Eastern Illinois University The Keep The Post Amerikan (1972-2004) The Post Amerikan Project 1-1984 Volume 12, Number 9 Post Amerikan Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan Part of the Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons narcs; art; liquor; water meters; babies Bloomington-Normal I WANT THE. NAMES oF £VER.YBoDY WHdS C.HECI<.E-D OUT THIS Bool<! you'RE NoT· C.ooPE.AAT!NG WITH THE POL.IC.E. DO you WANT ME: io GET A COURT ORDER? \ \ \ BOOK REIURN PUBLIG. SEMINARS SUPPORT YOUR -w ... tA~>.,.. ~INVASioN OF PRIVAC.Y ~-- A GROWING IHR.eAI 1 PUBLIC LIIRAlY Cl-"'-·lfTHE 4 .!! AMENDMENT ~ © ~ -- MY GOD} MAR.THA/ (SN 1T THAT iHE. ONE --YOU ---i8~~-~.:::W£RE f<.E}..DIN& LAST MONTH?'---' TOLT9 ~I 1 NO~~Niwoo~a TSLT9 ~I 1 NO~~NIWOQ~g zsv£ xoa ~~I~~o ~SOd ~IWCI~d N'i)IHI:IWV-~SOd 891 "ON ·a~~S3:D0~CI NOI~:::>~CIO:::>. SS~CIGOV GIVd a~V~SOd ·s·n ~.r.VCI )l~na • In this ISSUe Post sellers POLICE SUBPOENA LIBRARY RECORDS IN HENDRICKS CASE Reading may be dangerous to your freedom •.••••.•••••••••.•.•.•.••.. 3 BLOOMINGTON DAN WHITE IS OUT AND NOT SORRY ~Jtrak station, 1200 w. Front Twinkie killer gets released after just 5 years .••.••.•••.••••.•••• S Ault Pharmacy, 1102 s. Main The Back Porch, 402~ N. Main LIQUOR COMMISSION SHOW THEIR CLASS_ ~iasi's Drugstone, 217 N. Main New license decisions smack of discrimin~tion •.•••••.•.••...•••.••• 8 Bus Depot, 523 N. East The Coffee Shop, s. Main TOUGHER LAWS FOR DRUNK DRIVING Common Ground, 516 N. Main Better be aware of the increased penalties •••••.••..•••••••••.•..•. 9 Front and Center Bldg. Haag Drugstore, ~9 w. Washington HENDRICKS CASE REVELATIONS UPSET DOZIER Haag Drugstore, 1110 E. Oakland State's Attorney flaps his lip again •••••••••.••••.••.•••••••..••• lO Law & Justice Center, w. Front Medusa's Adult World, 420 N. Madison COMPUTER PREDICTS DANGERS IN NUKE LAUNCH POLICY Mel-0-Cream Doughnuts, 901 N~ Main We may have just three days till the holocaust ••.••••.•••••..••••. ll Mike's Market, 1013 N. Park Mr. Donut, 1310 E. Empire NEW COVERT NARC FORCE BEGINS LOCAL ROUND UPS Nierstheimer Drugs, 1302 N. Main Zone 6 Major Crimes Task Force sets up shop in B-N ••••••••••••. l2-13 Pantagraph (in front of building), 301 W. Washington 1984 THEME OF IWU ART SHOW The Park Store, Wood & Allin Is technology the new religion of the 80s? •••.••...•••••• ·.••••••.• l4 Red Fox, 918 w. Market Small Changes Bookstore, 409A Main HOLY SEE-SAW Susie's Cafe, 602 N. Main Recognizing the Vatican may cause Reagan headaches •••••.••••...•• l6 U.S. Post Office, 1511 E. Empire (at exit) HI-TECH BABIES IN BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL U.S. Post Office, Center & Monroe Is hospital birthing necessary? •.••••••....••••••••.•.•..••..•.•. l7 Wash House, 609 N. Clinton Washington St., across from-courthouse 'SOMETHING ABOUT AMELIA' OPENS DISCUSSION w.w. Bake Shop, 801 E. Washington . TV movie handles tough subject effectively ••••••••••••••••••••••• l8 NORMAL PROTECT NEIGHBORHOOD STORES--BOYCOTT CUB FOODS Don't patronize non-union, east-side store ••••••••.•••••••••••••. 21 Alamo II, 319 North (in front} Blue Dahlia, 121 E. Beaufort TROOPS INVADE ANGEL ISLAND ISU University Union, 2nd floor Grunts win another one for the Gipper ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• 22 iSU University Union, parking lot __ entrance WATER DEPARTMENT ENTERS BLOOMINGTON HOMES UNASKED ISU Milner Library (entrance) Another reason to lock your door •••••••••••.•••••.••••••••.•••• ~.23 Fink's, 111 E. Beaufort (in front) Midstate Truck Plaza, u.s. §1 north LOCKED IN THE ELECTRIC SWEATSHOP Mother Murphy's, 111~ North st. VDT operators no better than old time factory workers •••••••.•.•. 24 North & Broadway, southeast corner Old Main Bookstore, 207 s. Main Miscellaneous outrages ..••• 6 Letters •••..•. 20 Record Service, Watterson Place My Sister, the Punk Rocker ...• ? Community news •••• 20 Redbird IGA, 310 S. Main Amerikan Almanak •••••.•••••.•..• l9 Classy-fried ads .•••. 20 Upper Cut, 318 Kingsley ·, White Hen Pantry, 207 Broadway (in front) Post Amerikan Volume 12, Number 9 Member, Alternative Urbana, Horizon Bookstore, 517 s. BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL'~ ALTERNATIVE SINCE 1972 Press Syndicate Goodwin Blackburn College Bookstore, The Post 1\Inerikan is an independent Carlinville, Illinois community newspaper providing infor­ W~ ~ike to print your letters. Try to mation and analysis that is screened l1m1t yourself to the equivalent of out of or downplayed by establishment two double-spaced typewritten pages. news sources. We are a non-profit, If you write a short, aLusive letter worker-run collective that exists as it's likely to get in print. Long, ' good n~mbers an alternative·to the corporate media. aLusive letters, however, are not Alcoholics Anonymous ••••••••••• 828-5049 Decisions are made collectively by likely to get printed. Long, bril­ American Civil Liberties Union.454-1787 staff members at our regular meetings. liantly written, non-abusive letters CETA. • • • • • • • • • • •• • · •••••••••••• 827-4026 may, if we see fit, be printed as Clare House (Catholic Workers) .828-4035 We put out ten issues a year. Staff articles. Be sure to tell us if you Community for Social Action •••• 452-4867 members take turns as "Coordinator." don't want your letter printed. ~onnect~on House.~·············82~-5711 All writing, typing, editing, photo­ counter1ng Domest1c Violence ••• 827-4005 graphy, graphics, paste-up, ana dis­ A~ alternative newspaper depends very Department of Children and tribution are done on a volunteer d1rectly on a community of concerned Family Services ••••••••••••• 828-0022 basis. You are invited to volunteer people for existence. We believe that Draft Counseling ••••••••••••••• 452-5046 your talents. i~ is v~ry important to keep a paper Gay/Lesbian Information Line ••• 829-2719 l1ke th1s around. If you think so HELP (transportation for handi- Most of our material and inspiration too, then support us through contri­ ~ap~ed and senior citizen~).828-8301 for material comes from the community. butions and by letting our advertisers Ilhno1s Dept. of Public Aid ••• 827-4621 'l'he Post Amerikan welcomes stories, know you saw their ads in the Post Illinois Lawyer Referral ••• 800~252-8916 graph1cs, photos, and news tips from Amerikan. -- Kaleidoscope ••••••••••••••••••• 828-7346 our readers. If you'd like to join us Mid Central Economic Opportunity call 828-7232 and leave a message on The deadline for submitting material Corporation ••••••••••••••••• 829-0691 our answering machine. We'll get back for the next issue is February 16. McLean County Health Dept ••• : •• 454-1161 Mobile Meals ••••••••••••••••••• 828-8301 McLean County Center for Human Services •••••••••••••• 827-5351 National Health Care Services (abortion ass't in Peoria) •• 691-9073 National Runaway Switchboard ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 800-621-4000 Moving? in Illinois ••••••••••••• 800-972-6004 Nuclear Freeze Coalition ••••••• 828-4195 Occupational Development This issue is in your hands thanks to: When you move,-- be sure to send us your 0 cer~er •••••••••••••••••••••• 828-7324 Deborah, Mark, Susie, Drew, Drue, Danny, new address so your sUbscription gets pera 1on Recycle .•.....•.••.•• 829-0691 Melissa, Nadene, Laurie, Kathy, Bill, to you. Your Post-Amerikan will not PATH (Personal Assistance Telephone Sue F., Sue L., Ralph, J.T., Terry, Tom, be forwarded. (It's like junk mail-­ Help)· •••••••••••••••••••••• 827-4005 Imog.ene, Robin, Diana, Bumper, Holly, no kidding!) Fill out the handy form or •••••••••••••••••••• -•• 800-322-5015 Susan, Russell, Dave, Jane, X, Michael, Parents Anonymous •••••••••••••• 827-4005 below and return it to us. Planned Parentho6d ••••••••••••• 827-8025 Bob, and BobbY- (coordinator)--and others Name __________________________________ ~ Amerikan •••••••••••••••••• 828-7232 we probably forgot to mention. Pra1r1e State Legal Serv~ces ••• 827-5021 Prairie Alliance ••••••••••••••• 828-8249 Special thanks to Ken H. for his gen­ Project Oz ••••••••••••••••••••• 827-0377 erous support and to Danny's Tex-Mex · Street --------------------------------- Rape Crisis Center ••••••••••••• 827-4005 and its superb staff for the delicious Sunnyside Neighborhood Center •• 827-5428 City/State/Zip ------------------ food and congenial atmosphere. TeleCare (senior citizens) ••••• 828~8301 Unemployment compensation/Job .service ••••••••••••••••••••• 827-6237 L---------------------------------------J;•Un1ted Farmworkers Support ••••• 452-5046 Post-Amerikan .Feb. 1984 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Post-Amerikan Feb., 1984 3 Police subpoena library records 1n• Hendricks investigation checked out the book. Arndus'.y ac-­ Did Jodi Foster and Taxi Driver in­ knowledged that the names of several spire John Hinkley to shoot Presi­ people came to the police's attention. dent Reagan? Did Twinkies and Coca Cola drive Dan White to gun down the Mayor of San Francisco? It appeared to the Post reporter who interviewed Dozier that the State's Did David Hendricks, the Bloomington Attorney was willing to change the man charged in the ax murders of his request so that it asked only for the wife and children, get some ideas records of a specific person. Amdur­ for the crime from a book he checked sky confirmed that the library made out of the library? Apparently the_ no effort to negotiate, even informally, Bloomington police thought it was about the terms of the subpoena. The possible. The Post Amerikan has director said he talked to the law­
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