00416428 Vol. 34, No. 3 January 25, 2008 The Diocese of Lake Charles Catholic Schools: Celebrate Catholic Schools Week January 28 – February 1 “Catholic Schools Light the Way.” The theme combines the and curriculum to school environment and parental involve- concepts of God as the light of the world and the light of ment, Diocesan schools meet the academic needs of students knowledge that our teachers kindle in students. The Catholic by integrating faith, life and culture in a disciplined and safe schools in the Diocese of Lake Charles celebrate Catholic environment. The Diocese of Lake Charles schools provide Schools Week by participating in a number of activities to an education you can have faith in. Celebrate your child’s ed- showcase the accomplishments of students, teachers and ucation! alumni. The Diocese of Lake Charles has four elementary schools As our local schools in The Diocese of Lake Charles cele- in the greater Lake Charles area. The Diocese also has an el- brate Catholic Schools Week, they also prepare their schools ementary school in Sulphur, Moss Bluff and Jennings. St. for prospective families. The seven elementary schools will Louis Catholic High School provides a quality education for be hosting Open Houses, followed by new family registration. students in the ninth through 12th grades. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese Parents interested in enrolling students are encouraged to of Lake Charles as well as across the country is celebrated visit the schools on these dates. Parents choose a catholic ed- Each elementary school will be holding an Open House the week of January 28 to February 1. This year’s national ucation for their children for many reasons. From academics and preparing for Spring registration beginning on April 1st. theme for Catholic Schools Week is "Catholic Schools Light the Way." There are eight Catholic schools in the Diocese, St. St. Margaret of Scotland Our Lady Queen of Our Lady’s Catholic Our Lady Immaculate Louis Catholic High School, Immaculate Conception Cathe- Catholic School Heaven Catholic School School Catholic School dral School, Our Lady Queen of Heaven School, Sacred Heart 2510 Enterprise Boulevard 3908 Creole Street 1111 Cypress Street 600 Roberts Avenue of Jesus/St. Katharine Drexel School, St. Margaret of Scot- Lake Charles Lake Charles Sulphur Jennings land School, all in Lake Charles; St. Theodore Holy Family 436-7959 477-7349 527-7828 824-1743 School in Moss Bluff; Our Lady Immaculate School in Jen- Open House on Tuesday, Open House on Monday, Open House on Thursday, Open House on Thursday, nings; and Our Lady’s School in Sulphur. The Most Rev- March 4, 6:00 p.m. January 28, 6:30 p.m. January 31, 6:00 pm March 13 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 erend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, will be the p.m. Scared Heart/Saint St. Theodore’s Holy celebrant of a special Mass at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 28 in Immaculate Conception St. Louis Catholic High the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in honor of Katharine Drexel Family Catholic School Cathedral School School Catholic Schools Week) Catholic School 785 Sam Houston Jones 1536 Ryan Street 1620 Bank Street The Diocese of Lake Charles Catholic Schools strive to ed- 1100 Mill Street Parkway Lake Charles Lake Charles ucate students, instill spiritual and moral values and guide Lake Charles Moss Bluff 433-3497 436-7275 children toward bright and successful futures. Catholic 436-3588 855-9465 Open House on Wednesday, Open House on Thursday, Continuing student registra- Schools Week is held annually to highlight the contributions Open House on Tuesday, March 5, 9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m. March 13, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. tion Feb. 11-22 and gifts of a Catholic Education. This year’s theme is March 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. A Statement on Ethics Reform for the Government of Louisiana (EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a channel of the government structure. statement from The Most Reverend Alfred C. 4. Ensure that public office and employ- Hughes, Archbishop of New Orleans, on be- ment are not used for private gain. half of the Bishops of the Dioceses of the Unfortunately, Louisiana has a sad histo- State of Louisiana.) ry of corruption at all levels of government. On behalf of the Catholic Bishops of our This is harming the common good in various State of Louisiana, I wish to express our sup- ways. First, it discourages our citizens from port for Governor Bobby Jindal’s plans to im- participating in the political process itself. prove ethics in the government of Louisiana. Secondly, it convinces out-of-state business The Catechism of the Catholic Church interests that it would be a mistake for them states: “Authority is exercised legitimately to invest in our state. Thus, good paying jobs only when it seeks the common good of the for our citizens and the attendant taxes they, group concerned and if it employs morally and the businesses employing them, would licit means to attain it…as with any ethical pay never come to Louisiana. Thirdly, this in obligation, the participation of all in realiz- turn negatively impacts our government’s ing the common good calls for a continually ability to meet the legitimate educational, renewed conversion of the social partners. health, and other social needs of our people. Fraud and other subterfuges, by which some We urge the new state Legislature to work people evade the constraints of the law and with Governor Jindal to pass legislation that the prescriptions of societal obligation, must provides improved clarity in the way state be firmly condemned because they are in- government operates. The public needs to compatible with the requirements of jus- see this occur in three areas: (1) personal fi- tice…it is incumbent on those who exercised nance disclosure by public officials, (2) cam- authority to strengthen the values that in- paign finance disclosure, and (3) spending by spire the confidence of the members of the lobbyists. All of this needs to be done in or- group and encourage them to put themselves der to convince all observers that there is no at the service of others.” conflict of interest in the actions of our elect- Currently state law (R.S. 42:1101) sets ed public officials. forth four policy goals in the code of govern- There also needs to be a significant in- mental ethics: crease in the staffing and funding of the 1. Ensure public confidence in the in- Louisiana Board of Ethics. Without these tegrity of government. monies, there is no way of providing assur- 2. Ensure the independence and impar- ance that ethics reform measures will be monitored for the sake of the common good. tiality of elected officials and public The Most Reverend Glen John Provost stands between the new deacons he had or- employees. Most Reverend Alfred C. Hughes dained in ceremonies at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church last year. The pair, Dea- 3. Ensure that governmental decisions Archbishop of New Orleans con Nathan Long, left, and Deacon Ruben Buller, right, spent the past seven months and policy are made in the proper January 2008 in internships at two parishes in the Diocese preparing for their ordination to the priesthood in the spring. Deacons spent last seven months living parish life LAKE CHARLES – Dea- about being a part of the newborns and baptisms, cons Ruben Buller and parish and to put into prac- school children, and deal Nathan Long are back at tice the theology accumulat- with death and dying and their studies at Notre Dame ed over the past eight years. marriage and everything Seminary in New Orleans “I think for me the high- about it becomes one big now but since June they ex- light is just to be involved in family for better, for worse. Lake Charles Alumni members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity presented canned perienced ordained life in a the life of the community,” Very surprising but a very goods to the Office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Lake Charles recently. The church parish. The pair com- Deacon Buller said. “To beautiful experience for contribution came from fraternity initiates who were required to bring 20 canned pleted their seven-month learn about the part of being me.” goods each as part of their initiation process. The canned goods will make up a por- long deacon internships, the in a parish with things such Following a brief break, former at the Cathedral of as baptisms, wedding, funer- tion of food baskets for those in need. they will be involved in sev- the Immaculate Conception als that are unseen in the eral academic classes and and the latter at Our Lady of day to day actions at semi- various practicums this Seven Dolors Church in nary. spring at Notre Dame. January 40-Hours Devotion sites, times Did you know... Welsh, at the end of 2007. “It was exciting to be in- They took part in the volved with families and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Lake Charles Bishop Jude Speyrer, the many aspects of the or- people who see me from day Official 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day - Tues., Jan. 29 and Wed., Jan. 30 founding Bishop of the dained ministry of deacon at to day, and week to week, to Sacred Heart of Jesus, Lake Charles Diocese of Lake the parish level – weddings, become part of their life and Appointment 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day – Thurs., Jan. 31 and Friday, Feb.
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