![Tirur Taluk Imem-H[N Ignt™M X]M¬ Am¿§-Amtbm Hcp∂ ]Ckyw Bt£-]-߃ ]Cn-K-Wn-°P-∂-X-√](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
© Regn. No. KERBIL/2012/45073 tIcf k¿°m¿ dated 5-9-2012 with RNI Government of Kerala Reg. No. KL/TV(N)/634/2018-20 2020 tIcf Kkddv KERALA GAZETTE B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 2020 am¿®v 31 Xncph\¥]pcw, hmeyw 9 31st March 2020 \º¿ sNmΔ 1195 ao\w 18 18th Meenam 1195 13 } Thiruvananthapuram, } Vol. IX No. 1942 ssN{Xw 11 Tuesday 11th Chaithra 1942 PART III Notifications by Heads of Departments Commissionerate of Land Revenue 31st MARCH 2020] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 2681 (33) ta¬∏-d-™-h-cmWv ]tc-XbpsS Ah-Imin Isf∂p-≈-Xn\v Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v sImSp°p∂Xn¬ Ref. E2-1731/2020. 14th February 2020. B¿s°¶nepw Bt£]ap≈-]£w Cu ]ckyw Notice is hereby given to all whom it may Kk-‰n¬ {]kn≤-s∏-SpØn 30 Znh-k-Øn\p≈n¬ concern that Ayisha w/o Aboobacker, Thadiyampurath tc-Jm-aqew Xncq¿ Xl-io¬Zm¿ apºmsI lmP-cm-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. Imem-h[n Ignt™m X]m¬ am¿§-amtbm hcp∂ House, Thrikkalangode P. O., Malappuram filed an Bt£-]-߃ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√. application for legal heirship certificate in respect of the Legal Heirs of Aboobacker Narankund, Narankund House, (2) Thrikkalangode P. O. who expired on 5-12-2019 and that it \º¿ Pn1˛18554/2019. 2019 Unkw-_¿ 31. has been reported to this office that the persons named Xncq¿ Xmeq-°n¬ tIm´-°¬ hnt√-Pn¬ in the schedule below are the Legal Heirs of the said late Aø-∏≥, ap-≠n, hn. ]n., Nmf-°¬ lukv, tIm´-°¬ Aboobacker Narankund, Narankund House, F∂nh¿ acn-®p-t]m-sb∂pw ]tc-XcpsS Ah-Im-in-Isf Thrikkalangode P. O. and that objection if any against the ÿm]n®pIn´p-∂-Xn-\mbn Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v Bh-iy- issuance of the said Legal Heirship Certificate should be s∏-´p-sIm≠v ]tc-XcpsS aIƒ hnem-kn-\n, Nmf-°¬ lukv, filed in person before the Tahsildar, Ernad within 30 days tIm´°¬ F∂-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ _‘-s∏´ hnt√-Pm-^o-k¿ hgn At\z-jWw \S-Øn-b-Xn¬ SnbmfpIƒ from the date of publication of this notice in the Kerala 18-˛3˛2005, 26-˛4-˛2019 F∂o XobXnIfn¬ acn-®p-t]m-sb∂pw Government Gazette. Objections filed after the stipulated ]tc-XcpsS Ah-Im-in-I-fmbn Xmsg ]d-bp∂ 4 (\mev) time will not be considered. t]cm-Wp-≈-sX∂pw Adn-hm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. SCHEDULE {Ia t]cv ]tc-Xcp-am-bp≈ hbkv \º¿ _‘w Sl. Name of the Relationship Age No. legal heirs with the deceased 1 hnem-kn\n Nmf-°¬ aIƒ 54 2 im¥ Acn-bmw-]p-dØv ,, 51 1 Ayisha Wife 46 3 Im¿Øn-I, hn. ]n. ,, 50 2 Muhsinamol Thadiyampurath Daughter 24 4 kmhn-{Xn, F. ,, 44 3 Hasaniyamol Thadiyampurath ,, 21 ta¬∏-d-™-h-cmWv ]tc-XcpsS Ah-IminIsf∂p Taluk Office, (Sd.) -≈-Xn\v Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v sImSp°p∂Xn¬ Ernad. Tahsildar. B¿s°¶nepw Bt£]ap≈-]£w Cu ]ckyw Kk-‰n¬ {]kn≤-s∏-SpØn 30 Znh-k-Øn\p≈n¬ tc-Jm-aqew Xncq¿ Xl-io¬Zm¿ apºmsI lmP-cm-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. Tirur Taluk Imem-h[n Ignt™m X]m¬ am¿§-amtbm hcp∂ ]ckyw Bt£-]-߃ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√. (1) (3) \º¿ Pn1˛18561/2019. 2019 Unkw-_¿ 31. \º¿ Pn1˛18830/2019. 2019 Unkw-_¿ 31. Xncq¿ Xmeq-°n¬ Xr°-≠n-bq¿ hnt√-Pn¬ Xncq¿ Xmeq-°n¬ Xm\mfq¿ hnt√-Pn¬ Ip´n-s∏Æv, Ip∂Øv lukv, sI. ]pcw F∂-h¿ acn-®pt]m-sb∂pw IÆm-Ød X¶-Ω, IÆm-Ød lukv, Xr°-≠n-bq¿ F∂-h¿ ]tc-XbpsS Ah-Im-in-Isf ÿm]n®pIn´p-∂-Xn-\mbn acn-®p-t]m-sb∂pw ]tc-XbpsS Ah-Im-in-Isf ÿm]n®p Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v Bh-iy-s∏-´p-sIm≠v ]tc-X-bpsS In´p-∂-Xn-\mbn Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v Bh-iy-s∏-´p-sIm≠v aIs‚ aIƒ tZh-bm-\n, Ip∂Øv lukv, sI. ]pcw ]tc-X-bpsS aIƒ Ip∂Øv ca-Wn, Ip∂Øv lukv, F∂-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ _‘-s∏´ Xr°-≠n-bq¿ F∂-h¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ hnt√-Pm-^o-k¿hgn At\z-jWw \S-Øn-b-Xn¬ Snbmƒ _‘-s∏´ hnt√-Pm-^o-k¿hgn At\z-jWw \S-Øn-b-Xn¬ 5-˛9-˛1987˛mw XobXn acn-®pt]m-sb∂pw ]tc-XbpsS Snbmƒ 4-˛5-˛1992˛mw XobXn acn-®p-t]m-sb∂pw ]tc-XbpsS Ah-Im-in-I-fmbn Xmsg ]d-bp∂ 2 (c≠v) t]cm-Wp-≈- sX∂pw Adn-hm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ah-Im-in-I-fmbn Xmsg ]d-bp∂ 6 (Bdv) t]cm-Wp- ≈-sX∂pw Adn-hm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. {Ia t]cv ]tc-Xbp-am-bp≈ hbkv \º¿ _‘w {Ia t]cv ]tc-Xbp-am-bp≈ hbkv \º¿ _‘w 1 cma≥ aIs‚ aI≥ 62 2 tZh-bm\n aIs‚ aIƒ 58 1 t__n aIƒ 69 ta¬∏-d-™-h-cmWv ]tc-XbpsS Ah-IminIsf∂p 2 {]k-∂, sI. ,, 63 -≈-Xn\v Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v sImSp°p∂Xn¬ 3 ]c-ta-iz-c≥ \mb¿ aI≥ 60 B¿s°¶nepw Bt£]ap≈-]£w Cu ]ckyw 4 hk-¥-Ip-am-cn, sI. aIƒ 56 Kk-‰n¬ {]kn≤-s∏-SpØn 30 Znh-k-Øn\p≈n¬ tc-Jm-aqew Xncq¿ Xl-io¬Zm¿ apºmsI lmP-cm-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. 5 caWn ,, 55 Imem-h[n Ignt™m X]m¬am¿§-amtbm hcp∂ 6 kpPm-X, sI. ,, 50 Bt£-]-߃ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√. Gaz. No. 13/2020/DTP (CLR). 117 31st MARCH 2020] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 2682 (4) (6) \º¿ Pn1˛18833/2019. 2019 Unkw-_¿ 31. Ref. G1-18553/2019. 31st December 2019. Xncq¿ Xmeq-°n¬ Xm\m-fq¿ hnt√-Pn¬ cma-Ir-jvW≥, Notice is hereby given to all whom it may Ip∂Øv lukv, sI. ]pcw, Xm\m-fq¿ F∂bmƒ acn-®p concern that Ramanan, Erumakuzhi Parambil House of -t]m-sb∂pw ]tc-Xs‚ Ah-Im-in-Isf ÿm]n®pIn´p-∂- Irimbiliyam Village, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District has Xn-\mbn Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v Bh-iy-s∏-´p-sIm≠v filed an application to this office for the grant of legal ]tc-Xs‚ ktlm-Zcn tZh-bm-\n, Ip∂Øv lukv, heirship certificate in respect of the Legal Heirs of late sI. ]pcw ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn≥ta¬ _‘-s∏´ Udhandan, E. P., Erumakuzhi Parambil House of hnt√-Pm-^o-k¿hgn At\z-jWw \S-Øn-b-Xn¬ Snbm≥ Irimbiliyam Village, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District 5-˛2-˛1985˛mw XobXn acn-®pt]m-sb∂pw ]tc-Xs‚ expired on 22-8-2017 and that it has been reported to this Ah-Im-in-I-fmbn Xmsg ]d-bp∂ 2 (c≠v) t]cm-Wp-≈-sX∂pw office that the persons named in the schedule below are Adn-hm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. the Legal Heirs of the said late Udhandan, E. P. that it is proposed to issue a Legal Heirship Certificate accordingly {Ia t]cv ]tc-X\p-am-bp≈ hbkv to the petitioner and that objection if any against the \º¿ _‘w issue of the said Legal Heirship Certificate should be filed in person before the Tahsildar, Tirur with 30 days from 1 cma≥ ktlm-Z-c≥ 62 the date of publication of this notice in the Kerala 2 tZh-bm\n ktlm-Zcn 58 Government Gazette. Objections sent by post or filed after the stipulated time will not be considered. ta¬∏-d-™-h-cmWv ]tc-Xs‚ Ah-IminIsf∂p-≈-Xn\v Ah-Imi k¿´n-^n-°‰v sImSp°p∂Xn¬ B¿s°¶nepw SCHEDULE Bt£]ap≈-]£w Cu ]ckyw Kk-‰n¬ {]kn≤-s∏-SpØn Sl. Name of the Relationship Age 30 Znh-k-Øn\p≈n¬ tc-Jm-aqew Xncq¿ Xl-io¬Zm¿ apºmsI No. legal heirs with the deceased lmP-cm-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. Imem-h[n Ignt™m X]m¬am¿§-amtbm hcp∂ Bt£-]-߃ ]cn-K-Wn-°p-∂-X-√. 1 Ramanan Son 56 2 Sulu, E. P. Daughter 52 (5) 3 Suresh Son 49 Ref. G1-2729/2020. 14th February 2020. (7) Notice is hereby given to all whom it may Ref. G1-18560/2019. 31st December 2019. concern that Rijash Babu, P. V. s/o Abdul Kader, P. V., Parayan Valappil House of Thriprangode Village, Tirur Notice is hereby given to all whom it may Taluk, Malappuram District has filed an application to concern that Ramanan, Erumakuzhi Parambil House of Irimbiliyam Village, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District has this office for the grant of legal heirship certificate in filed an application to this office for the grant of legal respect of the Legal Heirs of late Abdul Kader, Parayan heirship certificate in respect of the Legal Heirs of late Valappil, Parayan Valappil House of Thriprangode Village, Kunhimalu, E. P., Erumakuzhi Parambil House of Irimbiliyam Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District expired on 19-1-2020 Village, Tirur Taluk, Malappuram District expired on and that it has been reported to this office that the 25-12-2018 and that it has been reported to this office persons named in the schedule below are the Legal Heirs that the persons named in the schedule below are the of the said late Abdul Kader Parayan Valappil that it is Legal Heirs of late Kunhimalu, E. P. that it is proposed to proposed to issue a Legal Heirship Certificate accordingly issue a Legal Heirship Certificate accordingly to the to the petitioner and that objection if any against the petitioner and that objection if any against the issue of issue of the said Legal Heirship Certificate should be filed the said Legal Heirship Certificate should be filed in in person before the Tahsildar, Tirur with 30 days from person before the Tahsildar, Tirur with 30 days from the the date of publication of this notice in the Kerala date of publication of this notice in the Kerala Government Gazette.
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