1026 privilege of the entree, which are to proceed down Prelate standing on the right haad- of the So- the'Park, and enter the Palace at Stable-yard-gate, vereign, the Registrar, Deputy Garter, and Black Rod at the bottom of the table. turn into the Ambassadors'-court, set down at the The Prelate then signified to the Chapter, Arcade, and go cut into Cleveland-row. The car- the Sovereign's 'royal will and pleasure, that the riages of the Cabinet Ministers and'Great Officers vacant stall in the Royal Chapel of St. George at of State may afterwards wait in the King's-court Windspr be filled; and, as by the statutes none but a Knight can be elected, his Grace Edward-Adol- those of the Ambassadors and Foreign Ministers in phus Duke of Somerset, was introduced by Deputy the Anibassadors'-court> and those of all other per- Garter and Black Rod, and knighted by His Ma- sons having the entree may wart in Stable-yard or jesty with the, sword of state, and his Grace, having kissed the Sovereign's hand, retired. St. James's-park till called for} they are then to The Knights Companions then "proceeded tp the ; take up .in. the same order as they had set down, election, and the suffrages having been collected by , pass away into Cleveland-row, and up the left hand the Prelate, were by him presented to the Sove- side of St. James's-street, reign, who was pleased to command him to declare, and he accordingly declared, that the Most Noble No carriage will be admitted with company a Edward-Adolphus Duke of Somerset had been elected a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the s^e.ond time with the same ticket, to prevent which, Garter. it- must be produced at Constitutioii-hill-gnte, and at Then, by the Sovereign's command, the Duke of Stable-yard-gate also, where a corner of it will be Somerset was received at the door of the Chapter- torn dff by the Marshalmen in attendance} and no room by the Marquess of Lansdowne, and the Earl person «in be allowed the privilege of the entree by of Carlisle, the two junior Knights Companions present, and was conducted between them to His Ma- any other approach to the Palace than the gates jesty, preceded by Deputy Garter (bearing the ensigns above mentioned. ' of the Order on a crimson velvet cushion) and by Black Rod. His Grace, kneeling near the Tickets-for carriages belonging to persons having Sovereign, and Deputy Garter presenting on his the enirte will be delivered at the Board of Green knee the Garter, His Majesty, assisted by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, and the Cloth, St. James's-Palace, on Tuesday next, between Marquess Camden, the two senior Knights Com- the hours of eleven and three o'clock. panions present, buckled it on his Grace's left leg, the Prelate pronouncing (he usual admo- ARGYLL, Lord Steward, nition. Deputy Garter next presented, in like manner, the ribband with the George, and His Majesty, with the assistance of the said two senior Knights Com- i#Ibe Court at St. James s, April r9, 1837. panions, put the same over his Grace's left shoulder, the Prelate pronouncing the admonition; the Duke A CHAPTER of the Most Noble Order of the having again kissed the Sovereign's 'hand, and Barter having been summoned for this day, the fol- received the congratulations of each of the Knights lowing Knights. Companions, in their, mantles and Companions, withdrew. eoliars, assembled in the Entre"e-room, viz.: His The Chapter being ended, Deputy Garter again Hoyal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, the called over the Knights Companions, who, with the Marquess Caniden, the Duke of Rutland, the Duke Officers of the Order, retired from the presence of of Wellington, the Marquess of Anglesey, the Duke the Sovereign'with the accustomed reverences. of Devonshire, the Duke of Richmond, Earl Grey, the Duke of Norfolk, the Marquess of Lans- downe, and the Earl of, Carlisle, attended by the wnder-named Officers of the Order, in their mantles, At the Court at St. James's, April \ 9, 1837. chains, and badges, viz. the Lord Bishop qf Winches- ter, Prelate of the Order; the Honourable and The King, as Sovereign of the Most Noble Order Reverend the Dean of Windsor, Registrar of the of the Garner, has been pleased, by letters patent Order; Sir William Woods, Knt. (Clarenceux King under His royal sign manual and the great seal of Arms), Deputy to Sir Ralph Bigland, Knt.- of the Order, bearing date this day, to dispense Garter Principal King of Arms; and Sir Augustus- with all the statutes usually observed in regard to-, William-Jarnes Clifford, Knt. Gentleman Usher of installation, and to give and grantunto the MostNoble the Black Rod. Edward-Adolphus Duke of Somerset, Knight elec| At two o'clock, the Knights Companions were of the said Most Noble Order of the Garter, and called over by Deputy .Gaiter, and, with the duly invested with the ensigns thereof, full power and '-OiScers of the Order, proceeded into the presence • authority .to exercise all rights and privileges,belong- of the Sovereign, in the Royal Closet. .' ing to a Knight Companion of the said .Most The Sovereign, being seated in the chair of state, Noble Order of the Garter, as if 'his 'Grace the Knights Companions, by His Majesty's com- had been formally'installed,-any -decree,- rule, -or mand,, took: their respective seats at the table/ the usage to the contrary notwithstanding..
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