TABLE OF CONTENTS to encourage and mentor the youth of our nation to CUSTOMER SERVICE become involved in any type of shooting and hunting Customer Service 3 Do you have any questions about how to use or activity. So next time you head to the shooting range, operate an RCBS® product? Looking for information New Product 4-5 or head outdoors to go hunting, be sure you take about reloading? Need a replacement part for an RCBS product? Presses 6-11 along your son, daughter or perhaps the child of a non hunting friend and introduce them to an entirely Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the RCBS Technical .50 BMG 12-13 Service Department. We are dedicated to giving the new and intriguing adventure. Doing so will help Case Prep 14-21 best service in the reloading industry. preserve the shooting sports for many generations Case Trim 22-23 to come. Our catalog is located on the web. Please contact us. Priming 24-26 Again, I want to thank all of our loyal customers for your continued support. We are grateful for PHONE: 1.800.533.5000 Mechanical Scales 27 your business and it is my personal guarantee that FAX: 530.533.1647 EMAIL: [email protected] Electronic Scales 28 RCBS will remain 100% committed to earning your WWW.RCBS.COM Powder Handling 29-34 A MESSAGE FROM RCBS’ GENERAL MANAGER continued trust. This year marks our 66th year of continuous Allan Jernigan RCBS The Grand Bushing Chart 35 General Manager, RCBS Operation operation and we are delighted that you have decided 605 ORO DAM BLVD. EAST Reference Chart 36 OROVILLE, CA 95965 to review the new RCBS 2010 Catalog. During all of Reloading Dies 37-44 those years RCBS has built the reputation of producing the highest quality Reloading products on the market When requesting replacement parts, please provide Special Order 45 the name of the product the replacement part is for, today. As you may have already seen or heard, RCBS the part number (if known) and name of the replace- Shotshell 46 has recently expanded our product line into other ment part. Replacement parts are shipped within 3-5 business days, depending on product availability, via Shell Holders 47 products somewhat outside of our traditional market RECIPE FOR SUCCESS first class mail (large items by UPS Ground Service). Bullet Casting 48-53 of Reloading Tools and Accessories. As you will see in Please be sure to provide your name, address and this catalog, our new market strategy is to expand into .300 WEATHERBY® phone number. Extras 54 ® a variety of Precisioneerd Shooting Products. You can tHSBJO/PTMFS1BSUJUJPO bullet tHSBJOT"MMJBOU® R22 ® Software/DVD’s 55 rest assured that these new products will provide the t'FEFSBM®(..QSJNFS RCBS eCommerce t0WFSBMM$BSUSJEHF-FOHUI same high level of quality, innovative features and t$BTF-FOHUI tGQT customer service RCBS has always provided. As we RCBS® offers you the option of The prices shown in this catalog purchasing directly from us on-line are U.S. suggested retail only and continue to expand our product offering I promise you through the RCBS.com website. are not necessarily the prevailing that RCBS will continue our focus on remaining the I LOAD .300 WEATHERBY® Simply click on the “shopping” prices in your area. Export orders premier provider of new and innovative reloading tab and you have access to the are subject to applicable import + equipment that will better serve our loyal customers. 3000 products that RCBS has to duties and/or sales tax, which are It’s easy to let half a day slip by at the reloading bench. But when I’m getting ready for an offer. Prices are Suggested Retail not reflected in the suggested retail As always I want to remind all shooting and African safari, there’s no other place I’d rather be. There’s a lot of satisfaction when I pull that and may not reflect the prevailing TM price. Prices and specifications are hunting enthusiast that it is our collective responsibility round off the press. Thanks to my RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme and 38+ years honing the prices in your area. subject to change without notice. perfect blend, this Kudu was one of 11 animals I took in the African savannah. I dropped him to help preserve our heritage and way of life for our NOTE: Website does not reflect Effective January 1, 2010. from 328 yards with a single shot. As a longtime reloader and hunting enthusiast, I can’t think current stocking level. children and grandchildren. The best way to do this is of anything better. NEW!N NEW! BulletB Feeder—Rifle Kit (Progressive Press) Precision Bi-pod >Ãi`ÊÊÌ iÊ««Õ>ÀÌÞÊvÊÌ iÊ*ÃÌÊ ÕiÌÊii`iÀÊÌ]Ê, -ÊÌÀ`ÕViÃÊÌÜÊÀviÊÛiÀÃÃp ÃÊ >Ê V«>ÞÊ Ì >ÌÊ ÜÃÊ >Ê ÌÌiÊ ÃiÌ }Ê >LÕÌÊ «ÀiVÃÊ «À`ÕVÌÃ]Ê , -® proudly introduces a bi-pod that possesses iÊvÀ°ÓÓÊV>LiÀÊ>`ÊiÊvÀÊ°ÎäÊV>LiÀ°Ê iÃ}i`ÊÌÊvÌÊÊ ÃÌÊÇÉn»£{ÊÌ Ài>`i`Ê«À- Ì>ÀÞÊ ÌÕ} iÃÃÊ >`Ê Ì iÊ «ÀiVÃÊ ii`i`Ê vÀÊ V«iÌÌÛiÊ Ã Ì}Ê >`Ê Û>ÀÌÊ ÕÌ}°Ê / iÊ iÜÊ , -Ê *ÀiVÃÊ «`Ê }}ÀiÃÃÛiÊ«ÀiÃÃiÃÊÌ iÃiÊiÜÊ,viÊ ÕiÌÊii`iÀÃÊi>V Êvi>ÌÕÀiÊ>ÊvÕÀÊVÕÌÀÞÊÕÛiÀÃ>Ê££äÓ{äÊ features quickadjust telescoping legs that range from 7-10 inches, 25 degrees of cant adjustment, skid resistant polyurethane 66 Ê«iÀ>Ìi`ÊV>ÌÀÊÕÌÊÌ >ÌÊÀiÌÃÊÌ iÊLÕiÌÃÊÌÊ`À«ÊÌÊÌ iÊvii`ÊiV >ÃÉÃi>ÌÊ`i°Ê feet and tool-free mounting to Picatinny rails. 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