (d) Treasurer. The TREASURER presented the Minutes of the Finance Elected by the Council: -Committee of January 18th, 1911. (e) Chairman of Council. (ii) That the following elections be conducted on the pre- Accounts for the Quarter.
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