ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL HOWELL MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE AND OF THE COMMITTEE OF SAFETY AND OF HIS BROTHER ISAAC HOWELL MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE SIGNER OF COLONIAL CURRENCY FOR THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA AND OF THE CONTINENTAL CURRENCY FOR CONGRESS AND SIGNER OF $7,000,000.00 OF BILLS OF CREDIT TO FINANCE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION COMPILED BY GEORGE CASTOR MARTIN ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, 1913 REWRITTEN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, 1953 MEMBER OF THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TULSA CHAPTER, OKLAHOMA SOCIETY #459 NATIONAL SOCIETY #74409 — SEP 161953 Gnceoto^tA <M^d $eooendonto. H Scomuet Howet/L lUemfret of 3he Cornrntt-tee of CoateoHondenoe omd of Ohe Coiwrvltoe of Safety- <md of fvl& bnotheA, «2oaac Howett lUemde^/ of £Jhe CkymirivU/tee of Cot^eohondenc-e Stgnet of Ckvtontat OyAn^ncty -fan, -the PwMnce of Penntf^taMmla <md of thr& Cont^lnentat Guvienoty -fan, Conayueoa- and S-lgnet of $7,000,000.00 of BU£o o-f Credit -to -finance the Grrven/lcan Befuo^utKxm Gomfvlted by Qeo^ge Caotot iHaM/in Go^u/sty Paw? Hew <^etoety, 1*113 fewn^ttcn San Gntonlos De^ao, 1*153 lUemfce't of 3he Sono of -the GnTetrloan feaK^ut'lon 3ut<*a Chanter, (SM^homa Soc/letty #45*1 IktUonat Soolet^ #7440*1 CO V- * S^ I jQedleated to -the memo'tfty of HetMe Caato*i Borkt wife of Scwrawet ^tdhctm who -died on the Cfenth 4otty of ltoaach, 1*153 a tAneat <teooendant of Scwmjtet- Howell <md Hugh Howett <md of lH£ttctm 8al/L, Grunrlg^t, who tywAcha&ed tyvm the iW&e of ^Jo^fe toanch fllot, 172&-*f Jhe Iftanoi/ of Hofve -in Phlt<xdertyihrla, -ftom 1750 %iown <xo (ftlchmond H<&M, mote -^ecenttv <*&• S3at&iown <md Ponrt %ehmond 1 - 1. fyohm, Howe&t woo the fiAot of thrlo famAjy -to come to GmeAlca. He wao bonm, oA, G^e^othwuth, CaAdrlgan- oMAe, iDaleo, and GAAA/^ed AM Phii/odre£Khia AM 1©*)7 01 1©*18, omd died inteotate on ^anua^ 2©, 1721. He wao a Sua&et, omd wao inteAAed AM the &*afeeA OUAIOI Q^ound, 3m<Ath omd Oieh StAeeto? Phitade^hhia. Go he teft no wiH, T-etteAo of GdminiotyiOrtion weAe •gAonted to hlo eldeot oon? 6uan Howet-t, on <§nme 21, 1721. Hio thtee chitdAen, 6uan, ^acob <md SoAah, we>ue arU bom AM G&en^otAwuth. 2. fyacob HoweM, oecond oon of <§<ohn, wao bom AM tooleo <md cane to GmeAica with hio father. 3he -date of hio -b-vvth wao tooAch 18, Ko87- eJn 1707 he Aemoa>ed to Cheote^, CheoteA Couniu, Penno'i^AMania, wheAe he 'huAchaoed a -laAae ftAoheAt% and -built hlmoelf a home. He wao a tanner and <&eASy oucceoofut* cPn 1731 and 1743, he wao County CommiooioneA, and AM 1752 wao etected ften^eoentatiave to the PwtM/nciat Gooemoity* He wao SkeaouAe'i of -the CheoteA ZhwAAseAAty Ifteetinac J<acofr Howell maAOrled, -finot, Gi^guot 17, 170*1, SoAah daughter of Randall and SoAah liewon. tondall wao a IftmbeA, of -the P'toajincial Gooem&tu AM 1©8?» J<ICO&?O wife, SoAah, died ^<inuaA^ 13, 175*1, omd on Guguot 13, 17©3, he moA^led, oecond, &ebo>wh 3Aeedd, ~ 2 - d widow. ^-oooVo ehltcHen wefte oM by hlo -fviot wife, r c^ooue: 3* Benjamin 3 bomi ^ctofren, l i5 1?10« J&led -la wfonc^, 4o Hannah 9 $om ^etofcuvity 23, 1712. M&d -In ^fomcty. 5. &o$m>, bomi <$<ebww\ty 12, 1714* B <&led at feeo- HanXs neon, SaaKinnah, Qea^g/la, €>cta&ea, 17©5. !o, Aaco&, IKVUM AiAtv 13, 1715. 7» §a^ah, to 3e*Awa^ 5, 1717- &he mawied* *** 1740, Glwuteo. ikmeo of Phlt^ethhta. 8o Aooehh, -kwt Se^WACWV 8, 1?18. *j9 Sawueti twin of §o&efak Tlo. 8, of whom fvueoent^. 10. etoaac, to4n Ulaty 17? 1722, -of whom 11* Aoohwa, ionn GwgflAot- 7? 172©. 1?. nkwjy-, datn $e&wa/!^ 5, 1728. <&led -la tnfancty. 13. likvttha, AAIMM of Ifta^ Ho» 12. jO^ed «ln •Infancy* % ckmtet Howet/i, -twin of ^ooetvh Ha* 8, woo bo*m 3e&- titKyity ©, 1?18, and woo -fifth oon of J<aoao Howett, Ho, 2* Samlet, woo a hat mamifactwr^ea and deatet AM <md AjitifaoA&e'i of qetrv&bCbl roe^chandloe. Hlo jvtaee of $^«oi/n/eoo woo at "Jhe S^^n of the OeauW, on Cheotnut Street. c$n -the 'Penno^/iKinla QcKsette", &c<ta&en, 18, 1753, anHeaied* the fot/PyOwtng> adn*e44>toe- ment: "r^*^ 'wnnon/ted -in 3he London, GO^OAM ohMUtyi ^nom London, and to &e oatd by Samaet Hottett at "Dive S-tgn of the fiecsuW, AM Cheotaut Street. €*®enMxlgo, e<M>ion and 'Mnen cheofeo 10d» and 20d., navio, f&owdea- and ohot, cHloh t-tnen, a <|oad aooootmervt of oi/kfe handftev^htefo, Oum^eA>?xmd and S<!oto ^ttnen •ditto11 -ete. etc Sa/mwet- Howet/1 olgned the Hon-xJM'ioA/tcrt/lon Gg^eement of (§oto-6et, 25, 17©5» the -fvioi act of tedett^wm ag>arlnot * - 3 - SAMUEL HOWELL 1718 - 1780 On/ltioh t^^onnv fvi/eoedina the BeAK>^tlon? omd wao made a memfreA of the committ^ee which oaw that the agreement wao caAAAed -into effect* ©n ,5k<ne 18, 1774, h& wao chooen a mem&eA of -the Committee of CfoMreohondenoe which cx>mmimicated with the othet Co^onieo AM ^efen^nce -to aAAang^mento fot the comina feaK>^Urtlon. ®n ©cio&eA 4* 1774, I've wao chooen a member of the Common Council, then a «fcife- -tlme office. He wao a <^ehutv -to -the P^oa>tnciarl Conference of fyuby 15, 1774, and in &cta&ea, 1775, he wao made a memfre^ of the Committee of Safety together with 8en<pamin ^nmMAM <md to&e'ut Iftavi/ioo He 'bemained on thio <xwwvitt<ee until it. wao drlo#anded, jjuty 22, 17?fc, <md on Jutv 24, 177©> when the Committee of Safety wao -foiroed wao chooen a memoe/l, -but declined -due to it^~hearlth0 <k\, toaty, 1778, Samuel Howett wao elected a Iftemfa/t of the GooemMty -fiom PMtodfttHhta. &n SetatfMty 24th, 1777> he wao made a J^totioe -fat Phitade'ljihrla, and AM 1778 wao anointed 6%MwaAden. Jn Jwrlty, 177*1 > he wao chooen a mem&eA of the committee -to oa-licit oud- ocAiM>iano to can/ity on -the ReuotJutrioil* &ne of -the wearlthieot men of 0vU<xdeWvia in hio daty, he ouo~ ocA/l&ed heartM/lty -to the cauoe of ii&eAtty, and died a COmJTOAOrti'Ue^lW fKKM, TOTlo Samuel HoweM moA^led Grvn, daughter of }kM;h &jano and hlo wife, Zomsy blWiairno, of CheoteA County, Peimoflfl- 'uania, Gnn wao bom ^ommAsy 23, 1718. Samuel died - 4 _ Sefi/temoe't lfc, 1780, and wao AMA^AA/ed -the oome doty, Hio witt wao -dated June 15, 1780, and wao liAoued October 3nd of that 'tyea'u c8ooue" 140 Gbigaril, bom. $ecemoe'i 23, 1745; died unmoA^led frkxty 12, 1774» 15o Hugh, of whom jviieoentrt^o lfc. $azob Samuel, bom lltau 14, 174*|; died Sehtem&ea 2©, I7*f3» 17« Sarah, bom llksAch 1, 1750; died wuna. 18c Gnn, bom. 3*eMuaAtyf 1?53; maiA/ied GaAon GohVi^dae. l*je Samueto 20. jQefcofjah, bom UtaAch 28. 1757} moA^ied &cta&e>t ©, 1778, Abnrtet toifftin, of If-l^g^rnia. 21* ChaAleo. 1©. J=acoo Samuel Howell, oecond oon of Samuel Howell Ho *|, wao -born Iftaty 14, 174*1, and died Sentem&er 2©, 17*13 of ueMow -fe/uen,. He wao Secretary of -the Council of Sarfetty AM 177© <wd 1777; Secretary of the OoaAd of litoA fnom iHarch 14, 1777 -to Gurguoi 17> 1777« ^ acted ao agent -for the council dnvirinra Guguot, Sehtem^eA, and &cto&eAs 1777? <^d $onuoAty 27, 1778, woo oHHointed fecei/uer Qenerorl of C -lathing, (unlformo -for the GAmty) with -the nank of Colonel, which office he reoigned GfaAAA, 8, 1778o Hio wife wao toaity Canmarlt, who wao bom JlVaty 30, 1752. and who dried Guguot 25, 1830* c^ooue: 24. Aameo HoweM, bom, Gfvvil 8* 1785c He matnied December 2, 180©, Sarah &OAAU* 25« Caled- HoweM, bom, &cio&e*t 8, 1785. 1*1 o Samuel HoweM, -third oon of Samuel HoweM Ho. *f, wao bom $awvaASy 1, 1755, He maiAied, in 1?81, Suoannah Hanoon, of «£itt^e Heofe, iJetaware, and had iooue0 - 5 ~ 20. &e£otoh Howet-t, -fowuth dccurgntet of Samuel HoweM Ho. *f, woo born, toa'ich'28, 1757 J <wvd mangled (Dctooet ©, I7789 Amletj oon of $antet In^lfft^n <md Ukvity toa/uaet, of Gocomao, li^g-inta,, jQantet woo IKMWI Gh/ult 7J 1754, and died <&ecem&e*k 31ot, iS1.2o Jooue; 2©c $anlet ltVvffttn. 27 • Gnn ^AMUMC 28, Sarreu^t Atfft^ 2*j* Jkoohua Howett 30c miAH Howett 31 • Jhomao toifrg^in 10o Joaac Howet-i, oAnAJh, oon of $acoo Howett Ha. 2, woo bom Uictty 17, 1722, (3n <&une 18, 1774, he woo made a memoes of A\he Committee of CoA/teoHondenoe, and on &u&y 15, 1774, woo a $ehutty to the Pwinncia/L Confe^enoeo (9n ^wne 30, 1775, he wao d<vbeeted by -the rea^lota»tu^je -to otgn, -In -feehaif of -the Ptoulnce of Pennoi^t/uanta, Mtto of <yuedit -to -finance the <M>miyria- wat, -fo^betatd by -the act/lono at £earlngton omd Concoado £*n ^ecemoea. 11, 1775, he wao directed -fry- Cona4*eoo to -looue UUo of credit to the amotwt of $3,000,000.00, and foa^ch Ii 1778 wao authors/used -to tooue mo^ie to th>& amount of $4,000,000.00.
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