Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1996-97 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 3-6-1997 The thI acan, 1997-03-06 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1996-97 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1997-03-06" (1997). The Ithacan, 1996-97. 20. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1996-97/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1996-97 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Opznzon AccenT ,, J~5t SpORTS Index Hands off Child's Play Accent .......................... 11 \"~.fur Shocker! Classifieds ................... 17 President's role in ICTV's "Just For o Women's hoops comes Comics ......................... 18 grievance process Kids" puts children 'l\\ O.S back from 16-point deficit Opinion ........................ 8 should be limited 8 on camera 11 to win in NCAA first round 21 Sports .......................... 19 The IT The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community VOLUME 64, NUMBER 21 THURSDAY, MARCH 6, ]997 24 PAGES, FREE Head of small school seeks big job By Jeremy Boyer and cent of those incoming students Related Stories: . · while Ithaca retains 83 percent. Andrew Tutino Ithaca College's graduation Ithacan Staff • Campus reacts to ~andidate -see pages 4 and 5 rate (71 percent) is well above The first of three final presi­ Lyndon State's rate (45 percent). dential candidates visited Ithaca the Vermont State College sys­ During Williams's tenure at College this week to meet with tem, has a total enrollment of Lyndon State, the school estab­ the community in a number of I, 115 students, according to the lished new programs in math, lib­ forums and meetings. Money Magazine College Guide, eral studies and sports medicine. Dr. Peggy Ryan Williams, while Ithaca's total undergraduate It recently finished the construc­ president of Lyndon State College enrollment tops 5,500. tion of an academic center that in Lyndonville, Vt., arrived in Lyndon State currently rates as increased library and instructional Ithaca Monday evening and a third tier academic institution in facilities. stayed through Wednesday. She the U.S. News and World Report has been president at Lyndon ratings in comparison to Ithaca's Reactions from Vermont State since July 1989. position in the first tier as one of Faculty members at Lyndon Williams said her leadership the best schools in the Northeast. State said Williams has been a experience has shaped her into an According to the U.S. News strong leader who understands ideal president for Ithaca College. and World Report, Lyndon State's faculty concern. "I've had presidential experience selectivity ranking in admitting "She's a very .down-to-earth in tenns of dealing with the com­ students is "least selective" while person," said David B'radlcy, pro­ plexity of issues in the institution Ithaca College is listed as a fessor of business administration. at its most macro level," Williams "selective" institution. Lyndon "It has become a much less pre­ The Ithacan/Renee Thibodeau said. 'Tm very interested in State admits 90 percent of their tentious atmosphere around Dr. Peggy Ryen WIiiiams and Herman E. Muller, Jr. leave the stu­ dent forum held In Dllllngham's Hoerner Theatre on Tuesday. undergraduate, residential educa- applicants, while Ithaca admits 75 here." ' lion." percent. Bradley said Williams partici­ at Lyndon State for 16 years. said Williams works well with "I'm a conscientious, energetic The SAT scores of incoming pates in faculty senate meetings. "She gets around and talks to fac­ faculty. person who likes the world of first-year students average Before the meetings start, she ulty." "She is aware of what faculty higher education and who is com­ between' 1030 and 1240 at Ithaca, holds a question-and-answer ses­ Catherine Deleo, professor of are doing, but she is not intru­ mitted to staying in it as long as I while Lyndon State's incoming sion with faculty members. recreation resource and ski resort sive," DeLeo said. "She's been can," she said. · students ayerage 950, -accordin·g· "She's' always been very visi- · · management who has taught for I - ,. '• - .,. Lyndon State College, part of to Money. Lyndon retains 64 per- ble," said Bradley, who has been 20 years at Lyndon State, also see WILLIAMS, page 6 TO THE RESCUE Police charge town teens with vehicle burglaries charged. The accused were given smashed his front driver's side By Cole Louison the opportunity to recover and window and unlocked the doors Ithacan Staff produce some of the property of his car. Two youths have been charged they stole, or to pay for the stolen Maloney, like Travis, said he with the burglaries of eight auto­ property themselves. was upset because despite paying mobiles on the Ithaca College Wall also said the individuals a monthly $40 fee to use the park­ campus. All of the vehicles admitted to similar crimes com­ ing lot, automobiles continue to belonged to students. mitted off of the College campus. be burglarized and vandalized. On Feb. 27, at approximately Kreg Travis '98 said a $134 'There should be better pre­ 10:46 a.m., Ithaca College cam­ radar detector was stolen from the vention," Maloney said. pus safety officers apprehended dashboard of his car after the Jeff Hunt '99 said he lost his two males peeking in the win­ thieves smashed his rear driver's car stereo, driver's license, ga~o­ dows of parked cars in a campus side window on the night of Feb. line card and approximately $20 parking lot. 10. in cash. Dion Kinsey, 19, of Ithaca, and He said a campus safety offi­ However, the individuals an unidentified 17-year-old male cer called him early the next caught said they were not respon­ from the town of Enfield were morning to alert him that his auto­ sible for the burglary of Hunt's found in possession of burglary mobile had been burglarized. car. tools. Further investigation deter­ "I was frustrated at first, but I Kinsey was charged with loi­ mined that the two were involved never thought they would catch tering, criminal possession of in eight other vehicle break-ins on them," Travis said. burglar tools, eight counts of petit campus, according to campus Last Friday, Travis was noti­ larceny, and eight counts of crim­ safety. fied by campus safety that two inal mischief, according to cam­ The two burglars later said individuals had admitted to pus safety. they acted together on five of the breaking into his parked car out­ The other burglar was charged break-ins and separately on the side of Emerson Hall. with loitering, criminal posses­ other three. Campus safety officials sion of burglar tools, two counts So far in the 1996-97 academ­ explained to Travis that it might of criminal possession for carry­ ic year at Ithaca College, I 8 auto­ take up to a year before his radar ing a billy club and a switchblade, mobiles have been broken into detector is returned because the five counts of criminal mischief and $4,600 in merchandise has youths are involved in court pro­ and five counts of pctit larceny. been taken, said Nonnan Wall, ceedings. If it isn't returned, they They were both issued appear­ associate director of campus safe­ said, he will receive money ance tickets to appear at a later ty. equaling the cost of the radar. date in town court. The Ithacan/Chuck Holliday Wall said that some of the Peter Maloney '99 said ·he lost Wall said the break-ins were Firefighters put out a smell fire near the Terrace Dining two amplifiers, a tape deck and a "unusual but not uncommon." Hell over the weekend. stolen property has been recov­ ered from the individuals base box after the thieves "It goes in spurts," Wall said. 2 THE IIBACAN MARCH 6, 1997 Activist preaches respect for all beings tax dollars are spent on animal Animal rights focus of speech experimentation a year. pie's eyes." She also raised the question of Osborne By Jill Vemelli said many household whether or not it was ethical to Ithacan Staff pets such as dogs and cats are get­ test on animals to find out infor­ "We all feel the pain," said ting caught in the fur industry's mation about human diseases. Toni Vemelli, renowned animal traps. She also said there are 2.7 "Do we have the right to infect rights activist, referring to the million minks kept in cages as animals with our diseases?" unethical treatment of animals. small as a medium-sized TV. Vernelli asked. Ithaca College community There arc as many as five minks Vcmelli also discussed the ani­ members gathered in the Emerson to a cage. mal slaughtering process. She Suites on Feb. 27 to hear She said there is also a chance said eight billion animals are Vcmclli's discussion that focused the animal is not killed before the slaughtered every year. on three main issues: fur trapping, skinning takes place. She said animals are mistreat­ laboratory experiments and the Vemelli also said she is con­ ed in slaughter houses and on inhumane treatment of animals in cerned that certain actions affect farms. Before a new law was slaughter houses. the environment. The chemicals passed, workers in some slaugh­ Vemelli, a former employee of that are used to process the fur ter houses did not use any kind of GreenPcacc, is a representative pollutes the air and destroys the anaesthetic on the animals before for People for the Ethical ozone layer.
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